A selection of views on Kerry’s peace initiative


  • John Kerry se félicite d’avoir obtenu un « accord de principe » pour renvoyer les Israéliens et l’Autorité palestinienne à la table des négociations. Beaucoup de bruit (cf. l’emballement médiatique) pour rien ?

    « Some views of Kerry’s announcement (‘By George he did it !’ ‘Sovereignty over slivers’) »


    Diana Buttu, the lawyer and negotiator, speaking at the behest of Institute for Middle East Understanding:

    “While there may be jubilation in some quarters over the resumption of talks, it is important to keep in mind that the goal is not to resume an already flawed and failed process but to liberate Palestine and Palestinians from decades of Israeli rule. That goal - freedom for Palestinians - will not be the result of these negotiations."

    MJ Rosenberg is, to say the least, unimpressed:

    This agreement is utterly bogus. Israel agrees to allow the US to state that negotiations will be based on ’67 borders. That is precisely what U.S. policy has been since 1967 when UN Resolution 242 (promoted by the US) speaks of peace in exchange for “Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict.”

    This is a typical Israeli trick. Make the US accept as a concession something that is a requirement under international law. On top of that, Israel does not accept that condition but simply allows us to.

    Palestinians, on the other hand, have to agree to accept that the US favors recognizing Israel “as a Jewish state,” an entirely new requirement made up by the Likud and AIPAC.

    #Palestine #Israël #US #John_Kerry #négociations #plo