
  • Shipwreck Was Simple Murder, Migrants Recall

    VALLETTA, Malta — On the last morning, only four of the survivors remained. Two sets of Palestinian brothers, exhausted and adrift in the Mediterranean beneath a blazing white sun. The Awadallah brothers were delirious. Mohammed saw vampires rising from the waves. Ibrahim kept removing his life jacket, imagining himself at home in Gaza, changing his clothes.


    #migration #asile #réfugiés #Malte #Méditerranée #mourir_en_mer

  • Ukraine: Widespread Use of Cluster Munitions | Human Rights Watch

    Ukrainian government forces used cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city in early October 2014, Human Rights Watch said today. The use of cluster munitions in populated areas violates the laws of war due to the indiscriminate nature of the weapon and may amount to war crimes.

    During a week-long investigation in eastern Ukraine, Human Rights Watch documented widespread use of cluster munitions in fighting between government forces and pro-Russian rebels in more than a dozen urban and rural locations. While it was not possible to conclusively determine responsibility for many of the attacks, the evidence points to Ukrainian government forces’ responsibility for several cluster munition attacks on Donetsk. An employee of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was killed on October 2 in an attack on Donetsk that included use of cluster munition rockets.

    Remnants of a misfired Uragan cluster munition rocket lying in a field in territory controlled by the Ukrainian government near Novomykhailivka, Ukraine on October 14, 2014.
    © 2014 Ole Solvang/Human Rights Watch

  • Cuba’s Impressive Role on #Ebola

    #Cuba is an impoverished island that remains largely cut off from the world and lies about 4,500 miles from the West African nations where Ebola is spreading at an alarming rate. Yet, having pledged to deploy hundreds of medical professionals to the front lines of the pandemic, Cuba stands to play the most robust role among the nations seeking to contain the virus.


  • Ankara aiderait les combattants kurdes d’Irak à atteindre Kobané

    Il s’agit de Kurdes irakiens venus donner un coup de main militaire, mais pas en tapis volant. Donc... un petit pas de plus pour les Turcs qui les ont laissés passer avec armes et bagages, c’est le cas de le dire. Un petit pas vers un engagement militaire dont ils ne veulent pas mais qui se rapproche chaque jour un peu plus... Pour Rai al-youm (http://www.raialyoum.com/?p=168097), les pressions US ont fonctionné, et la Turquie est assez empêtrée dans ses contradictions.

    • http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/us-drops-weapons-aid-to-kurds-fighting-islamic-state-in-syria/2014/10/20/2f1ed41c-5801-11e4-b812-38518ae74c67_story.html

      For its part, the main Syrian Kurdish party, the Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD), is wary that its power could be undermined by allowing the more politically connected Iraqi Kurds, who maintain close ties with the West and relatively good relations with Turkey, to join their fight.

      Idriss Nasaan, a spokesman for the Kobane Kurds, said the Iraqi Kurdish fighters will be welcome only if they “agree to fight under the command” of the local leadership.


      Although Turkish media reported that the movement of the Iraqi forces into Kobane had already begun, U.S. officials said they expected the next 24 hours to be decisive in reaching a firm agreement among all parties, including the Syrian Kurds.


      The decision to permit fighters aligned with different Iraqi Kurdish factions — groups that are aligned with Turkey — to join the battle in Kobani allows Mr. Erdogan to maintain his stance against the P.K.K. while addressing some of the criticism of his policy.

      “Opening a passage for the pesh merga creates the impression that Turkey has changed its stance, and is on board with the coalition against ISIS,” said Halil M. Karaveli, an expert on Turkey and a senior fellow at the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute in Stockholm. “But this move is actually in Turkey’s own interests.” Mr. Karaveli said the pesh merga would counterbalance the Kurdish groups in Kobani that Turkey opposes.

    • Kobane : où sont passés les renforts kurdes annoncés ?

      « Y a-t-il quelqu’un qui comprend le jeu du gouvernement turc ? », se demande l’influent éditorialiste Murat Yetkin du journal Radikal ce mercredi matin 22 octobre. Toute la presse turque se pose la même question : « où sont ces peshmergas, sont-ils même passés ? », dans la foulée de ceux qui affirment qu’ils auraient pu rejoindre Kobane.

      Les Kurdes d’Irak vont envoyer des renforts à Kobané

      Kobané devrait toutefois bientôt se voir envoyer des renforts de combattants kurdes irakiens puisque le Parlement du Kurdistan irakien a approuvé, mercredi, l’envoi de pershmergas.

      Aucune indication n’a été donnée sur le nombre de peshmergas qui pourraient être déployés et le délai pour qu’ils rejoignent la ville assiégée. L’opération de soutien a été placée sous le patronage de Massoud Barzani, le président du gouvernement régional du Kurdistan d’Irak, le meilleur allié d’Ankara dans la région.

    • Un choix de titre farfelu,

      Kobane : les Kurdes syriens vont recevoir le renfort de l’Armée libre syrienne

      Les combattants kurdes qui défendent la ville syrienne de Kobané assiégée par les djihadistes vont recevoir le renfort de 1.300 hommes de l’Armée syrienne libre (ASL, opposition modérée), a affirmé vendredi le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

      « Le PYD (Parti de l’union démocratique, le principal parti kurde syrien) a accepté (le renfort de) 1.300 hommes de l’ASL, ils sont en pourparlers pour définir le chemin par où ils passeront », a déclaré M. Erdogan à Tallinn lors d’une conférence de presse conjointe avec son homologue estonien Toomas Hendrik Ilves.

      Dans un entretien accordé vendredi à l’agence de presse kurde Firatnews, le chef du PYD Saleh Muslim a cependant catégoriquement démenti le chef de l’État turc.

      « Ce n’est pas vrai. Il n’existe aucune déclaration de l’Armée syrienne libre sur un tel accord », a assuré M. Muslim, qui a accusé la Turquie de « vouloir créer la confusion ».

      Lors de sa conférence de presse, M. Erdogan a également précisé que, finalement, seuls 150 combattants kurdes irakiens, les peshmergas, devraient rejoindre Kobané (Aïn al-Arab en langue arabe) en passant par le territoire turc.

      « Je viens d’être informé que le nombre de peshmergas a été réduit à 150 », a-t-il indiqué, après avoir annoncé la veille que ces combattants seraient 200.

      Les autorités turques ont annoncé lundi qu’elles autorisaient le passage par leur sol de renforts de peshmergas irakiens à destination de Kobané, située à quelques kilomètres à peine de la frontière turque.

      « Comme vous le savez, nous nous sommes mis d’accord dans nos discussions avec (le président américain Barack) Obama pour que l’ASL soit notre premier choix (pour des renforts à Kobané) et les peshmergas le second », a expliqué M. Erdogan.

      Les Kurdes syriens accueillent avec scepticisme un renfort rebelle à Kobané

      Les Kurdes syriens ont accueilli vendredi avec scepticisme l’annonce par le président turc de l’envoi par l’Armée syrienne libre (ALS) de 1.300 rebelles pour les aider à défendre Kobané contre les jihadistes de l’Etat islamique (EI).

      Deux hauts responsables syriens kurdes, interrogés par l’AFP, ont souligné qu’il serait plus utile que les rebelles syriens ouvrent de nouveaux fronts contre le groupe extrémiste sunnite ailleurs en Syrie.

      Lors d’un déplacement à Tallinn, le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a annoncé que « le PYD (Parti de l’union démocratique, le principal parti kurde syrien) avait accepté (le renfort de) 1.300 hommes de l’ASL ».

      La veille, un commandant rebelle syrien, le colonel Abdel Jabbar al-Okaidi, ancien de la direction de l’ASL, affirmait à la chaîne Al-Jazeera que ses troupes « se rendraient à Aïn al-Arab (Kobané en arabe, ndlr) dans les prochaines 36 heures », en passant par la frontière turque.

      « Comment la Turquie peut-elle coordonner un parti qu’elle accuse de terrorisme ? », s’est interrogée le porte-parole du PYD en Europe, Nawaf Khalil.

      Il a par ailleurs reproché à la Turquie ne pas avoir rejoint d’un point de vue militaire la coalition internationale, qui mène depuis un mois des frappes contre des positions de l’EI en Syrie. « Si la Turquie voulait vraiment combattre le terrorisme (de l’EI), elle rejoindrait la coalition arabo-occidentale », a estimé M. Khalil.

      Selon lui, il serait par ailleurs plus utile aux forces kurdes que les rebelles ouvrent d’autres fronts dans le pays, plutôt que de venir les aider à Kobané.

      « Nous n’avons aucun problème avec l’ASL, qui combat pour la liberté et la démocratie et qui respecte la volonté du peuple kurde (...), mais en ce qui concerne (Okaidi) qui se rend à Erdogan (...), nous ne l’autoriserons pas à jouer le rôle d’un cheval de Troie, en mettant en place les politiques et plans fous d’Erdogan », a affirmé le porte-parole les milices kurdes des Unités de protection du peuple (YPG), Bulat Jan. « S’ils veulent vraiment combattre l’EI, ils peuvent attaquer (les jihadistes) depuis Azaz et Afrine en direction de l’est » et aussi ouvrir des fronts dans le nord de la Syrie, à Al-Bab, Minbej et Jaraboulous, a indiqué M. Jan.

  • Conflict Uncovers a Ukrainian Identity Crisis Over Deep Russian Roots - NYTimes.com

    For Bulgakov, Ukrainian independence was something between a joke and a tragedy,” said [Volodymyr Fedorin, the Moscow-educated former editor of Forbes Ukraine].

    Intéressant article sur la problématique identité ukrainienne, à l’occasion de la censure d’une série télé basée sur La Garde Blanche, de Mikhaïl #Boulgakov.

  • Zephyr Teachout’s ‘#Corruption in America’

    You have probably heard pundits say we are living in an age of “legalized bribery”; “Corruption in America” is the book that makes their case in careful detail.


    #Corporations now possess the rights that the founders reserved for citizens, and as Teachout explains, what used to be called “corruption becomes democratic responsiveness.”


    Teachout gives us a long and savory chapter on the legal history of lobbying. Once upon a time, #lobbying was regarded as obviously perfidious (...)

    #démocratie #Etats-Unis #leadership #corruption_légale

    • #Lobbying Used to Be Illegal: A Review of Zephyr Teachout’s New Book on the Secret History of #Corruption in America

      (Novembre 2014)

      Teachout points out something fairly obvious, but not recognized today — the theoretical underpinning of the American revolution was that a corrupt government had no legitimacy to govern. This is something the founders well recognized. The debates they had — Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Washington, Hamilton, and people in the culture at large — reflected a divide between political philosophers Thomas #Hobbes versus Baron de #Montesquieu. Hobbes’s vision, echoed today among the Chicago school’s law and economics scholars, was that corruption as a concept made no sense. Life was a brutal competition among selfish actors. In such a paradigm, a revolution would simply be a question of raw power, rather than any set of principles.

      The founders roundly repudiated this view, adopting Montesquieu’s arguments that there is such a thing as a public interest and that people could orient themselves around it given sufficient personal virtue and adequate structural incentives to do so. Montesquieu is best-known for his promotion of the concept of different branches of government, but that concept came from his moral view of human nature. Teachout shows that questions of bribery were fairly insignificant in the dialogue over the structure of the new republic, whereas anti-corruption as a Montesquieu-influenced deliberative design principle was the key animator of the shaping of the country.


  • L’armée israélienne accusée d’avoir tué un nouvel adolescent, Bahaa Bader 13 ans, près de Ramallah - NYTimes.com


    The Israeli military said it would immediately investigate reports that soldiers killed a 13-year-old Palestinian on Thursday night during a confrontation in a village near the West Bank city of Ramallah.

    The boy, Bahaa Sameer Mousa Bader, was shot once in the chest and died 20 minutes after arriving at the hospital, said Dr. Sameer Saliba of the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.

    An Israeli military spokeswoman said the soldiers had entered Beit Liqya, a village of 8,000 near the barrier that separates most of the West Bank from Israel, to stop people from hurling rocks at the barrier. The spokeswoman, speaking on the condition of anonymity under military protocol, said the troops had responded with live ammunition when residents threw firebombs at them as they were leaving the area.

    Ehab Bessaiso, a spokesman for the Palestinian Authority, condemned the killing “with all means,” saying in an interview that “the accumulation of incidents like this is undermining all efforts towards achieving a political solution, and in fact is contributing to instability in the region.”

    The Palestine Liberation Organization said Bahaa was the 53rd Palestinian killed by Israeli forces or settlers in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem this year, including several teenagers whose deaths set off protests in the streets and outcries abroad.
    Last month, Mohamed Sinokrot, 15, was killed by what a Palestinian doctor determined in an autopsy to have been a sponge-covered police bullet that hit his head during a clash in East Jerusalem. In May, Nadeem Siam Nawara, 17, and Mohammad Mahmoud Odeh Salameh, 16, were shot during a protest on Nakba Day, which commemorates the Palestinian expulsion from the land that became Israel in 1948.

    The Israeli military has not released results of a promised investigation into the Nakba Day shootings. A Palestinian doctor said the youths had been killed by live ammunition, though soldiers supposedly did not fire any.

    “We have never seen a serious investigation by the Israeli Army into incidents like this,” Mr. Bessaiso said. Of Thursday’s fatal encounter, he added, “There would have been different alternative methods in order to prevent such a tragic incident, but I think that Israeli soldiers, they show carelessness about Palestinian lives.”

    The military spokeswoman said events unfolded between 8 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Israel time. (Clocks in the West Bank are currently set an hour behind Israel time.) She would not say how large a crowd the soldiers had faced in Beit Liqya, or how many had thrown stones or firebombs.

    Palestinian news and social media sites reported that firebombs had hit an army vehicle and set it aflame.

    “There was a violent riot in Beit Liqya,” the military spokeswoman said. “They responded to the threat with live fire.”

    Dr. Saliba said Bahaa arrived around 7:25 p.m. Palestinian time in critical condition, a bullet having entered his chest on the left side and exited on the right. “The heart muscle wasn’t operating,” he said. “The bleeding never stopped.”

  • C.I.A. Study of Covert Aid Fueled Skepticism About Helping Syrian Rebels - NYTimes.com

    The Central Intelligence Agency has run guns to insurgencies across the world during its 67-year history — from Angola to Nicaragua to Cuba. The continuing C.I.A. effort to train Syrian rebels is just the latest example of an American president becoming enticed by the prospect of using the spy agency to covertly arm and train rebel groups.

    An internal C.I.A. study has found that it rarely works.

  • C.I.A. Study of Covert Aid Fueled Skepticism About Helping Syrian Rebels

    WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency has run guns to insurgencies across the world during its 67-year history — from Angola to Nicaragua to Cuba. The continuing C.I.A. effort to train Syrian rebels is just the latest example of an American president becoming enticed by the prospect of using the spy agency to covertly arm and train rebel groups.

    An internal C.I.A. study has found that it rarely works.

    The still-classified review, one of several C.I.A. studies commissioned in 2012 and 2013 in the midst of the Obama administration’s protracted debate about whether to wade into the Syrian civil war, concluded that many past attempts by the agency to arm foreign forces covertly had a minimal impact on the long-term outcome of a conflict. They were even less effective, the report found, when the militias fought without any direct American support on the ground.

    The findings of the study, described in recent weeks by current and former American government officials, were presented in the White House Situation Room and led to deep skepticism among some senior Obama administration officials about the wisdom of arming and training members of a fractured Syrian opposition.


    Arming foreign forces has been central to the C.I.A.’s mission from its founding, and was a staple of American efforts to wage proxy battles against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The first such operation was in 1947, the year of the agency’s creation, when President Harry S. Truman ordered millions of dollars’ worth of guns and ammunition sent to Greece to help put down a Communist insurgency there. In a speech before Congress in March of that year, Mr. Truman said the fall of Greece could destabilize neighboring Turkey, and “disorder might well spread throughout the entire Middle East.”

  • Quand les États-Unis envoyaient des milliards de dollars en liquide en Irak, sans pouvoir trop justifier à quoi servait cet argent dont une importante partie a « disparu ». Investigation Into Missing Iraqi Cash Ended in Lebanon Bunker

    Mr. Bowen said that Brick Tracker, his office’s most sensitive investigation, began in 2010 when Wael el-Zein, a Lebanese-American on his staff, received a tip about stolen money hidden in Lebanon. An informant told him about the bunker, which in addition to the cash, was believed to also have held approximately $200 million in gold belonging to the Iraqi government.

    But by this time, official Washington had long since forgotten about the flights from Andrews. The C.I.A. expressed little interest in pursuing the matter, and the F.B.I. said it lacked jurisdiction, Mr. Bowen recalled. And when Mr. Bowen and his staff tried to conduct an investigation of the missing cash in Lebanon, they also met with resistance from the United States Embassy in Beirut.

    Mr. Bowen was not allowed to travel to Lebanon on official business. Two of his investigators who did travel to Lebanon were denied permission from the embassy to see the bunker themselves because it was too dangerous. When Mr. Bowen’s staff members met in Beirut with Lebanon’s prosecutor general, Said Mirza, he initially agreed to cooperate on an investigation, but later decided against it.

    Cette histoire de « bunker secret au Liban » sent vraiment le coup tordu (dans un sens ou dans l’autre). L’article ne tente à aucun moment de dire à qui pourrait appartenir ce bunker, ni même qui contrôle la zone en question, ce qui est très étrange.

    • On sait au moins où est partie une partie de l’argent en 2006,

      US in secret gun deal

      The Pentagon has secretly shipped tens of thousands of small arms from Bosnia to Iraq in the past two years, using a web of private companies, at least one of which is a noted arms smuggler blacklisted by Washington and the UN.

      According to a report by Amnesty International, which investigated the sales, the US government arranged for the delivery of at least 200,000 Kalashnikov machine guns from Bosnia to Iraq in 2004-05. But though the weaponry was said to be for arming the fledgling Iraqi military, there is no evidence of the guns reaching their recipient.

      Senior western officials in the Balkans fear that some of the guns may have fallen into the wrong hands.

      A Nato official described the trade as the largest arms shipments from Bosnia since the second world war.

      The official told Amnesty: “Nato has no way of monitoring the shipments once they leave Bosnia. There is no tracking mechanism to ensure they do not fall into the wrong hands. There are concerns that some of the weapons may have been siphoned off.”

      European administrators in Bosnia, as well as NGOs working to oversee the stockpiling and destruction of weapons from the Bosnian war of the 1990s, are furious that the Pentagon’s covert arms-to-Iraq programme has undermined the disarmament project.

      “It’s difficult to persuade people to destroy weapons when they’re all holding back and waiting for Uncle Sam to arrive with a fistful of dollars,” said Adrian Wilkinson, a former British officer overseeing a UN disarmament programme in former Yugoslavia.

      The international administration running Bosnia repeatedly sought to impose an arms export moratorium, but under US pressure it was suspended several times to enable the arms shipments to go ahead. The British government is funding a programme to destroy 250,000 small arms, a legacy of the Bosnian war, but the project is faltering because people are reluctant to surrender weapons that might mean money.

      Nato and European officials confirm there is nothing illegal about the Bosnian government or the Pentagon taking arms to Iraq; the problem is one of transparency and the way the arms deals have been conducted.

      “There are Swiss, US and UK companies involved. The deal was organised through the embassies [in Bosnia] and the military attaché offices were involved. The idea was to get the weapons out of Bosnia where they pose a threat and to Iraq where they are needed,” the Nato official said.

      Mr Wilkinson said: “The problem is we haven’t seen the end user.”

      A complex web of private firms, arms brokers and freight firms, was behind the transfer of the guns, as well as millions of rounds of ammunition, to Iraq at “bargain basement prices”, according to Hugh Griffiths, Amnesty’s investigator.

      The Moldovan air firm which flew the cargo out of a US air base at Tuzla, north-east Bosnia, was flying without a licence. The firm, Aerocom, named in a 2003 UN investigation of the diamonds-for-guns trade in Liberia and Sierra Leone, is now defunct, but its assets and aircraft are registered with another Moldovan firm, Jet Line International.

      Some of the firms used in the Pentagon sponsored deals were also engaged in illegal arms shipments from Serbia and Bosnia to Liberia and to Saddam Hussein four years ago.

      “The sale, purchase, transportation and storage of the [Bosnian] weapons has been handled entirely by a complex network of private arms brokers, freight forwarders and air cargo companies operating at times illegally and subject to little or no governmental regulation,” says the report.

      The 120-page Amnesty report, focusing on the risks from the privatisation of state-sponsored arms sales worldwide, says arms traffickers have adapted swiftly to globalisation, their prowess aided by governments and defence establishments farming out contracts.

      The US shipments were made over a year, from July 2004, via the American Eagle base at Tuzla, and the Croatian port of Ploce by the Bosnian border.

      Aerocom is said to have carried 99 tonnes of Bosnian weaponry, almost entirely Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifles, in four flights from the Eagle base in August 2004, even though, under pressure from the EU, the firm had just been stripped of its operating licence by the Moldovan government because of “safety and security concerns”. Amnesty said there was no available record of the guns reaching their destination.

      Mr Griffiths contacted the coalition authorities in Baghdad, who denied all knowledge of any weapons purchases from Bosnia. The contracts are said to have been arranged by the military attache of the time, at the US embassy in Sarajevo. Bosnian documentation named “coalition forces in Iraq” as the end users for five arms shipments.

      The Amnesty report says the command force in Iraq, the coalition group training Iraqi security forces, and the overseeing US general, had claimed “not to have ... received any weapons from Bosnia,” the report says. Mr Wilkinson said: “What are the control mechanisms? How is it all verified?”

      The fate of the arms cargo appears to have been buried in the miasma of contracting and subcontracting that have characterised the deals.

      The Pentagon commissioned the US security firms Taos and CACI - which is known for its involvement in the Abu Ghraib prison controversy in Iraq - to orchestrate the arms purchases and shipments. They, in turn, subcontracted to a welter of firms, brokers, and shippers, involving businesses based in Britain, Switzerland, Croatia, Moldova, and Bosnia.

      “The [Pentagon] and its principal US contractor, Taos, appear to have no effective systems to ensure that their contractors and subcontractors do not use firms that violate UN embargos and also do not use air cargo firms for arms deliveries that have no valid air operating certificates,” Amnesty said.

      Global traffic in weapons
      A Dutch timber trader is in custody in Rotterdam awaiting trial on charges of complicity in crimes against humanity. Guus van Kouwenhoven was arrested last year, suspected of brokering the supply of large quantities of arms to Liberia from China in breach of a UN arms embargo.

      The case is the first instance of an alleged arms trader facing trial accused of war crimes on an international scale.

      For Amnesty International, the Dutch case highlights the risks emerging from the flourishing trade in largely state-sponsored arms deals where governments increasingly farm out the business to the private sector, which includes brokers, arms dealers, freight companies and shippers.

      The Amnesty study points out that 35 of the world’s wealthiest countries are responsible for at least 90% of the world’s arms trade.

      Since the end of the cold war there have been at least 50 armed conflicts worldwide, mostly in poor, “developing”, countries, while the arms supplies and money fuelling these conflicts stem largely from wealthy countries.

      National and international law is failing to keep up with the globalisation of the arms trade. Arms traffickers are prime beneficiaries of government-to-government business as military industries are increasingly “outsourced”.

      The Amnesty International UK director, Kate Allen, said: “Arms brokers and transporters have helped deliver the weapons used to commit human rights abuses all over the world. Yet only 35 states have laws to regulate brokers. Countries need to get tough ... we need an arms trade treaty to bring the whole industry under controls. The trade is out of control and costing hundreds of thousands of lives every year.”

  • #MH17 Victim Found Wearing Oxygen Mask

    Dutch prosecutors have confirmed the body of a passenger on the Malaysian airliner that crashed in July in eastern Ukraine was found wearing an oxygen mask.

    The prosecutors said the victim of the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was Australian. Forensic experts have tested the mask for fingerprints, saliva and DNA, but the tests yielded no results.

    The discovery of the oxygen mask was made public late Wednesday by Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans, raising speculation some passengers may have been aware the plane was in trouble.

    Étrange conclusion : si les passagers portaient les masques, c’est vraisemblablement parce qu’ils étaient descendus de leurs logements,…
    et s’ils étaient descendus (automatiquement) de leurs logements, c’est que l’avion avait subi une dépressurisation…

    La désintégration en vol n’aurait donc pas été instantanée ?

    • Les Échos tirent les conclusions

      Vol MH17 : polémique aux Pays-Bas autour des circonstances réelles du crash, Tourisme - Transport

      Si la présence de ce masque à oxygène se confirme, cela contredirait le premier rapport officiel relatif à la catastrophe.

      Publié en septembre dernier, celui-ci laisse en effet entendre que selon toute vraisemblance, les personnes à bord de l’appareil auraient immédiatement perdu conscience après la dépressurisation de l’appareil liée à l’impact d’un ou plusieurs projectiles.
      Selon ces mêmes experts, l’avion se serait désintégré en plein vol, du fait des « dommages structurels provoqués par l’impact extérieur de nombreux projectiles à haute énergie ».

    • Le Monde ne va pas jusque là et reste dans l’émotionnel

      Des passagers conscients lors du crash du MH17 ?

      L’un des passagers du vol MH17 qui s’était écrasé en Ukraine en juillet a été découvert portant un masque à oxygène, a indiqué, mercredi 8 octobre, Frans Timmermans, le ministre des affaires étrangères néerlandais. Sur les 298 personnes, dont 193 ressortissants néerlandais, que transportait l’avion, seules 225 ont pu être identifiées.
      Mimant le fait de tirer vers soi un masque à oxygène du plafond de l’appareil, il a affirmé sur le plateau d’une émission télévisée que le passager « avait eu le temps de faire cela ». Il répondait à une remarque du présentateur affirmant que les derniers moments des passagers n’étaient pas tels que suggérés par le ministre lors de son discours aux Nations unies.

      EDIT : en tous cas, pas passé en une du journal, juste dans les brèves du « En continu »…

    • Le plus dingue, dans l’affaire, c’est le filtre mis sur l’info qui est connue des initiés depuis sans doute fin juillet et la récupération des corps. Censure ? Ce n’était pas franchement caché, mais pas (du tout) diffusé. Et ne le serait pas sans la gaffe de Timmermans qui dit avoir été bouleversé et a transmis son émotion.

      Relatives of the Australian passenger were informed about the mask immediately after it was discovered, but relatives of other victims heard about it for the first time during Timmermans’ television interview.

    • Les contre-feux,…

      Dutch Official Criticized for Disclosure About Malaysian Plane Crash in Ukraine - NYTimes.com

      Once the victim was identified, Mr. de Bruin [a spokesman for the Dutch national prosecutor’s office] said, investigators informed his next of kin, but withheld the information about the mask from the public while they sought further evidence that might help explain the discovery.

      We did not make it public because we are still investigating the circumstances and its significance,” Mr. de Bruin said.

      et, évidemment,

      Evidence tampering, Professor Bibel said, “could also be an explanation.

      Dernière phrase de l’article,…


  • Egypte « La répression est pire que durant les périodes les plus sombres du règne Moubarak » : le NYT remet en cause l’aide militaire de 1,3 milliard de dollars versée annuellement sans conditions par les États-Unis


    Egyptian leaders have come to see the annual $1.3 billion American military aid package as an entitlement they are due in perpetuity for having signed a peace agreement with Israel in 1979. The United States has done little to disabuse them of that notion. It’s time it does. Failing to make significant cuts to the program later this year, when the Obama administration will confront tough choices regarding Egypt’s future, would be indefensible. Since Abdel Fattah el-Sisi took control in Egypt though a military coup in July 2013, the country has returned to its authoritarian moorings by jailing political opponents, silencing critics and vilifying peaceful Islamists.

    In the coming months, however, the administration will have two opportunities to correct its course and signal that it can no longer condone brutality.

    First, Washington must stop allowing Egypt to place military hardware orders under a preferential system called cash flow finance. Available only to Israel and Egypt, the mechanism works much like a credit card, permitting the countries to place orders under the assumption that Congress will eventually appropriate enough funds to cover them. It will take years to wean Egypt off cash flow finance, since orders can take years to process, but doing so now will help untangle contractual and legislative knots in the future.

    Second, Secretary of State John Kerry has to certify to Congress that Egypt is on a path to democracy as a condition for delivering several items of military aid that are in the pipeline. Congress insisted on such certification when it appropriated Egypt’s military aid package last year. Failing to do so by the end of the year would halt the delivery of roughly $650 million worth of American tanks and fighter planes. The only reasonable answer from Mr. Kerry is no.

    Egypt values American military hardware, and continued cooperation is in the interest of both countries. The onus is on Cairo to earn it.

  • Literary Lions Unite in Protest Over Amazon’s E-Book Tactics - NYTimes.com

    Few if any are published by Hachette. And they have goals far broader than freeing up the Hachette titles. They want the Justice Department to investigate Amazon for illegal monopoly tactics.

    They also want to highlight the issue being debated endlessly and furiously on writers’ blogs: What are the rights and responsibilities of a company that sells half the books in America and controls the dominant e-book platform?

    Amazon fait des choix politiques, et se sert de son monopole pour cela

    Take, for instance, the different treatment Amazon has given two new Hachette books on political themes.

    “Sons of Wichita” by Daniel Schulman, a writer for Mother Jones magazine, came out in May. Amazon initially discounted the book, a well-received biography of the conservative Koch brothers, by 10 percent, according to a price-tracking service. Now it does not discount it at all. It takes as long as three weeks to ship.

    “The Way Forward: Renewing the American Idea” by Representative Paul Ryan has no such constraints, an unusual position these days for a new Hachette book.

    Amazon refused to take advance orders for “The Way Forward,” as it does with all new Hachette titles. But once the book was on sale, it was consistently discounted by about 25 percent. There is no shipping delay. Not surprisingly, it has a much higher sales ranking on Amazon than “Sons of Wichita.”

    Ursula Le Guin n’hésite pas à parler de censure

    “We’re talking about censorship: deliberately making a book hard or impossible to get, ‘disappearing’ an author,” Ms. Le Guin wrote in an email. “Governments use censorship for moral and political ends, justifiable or not. Amazon is using censorship to gain total market control so they can dictate to publishers what they can publish, to authors what they can write, to readers what they can buy. This is more than unjustifiable, it is intolerable.”

  • Use of Ebola Survivors’ Blood as Possible Treatment Gains Support - NYTimes.com


    With no proven drugs to treat Ebola and experimental ones in short supply, the health authorities are planning to turn instead to a treatment that is literally walking around in the outbreak zone in West Africa.

    That would be the blood of people who have been sickened by the Ebola virus but have since recovered. Their blood should contain antibodies that might help other patients fight off the infection.


  • Under Pact, Russians to Give Gas to Ukraine - NYTimes.com

    Under Friday’s deal, which Moscow and Kiev are expected to approve by next week, Ukraine would pay Russia $3.1 billion toward its outstanding bill, in two separate installments by the end of the year. In exchange, Gazprom will ensure that at least 5 billion cubic meters of gas are supplied to Ukraine from October to March at the set price of $385 per 1,000 cubic meters, which must be prepaid before delivery.

    Mr. Oettinger said the European Union would guarantee a loan from the International Monetary Fund to help Ukraine meet its debt payments. The deal foresees an initial installment of $2 billion due by the end of October, with the outstanding $1.1 billion due by the end of December.

    “The details of the winter package are satisfactory,” Alexander Novak, Russia’s energy minister, told reporters. “I think a big step has been taken.”

    The urgency of reaching a deal was made clear hours before the talks concluded, when Hungary made a surprise announcement that it would not sell natural gas back to Ukraine that it had obtained from Russia but did not need.

    En lien avec http://seenthis.net/messages/296699

  • Un accord #ISIS #Turquie avec la bénédiction des #Etats-Unis à #Kobane ?


    “Erdogan wants to remove all the people from this land and wants to make it depopulated and Isis wants to kill all the people on the same land. Both parties want the same thing: one wants to kill the people and the other wants to remove them.

    “There’s no border anymore. (...)"


    The U.S. did not attack IS positions around the northern Syrian city Kobane where the IS is fighting against Kurdish militia in an attempt to open up a new logistic path for the IS to Turkey. Agreeing to this new logistic path was probably part of the price Turkey paid for recently getting its diplomats freed from IS internment.

  • FIFA’s #Sepp_Blatter Says #Corruption Report Will Remain #Secret - NYTimes.com

    The independent investigator who wrote the report, Michael J. Garcia, on Wednesday called for its “appropriate publication,” and several members of FIFA’s executive committee, including the U.S. Soccer president, Sunil Gulati, publicly expressed support this week for releasing Garcia’s findings in the interests of transparency.

    Gulati said Wednesday that he and other committee members would press Blatter and their colleagues to permit the report’s release during two days of meetings in Zurich. But in a clear rebuke to those who challenged his authority, Blatter said Friday that no one had raised the issue with the executive committee.
