News | YunoHost | Self-hosting for all


  • News | YunoHost | Self-hosting for all

    We have made so many changes in YunoHost, without even a news. Time to catch up !
    Here’s a non-exhaustive list of changes and improvements (SPOILER: this could be technical)

    Against all expectation, we have replaced Apache by Nginx (1.4.1). There’s no need to argue on that choice, but it has been made possible by
    Replacing LemonLDAP by SSOwat, which is a LDAP Web SSO especially made for YunoHost, and much, much, much lighter :)


    The greatest news with all that modifications is that YunoHost is now able to run on 128MB RAM servers with minimal setup !


    As you can see, we are not really reliable on planning, but in a short term for sure (days, few weeks), we will release a second Beta version which will be considered as “safe to upgrade to the stable release”.

    #yunohost #auto-hébergement #cccp