• D’après la présidente du comité international de soutien à la réconsiliation en Syrie, des enfants enlevés à Lataqquieh seraient apparus comme victimes de l’attaque chimique à Ghouta.

    الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام - الأم اغنيس مريم الصليب : أطفال خطفوا في اللاذقية ظهروا كضحايا للكيميائي بالغوطة

    وكشفت الأم اغنيس “أن مجزرة حقيقية وكبيرة حصلت في اللاذقية في 4 آب، حيث تم اجتياح 11 قرية في جبال اللاذقية ليلا وحصلت إبادة جماعية، وبين مئات الاشخاص قتلوا وذبحوا بينهم أطفال ونساء وشيوخ ، كما تم خطف بين 100 و150 إمرأة وطفل من تلك المنطقة”، لافتة الى أنه “بعد الكلام عن حصول هجوم كيميائي في الغوطة تم الاتصال بنا من الاهالي الذين تعرفوا على أولادهم الذين خطفوا من اللاذقية”.

    • Et ceci qui va dans le même sens dans The Independent
      While the Assad regime in Damascus has denied responsibility for the sarin gas missiles that killed around 1,400 Syrians in the suburb of Ghouta on 21 August, information is now circulating in the city that Russia’s new “evidence” about the attack includes the dates of export of the specific rockets used and – more importantly – the countries to which they were originally sold. They were apparently manufactured in the Soviet Union in 1967 and sold by Moscow to three Arab countries, Yemen, Egypt and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya. These details cannot be verified in documents, and Vladimir Putin has not revealed the reasons why he told Barack Obama that he knows Assad’s army did not fire the sarin missiles; but if the information is correct – and it is believed to have come from Moscow – Russia did not sell this particular batch of chemical munitions to Syria.

    • A Nun Lends a Voice of Skepticism on the Use of Poison Gas by Syria

      When Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, wanted to bolster his argument that rebels had carried out the poison gas attacks near Damascus on Aug. 21, he pointed to the work of a 61-year-old Lebanese-born nun who had concluded that the horrifying videos showing hundreds of dead and choking victims, including many children, had been fabricated ahead of time to provide a pretext for foreign intervention.

      Meet another Hariri propagandist working for Human Rights Watch

      “‘The fact that the Russian government is relying on this woman’s assessment of what happened just shows the lack of evidence for their case,’ said Lama Fakih, a Syria researcher for Human Rights Watch. ‘She is not a military expert.’” Now while I don’t disagree with what Lama said, but she would not dare make a public statement against the speculation on chemical weapons by opponents of the Syrian regime. Just as the nun gave her assessment (without having facts), there are many in Lebanon and Syria who work (for a fee) for the GCC regimes who gave very similar bogus expert opinions on the matter but I don’t recall that Ms. Fakih commented publicly against them and dismissed them as not being military experts.