le procès Morsi ou le risque de la dictature


  • Egypte : le procès Morsi ou le risque de la dictature - Edito Le Monde


    Le procès de M. Morsi et de ses amis a toutes les chances de ressembler à une vengeance politique beaucoup plus qu’au nécessaire bilan d’une année de pouvoir (mal) exercé par les Frères musulmans, de leur victoire à l’élection présidentielle de juin 2012 jusqu’à la destitution du chef de l’Etat par l’armée, le 3 juillet 2013.
    (...) la démonstration que la révolution de la place Tahrir a accouché, à ce stade, d’un régime autoritaire, pour ne pas dire dictatorial.


    • Morsi’s Trial

      Whether this work or not is unclear, and seems unlikely. There is however another more sinister potential intention. The Nov 4 trial is being held in no ordinary court-room but at the Institute of Police Officers at Torah, the site of Egypt’s largest prison complex. Residents have reported of the astonishing preparations that have been taking place in the area, with new tarmac being laid on the roads, walls built, rooftops secured, trees cut down, and the residents themselves warned to stay indoors throughout the proceedings. The stage is clearly being set for confrontation with demonstrators. On their part, demonstrations have never stopped, but they are likely to get much more heated during trials which are widely seen as being show trials.

      The trials will last some time, and it seems as if, with the duly-elected President of the country being trailed backwards and forwards to and from his place of trial, accidents can occur or be made to occur for the Junta to try and overcome their main stumbling block. If anything untoward does happen to Morsi, they might think that with the media under their control, they will be able to spin events to their favour and move on. If they do, then they haven’t seen what is happening in the street, where the demonstrations are getting bigger every day, now including many previous supporters of the coup who feel betrayed.