• Les temps sont durs pour Rio Tinto (et le secteur minier)

    Rio Tinto Hard-Pressed to Win by a Landslide - DailyFinance

    Mining’s a tough sector to invest in right now, and it would pay to be choosy when you decide to place your bets. I just wouldn’t choose Rio Tinto at the moment.

    Gigantesque glissement de terrain dans la mine de cuivre et or de Bingham Canyon dans l’Utah en mai 2013…


    Démêlés avec les gouvernements (dont la Mongolie, à #Oyu_Tolgoï) et plus généralement la montée d’un « nationalisme minier »…

    Rio Tinto’s far-flung operations are running into government resistance as they seek to take a larger piece of the natural resources pie — and the profits they can generate — for its own use. The miner is struggling to come to an agreement with the Mongolian government over its Oyu Tolgoi project, and has been forced to halt development of the underground portion of the mine, where some 80% of the mine’s value is estimated to reside.

    It’s not alone in battling the resource nationalism that’s gripped countries as commodity prices soared. Barrick Gold is duking it out with Chile over its Pascua-Lama gold mine and the rights of indigenous tribes, and Kinross Gold was forced to abandon its Fruta del Norte gold mine in Ecuador after the government wanted to tax all profits above a base amount at a confiscatory rate of 70%.

    The stalemates are leading to delays in the governments issuing permits to get the work going, a situation Vale can relate to. Its operations in Brazil grounded to a crawl at its Mariana project earlier this year after the permits needed to expand were delayed. Although it subsequently received approval to produce 20-million metric tons of iron ore a year, Vale suffered a 5% drop in production because of the delay.

    (de l’article de Daily Finance)