Report on IDF shooting of Palestinian boy during intifada may cause Israel more damage than good - Diplomania Israel News


  • Une voix dissonante dans la presse israélienne (qui acclame en rangs serrés le rapport) :

    « Report on IDF shooting of Muhammed al-Dura may cause Israel more damage than good » | By Barak David (Haaretz)

    Publishing the report 13 years after the incident took place and accompanying it with a government PR campaign is not only surreal, but could backfire by awaking sleeping dogs.

    The report on the investigation of the Mohammed al-Dura affair is probably one of the least relevant documents written by the Israeli government in recent years.

    The report, entitled “French TV station France 2’s coverage of the Mohammed al-Dura affair, its results and implications”, was presented to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 13 years after the events it describes took place, making its submission today surreal.

    In its wake, Netanyahu recited slogans about “a campaign of de-legitimization directed against Israel” and Strategic and Intelligence Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz, who had no part in preparing the report, muttered a few words about “blood libel”, and everyone present felt very righteous.

    The person who advocated for setting up the committee, who also became its chairman, was Yossi Kuperwasser,

    Yossi Kuperwasser, director general of the Strategic and Intelligence Affairs Ministry, advocated for the establishment of an investigative committee and became its chairman. Kuperwasser, who was the intelligence officer at the Israel Defense Forces GOC Southern Command and later head of research and analysis for IDF intelligence, has been waging a 13-year-long public relations campaign against the Palestinians. For better or worse, his attention to the al-Dura affair became an obsession, leading to a suspicion that there might be a conflict of interest. (...)

    It seems as though the report was written for use within Israel alone. The evidence and arguments that were presented might convince the already convinced, but no more than that. The committee could not present any “smoking gun” evidence showing the 25 year old al-Dura sunbathing on a Gaza beach. Not even close. Any thought of getting such a report to change the globally accepted narrative after 13 years is akin to trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube.

    The report also appears to be a campaign of revenge launched by the State of Israel against a single French journalist, Charles Enderlin, who first reported Mohammed al-Dura’s death. Committee members tried to saddle Enderlin, an Israeli Jew who has been living here for over 30 years, with all of Israel’s problems and those of the Jewish people.

    #Israël #Affaire_Al-Dura #Palestine #2e_Intifada #Enderlin

  • Un très bon article critique sur le nouveau rapport très contestable (et foireux) sur l’affaire al-Doura, qui ne convainc que les convaincus.

    Report on IDF shooting of Palestinian boy during intifada may cause Israel more damage than good - Diplomania Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

    Publishing the report 13 years after the incident took place and accompanying it with a government PR campaign is not only surreal, but could backfire by awaking sleeping dogs.

    The report on the investigation of the Mohammed al-Dura affair is probably one of the least relevant documents written by the Israeli government in recent years.
    Yossi Kuperwasser, director general of the Ministry for Strategic Affairs, advocated for the establishment of an investigative committee and became its chairman. Kuperwasser, who was the intelligence officer at the Israel Defense Forces GOC Southern Command and later head of research and analysis for IDF intelligence, has been waging a 13-year-long public relations campaign against the Palestinians. For better or worse, his attention to the al-Dura affair became an obsession, leading to a suspicion that there might be a conflict of interest.
    The result of the committee’s work was a document for the extremely meticulous. It is doubtful whether even a hundred people in Israel or worldwide are sufficiently familiar with all the intricate details of the incident to be able to follow the convoluted arguments by the report’s authors. Furthermore, the document contains no new evidence that might significantly impact the accepted version. Even the new interpretation given to some of the old findings seems groundless. For example, Dr. Ricardo Nachman, deputy director of Israel’s National Forensic Institute, determined, based on viewing poor quality video footage, that Mohammed al-Dura wasn’t shot and killed in that incident.

    The report also appears to be a campaign of revenge launched by the State of Israel against a single French journalist, Charles Engerlin, who first reported Mohammed al-Dura’s death. Committee members tried to saddle Enderlin, an Israeli Jew who served in the IDF spokesman’s unit and whose two sons served in the country’s military, with all of Israel’s problems and those of the Jewish people.

    The committee went even further and hinted at Enderlin’s responsibility for the massacre of Jewish schoolchildren in Toulouse. “His report inspired many terrorists and contributed to the demonization of Israel and to the rise of anti-Semitism in Muslim and Western countries”, wrote committee members. “In some cases, the implications were dea

  • Comment le pouvoir israélien ne se lasse pas de se coiffer du chaudron de Freud

    Affaire Al-Doura : Israël conteste la version de France 2

    Contrairement à l’affirmation du reportage selon lequel l’enfant a été tué, le visionnage par la commission (gouvernementale) des images non montées montre que dans les scènes finales, qui n’ont pas été diffusées par France 2, on voit l’enfant vivant, selon le texte.

    La chaîne a refusé de fournir les images non montées du reportage aux autorités israéliennes, a indiqué à l’AFP l’auteur du rapport, Yossi Kuperwasser, directeur général du ministère des Relations internationales, sans préciser comment la commission israélienne s’était néanmoins procuré les images sur lesquelles elle fonde ses conclusions.

    Freud dans Le mot d’esprit
    A. a emprunté à B. un chaudron de cuivre ;
    lorsqu’il le rend, B. se plaint de ce que le chaudron a un grand trou qui le met hors d’usage.
    Voici la défense de A. :
    « Primo, je n’ai jamais emprunté de chaudron à B. ; secundo, le chaudron avait un trou lorsque je l’ai emprunté à B. ;
    tertio, j’ai rendu le chaudron intact ».

    • Report on IDF shooting of Palestinian boy during intifada may cause Israel more damage than good

      | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

      The report on the investigation of the Mohammed al-Dura affair is probably one of the least relevant documents written by the Israeli government in recent years.

      The report, entitled “French TV station France 2’s coverage of the Mohammed al-Dura affair, its results and implications”, was presented to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 13 years after the events it describes took place, making its submission today surreal.

      In its wake, Netanyahu recited slogans about “a campaign of de-legitimization directed against Israel” and Strategic and Intelligence Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz, who had no part in preparing the report, muttered a few words about “blood libel”, and everyone present felt very righteous.

      The person who advocated for setting up the committee, who also became its chairman, was Yossi Kuperwasser,