World Socialist Web Site - Marxist analysis, international working class struggles & the fight for socialism

  • Le gouvernement espagnol exige la réouverture des #écoles alors que les décès liés au #COVID-19 augmentent - World Socialist Web Site

    La décision politiquement criminelle du gouvernement espagnol de rouvrir les écoles au milieu d’une vague massive d’infections au COVID-19 entraînera d’innombrables décès inutiles. Les deux partis au pouvoir, le parti « populiste de gauche » Podemos et le Parti socialiste social-démocrate (PSOE), agissent dans une totale indifférence pour la santé et la vie de millions d’enseignants, d’enfants et de leurs familles.

    L’Espagne reste l’épicentre de la résurgence du coronavirus en Europe occidentale. Le week-end dernier, le pays a franchi une étape sombre, passant le seuil d’un demi-million d’infections après avoir enregistré 26.560 nouveaux cas entre vendredi et dimanche. Le total officiel est maintenant de 543.379. Vendredi a également vu 184 nouveaux décès, le plus grand nombre de décès quotidiens depuis la fin du mois de mai. Alors que le bilan truqué officiel est de 29.516 morts, les analyses des principaux journaux indiquent qu’au moins 45.000 personnes sont décédées du virus en Espagne.

  • Waiting for the Barbarians : « Vous êtes un tortionnaire obscène. Vous méritez d’être pendu ! » - World Socialist Web Site
    #cinéma #film #torture
    Je l’ai vu il y a 2 jours et c’est effectivement un très bon film, pas du tout bon pour le moral, par ailleurs. On y voit comment tout peut être rapidement pourri par un seul salopard tordu, mais doté de la nécessaire #autorité et la veulerie de la foule qui n’attend qu’une pichenette pour basculer dans la barbarie.
    Indispensable contrepoint à l’ensauvagement du monde.

    En tout cas, l’écrivain a conservé les moments les plus forts du roman. Le discours passionné mais équilibré de Rylance devant Joll est un moment de grande force morale dans les deux œuvres. « Vous êtes l’ennemi », déclare-t-il. « Vous êtes un tortionnaire obscène. Vous méritez d’être pendu ! » Rarement les cinéastes contemporains et d’autres n’osent mettre des mots aussi honnêtes dans la bouche de leurs personnages, des mots avec lesquels des millions de personnes seront d’accord, et combien c’est sain, rafraîchissant et nécessaire !

    De même, le magistrat s’enquiert plus tard avec douceur auprès de Mandel, se référant aux activités de torture de ce dernier, comme le dit le roman (quelque peu condensé dans le film), « Comment trouvez-vous possible de manger après, après avoir ... travaillé sur des gens ? C’est une question que je me suis toujours posée sur les bourreaux et autres personnes de ce genre. ... Est-ce que vous trouvez facile de manger après ? J’imagine que l’on voudrait se laver les mains. Mais un lavage ordinaire ne suffirait pas, il faudrait une intervention sacerdotale, un cérémonial de purification, vous ne pensez pas ? Une sorte de purge de l’âme aussi : c’est ainsi que je l’imagine. Sinon, comment serait-il possible de revenir à la vie quotidienne, par exemple s’asseoir à table et rompre le pain avec sa famille ou ses camarades ? »

    Waiting for the Barbarians, comme il se doit, a rendu les critiques généralement nerveux et mal à l’aise. Qui voudrait voir un tel film alors qu’il est parfaitement possible – et assez facile – d’éviter ce genre de désagrément et de rester un philistin satisfait de soi ?

  • La #crise du chômage aux #États-Unis s’aggrave : près de 900.000 nouvelles demandes d’allocations de #chômage - World Socialist Web Site

    Cinq semaines se sont écoulées depuis que les démocrates et les républicains du Congrès ont laissé expirer les allocations de chômage supplémentaires qui avaient été accordées dans le cadre de la loi CARES. Le Sénat, contrôlé par les républicains, et la Chambre, contrôlée par les démocrates, ont été tout aussi indifférents à la situation critique de dizaines de millions de travailleurs privés de l’allocation fédérale de 600 dollars par semaine qui s’ajoutait à l’indemnité de chômage venant de leur État.

    Près de six mois après l’adoption de la loi CARES, les résultats sont clairs, selon une analyse de Forbes qui a suivi la richesse de 643 milliardaires de la mi-mars au début du mois d’août. La richesse collective du groupe a augmenté de plus de 685 milliards de dollars, alors que dans le même temps aux États-Unis, près de 30 millions de personnes ont perdu leur emploi. Plus de 5,4 millions ont perdu leur couverture santé. On estime qu’un adulte américain sur sept se retrouve aujourd’hui sans ressources et que près de 40 millions de personnes risquent d’être expulsées de leur logement d’ici la fin de l’année.

  • The Moria catastrophe and the European Union’s war on refugees - World Socialist Web Site

    On the Greek island of Lesbos, a human tragedy is playing out before the eyes of the world. The 13,000 refugees who have been left homeless and stranded on the island since the Moria camp burned down are being denied all assistance. They sleep in the open air on roads and have no access to drinking water or food. If they protest against this barbaric treatment, the police attack them with tear gas.

    “The EU always talks about human rights, but they are treating us like rubbish,” Taheri, a youth who fled Afghanistan with his family, told Germany’s Der Spiegel.

  • Trump est-il en train de préparer un coup d’Etat ?

    Les craintes d’un coup d’Etat aux USA, à l’occasion de la prochaine mascarade électorale étatsunienne de novembre, sont de plus en plus vives. Voici un texte publié par The Socialist Equality Party (Parti socialiste pour l’égalité). On pourra lire aussi celui du Globalist. Une comparaison récurrente est celle de l’incendie du Reichstag en 1933, marquant le début de l’ascension du parti nazi. D’autres analyses sont moins alarmistes- moins ne signifiant pas qu’elles ne le soient pas du tout. Ainsi celui de (...) #Les_Articles

    / #Politique,_divers

  • Fund appeal for Assange’s legal defence wins significant public support

    A few weeks out from final extradition hearings, set to begin on September 7, the US issued a new superseding indictment, over a year after it was required to submit its final charge sheet.

    As the WSWS has documented, the superseding indictment contains no new charges or evidence. The additional material is substantially based upon the testimony of two US Federal Bureau of Investigations informants, one of whom has previously been convicted of impersonating Assange and stealing tens of thousands of dollars from WikiLeaks.

    The new indictment extends the assault on press freedom, presenting WikiLeaks’ assistance to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden as illegitimate and raising the prospect of a broader US dragnet against other members of the publishing organisation.

    A WSWS perspective last week noted that the late filing of the new indictment confronted Assange’s legal team with the impossible “choice of whether to accept the further sabotage of their client’s case” by proceeding with the September hearings “or prolong the endangerment of his life with more months in prison” through an appeal for a delay.

    In a blatant legal abuse, the WikiLeaks founder has still not been rearrested on the basis of the superseding indictment, so he is being held in Belmarsh Prison on a lapsed charge sheet.

  • COVID-19 cases reach 15 million worldwide with 4 million in the US alone - World Socialist Web Site

    #COVID-19 cases reach 15 million worldwide with 4 million in the US alone
    By Benjamin Mateus
    22 July 2020

    The number of COVID-19 infections worldwide surpassed 15 million yesterday. In less than five days, another million cases have been added. More than 618,000 people have died in little more than seven months since the virus took its first victim. There are also six million active cases globally, which provides only a very indirect measure of the burden being carried by health care workers facing shortages of PPE, medical supplies, and stamina. Ten percent of all cases occur among health care workers.

    #états-unis #pandémies

  • White House declares that “science should not stand in the way” of reopening schools - World Socialist Web Site

    At a press conference Thursday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany reiterated the Trump administration’s mandate that schools resume full in-person instruction in the fall, crudely expressing the anti-scientific outlook that guides the ruling class response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “The president has said unmistakably that he wants schools to open,” McEnany declared, adding, “and when he says open he means open and full. Kids being able to attend, each and every day, at their school. The science should not stand in the way of this.”

    #trump #états-unis

  • Police body camera footage of #George_Floyd murder released - World Socialist Web Site

    On Wednesday, a Hennepin County Judge allowed the public to view new video evidence in the May 25 police murder of George Floyd involving four Minneapolis, Minnesota police officers. According to various news outlets, the footage does not show Floyd acting aggressively toward officers or threatening them.

    The footage comes from body cameras worn by officers Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng, and shows officer Derek Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s neck for nine and a half minutes, a minute more than previously thought. Floyd struggled to breathe, and said “please” to officers 50 times before he died.

    When Lane asked that Floyd be rolled onto his side after he is seen begging for help, Chauvin can be heard saying, “just leave him.” Lane entered the videos as evidence in a bid to have the charges against him dropped. Lane, who held Floyd’s legs during the killing, has been charged with aiding and abetting Chauvin, who has been charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter.

    #états-unis #violences_policières

  • Oklahoma cops tased Jared Lakey over 50 times before he died, video shows - World Socialist Web Site

    Family, friends and community supporters of Jared Lakey, 28, will be marching today in rural Wilson, Oklahoma to demand “Justice for Jared,” sparked by the release of harrowing video of his brutalization by Oklahoma police little more than a year ago this month.

    Lakey was sadistically tortured and electrocuted with a “less lethal” Taser-X26P 53 times over a nine-minute period beginning July 4 and into the morning of July 5 by Wilson police officers Joshua Taylor, 25, and Brandon Dingman, 34, before being choked unconscious by Carter County Sheriff’s Deputy David Duggan.

    #états-unis #violences_policières

  • Quebec film distributors censor Roman Polanski’s J’accuse

    In regard to J’accuse, Le Devoir approvingly quoted Louis Dussault, president of K-Films America, who asserted: “It’s a great film, which should be shown in schools … but the problem is the author.” He added: “We’re not just in business, we’re also in culture … The #MeToo movement is part of that. We saw the film, we weighed the pros and cons, and we thought there’s no social acceptability for it.”

    Roger Frappier, producer of many films including The Decline of the American Empire and Seducing Doctor Lewis, asserted that “you can’t separate the man from the artistic work.” With #MeToo, he continued, “with the on-going awareness of sexual harassment or assault, one has to take into account” the broader context surrounding a film.

    Antoine Zeind, director of A-Z Films, added: “Everybody knows that he [Polanski] has been guilty since the 1970s. But he won Oscars, he got a César nomination and he had access to a huge budget to shoot J’accuse. In theory, if you’re guilty [of a crime], you don’t make a movie, you get a sentence, you’re in jail. You pay your debt.”

    It is possible these individuals do not really believe what they are saying and simply prefer to “follow the wave.” But their refusal to distribute Polanski’s film has profoundly reactionary (and cowardly) implications. What they are essentially doing is echoing the slanderous slogan of #MeToo demonstrators, “Polanski rapist, cinemas guilty, viewers complicit,” which can be used to censor anything.

    Unsurprisingly, Le Devoir repeats in its article the false allegation that Polanski fled from justice in the US. What really happened is that Polanski had reached an agreement with the prosecution in Los Angeles, with the consent of the victim Samantha Geimer (Gailey at the time), and pled guilty to a single count of unlawful sex with a minor. As a result, he was evaluated by psychiatrists who found him not to be a “Mentally Disordered Sex Offender” and recommended a sentence of probation. Polanski only left the US in response to the actions of the presiding judge, who threatened to repudiate the plea agreement with the clear intent of putting him behind bars for many years.

  • Sweeping attacks on migrant workers in Russia amid COVID-19 pandemic - World Socialist Web Site

    A tidal wave of anti-immigrant measures is under preparation in Russia, as the Kremlin and its nominal political opponents in other parties attempt to divert mass discontent over the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic and skyrocketing poverty by promoting xenophobia and Russian chauvinism.

  • Mass anger erupts throughout the US in protests against police murder of George Floyd - World Socialist Web Site

    Protests and demonstrations have erupted throughout the US in an explosive reaction to the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    In Minneapolis, thousands gathered on the same block where Floyd was killed and marched to the Minneapolis Third Police Precinct building. Multiple fires were burning Thursday, including at the Third Police Precinct, which remains on fire at the time of writing. The Minnesota National Guard announced late last night that 500 soldiers had been activated and were preparing to deploy.

    Also late Thursday night, US President Donald Trump threatened to deploy the military against the demonstrators and shoot protesters. “I can’t stand back & watch this happen to a great American city, Minneapolis,” Trump tweeted. “Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right.”

    #emeutes #george_floyd

  • Trump intrudes in China-India border standoff - World Socialist Web Site

    US President Donald Trump intruded into the tense border standoff between China and India Wednesday with a spurious offer to mediate and even “arbitrate” “their now raging border dispute.”

    Announced in a tweet, Trump’s “offer” was a provocation meant to signal to Beijing that Washington is involving itself ever more directly in Sino-Indian relations, and doing so as part of an across-the-board ratcheting up of its strategic offensive against China.

    Hundreds of Chinese and Indian troops are currently arrayed against each other “eyeball to eyeball” in at least four places along their disputed border. Beijing and New Delhi have also deployed additional forces and war materiel to forward bases near the border, both to signal their resolve and to acclimatize their troops to the high-altitude Himalayan terrain.


    #trump #inde #chine #frontières #différend_frontalier #différend_territorial #territoire #dragons #cartoexperiment

  • The murder of George Floyd and the fight against police violence in the US - World Socialist Web Site

    28 May 2020

    The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) condemns the Memorial Day murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota and demands the prosecution of the police officers who are responsible for his death.

    The killing of George Floyd is a horrific crime. Floyd, who was African American, died Monday after being pinned to the ground by four police officers in front of a crowd that was pleading that he be let go. Much of the crime was caught on bystander video and surveillance cameras.

  • Sweden’s “herd immunity” policy produces one of world’s highest fatality rates - World Socialist Web Site

    The catastrophic consequences of Sweden’s response to the #coronavirus pandemic were underlined on Monday as the official death count surpassed 4,000. The country, with a population of 10.3 million, has recorded one of the highest death rates per head of population in the world over recent weeks, which is a direct product of the Social Democrat/Green government’s refusal to implement lockdown measures, carry out mass testing, and protect elderly care homes.

    Last week, Sweden had the highest death rate per capita in the world, based on a rolling seven-day average ending on 20 May. The Our World in Data website reported that Sweden recorded 6.08 deaths per million residents during this period, compared to Britain (5.57), Belgium (4.28), and the United States (4.11). Over the course of the pandemic, the death rates in Belgium, Italy, and Spain remain higher than in Sweden at this stage.

    #suède #immunité_collective

  • Uber lays off 6,700 white-collar workers as it continues restructuring - World Socialist Web Site

    Arbeitsplatzsicherheit bei Uber? Kann man einfach vergessen. Nur wer die Entwicklung hin zur Dikatatur privater Megakonzerne unterstützt, weil er daran vierdient, darf deren „Mobilitätsangebote“ nutzen. Alle anderen sollten verstehen, dass auch sie den Preis für den brutalen Abbau sozialer Errungeschaften durch Uber & Co. bezahlen werden, sollte der Kampf gegen diese neue Form des Imperialismus scheitern.

    Jeder Bürgermeiter, jeder Stadtverordnete und jeder Gemeindevertreter sollte sich überlegen, was er dem Begehren der Gesellschaftszerstörer entgegensetzen kann. Da geht noch was.

    Das gilt für auch potentielle Kunden der „neuen Mobilitätsangebote“. Es geht nicht nur um Uber. Sixt, FreeNow, Daimler und VW sind auch nicht viel besser. Nur staatliche und kommunale Angebote unter demokratischer Kontrolle taugen für den lokalen und Regionalverkehr.

    23 May 2020 - Uber has carried out the layoff of 6,700 full time employees; 3,000 on May 18 and another 3,700 on May 6, and the shutdown of 45 offices. This action comes in response to an 80 percent drop in rides due to the outbreak of COVID-19, leading to a drastic drop in the company’s share values. Since it announced the layoffs, Uber’s stock has sharply risen. On the May 18 announcement shares rose 3.8 percent.

    CEO Dara Khosrowshahi (net worth of at least $200 million) took the cynical step of renouncing his salary for 2020 in supposed solidarity with the workers he fired. Khosrowshahi was previously the CEO of Expedia Group, a member of the board of directors of,, and served on the board of the New York Times. He was tasked with the job of “cleaning up” Uber’s public image after co-founder and former CEO Travis Kalanick stepped down after being caught on video insulting an Uber driver. Kalanick, seated as a passenger with two young women, responded to the driver’s concerns on fare cuts by responding “Some people don’t like to take responsibility for their own actions.”

    The firings account for a 25 percent reduction of full-time employees for Uber and the company says more firings will follow. The cuts in jobs and closure of offices is a result of the company’s decision to shut down its program Incubator, envisioned as a means to utilize the mental labor of employees and independent startups to develop products and services on top of Uber’s platform. Uber has also discontinued and is looking for alternatives for its program Uber Works, which sought to pair gig workers with small businesses in need of temporary labor.

    The layoffs are expected to save the company over $1 billion per year. Uber is seeking to utilize these savings to expand its food delivery business; the company is currently in talks to buy its rival Grubhub.

    Alongside Uber, the rideshare company Lyft announced layoffs of over 1,000 employees, and Uber’s Middle Eastern subsidiary Careem has slashed headcount by over 30 percent and suspended its bus transport app.

    The job cuts are among Uber’s white-collar labor force such as customer service representatives and recruitment agents, to whom the company will be providing severance pay. The layoffs mark a continuation of Uber’s attacks on its entire workforce. The brunt of this attack has been shouldered by Uber drivers, a 3 million-strong force globally at the beginning of 2020, who are not classified as employees but as “independent contractors.” This designation allows the multi-billion dollar company to evade providing the bulk of its workforce with benefits and securities such as health insurance. These workers collectively made 6.9 billion trips for Uber in 2019, creating over $14 billion in revenue for the company.

    With the drastic decrease in rides and the high risk of COVID-19 infection, working for Uber is no longer a sustainable venture for the majority of drivers. Drivers are increasingly reliant on unemployment benefits, although many have been unable to collect jobless pay due to being classified as self employed.

    Michael O’Dell, a driver in Columbus Ohio told National Public Radio, “I have really cut my driving down, probably like 90 percent. If I do need available cash to pay a bill or two or even buy food, I’ll go out and drive for a little bit. But I definitely don’t put the time into it like I normally did, because I’m not going to get good rides." As for unemployment, “I’ve been applying every week, every single week I get denied regular unemployment."

    According to a 1,000 person survey of California Uber and Lyft drivers commissioned by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), two-thirds of respondents said they may not be able to pay their May rent or mortgage and nearly half will need food assistance this month.

    Under these conditions, 100 workers staged a caravan protest outside Uber’s headquarters in San Francisco on May 11. The protest was organized by We Drive Progress, a group under the arm of the SEIU. On the part of the union, which is notorious for maintaining substandard pay for service workers while pocketing their dues payments, the action amounted to merely a token protest designed to release workers’ anger. The SEIU action was directed toward appealing to the conscience of Uber executives. It asked the company to comply with gig worker protections law AB 5, pay into the California unemployment insurance fund and drop the ballot initiative that Uber along with Lyft and DoorDash aims to use to keep gig workers classified as independent contractors. Meanwhile, Uber has indicated that it will further escalate layoffs and restructuring.

    The SEIU, in spite of having 1.9 million members, primarily in healthcare, has not organized a single mass strike despite the fact the hundreds of thousands of nurses and other essential workers are being exposed to COVID-19 due to a lack of adequate personal protective equipment. Recently in Illinois, the union forced 10,000 nursing home workers to remain on the job with poverty wages and no serious protections against COVID-19. On top of this, millions of dollars of dues collected by the union goes towards funding Democratic Party politicians. In 2016, it gave over $17 million worth of workers’ dues to the Super PAC United We Can, which then spent over a million dollars to support the election of war hawk and corporate stooge Hillary Clinton.

    Uber workers are determined to resist the ongoing decimation of their jobs and income. They will not find leadership in the pro corporate unions. The Socialist Equality Party and the World Socialist Web Site call for the building of factory and workplace committees to mobilize the independent strength of workers in a fight to defend jobs and basic workplace protections.

    #Uber #Entlassungen #Krise #Gewerkschaft #Arbeit

  • Curtiz: A film about the filming of #Casablanca in 1942 - World Socialist Web Site

    Curtiz is a film about Hungarian émigré director Michael Curtiz, set in Hollywood during the shooting of Casablanca (1942), the much-loved wartime melodrama with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. The biographical movie premiered in 2018 and now is available on Netflix.

    Unfortunately, it is a very poor work, full of clichés and pretension, and not worth spending a great deal of time on. Swiss-Hungarian Tamas Yvan Topolanszky directed Curtiz when he was 30 years old or so. One hopes he will go on to do better things. He was certainly in no way prepared to tackle the personalities and events at the center of this film.


  • #Trump administration’s “back to work” drive will fuel pandemic - World Socialist Web Site

    Sans surprise mais des réflexions intéressantes dans ce texte.

    US President Donald Trump announced Thursday a set of “guidelines” for states to end social distancing measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, setting the stage for businesses to reopen throughout the country.

    The new guidelines will fuel the coronavirus pandemic and lead to a sharp increase in deaths. In an indication of the mad rush to resume production, Boeing announced that it will begin aircraft production and send 27,000 workers back as early as Monday.

    These moves come as the US continues to post record deaths, and the United States still does not have enough tests to contain the disease. More than 2,000 deaths were reported yesterday, and more than 8,000 over the past three days.


  • #Trump, the media, and the COVID-19 disaster - World Socialist Web Site

    On Saturday, the New York Times published a lengthy exposé documenting the failure of the Trump administration to act on repeated warnings from within the federal government that the United States was facing an imminent disaster that threatened hundreds of thousands of lives.

    The Times noted, “The National Security Council office responsible for tracking pandemics received intelligence reports in early January predicting the spread of the virus to the United States, and within weeks was raising options like keeping Americans home from work and shutting down cities the size of Chicago. Mr. Trump would avoid such steps until March.”

    #coronavirus #états-unis