• Country reports on measures to combat discrimination 2013

    These reports were drafted for the European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field (on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, age, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation), established and managed by the Migration Policy Group and Human European Consultancy.

    They were produced as part of a study into measures to combat discrimination in the EU Member States, funded by the European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity – PROGRESS (2007-2013). The reports provide an overview of the state of transposition and implementation of the EU anti-discrimination Directives in each country up to 1 January 2014. There is one report for each of the 28 EU Member States, the candidate countries and the EEA countries.

    #discrimination #racisme #migration

  • A Regional MIPEX Assessment of FYROM, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Integration policies in Croatia, FYROM, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are barely halfway favourable for societal integration, scoring below the European average and alongside other ‘new’ immigration countries in MIPEX, such as Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic. Newcomers in these countries will face slightly more obstacles than opportunities to participate in society. These countries are at different stages of their EU accession, with Croatia as the newest Member State. Interestingly, the policies that could contribute the most to integration are EU law-driven – anti-discrimination legislation in the case of Serbia and FYROM, family reunion policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and long-term residence in Croatia. Despite these improvements, the conditions in law are undermined by authorities’ rather discretionary procedures in all four countries, a problem across Central and Eastern Europe. In addition to the negative impact of this uncertainty on integration, newcomers critically lack many basic citizenship, education and political opportunities that are becoming best practice across Europe.


    #intégration #migration #étrangers #Macédoine #Serbie #Croatie #Bosnie-Herzégovine #MIPEX

  • Malta mette in vendita l’accesso all’Europa
    –-> #Malte vend l’accès à l’Europe

    Via libera del Parlamento di Malta alla controversa legge che permetterà di comprare la cittadinanza, con relativo passaporto per accedere allo spazio Schengen, per € 650 mila. La votazione del 12 novembre, che modifica l’attuale Maltese Citzenship Act, ha scatenato accese polemiche nel paese. A cui il governo risponde cifre alla mano. Visto che questa iniezione di liquidità permetterà all’esecutivo di limitare la tassazione indiretta. Nello specifico, la vendita dovrebbe portare all’erario € 30 milioni. Di cui la metà sarà direttamente iniettata nel prossimo budget statale. Mentre i restanti € 15 milioni verranno destinati al fondo d’investimento per lo sviluppo nazionale.

    –-> le Parlement à donner son feu vert à une loi qui permettra d’acheter la #citoyenneté, avec passeport qui permettra d’accéder à l’espace Schengen, pour 650’000 EUR.


    #monétarisation_de_l'accès #Schengen #marché_de_la_citoyenneté #migration

  • Hungary: consultation on new integration scheme for refugees starts

    The Hungarian Office of Immigration and Nationality called upon civil society actors and international organisations active in refugee integration to participate in a consultative meeting about a new integration scheme for refugees and people with subsidiary protection held on 7 August. The scheme’s framework is already set by amendments of the Asylum Act that will come into force as of 1st January 2014, and a Government Decree will set its practical details. The scheme is based on an ‘integration contract’ model, already in practice in Poland.

    To understand more the scheme as it is currently implemented in Poland and how it could fare in Hungary, dive into our Refugee Integration Tool. The tool’s pilot phase is ongoing in four countries – Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Slovakia –until the end of 2013. Four domains are being evaluated in this phase: refugees’ access to education, to employment, to housing and to family reunification. The pilot is part of UNHCR’s Refugee Integration: Capacity and Evaluation project, co-financed by the European Refugee Fund. The project aims to develop effective, reliable and sustainable data collection methods and internal review mechanisms, identifying gaps and good practices as well as building the capacity of the various actors involved in refugee integration. The project also seeks to help develop effective refugee integration programmes, improve the quality and level of refugee integration and rally more support by fostering partnerships between governments, civil society, business, academia and other actors. At the end of the project, the findings, gaps and good practices will be made available in thematic reports and regional roundtable discussions.


    #Hongrie #réfugiés #asile #consultation #intégration