Israel demolishes Bedouin village of al-Araqib for the 66th time
J’y étais en décembre 2006, le village avait déjà été détruit 13 fois... Marion Lecoquierre y était en 2013, elle est revenue avec un très beau reportage qui sera publié très bientôt sur le nouveau site « Visions carto », l’occasion de faire un parallèle avec la situation en 2006 et celle de 2013.
66 fois, donc...
« Al Araqib en décembre 2006 » (tof : Reka)
« Al Araqib en décembre 2006 » (tof : Reka)
Israel demolishes Bedouin village al-Araqib for the 66th time
March 13, 2014
Israeli forces demolish Bedouin village in Negev for 66th time
BEERSHEBA (Ma‘an) 12 Mar — Israeli forces demolished the Bedouin village of al-Araqib for the 66th time on Wednesday, leaving dozens of people in the open despite heavy rains. A large number of Israeli police and bulldozers surrounded the village in the early morning and demolished all of the residential steel structures. “Israeli occupation forces raided the village at 6:15 a.m. and demolished its houses for the 66th time,” one of the residents, Aziz al-Touri, told Ma‘an. “Under such conditions and with this heavy rain and severe cold, we tell Israeli officials that what you did is a crime against humanity. But no matter what you do, we will never give up our right in al-Araqib, the land of our fathers and grandfathers.” Two days earlier, inspectors from the Israel Land Authority had entered the village to take pictures of steel houses erected by residents near a cemetery.