.@wadhwa : Silicon Valley Has a Code Name for Sexism & Racism - The Accelerators


  • Du #sexisme de la Silicon Valley - WSJ

    Pour Vivek Wadhwa, en surface, la Silicon Valley semble une méritocratie parfaite. La moitié des start-ups y ont été fondées par des émigrés. Vous y voyez des gens du monde entier qui collabore ou se concurrencent. La race et la religion ne semblent pas des barrières au succès. A une exception près, la totale absence de femmes. Et Vivek Wadhwa de prendre l’exemple du Conseil d’administration de Twitter, exclusivement masculin, soit disant parce que son président, n’aurait pas trouvé de femmes digne (...)


    • On the surface, Silicon Valley looks like the perfect meritocracy. Half its startups are founded by immigrants. You see people from all over the world collaborating and competing. And race and religion are no barriers to success.

      But (...) with a couple of notable exceptions, women are rarely found in the executive ranks of tech companies. The Valley’s echo chamber—what I call the “mafia”—is oblivious to criticism about this. It doesn’t seem to care about the imbalance.

      Note the #Twitter IPO filing. It shows that all of its board members are #male, as are all of its executives—other than one lawyer whom the company added a few weeks ago—and all of its investors.


      a common behavior in Silicon Valley, where power brokers proudly tout their “pattern recognition” capabilities. They believe they know a successful entrepreneur, engineer, or business executive when they see one. Sadly, the pattern is always a Mark Zuckerberg, Marc Andreessen, Jeff Bezos—or themselves. Nerdy white males.

      To me, pattern recognition is a code name for sexism and racism. It must end.