Overbearing data protection rules threaten cloud computing


  • Il y a trop de lois, on protège trop les citoyens, on va tuer l’infonuagique comme ça, on devrait faire comme Singapour, zéro protection des données personnelles pour attirer les clients. Un article du #BSA :


    #lobbying #libéralisme #capitalisme #informatique_et_libertés #cloud #donnes_personnelles

    • Thomas Boué is director of government relations for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at the Business Software Alliance, a trade association.

      #lol « trade association »

      All agree that by creating a new, more efficient architecture for computing, the cloud offers vast economic benefits. (...) For established companies, this creates cost savings that can be reinvested in the core business. For smaller start-ups, it represents one less obstacle on the path to growth.

      A force de le répéter, va-ton finir par y croire ? #relol

      But while some rightly see the cloud as an opportunity to accelerate commerce and expand global trade in digital services, others harbour more protectionist urges, focused on creating a European fiefdom in the cloud at the expense of global scale.

      Et si on souhaitait pas à tout prix accélérer le commerce, tout simplement ?

      Policymakers must steer away from highly prescriptive, Europe-centric rules that could ultimately sideline the EU from the global cloud market. (...) The cloud is a major economic opportunity, but to capture its full benefit policymakers must navigate in the same direction. A cohesive global marketplace will offer more value than the sum of its parts.


      Je n’ignore pas que ce genre de gargarismes ait cours ni que la « global marketplace » existe mais bon sang, en politique on peut rembarrer les exaspérants dans l’opposition même si ça ne sert à rien, comment on fait avec la #BSA etc ?