Le scandale qui secoue la police scientifique américaine, LeMonde.fr :


  • Technician called ’sole bad actor’ in Massachusetts drug lab debacle - CNN.com

    L’encadrement était juste mauvais mais pas méchant


    “Dookhan was the sole bad actor at the Drug Lab. Though many of the chemists worked alongside Dookhan for years, the OIG (Office of the Inspector General) found no evidence that any other chemist at the Drug Lab committed any malfeasance with respect to testing evidence or knowingly aided Dookhan in committing her malfeasance,” the report said.
    But the report didn’t stop short of blaming the unprecedented breach in confidence solely on Dookhan.
    “The directors were ill-suited to oversee a forensic drug lab, provided almost no supervision, were habitually unresponsive to chemists’ complaints and suspicions, and severely downplayed Dookhan’s major breach in chain-of-custody protocol upon discovering it,” according to the inspector general’s report.

    Rappel des faits et de la condamnation de l’intéressée en novembre 2013

    After Dookhan’s co-workers told state police her work might be unreliable, the state attorney general’s office began investigating the case in July 2012. The tampering called into question at least 40,000 cases going back to 2003 and, in some cases, may have wrongfully convicted the innocent.
    She was found guilty of multiple charges related to the case, including obstruction of justice, mishandling of drug evidence and lying about holding a master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Massachusetts. She was sentenced in November of last year to three to five years in prison.

    Pour l’encadrement…

    “The directors were ill-suited to oversee a forensic drug lab, provided almost no supervision, were habitually unresponsive to chemists’ complaints and suspicions, and severely downplayed Dookhan’s major breach in chain-of-custody protocol upon discovering it,” according to the inspector general’s report.

    Ah, tant qu’on y est : il y a aussi 2000 résultats de tests douteux dans lesquels elle n’est pas intervenue…

    In addition to the drug samples Dookhan mishandled, an additional 2,000 drug samples not handled by Dookhan were found to potentially contain “exculpatory evidence” to defendants in criminal cases because the drug lab failed to disclose “additional, inconsistent testing results,” the report said.

    À l’époque, http://seenthis.net/messages/93040 et http://seenthis.net/messages/93084. Dans ce dernier, @touti faisait déjà la comparaison avec le petit Kerviel auquel on pense instantanément à la lecture du rapport ci-dessus.