• Hamdin Sabahi praised the stand of Saudi Arabia

    Hamdin Sabahi, the founder of the Popular Current in Egypt and former presidential candidate, praised the stand of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the 30 June revolution in Egypt and said that this stand restored to Arabism its lost essence. He sent special salutations through Al-Sharq al-Awsat to the kingdom’s government and people for standing alongside the Egyptian people. In an exclusive interview with Al-Sharq al-Awsat, Sabahi said that the Muslim Brothers [MB] failed as oppositionists and failed again as politicians in power. He accused their leaders of committing serious crimes against the Egyptian people. He also accused Al-Biblawi’s government of delinquency and called on it to expedite social justice, cautioning it against abandoning the principles of the Egyptian revolution. About running for president again, Sabahi told Al-Sharq al-Awsat that it is too early to talk about this subject. It is noteworthy that Hamdin Sabahi founded the Popular Current ! in September 2012. Since the establishment of this movement one year ago, the political landscape in Egypt has been the scene of many successive interrelated and complex events. The regime of Dr Muhammad Morsi fell and with him fell the rule of the MB. Egypt embarked on a new transitional phase with all its challenges and hopes. The Popular Current also went through a phase in which it appeared less powerful than it was before.

    Source: Al-Sharq al-Awsat website, London, in Arabic 0000 gmt 11 Sep 13

  • Selon le Figaro, des « commandos israéliens » en Syrie, ainsi que des « hommes de la CIA ». Syrie : l’opération anti-Assad a commencé

    Selon les informations recueillies par Le Figaro, les premiers contingents syriens formés à la guérilla par les Américains en Jordanie seraient entrés en action depuis la mi-août dans le sud de la Syrie, dans la région de Deraa. Un premier groupe de 300 hommes, sans doute épaulés par des commandos israéliens et jordaniens, ainsi que par des hommes de la CIA, aurait franchi la frontière le 17 août. Un second les aurait rejoints le 19. Selon des sources militaires, les Américains, qui ne veulent ni mettre de soldats sur le sol ­syrien, ni armer des rebelles en partie contrôlés par les islamistes radicaux, forment discrètement depuis plusieurs mois, dans un camp d’entraînement installé à la frontière jordano-syrienne, des combattants de l’ASL, l’Armée syrienne libre, triés sur le volet.

    (Évidemment, via Angry Arab.)