Renewal of peace talks shores up Netanyahu’s popularity ; Lapid’s ratings drop - Weekend - Israel News


  • Renewal of peace talks shores up Netanyahu’s popularity ; Lapid’s ratings drop-

    A Haaretz-Dialog Institute poll conducted on Tuesday, under the supervision of Prof, Camile Fuchs, from the Department of Statistics at Tel Aviv University, finds the nation deeply skeptical. About 70 percent of respondents say they do not believe a peace agreement will be achieved, and some 60 percent do not believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu truly intends to divide the land into two states, ours and theirs. But a majority ‏ (55percent‏) say they will vote for any agreement the prime minister makes with the Palestinians, compared with 25 percent who would vote against.

    Le fait que la majorité des sondés est convaincue que Netanyahou ne fait que ruser, n’empêche cependant pas que...

    ...56 percent of respondents think Netanyahu is best suited to be prime minister;...