
  • Le commentaire (très intéressant) d’As’ad AbuKhalil sur le dernier discours de Nasrallah :

    Hezbollah is vulnerable when it comes to sectarian attacks on Shia: It never engages the sectarian rhetoric and does not speak in Sunni-Shia terms. All that is true, but the party can’t hide the fact that its ruling doctrine (Wilayat al-Faqih) is sectarian and its membership is purely sectarian. And this is not accidental, of course. The ideology of the party is not intended, like Islam was intended, for universal appeal and commitment.

    So, Nasrallah had to take all those factors into consideration for his Jerusalem Day address. He reiterated the commitment of the party to Palestine and made an interesting point about Western manufacturing of enemies for the Arabs in order that they divert their attention and focus away from Palestine and the dangers of Israel. He stressed that Israel remain the cancerous tumor (and he attributed the reference to Khomeini, but Arab journalists, writers, and officials have been making that analogy since 1948) in the Arab body. But Nasrallah wanted to say that Sunnis and Shia, secularists and Islamists can all agree on the subject of Palestine. But Nasrallah failed to take note of the great success of Saudi-Qatari propaganda in mobilizing Arabs behind sectarian slogans and rhetoric. Perhaps due to isolation, Nasrallah seems to think that sectarian mobilization and agitation by the GCC countries does not penetrate the minds of the masses. Partly for that reason, Nasrallah and Hezbollah in general have ignored the sectarian factor and failed to produce a counter-narrative. Nasrallah seems to think that if you ignore the problem, it will simply go away.