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  • Au R.-U., tests « proposés » aux femmes enceintes pour détecter celles qui fument « quand même »…

    Fury at smoking breath test for all mothers-to-be as it is revealed one in three still light up during pregnancy | Mail Online

    Mothers and midwives responded angrily last night to guidelines which will pressure all pregnant women to take breath tests to check if they have told the truth about smoking.

    In proposals due to come into force this year, midwives will be told to test mothers’ carbon monoxide levels at their first antenatal appointment.

    This will reveal if they are being honest about whether they smoke, with those found to have high readings given ‘appropriate support’ on how to quit.

    Le NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) organisme indépendant plus ou moins rattaché (NDPB, ) au système national de santé (NHS) va publier des directives demandant aux sages-femmes de proposer un test de l’haleine pour détecter les femmes enceintes qui fument.

    Celles dont l’haleine contiendrait un taux trop élevé de monoxyde de carbone se verraient proposer des conseils pour arrêter.

    Although the tests will not be compulsory, mothers may feel obliged to take them after being asked to do so in hospital.
    Last night midwives made it clear that the guidelines are unhelpful, saying having to carry out tests could undermine the trust between them and their patients.
    Louise Silverton, director of midwifery at the Royal College of Midwives, said: ‘It is a bit draconian.
    ‘They are asking us to test each pregnant woman for carbon monoxide on their very first visit.
    ‘It is not allowing women to say no or midwives to use their judgment. And it puts pressure on the first visit when a lot of women are already dealing with a lot of information and stress.

    • Dans divers pays émergents, par exemple en amérique du sud, les nombreuses assurances complémentaires santé privées modulent leurs garanties en fonction des habitudes de consommation des assurés (alcool, tabac, chanvre récréatif). En gros, dès qu’un test simple et fiable existe, on peut être certain de voir les garanties ou cotisations évoluer en fonction d’une déclaration sur l’honneur qu’un test peut venir, au besoin, vérifier.