• Islamophobia: why do so many young men hate Muslims? - Telegraph

    ... having been inundated with responses on Twitter, I gallantly fought my way through bad spelling and grammar, to try to gauge what had made these people feel so strongly about Muslims. What was surprising was how young many (but by no means all) of them were. Many were clearly only in their 20’s - the ’War on Terror’ generation. They were teenagers when the Twin Towers fell, old enough to be aware of what had happened, and they have been bought up on a steady stream of anti-Muslim sentiment ever since. They have never been presented with an alternative narrative.
    Intrigued, I asked many of them why the fact that women were being attacked on our streets didn’t horrify them.

    “It’s their treatment of women,” one man quickly replied to me. I think he meant that because he perceived as Islam as treating women badly – all other Islamophobic attacks against women were warranted. Right…

    I then took the time to scroll through the timeline of this ardent feminist and saw how he treated the women that he had previously interacted with on Twitter. He had tweeted photos of women that would make the editors of a lads’ magazine beam with pride. In one of his tweets he told a woman he’d like to “put a cucumber up her” and then slap her around. And who said romance was dead?! He told another, who had spurned his advances, that she was “at best a drunken shag, only known coz of being a slut”.

    #islamophobie #islamophobes#féministes#MSM