US psychology body declines to rebuke member in Guantánamo torture case | World news


  • L’Association professionnelle des psychologues américains a refusé de sanctionner un de ses membres qui a participé à l’une des interrogations les plus brutales de Guantanamo | The Guardian

    « Qahtani a été hydratée de force par perfusion intraveineuse et empêché d’utiliser la salle de bain jusqu’à ce qu’il urine sur lui-même. Il a été soumis à de la musique à un volume élevé, et a été privé de sommeil à plusieurs reprises (...)
    Il a été demandé au suspect d’aboyer comme un chien. »

    America’s professional association of psychologists has quietly declined to rebuke one of its members, a retired US army reserve officer, for his role in one of the most brutal interrogations known to have to taken place at Guantánamo Bay.

    The decision not to pursue any disciplinary measure against John Leso, a former army reserve major, is the latest case in which someone involved in the post-9/11 torture of detainees has faced no legal or even professional consequences.


    But the APA did not deny Leso took part in the brutal interrogation of the suspected 20th 9/11 hijacker, Mohammed al-Qahtani, whose treatment the Pentagon official overseeing his military commission ultimately called “torture”.

    Leso was identified as “MAJ L” in a leaked log, published by Time magazine in 2005, of Qahtani’s marathon interrogation in November 2002. With Leso recorded as present for at least some of the session, Qahtani was forcibly hydrated through intravenous drips and prevented from using the bathroom until he urinated on himself, subjected to loud music, and repeatedly kept awake while being “told he can go to sleep when he tells the truth”. 

    At one point, Qahtani was instructed to bark like a dog.

  • US psychology body declines to rebuke member in Guantánamo torture case | World news |

    Complaint dropped against John Leso, involved in brutal interrogation of suspected 9/11 hijacker Mohammed al-Qahtani

    Leso was identified as “MAJ L” in a leaked log, published by Time magazine in 2005, of Qahtani’s marathon interrogation in November 2002. With Leso recorded as present for at least some of the session, Qahtani was forcibly hydrated through intravenous drips and prevented from using the bathroom until he urinated on himself, subjected to loud music, and repeatedly kept awake while being “told he can go to sleep when he tells the truth”.

    At one point, Qahtani was instructed to bark like a dog.