What Future for Israel ? by Nathan Thrall


  • What Future for Israel ?
    AUGUST 15, 2013
    Nathan Thrall

    Dans un article sur la nécessité d’inclure la période d’avant 1967 dans les négociations de paix (et donc sur l’échec certain de la relance du « processus de paix » par Kerry) l’auteur affirme que contrairement à ce qui est suggéré Israël ne s’est jamais aussi bien porté. Exemples :

    – le #BDS est inefficace,

    In the countries in which the movement to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel (“BDS”) has made the largest gains—South Africa and the United Kingdom—Israeli exports have in fact sharply risen.

    – Le support des Etasuniens juifs pour Israël a augmenté,

    while elite attitudes toward Israel in the US are changing, recent polls have cast doubt on widely publicized claims that young, non-Orthodox Jews in the US are growing more distant from Israel

    Avec cette conclusion :

    If renewed talks break down, Israelis may begin asking themselves whether the time has come to abandon hopes of a full peace in order to achieve—perhaps through cease-fires or further unilateral withdrawals—a partial separation. They would thereby create something more than one state but less than two, which is, in fact, all that was ever on offer.