• SotM 2020 – a few thoughts on the experiment | Imagico.de

    The #pads for collecting questions and comments on talks worked great. This is definitely a concept that could play a central role in future #distributed #conferences.

    None the less what also became clear to me during the conference is that the willingness of people to engage in communication was very clearly in the order written conversation > audio communication > video. I think this is an observation to consider for any audio or video conversation in the OSM context. Video meetings might be very convenient for heavily engaged extroverted community members with a pre-existing prominence but for many people this can be a source of discomfort. And cultural and language barriers can be strongly emphasized by use of real time #audio and especially #video communication.

    A few further ideas on what possibilities a virtual conference format could offer beyond what has been tried this year:

    In a distributed conference the hurdle to submit a talk proposal would be much lower because it does not require a commitment to make an expensive travel to the conference location. I can already imagine people fearing the program committee might be drowned in submissions. The solution to that is to not think of this in terms of a physical conference. You don’t actually need to make a pre-selection of talks based on abstracts submitted, you can let people simply submit their pre-recorded talks. That would require more effort on the side of a presenter than submitting a bloomy abstract which would filter out any non-serious submissions. And assessing a talk based on scrolling through the video for a few minutes is much fairer than doing so based on just an abstract. So having the program committee select talks rather than abstracts is likely the better and fairer option for a virtual conference. Alternatively you could skip the selection of talks altogether and simply make all submissions accessible to the conference visitors. After all a virtual conference is not subject to the physical limitation of available rooms. That you might not necessarily be able to offer a moderated live Q&A for all talks is clear – but there are options to solve that with some creativity.

    The other idea is that a virtual distributed conference might be set up not only removing the constraint to a specific place but also spread out the conference in the time domain. Time zone differences are a serious issue with an international real time online conference – this could be observed at SotM 2020 quite well. So why not forego squeezing the conference into two days but instead spreading it across something like one or two weeks. A few days before the beginning of the actual real time part of the conference you make available the pre-recorded videos for everyone to watch at a time of their choosing. And they have the option to comment and ask questions asynchronously then. The speakers of the talks then have also some time to consider the questions and comments carefully before there is a moderated real time video session where the written feedback is discussed and further real time discussion is possible. The whole thing could be wrapped up by an integrated mechanism to allow speakers to provide some followup to the discussion in the days afterwards.

    With Allan’s keynote we had already a demonstration during this conference giving a bit of a glimpse on how this might work. There was no Q&A immediately after the talk but there was a longer Q&A later in the evening in form of a self organized session. Conference visitors in addition to asking questions during the talk streaming could afterwards for several hours re-watch the talk using the re-live feature and ask further questions and make comments. It was a bit unfortunate that Allan did not have more time to more carefully read the questions and prepare more elaborate answers which could have been the basis for a more interesting live discussion or later followup comments. But overall i think it was already visible how a more slowly paced dialog between presenters and visitors of the conference could facilitate a more productive and meaningful discourse.

    Explication du fonctionnement sur le site du SOTM 2020 :

    How is my talk presented?

    There will be an introduction session shortly before the conference for all speakers and session hosts. We will use the following workflow during your talk: 10 minutes before the talk the speaker and the session host test their equipment and connectivity with the video team. The talk takes place in a Jitsi session which will be streamed publicly. In the first 2-3 minutes the session hosts gives a short introduction about the speaker and the talk. Then the pre-recorded video is broadcast. During the broadcasting of the video the audience has the opportunity to ask questions on the Q&A pad of the talk. After the video the session host and the speaker go through the questions of the talk. We have allocated about 20 minutes for that.

    How can I participate it the Question & Answer session of my talk?

    You have to join the Jitsi session of your talk and talk with the session host about the questions from the audience. You can watch all incoming questions in the Q&A pad (hackpad) linked in the detail page of your talk. It is the task of the session host to make a kind of pre-selection of the questions, sorting them and leaving out those that are inappropriate.


    Les vidéos de l’événement ont été prises en charge par les gens du CCC (Chaos Computer Club) https://c3voc.de

    Quelques liens au sujet des confs vidéos :

    https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_of_the_Map_2020/Tutorial_Pre-Recorded_Talk : Tutorial Pre-Recorded Talk
    https://c3voc.de/wiki/start : Working group in the Chaos Computer Club on event recording and streaming
    https://gitlab.com/billowconf/billowconf : BillowConf is an online platform for virtual conferences. It supports different rooms that people can join and interact with. Presenters give talks and can enagage with the audience in real time through text (IRC) and video.

  • Risks for and resilience of the #OpenStreetMap project

    There is currently a public brainstorming session going on in the OpenStreetMap Wiki in the format of a SWOT analysis, initiated by Allan Mustard, newly elected member of the board of the OpenStreetMap foundation. This has resulted in an interesting and still growing collection of view, ideas, wishes and to some extent also complaints about the project from a lot of different perspectives and i encourage anyone to read this and possibly contribute your own ideas.


    What i will try to use this approach for here is looking at the OpenStreetMap project in terms of the risks it faces and its resilience regarding possible harm the project might face in the future. The OSMF has in the past largely neglected to have a systematic look at this and it is really time this changes. I am not sure this is actually what the OSMF board intends to do with these ideas or if they want to in a way use it for some classical business optimization ideas – that remains to be seen.

    Outsiders often have a bit of difficulty with that because they often in analogy to other projects perceive OpenStreetMap to be an organization in itself. But it is not. OpenStreetMap is loosely connected social project of people working together for the common goal of cooperatively mapping the world from local knowledge in the form of an open database. The OpenStreetMap Foundation is an organization created for the purpose of supporting this social project with infrastructure and other support. But the OSMF has no mandate to either lead or control the OpenStreetMap project.

    Compared to the OpenStreetMap project itself the OSMF is the more promising target for attempts of corporations of exercising influence because the OpenStreetMap project due to its decentralized nature provides a fairly small and elusive surface of attack for such endeavors. For corporations it is hard to deal in any way with a project without a centralized structure – which is both a disadvantage for constructive and positive interaction but at the same time a huge advantage regarding malevolent activities.

    ...especially in terms of attracting new volunteers for the project. Key when doing that however needs to be actively communicating the values and basic principles of the project – something that has in the past unfortunately often been neglected in the desire to be welcoming to a diverse number of people.

  • Espace public : Google a les moyens de tout gâcher - par Vraiment Vraiment - Visionscarto

    ❝Signe d’une urbanité souhaitable, favorable aux mixités en tous genres, à la découverte et à l’impromptu, flâner en ville requiert un subtil équilibre entre familiarité et étrangeté, entre sentiment de sécurité et frisson de l’inconnu. Le caractère propice à la flânerie d’une rue ne se décrète pas — pas plus par l’architecte que par le maire, l’urbaniste, le commerçant ou le promoteur. Il relève d’une alchimie complexe, dont les seules à pénétrer le secret pourraient être les entreprises capables d’acquérir et d’analyser de grands volumes de données, et au premier chef Google. Les collectivités locales ont-elles l’ambition et les moyens de résister à l’omnipotence cartographique de la firme de Mountain View ? Car celle-ci pourrait annihiler les efforts de revitalisation et de réappropriation de l’espace public par les collectivités locales.

    Bruxelles la Polycentrique // l’indétrônable axe historique de Saint Etienne // l’archipel parisien, les bouches de métros du nord est parisien // le vieux centre d’Alès vs. le nouveau centre commercial // La Charité-sur-Loire et ce qui reste de son commerce… Google choisit et montre ce qui mérite flânerie.

    #plan #ville #espaces_public #commerces #Google #urban_matter

  • Cartographie avec SPIP

    Développement avec la librairie Leaflet et dérive sur les fonds de cartes du plugin GIS. Ce plugin permet l’intégration de cartes et la géolocalisation des objets de SPIP. Il utilise la librairie Leaflet et propose plus de 25 fonds de carte différents, dont la plupart sont basées sur les données OSM.



    #shameless_autopromo #osm #spip_blog

  • Un week-end à Sud Web
    Plein soleil sur Montpellier
    Thomas Parisot m’a invité à partager mon expérience de la cartographie, de l’art et du web à Montpellier ce week-end. Très belle expérience, très belles rencontres.
    Les conf avaient lieu le vendredi et les élaboratoires le samedi mais on se retrouvait tous le jeudi soir à l’heure de l’apéro pour établir un premier contact entre orateurs et participants. Pas plus de 120 participants, ces rencontres doivent restées à taille humaine.

    Bon, il va s’en dire que jeudi j’avais un peu l’impression d’être un ovni au milieu de cette communauté webiste où je ne connaissais qu’une tête, celle de @tetue :)
    Je m’y attendais un peu bien-sûr mais je ne m’étais pas focalisé là-dessus. J’avais accepté de participer parce j’aime beaucoup l’idée d’établir des transversalités entre différents domaines jugés incompatibles, a priori. Je pense que c’est même essentiel, tant on a à apprendre de l’autre.

    Eh ben, ça c’est très bien passé, youpi. Le lendemain j’ai proposé un atelier de cartographie émotionnelle et l’après-midi j’ai fait mumuse à l’atelier de Lucile où on faisait du pixel art.

    Par contre, j’ai découvert une grande désespérance. Je ne sais pas si l’industrie des nouvelles technologies est pire qu’une autre mais ça burn out grave. Déjà jeudi soir, pendant la petite soirée informelle, un type à côté de moi racontait le burn out qui l’avait conduit à démissionner de son boulot à Paris et à venir s’installer à Montpellier.

    Vendredi, une psychologue avait fait une présentation sur l’estime de soi. S’en est suivi une discussion sur les angoisses et le stress des professionnels du web ici présents. Hier, jour des élaboratoires, la psy a organisé deux "séances" dans l’après-midi et faisait chaque fois salle comble.

    Comme en écho, je lisais dans le train du retour un entretien de @aude_v dans @lan02 avec Nicolas Marquis (oui je suis en retard dans mes lectures) « Se changer soi pour changer le monde ». L’auteur a mené une étude sociologique sur les lecteurs de publications sur le développement personnel. Pour aller vite, ces techniques tendent à faire en sorte que si la personne agit sur elle-même, tout va pour le mieux. Mais jamais elles ne remettent en cause les sources de la souffrance. Pire, elles ont tendance a les entretenir. C’est justement la discussion qu’on avait hier soir avec un des orateurs dans ce lieu magnifique où sud web se terminait, bouhou :)

    A part ça avec @tetue on a œuvré pour ramener trois contributeurs sur @seenthis

  • Mapping an Excel spreadsheet with eSpatial Free or Basic

    ça c’est bien : analyse d’une feuille de calcul, geocoding pour trouver la position des noms de lieux, et génération de la carte correspondante.

    Est-ce qu’il existe du logiciel libre pour faire ça, éventuellement en utilisant Nominatim, le geocoder de openstreetmap ?

    #map #geocoding #openstreetmap