Syria’s rebel leader urges extremist fighters to unify in return for weapons


  • Syrie
    Le général Salim Idriss, commandant en chef de l’Armée libre syrienne, appelle les brigades indépendantes islamistes à rejoindre les rangs de son armée. Il offre de partager avec eux, sous certaines conditions, l’armement qu’il recevra des pays soutenant la rébellion syrienne.

    Syria’s rebel leader urges extremist fighters to unify in return for weapons

    Phil Sands, The National, United Arab Emirates, 22 juin 2013

    "General Salim Idriss, commander of the FSA, the name under which moderate rebel units fight, appealed to leaders of independent Islamist brigades - which are currently not part of the alliance he leads - to join its ranks, according to a leading figure from one of the armed Islamist factions involved in the talks. “Idriss offered to support the Islamist factions by sharing the weapons he expects to receive, if they joined an alliance with the FSA and agree to certain conditions,” the Damascus-based rebel said yesterday (...)".