Exile and the Prophetic : Disappearing Massad, disappearing Palestine


  • Je ne suis pas totalement convaincu par cette analyse, mais il y a plusieurs choses intéressantes là-dedans : Exile and the Prophetic : Disappearing Massad, disappearing Palestine | Marc H. Ellis

    Read Massad carefully. Though his criticism of the Palestinian Authority and Arab governments are often one-liners, they’re tough ones. It’s bound to ruffle feathers. 

    This could be another reason for Massad’s disappearing article. With the recent Arab League land swap agreement, it seems that the Arab countries are all-in on Israel being integrated into the Middle East military security structure. What they don’t need are Palestinian intellectuals and activists messing with their political alliances, especially those sponsored by the United States. Al Jazeera is policing its own.

    If you remember, Said was merciless on the Palestinian Authority and the Arab governments after the Oslo Accords were signed. As his health deteriorated, Said went ballistic. Again, the differences between Massad and Said are instructive here. Is Massad the inheritor of Said’s mantle in these changing times?

    Massad and other Palestinian intellectuals and activists want to prevent the Palestinian Authority and the Arab governments from signing away their birthright. Hitting at Jews and Jewish history, making Jewishness invisible in the movement to free Palestinians, is partly a strategic ploy to regain traction in the context of an agreed upon disappearing Palestine.