• Ukraine : quand je lis la phrase ci-dessous, ça me donne instantanément envie d’aller voir l’article de RT sur le sujet…

    Un mouvement épidermique et spontané qui bouscule l’échiquier politique

    Ce mouvement de protestation est spontané, épidermique. Beaucoup de jeunes dans la rue n’ont aucune mémoire de l’Ukraine communiste. Leur exaspération est due à l’inertie qui paralyse leur pays. Mais en l’absence de leaders, il n’est pas dit que leur mobilisation se maintiendra sur la durée.

    Évidemment, ça ne loupe pas…
    Thousands of protesters block govt HQ in Kiev — RT News

    But the fact that some European politicians are getting involved directly in the protests in Ukraine, and are calling for a revolution and a regime change in the country “is the most egregious violation of the UN Charter and international law, violation of sovereignty and noninterference into domestic affairs of other states,” Mark Sleboda, professor of international relations at Moscow State University, speaking to RT.

    RT va même chercher un distingué britannique d’Oxford…

    “We should be careful about attributing what’s going on to the majority of people in Ukraine. I suspect that the tragedy of Ukraine is that the great majority of people is rather passive and certainly rather disillusioned about politics on both sides,” Mark Almond, professor of history at Oxford University told RT. In the end the minority groups of nationalists supported from the EU might succeed in creating a really volatile situation, which would question “whether Ukraine is viable as a state”, Almond warned.

    Il est vrai que l’intéressé, Mark Almond, a de la suite dans les idées puisqu’il répète cela depuis bientôt 10 ans (article du 7/12/04)

    Mark Almond | World news | The Guardian

    The Ukraine street protests have followed a pattern of western orchestration set in the 80s. I know - I was a cold war bagman
    The hangover from People Power is shock therapy . Each successive crowd is sold a multimedia vision of Euro-Atlantic prosperity by western-funded “independent” media to get them on the streets. No one dwells on the mass unemployment, rampant insider dealing, growth of organised crime, prostitution and soaring death rates in successful People Power states.