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  • In Italy, Tourism Is a Cash Cow for a Rentier Class

    Le sort de Venise est aussi sombre et puant que le plan d’introduction de Trouble In Paradise d’Ernst Lubitsch (1932 voire en bas) .

    9.12.2024 by Gabriele Di Donfrancesco - A recent strike by beach operators prompted ridicule in Italy, where they are widely seen as a protected group that lives off rents from public land. Their lobbying power reflects not just Italy’s reliance on tourism but the narrow interests it benefits.

    One sweltering hot morning in early August, Italian beach operators organized a two-hour “strike.” The demand: a pathetic attempt to reassert their generational right to occupy public coasts well past their due date.

    Italian law dictates that the concessions allowing them to monetize the coastline can last up to twelve years. The reality is that they can last some decades longer. The strike owed to proprietors’ fears that premier Giorgia Meloni would finally give in to European and Italian antitrust authorities, which have for years been calling for new tenders and renewed access to public land. But the worries were overblown: the Italian government and the EU eventually agreed to extend the current concessions up to 2027 (making them as long as two decades).

    These rentiers’ position offers a striking example of how tourism is oftentimes an economy benefiting a happy few. The concessionaires generate profit from their passive, de facto ownership of a public good, making it inaccessible to locals in exchange for low-income low-skilled jobs. This also offers a poor tax take, as beach operators often pay very little to the state for the occupation of public land.

    Given the beach operators’ well-known privileges — and prices reaching €100 a day in some locations — their complaints were met with mostly amused responses. The strike stopped people from making it to the beach as late as 9:30 a.m. — but who hits the sand so early anyway? Activists from the Partito Radicale promoting free beach access surely caused more disruption by taking over beach clubs with their parasols, asserting the constitutional right to the land.

    But beach operators have allies in high places. This government’s other stances helping out the business include refusing a minimum wage and shielding Airbnb and similar platforms from restrictions. It even denied support to city councils that did try to impose a limit on new tourist rentals, practically condemning such moves to failure. It instead promoted a national code to survey short-term rentals for fiscal reasons and to curb illegal tourist rentals, though critics argue that this won’t stop the current hijacking of the housing market by tourism. It’s part of a catalog of stances serving the interests of the tourism sector — or rather, those who profit from it.
    Defending the Happy Few

    Still, it’s also clear that beach operators have enjoyed a (nearly) inexplicable favoritism from all recent Italian governments. They have escaped any revision of their concessions for some fifteen years, while benefitting for generations from illegal, Mob-like ownership of public beaches. They are also well-represented in the Meloni government, as Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè is herself a former beach club owner.

    Soon after taking office in 2022, Meloni’s right-wing coalition postponed the call for tenders up to December 2024. The decree was soon ruled unlawful by the Council of State. But with the new decision to extend concessions, and a call for tenders not past 2028, the government might escape a pending — and expensive — EU infringement procedure for defying the EU’s free-market laws, known as the Bolkestein directive.

    The beach operators dispute shows that government support for the tourist sector is not popular. According to polls, 49 percent of Italians favor measures limiting tourism tout court, against 38 percent opposed. It is not as if most Italians benefit: most of them can no longer afford a vacation even in Italy itself, while the number of foreign tourists is rising, and tourism is contributing to increased rent and housing prices in most cities.

    Notwithstanding its rhetoric, the government has not practically addressed the consequences of overtourism. Instead, the recent G7 summit in the Southern Italian region of Apulia was a sign of Meloni’s vision of the future: a Disneyland-like haven for luxury mass tourism where other sectors of the economy have died out.

    Meloni hosted the world leaders in Borgo Egnazia, a five-star holiday resort opened in 2010 and built to resemble a traditional Apulian village, with white stone houses, olive tree gardens, and cobblestone piazzas. Ironically, the resort was authorized by a left-wing local government. In a vitriolic satire, Italian writer Michele Masneri described Borgo Egnazia as straight out of a fantasy book. “You had the lady hand-making orecchiette, the Taranta,” Meloni told the press, citing a traditional pasta and dance in order to feed a tourist cliché.

    However, Apulia’s economy has not always lived off tourism. The area suffers from the dying steel industry in Taranto — and the pollution it left — and from the combined effects of the devastating Xylella, a virus that has almost halved the production of olive oil in fifteen years, as well as climate-change-induced droughts impacting the remaining agriculture. The ruling coalition takes pride in the current state of the economy, but only tourism seems to be flourishing.
    The Merchants of Venice

    In a way, what is happening to Italy already happened to Venice — a kind of unplanned sociological experiment for the feasibility of overtourism. Today the number of Venetians inhabiting the lagoon has fallen under the psychological threshold of fifty thousand — the center can accommodate three times that sum — as ever more people choose to rent out Airbnbs and move to the inland urban area of Mestre. As residents leave, nonresidents party. In 2023, the city hosted over thirteen million tourists, almost equaling the pre-pandemic record. A recent experiment to make visitors buy an entry ticket to curb crowds was concluded last July, amid protests from locals accusing the mayor, Luigi Brugnaro — considered a local version of the late Silvio Berlusconi — of treating Venice like Disneyland.

    Venetians have dealt with tourists for centuries without excesses. The roots of today’s imbalance — turning Venice into an overtourism Disneyland — are more recent and, according to a Venetian scholar, can be traced back to fascism. Clara Zanardi, a Venetian urban anthropologist, has reconstructed how the depopulation of the city was engineered under the watch of the Fascist regime’s industry and finance minister Giuseppe Volpi in the 1930s.

    “I asked myself why all these people went away together, in the same period, over fifty years, and to the same place, and what struck me was to find that it was planned, and how much the project was made explicit,” Zanardi says.

    Volpi and other industrialists — the so-called “Venetian group” — championed the expulsion of the working classes from the lagoon, as the most densely populated parts of the city were at the time crowded and derelict. “The idea was that of a new Venice, they called it the Great Venice, but the city at the beginning of the twentieth century was amongst the poorest in Italy,” Zanardi says.

    Instead of intervening to help them, the government and the industrialists of the time decided to promote the displacement of Venetians to the mainland, as the expanding petrochemical hub of Porto Marghera, a few miles from the centuries-old city, needed cheap labor.

    Zanardi notes that politicians like entrepreneur Vittorio Cini even called this “the human remediation,” or “la bonifica umana,” believing that purging Venice of its low-income families would grant the city the chance to restore its historical heritage and make room for the ruling class. At the time, the Fascist regime was conducting remediations (“bonifiche”) of swampy areas of Italy where malaria was still endemic, including in territories near Rome. “Bonifiche” was a buzzword — in Venice’s case, applied to citizens themselves.

    This philosophy outlasted fascism and persisted for decades, Zanardi explains. However, a new player had entered the scene: tourism. By the 1970s, the industrial promise of Porto Marghera had started to fade, leaving an ecological disaster that few visitors are aware of and a good chunk of Venetians displaced out of the lagoon. With only one possible source of income, more and more Venetians embraced tourism. Zanardi promotes research on the topic through the publishing house Wetlands, which she cofounded.

    “In a way, the project of a purified Venice is a success. But it failed in shaping the city for the elites, as even that function was eaten by tourism, which with its income rates killed any other visions for the city starting from the 1970s,” explains Zanardi.

    Today’s Venetians are the cause of their own harm. Very few neither work in the sector nor rent property to tourists, which makes saving the lagoon from depopulation even more difficult. It is a death loop: the increasing presence of tourists makes the price of goods and rents skyrocket, which pushes out locals, which bankrupts shops and services, which leads to even more locals moving out. Then, only Disneyland remains.
    The Right to a Home

    Ultimately, the fight against overtourism is about the right of ordinary people, including immigrants, to live in a place that was once their own, or that once welcomed everybody. Giacomo Salerno, a Venetian and researcher at the University of Siena, knows this pretty well.

    Salerno, a colleague of Zanardi, is also a member of Ocio, a collective that advocates for affordable living in the lagoon. Last year, Ocio pushed the ATA (High Residential Tension) draft bill to tightly regulate Airbnb and similar platforms and curb their impact on the renting and housing market — something Italy has never done. Though receiving attention from center-left city councils and parties, including the opposition Partito Democratico, the Meloni government has thus far ignored the proposal.

    “That’s the specificity of this government, that of representing the other interests at play,” Salerno says. He points out the proposals of Tourism Minister Santanchè. A member of Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia party, Santanchè has repeatedly taken the side of more investments in luxury tourism, including revamping the airport at the luxury winter resort town of Cortina, as it is “an ordeal” to get there, she told the press, citing her own experience. She also promised to bring tourists to the mountain resort location of Cogne by helicopter after a flood isolated the area. The minister believes luxury can be a good source of widespread wealth.

    In truth, in doing so, Santanchè, who was once a member of Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party, is only following his legacy. In 2009, during his last spell as prime minister, Berlusconi reinstated the Ministry of Tourism, after a 1993 referendum had dissolved it.

    Conservative mayor Brugnaro’s office in Venice shares the national government’s focus on luxury. His tourism councilor, Simone Venturini, said in July that the city was still “too affordable” and should be made more expensive ahead of the 2025 Jubilee.

    “You do indeed have some Venetian bourgeois whining about uncivil tourists but then living off tourist rentals, but they are a minority,” researcher Salerno says. He believes that the control of the tourism sector today is moving well outside the reach of the middle class into the hands of a few tycoons and platforms, most of whom are based abroad.

    “The narrative of tourism as the fuel of the Italian economy has become this country’s industrial policy,” Salerno says, “a nation choosing to stop investing in innovation and instead focusing on an economy as poor as that of tourism.” Salerno calls this a “colonial economy.”

    As it often happens, the Left has its share of responsibility in this, as even the same definition of tourism as the country’s petrol belongs to Gianni De Michelis, who said it in 1986, when he served as minister of labor under the second Socialist government of Bettino Craxi.
    The Lagoon of Overtourism

    Today Italy feels like Venice at the beginning of the 2000s. It is already experiencing the drastic consequences of overtourism, but politicians — as well as citizens — are still defending its profits and being delusional about its effects. Last summer, Fratelli d’Italia minister of business and made in Italy Adolfo Urso falsely asserted that tourism was “pulling the economy forward,” when in fact, it amounts to roughly 8 percent of Italian GDP.

    “Now even the self-representation of Italian nationalism is that of a country precisely devoted to selling the Italian way of life to tourists,” Salerno says. The recent G7 summit in Apulia proves it.

    Tourism does not seem to have brought much wealth in these areas, even though its profits are growing. In fact, Southern Italy is facing a demographic winter worse than in the North, with projections forecasting the loss of eight million citizens by 2080, mostly from northward immigration, alongside a climate change–induced desertification that sees Sicily suffering the most. The increasing tourist demand is not sustaining any project to save the future of these regions.

    “The point is that tourism is not a zero-impact economy as it was once believed — it is a heavy industry with serious effects on the territories, as its raw materials are in fact the territories,” Salerno says.

    Overtourism may succeed in consuming Venice before climate change. But if Venice is sinking, Italy is certainly not floating any better. It might even be next.

    Norman N. Holland on Ernst Lubitsch, Trouble in Paradise, 1932.

    Lubitsch began this film unconventionally, and the opening became legendary. The job of an opener is to tell us where the action will take place, here, Venice. Following standard operating procedure, most directors would give us a long shot of gondolas and canals (probably from stock footage, as Lubitsch did in some later films), then a medium shot of the particular location, then close-ups of the actors. Here, Lubitsch starts with a shot of a dog sniffing a garbage can—it could be anywhere. A workman picks up the can and carries it to—a gondola! Surprise! Venice! Then he poles off, gloriously singing “O Sole Mio” (with the voice of Caruso).

    Générique, chant par Caruso

    #Italie #plage #Venise #tourisme #capitalisme #fascisme #gentrification #histoire

  • Signal facing collapse after CIA cuts funding

    Voici un rappel qui concerne tous les systèmes de communication centralisés. Apart l’aspect pas tout à fait amical envers les juifs, l’article évoque un danger réel : le gouvernement des États-Unis peut à tout moment couper le système Signal. L’arrestation en France de Durov de Telegram donne l’exemple. Il est grand temps de s’équiper de solutions de deuxième ligne (fallback en anglais) décentralisées comme Matrix .

    Neuf mois après la publication de l’article Signal est toujours disponible, alors ...

    3.12.2024 by Kit Klarenberg - Tor’s original purpose was to shield American spies from detection while deployed overseas. It was opened up to wider public use due to fears that if an enemy spy agency broke into the system, it could de-anonymize users - all of whom would be CIA operatives.

    Tor’s original purpose was to shield American spies from detection while deployed overseas. It was opened up to wider public use due to fears that if an enemy spy agency broke into the system, it could de-anonymize users - all of whom would be CIA operatives.

    Signal was and remains very prominently used and promoted by dissidents and protesters backed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). (Al Mayadeen English; Illustrated by Zeinab ElHajj)
    Signal was and remains very prominently used and promoted by dissidents and protesters backed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). (Al Mayadeen English; Illustrated by Zeinab ElHajj)

    On November 16th, Meredith Whittaker, president of Signal, published a detailed breakdown of the popular encrypted messaging app’s running costs for the very first time. The unprecedented disclosure’s motivation was simple - the platform is rapidly running out of money, and in dire need of donations to stay afloat. Unmentioned by Whittaker, this budget shortfall results in large part due to the US intelligence community, which lavishly financed Signal’s creation and maintenance over several years, severing its support for the app.

    Never acknowledged in any serious way by the mainstream media, Signal’s origins as a US government asset are a matter of extensive public record, even if the scope and scale of the funding provided has until now been secret. The app, brainchild of shadowy tech guru ‘Moxie Marlinspike’ (real name Matthew Rosenfeld), was launched in 2013 by his now-defunct Open Whisper Systems (OWS). The company never published financial statements or disclosed the identities of its funders at any point during its operation.

    Sums involved in developing, launching and running a messaging app used by countless people globally were nonetheless surely significant. The newly-published financial records indicate Signal’s operating costs for 2023 alone are $40 million, and projected to rise to $50 million by 2025. Rosenfeld boasted in 2018 that OWS “never [took] VC [venture capital] funding or sought investment” at any point, although mysteriously failed to mention millions were provided by the Open Technology Fund (OTF).

    OTF was launched in 2012 as a pilot program of Radio Free Asia (RFA), an asset of US Agency for Global Media (USAGM), which is funded by US Congress to the tune of over $1 billion annually. In August 2018, its then-CEO openly acknowledged the Agency’s “global priorities…reflect US national security and public diplomacy interests.”

    RFA’s own origins harken back to 1948. That year, National Security Council Directive 10/2 officially authorised the then-newly created CIA to engage in operations targeted at countries behind the Iron Curtain, including propaganda, economic warfare, sabotage, subversion, and “assistance to underground resistance movements.” The station was a core component of this wider effort, along with Radio Free Europe, and Radio Liberation From Bolshevism. In 2007, a news item on the CIA’s website stated these “psychological warfare” initiatives were:

    “One of the longest-running and successful covert action campaigns ever mounted by the United States.”

    As we shall see, much the same could be said now of Signal.
    ‘Taking Down Governments’

    The launch of the OTF followed the US State Department, then led by Hillary Clinton, adopting a policy known as “Internet Freedom”. Ostensibly, this was an effort to develop tools to circumvent restrictions on internet access and usage overseas. A 2011 New York Times investigation concluded the endeavor was in fact concerned with “[deploying] ‘shadow’ internet and mobile phone systems dissidents can use to undermine repressive governments.”

    Among the resources developed under “Internet Freedom” were State Department-funded “stealth wireless networks,” enabling anti-regime activists “to communicate outside the reach of governments in countries like Iran, Syria and Libya.” Reinforcing this analysis, in February 2015 Jillian York, director of digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation’s “International Freedom of Expression” division and a member of OTF’s advisory board, stated that she “fundamentally” believed “Internet Freedom” was “at heart an agenda of regime change.”

    A now-deleted entry on OTF’s website amply demonstrates Signal’s conception was precisely concerned with furthering this “agenda”. It notes the app was designed to counter “restrictive internet filtering by technical methods” and “repressive surveillance or monitoring of communication.” The Fund’s subsequent investment in OWS “allowed well over a billion mobile users to benefit from end-to-end encryption,” and “enabled the OWS team to continue providing Signal at no cost around the globe and adapt their operations for a growing user base.”

    In other words, Signal gifted the CIA “well over a billion” potential insurrectionists, by providing them with a means to organize their activities away from the prying eyes of local authorities. It is surely no coincidence Rosenfeld previously created encrypted communications programs TextSecure and RedPhone, both of which were featured in a March 2013 Gizmodo guide, “Which Encryption Apps Are Strong Enough to Help You Take Down a Government?”.

    Accordingly, Signal was and remains very prominently used and promoted by dissidents and protesters backed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US government agency explicitly created to do overtly what the CIA once did covertly. This was the case in Hong Kong, where Endowment funding serendipitously began flowing to opposition groups a year before Signal’s launch. In July 2020, it became the island’s most downloaded app, after the controversial National Security Law was passed.
    ‘Existing Techniques’

    Washington was for some time enormously proud of its investment in Signal. A 2019 USAGM factsheet gave the app top billing in a list of “examples of tools supported by OTF.” It further boasted that “over two billion people use OTF-supported technology daily,” and “more than two-thirds of all mobile users globally have technology incubated by OTF on their device,” which begs the obvious question of why the Fund’s sponsorship of Signal ended.

    One explanation is the app became too popular with Western citizens for the US intelligence community’s liking. In late January 2021, changes to WhatsApp’s privacy policy sent users scurrying for alternatives, and the mainstream media openly proposed Signal as a potential replacement. This was an extraordinary volte-face, given the same outlets had spent immediately preceding weeks aggressively parroting fraudulent US government talking points about the dire threat of encrypted messaging, following the January 6 capitol invasion.

    While media stenographers may have at least temporarily changed their tune, however, the position of Western spies remains static. With little media comment, Britain’s Online Safety Act passed in October. It compels all digital platforms, including encrypted messaging apps, to scan any content shared by their users for child pornography - a noble requirement, one might argue. Yet, it is widely opposed by major tech firms, and security and privacy experts. They argue this cannot be done without undermining user privacy, and killing encryption.

    To its credit, Signal is willing to exit Britain altogether rather than abide by the Online Safety Act’s terms. That the app is so good at helping users “to communicate outside the reach of governments” its original intelligence community supporters have now forsaken the project entirely, is a bitter irony. However, OTF continues to fund and promote a wide variety of “Internet Freedom” tools, which allegedly fulfill that same purpose.

    Among them is anonymizing, “dark web” browser Tor, frequently recommended by privacy advocates in the same breath as Signal. First developed by the US Naval Research Laboratory in the mid-1990s, it quickly caught the attention of the Pentagon’s Defense and Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Since then, Tor has been almost entirely funded by US government entities. Strikingly, it features alongside Signal in the aforementioned USAGM factsheet.

    Tor’s original purpose was to shield American spies from detection while deployed overseas. It was opened up to wider public use due to fears that if an enemy spy agency broke into the system, it could de-anonymize users - all of whom would be CIA operatives - and monitor their statements and movements. “Democratising” Tor was intended to spread the risk of exposure, thereby insulating US intelligence and military assets from exposure.

    Documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal US and British intelligence agencies devote considerable time and resources to de-anonymizing Tor users. Simultaneously though, they go to great lengths to ensure people aren’t discouraged from using the browser. One file - titled “Tor: Overview of Existing Techniques” - reveals GCHQ and the NSA actively attempt to direct traffic toward servers they operate, attack other privacy software used by Tor visitors, and even undertake efforts to influence Tor’s future development.

    This is understandable, given Tor - along with many other “Internet Freedom” tools championed by OTF - congregates anyone and everyone with something to hide on a single network, to which Western spying agencies have ready back-door access. Surveilling user activities and monitoring their conversations is thus made all the easier. Now, recall how “two-thirds of all mobile users globally have technology incubated by OTF on their device”?

    Source intéressante aux parti pris typiques des médias entre les mains de riches.

    L’introduction de l’article dans l’encyclopédie « libre » Wikipedia/EN donne le ton d’un air différent.

    Al Mayadeen (Arabic: الميادين, transl. "The Plazas") is a Lebanese pan-Arabist satellite news television channel based in the city of Beirut. Launched on 11 June 2012, it has news reporters in most of the Arab countries. In the pan-Arabist television news market, it competes against Qatar-owned Al Jazeera and Saudi-owned Al Arabiya, and also against Sky News Arabia and BBC News Arabic. At the time it was founded, most of the channel’s senior staff were former correspondents and editors of Al Jazeera. Al Mayadeen has widely been categorized as pro-Hezbollah and pro-Bashar al-Assad

    Privacy Signal Messenger, LLC 650 Castro Street, Suite 120-223 Mountain View, CA 94041

    #sécurité #communication_chiffrée #espionnage #vie_privée

  • First We Take Manhattan

    Il y a des monuments d’art dont on aimerait oublier la puissance dl’anticipation.

    “First We Take Manhattan” is a song written by Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen. It was originally recorded by American singer Jennifer Warnes on her 1986 Cohen tribute album Famous Blue Raincoa
    The song’s oblique lyrics are suggestive of religious and end time themes, with references to prayer, meaningful birthmarks and signs in the sky. Writing for The Guardian in 2015, Ben Hewitt drew attention to the lyrics’ apocalyptic nature, imagining Cohen “greedily eyeing world domination like a Bond villain”. Rolling Stone magazine’s Mikal Gilmore similarly described the song as a threatening vision of “social collapse and a terrorist’s revenge”. The Daily Telegraph’s Robert Sandall likewise observed the prophetic character of the song, but emphasized the song’s political statement, placing it in the context of the last days of the Soviet Union.

    Cohen explained himself in a backstage interview at 1988: “I think it means exactly what it says. It is a terrorist song. I think it’s a response to terrorism. There’s something about terrorism that I’ve always admired. The fact that there are no alibis or no compromises. That position is always very attractive. I don’t like it when it’s manifested on the physical plane – I don’t really enjoy the terrorist activities – but Psychic Terrorism. I remember there was a great poem by Irving Layton that I once read, I’ll give you a paraphrase of it. It was ’well, you guys blow up an occasional airline and kill a few children here and there’, he says. ’But our terrorists, Jesus, Freud, Marx, Einstein. The whole world is still quaking.’”

    Paroles de First We Take Manhattan

    They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom
    For tryin’ to change the system from within
    I’m coming now, I’m coming to reward them
    First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

    I’m guided by a signal in the heavens
    I’m guided by this birthmark on my skin
    I’m guided by the beauty of our weapons
    First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

    I’d really like to live beside you, baby
    I love your body and your spirit and your clothes
    But you see that line there moving through the station?
    I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those
    Ah you loved me as a loser, but now you’re worried that I just might win
    You know the way to stop me, but you don’t have the discipline
    How many nights I prayed for this, to let my work begin
    First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

    I don’t like your fashion business, mister
    And I don’t like these drugs that keep you thin
    I don’t like what happened to my sister
    First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

    I’d really like to live beside you, baby
    I love your body and your spirit and your clothes
    But you see that line there moving through the station?
    I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those

    And I thank you for those items that you sent me
    The monkey and the plywood violin
    I practiced every night, now I’m ready
    First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

    (I am guided)

    Ah remember me, I used to live for music (baby)
    Remember me, I brought your groceries in (ooh baby yeah)
    Well it’s Father’s Day and everybody’s wounded (baby)
    First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

    #musique #poésie #USA #Allemagne #Israel #terrorisme #apocalypse

  • En 1972 il avait tout compris : Fritz The Cat

    Attention aux niouze de radio :-)

    Fritz the Cat (film)

    Fritz the Cat is a 1972 American adult animated black comedy film written and directed by Ralph Bakshi in his directorial debut. Based on the comic strip of the same name by Robert Crumb, the film focuses on its Skip Hinnant-portrayed titular character, a glib, womanizing and fraudulent cat in an anthropomorphic animal version of New York City during the mid-to-late 1960s. Fritz decides on a whim to drop out of college, interacts with inner city African American crows, unintentionally starts a race riot and becomes a leftist revolutionary. The film is a satire focusing on American college life of the era, race relations, and the free love movement, as well as serving as a criticism of the countercultural political revolution and dishonest political activists.

    #USA #Israel #New_York #Los_Angeles #cinéma #animation #bande_dessinée

  • Eugene Debs : “The Scab Is the Natural Born Foe of Labor”

    Eugene Debs in 1900

    Une belle tirade contre la vermine de briseurs de grève par le grand syndicaliste et fondateur du syndicat des Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). On aimerait entendre plus souvent ce genre de discours à propos des abjects bellicistes et d’autres ennemis de classe.

    2.9.2024 by Eugene Debs - This Labor Day weekend, we share Eugene Debs’s 1888 broadside against that most hateful of characters: the strikebreaker. The scab “sinks to the level of a loathsome reptile,” Debs writes. “He becomes a walking, breathing stench.”

    Philosophers, particularly those who have sought to solve the simpler mysteries of creation, have always been greatly perplexed when endeavoring to find any plausible reason for the existence of certain insects and reptiles, which curse the earth, the air, and the water. They have never succeeded. The mystery is unexplained and unexplainable. But, while it is impossible to explain the whys and the wherefores of repulsive, pestiferous, and poisonous creatures, we may study their habits and guard against contact with them.

    It becomes our duty at this writing to discuss the “scab.” Generally, people quickly comprehend what is meant when a creature, in the form of a man, is referred to as a “scab.” Shakespeare says, a “scab” is a “low fellow” — how low the great bard does not intimate, but he doubtless believed that a “scab” was the lowest in the list of bipeds. The term “scab” has a significance wholly repulsive. It is suggestive of filth, disease, and corruption. There is nothing in the term “scab” to redeem it from loathing. When a creature in the form of a man rightfully receives the sobriquet of “scab,” he is known to be a mass of moral putrescence. He sinks to the level of a loathsome reptile. Honorable men shun him as they would a pestilence. A scabby sheep, a mangy dog, outrank him. He becomes a walking, breathing stench. He is as destitute of soul as a dungeon toad. He is as heartless as a man-eating tiger. He has no more conscience than a tarantula. To call him a dog would be an insult to the whole canine race.
    A poster from the 1888 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad strike. (Wikimedia Commons)

    The average scab is a moral leper — unclean through and through, so vulgar and beastly in his instincts that he is as destitute of all sense of obligation, of what is due to others, as a hungry hog with its snout in a swill tub. The scab is a sneak — analyze him, resolve him to his original elements, and all the subtle arts of the chemist would never discover the millionth part of a milligram of manhood. A scab is as totally deficient of ability to comprehend the right as a piratical wolf. Being depraved by nature and association, he has no more ambition than a buzzard. When he sees a manly endeavor on the part of others to better their condition, the incident simply suggests to his mind that there is a chance for him, and with his hat under his arm and with bowed form he asks, like a menial, to work for wages that an honorable man refuses. The scab always comes to the front when honest workingmen strike against oppression and injustice. On such occasions, employers fish for scabs in the stinking pools of idleness and depravity, and they are ready to do their duty for such considerations as their masters may offer. The scab is a filthy wretch, who though the Mississippi ran bank-full of soap suds, could not wash him clean in a thousand years.

    The scab is the natural born foe of labor in its efforts to advance from the condition of servitude to independence, and such he has been found to be in the struggle of the engineers and firemen with the CB&Q [The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, which saw a major strike in 1888], and he is destined to play the same degenerate role in the future. The scab merits universal reprobation, and that will be the verdict of all honorable men.

    Eugene V. Debs

    Debs’ Speech of Sedition

    A June 16, 1918, speech denouncing the First World War, and the military draft. Labour leader Eugene V. Debs was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for the crime of sedition after giving this speech, though his sentence was commuted before he completed his third year.

    Le discours

    Comrades, friends and fellow-workers, for this very cordial greeting, this very hearty reception, I thank you all with the fullest appreciation of your interest in and your devotion to the cause for which I am to speak to you this afternoon.

    To speak for labor; to plead the cause of the men and women and children who toil; to serve the working class, has always been to me a high privilege; a duty of love.

    I have just returned from a visit over yonder, where three of our most loyal comrades are paying the penalty for their devotion to the cause of the working class. They have come to realize, as many of us have, that it is extremely dangerous to exercise the constitutional right of free speech in a country fighting to make democracy safe in the world.

    I realize that, in speaking to you this afternoon, there are certain limitations placed upon the right of free speech. I must be exceedingly careful, prudent, as to what I say, and even more careful and prudent as to how I say it. I may not be able to say all I think; but I am not going to say anything that I do not think. I would rather a thousand times be a free soul in jail than to be a sycophant and coward in the streets. They may put those boys in jail—and some of the rest of us in jail—but they cannot put the Socialist movement in jail. Those prison bars separate their bodies from ours, but their souls are here this afternoon. They are simply paying the penalty that all men have paid in all the ages of history for standing erect, and for seeking to pave the way to better conditions for mankind.

    If it had not been for the men and women who, in the past, have had the moral courage to go to jail, we would still be in the jungles.

    This assemblage is exceedingly good to look upon. I wish it were possible for me to give you what you are giving me this afternoon. What I say here amounts to but little; what I see here is exceedingly important. You workers in Ohio, enlisted in the greatest cause ever organized in the interest of your class, are making history today in the face of threatening opposition of all kinds—history that is going to be read with profound interest by coming generations.

    There is but one thing you have to be concerned about, and that is that you keep foursquare with the principles of the international Socialist movement. It is only when you begin to compromise that trouble begins. So far as I am concerned, it does not matter what others may say, or think, or do, as long as I am sure that I am right with myself and the cause. There are so many who seek refuge in the popular side of a great question. As a Socialist, I have long since learned how to stand alone. For the last month I have been traveling over the Hoosier State; and, let me say to you, that, in all my connection with the Socialist movement, I have never seen such meetings, such enthusiasm, such unity of purpose; never have I seen such a promising outlook as there is today, notwithstanding the statement published repeatedly that our leaders have deserted us. Well, for myself, I never had much faith in leaders. I am willing to be charged with almost anything, rather than to be charged with being a leader. I am suspicious of leaders, and especially of the intellectual variety. Give me the rank and file every day in the week. If you go to the city of Washington, and you examine the pages of the Congressional Directory, you will find that almost all of those corporation lawyers and cowardly politicians, members of Congress, and misrepresentatives of the masses—you will find that almost all of them claim, in glowing terms, that they have risen from the ranks to places of eminence and distinction. I am very glad I cannot make that claim for myself. I would be ashamed to admit that I had risen from the ranks. When I rise it will be with the ranks, and not from the ranks.

    When I came away from Indiana, the comrades said: “When you cross the line and get over into the Buckeye State, tell the comrades there that we are on duty and doing duty. Give them for us, a hearty greeting, and tell them that we are going to make a record this fall that will be read around the world.”

    The Socialists of Ohio, it appears, are very much alive this year. The party has been killed recently, which, no doubt, accounts for its extraordinary activity. There is nothing that helps the Socialist Party so much as receiving an occasional deathblow. The oftener it is killed the more active, the more energetic, the more powerful it becomes.

    They who have been reading the capitalist newspapers realize what a capacity they have for lying. We have been reading them lately. They know all about the Socialist Party—the Socialist movement, except what is true. Only the other day they took an article that I had written—and most of you have read it—most of you members of the party, at least—and they made it appear that I had undergone a marvelous transformation. I had suddenly become changed—had in fact come to my senses; I had ceased to be a wicked Socialist, and had become a respectable Socialist, a patriotic Socialist—as if I had ever been anything else.

    What was the purpose of this deliberate misrepresentation? It is so self-evident that it suggests itself. The purpose was to sow the seeds of dissension in our ranks; to have it appear that we were divided among ourselves; that we were pitted against each other, to our mutual undoing. But Socialists were not born yesterday. They know how to read capitalist newspapers; and to believe exactly the opposite of what they read.

    Why should a Socialist be discouraged on the eve of the greatest triumph in all the history of the Socialist movement? It is true that these are anxious, trying days for us all—testing days for the women and men who are upholding the banner of labor in the struggle of the working class of all the world against the exploiters of all the world; a time in which the weak and cowardly will falter and fail and desert. They lack the fiber to endure the revolutionary test; they fall away; they disappear as if they had never been. On the other hand, they who are animated by the unconquerable spirit of the social revolution; they who have the moral courage to stand erect and assert their convictions; stand by them; fight for them; go to jail or to hell for them, if need be—they are writing their names, in this crucial hour—they are writing their names in faceless letters in the history of mankind.

    Those boys over yonder—those comrades of ours—and how I love them! Aye, they are my younger brothers; their very names throb in my heart, thrill in my veins, and surge in my soul. I am proud of them; they are there for us; and we are here for them. Their lips, though temporarily mute, are more eloquent than ever before; and their voice, though silent, is heard around the world.

    Are we opposed to Prussian militarism? Why, we have been fighting it since the day the Socialist movement was born; and we are going to continue to fight it, day and night, until it is wiped from the face of the earth. Between us there is no truce—no compromise.

    But, before I proceed along this line, let me recall a little history, in which I think we are all interested.

    In 1869 that grand old warrior of the social revolution, the elder Liebknecht, was arrested and sentenced to prison for three months, because of his war, as a Socialist, on the Kaiser and on the Junkers that rule Germany. In the meantime the Franco-Prussian war broke out. Liebknecht and Bebel were the Socialist members in the Reichstag. They were the only two who had the courage to protest against taking Alsace-Lorraine from France and annexing it to Germany. And for this they were sentenced two years to a prison fortress charged with high treason; because, even in that early day, almost fifty years ago, these leaders, these forerunners of the international Socialist movement were fighting the Kaiser and fighting the Junkers of Germany. They have continued to fight them from that day to this. Multiplied thousands of Socialists have languished in the jails of Germany because of their heroic warfare upon the despotic ruling class of that country.

    Let us come down the line a little farther. You remember that, at the close of Theodore Roosevelt’s second term as President, he went over to Africa to make war on some of his ancestors. You remember that, at the close of his expedition, he visited the capitals of Europe; and that he was wined and dined, dignified and glorified by all the Kaisers and Czars and Emperors of the Old World. He visited Potsdam while the Kaiser was there; and, according to the accounts published in the American newspapers, he and the Kaiser were soon on the most familiar terms. They were hilariously intimate with each other, and slapped each other on the back. After Roosevelt had reviewed the Kaiser’s troops, according to the same accounts, he became enthusiastic over the Kaiser’s legions and said: “If I had that kind of an army, I could conquer the world.” He knew the Kaiser then just as well as he knows him now. He knew that he was the Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin. And yet, he permitted himself to be entertained by that Beast of Berlin; had his feet under the mahogany of the Beast of Berlin; was cheek by jowl with the Beast of Berlin. And, while Roosevelt was being entertained royally by the German Kaiser, that same Kaiser was putting the leaders of the Socialist Party in jail for fighting the Kaiser and the Junkers of Germany. Roosevelt was the guest of honor in the white house of the Kaiser, while the Socialists were in the jails of the Kaiser for fighting the Kaiser. Who then was fighting for democracy? Roosevelt? Roosevelt, who was honored by the Kaiser, or the Socialists who were in jail by order of the Kaiser?
    Birds of a feather flock together


    When the newspapers reported that Kaiser Wilhelm and ex-President Theodore recognized each other at sight, were perfectly intimate with each other at the first touch, they made the admission that is fatal to the claim of Theodore Roosevelt, that he is the friend of the common people and the champion of democracy; they admitted that they were kith and kin; that they were very much alike; that their ideas and ideals were about the same. If Theodore Roosevelt is the great champion of democracy—the arch-foe of autocracy, what business had he as the guest of honor of the Prussian Kaiser? And when he met the Kaiser, and did honor to the Kaiser, under the terms imputed to him, wasn’t it pretty strong proof that he himself was a Kaiser at heart? Now, after being the guest of Emperor Wilhelm, the Beast of Berlin, he comes back to this country, and wants you to send ten million men over there to kill the Kaiser; to murder his former friend and pal. Rather queer, isn’t it? And yet, he is the patriot, and we are the traitors. I challenge you to find a Socialist anywhere on the face of the earth who was ever the guest of the Beast of Berlin, except as an inmate of his prison—the elder Liebknecht and the younger Liebknecht, the heroic son of his immortal sire.

    A little more history along the same line. In 1902 Prince Henry paid a visit to this country. Do you remember him? I do, exceedingly well. Prince Henry is the brother of Emperor Wilhelm. Prince Henry is another Beast of Berlin, an autocrat, an aristocrat, a Junker of Junkers—very much despised by our American patriots. He came over here in 1902 as the representative of Kaiser Wilhelm; he was received by Congress and by several state legislatures—among others, by the state legislature of Massachusetts, then in session. He was invited there by the capitalist captains of that so-called commonwealth. And when Prince Henry arrived, there was one member of that body who kept his self-respect, put on his hat, and as Henry, the Prince, walked in, that member of the body walked out. And that was James F. Carey, the Socialist member of that body. All the rest—all the rest of the representatives in the Massachusetts legislature—all, all of them—joined in doing honor, in the most servile spirit, to the high representative of the autocracy of Europe. And the only man who left that body, was a Socialist. And yet , and yet they have the hardihood to claim that they are fighting autocracy and that we are in the service of the German government.

    A little more history along the same line. I have a distinct recollection of it. It occurred fifteen years ago when Prince Henry came here. All of our plutocracy, all of the wealthy representatives living along Fifth Avenue—all, all of them—threw their palace doors wide open and received Prince Henry with open arms. But they were not satisfied with this; they got down and grovelled in the dust at his feet. Our plutocracy—women and men alike—vied with each other to lick the boots of Prince Henry, the brother and representative of the “Beast of Berlin.” And still our plutocracy, our Junkers, would have us believe that all the Junkers are confined to Germany. It is precisely because we refuse to believe this that they brand us as disloyalists. They want our eyes focused on the Junkers in Berlin so that we will not see those within our own borders.

    I hate, I loathe, I despise Junkers and junkerdom. I have no earthly use for the Junkers of Germany, and not one particle more use for the Junkers in the United States.

    They tell us that we live in a great free republic; that our institutions are democratic; that we are a free and self-governing people. This is too much, even for a joke. But it is not a subject for levity; it is an exceedingly serious matter.

    To whom do the Wall Street Junkers in our country marry their daughters? After they have wrung their countless millions from your sweat, your agony and your life’s blood, in a time of war as in a time of peace, they invest these untold millions in the purchase of titles of broken-down aristocrats, such as princes, dukes, counts and other parasites and no-accounts. Would they be satisfied to wed their daughters to honest workingmen? To real democrats? Oh, no! They scour the markets of Europe for vampires who are titled and nothing else. And they swap their millions for the titles, so that matrimony with them becomes literally a matter of money.

    These are the gentry who are today wrapped up in the American flag, who shout their claim from the housetops that they are the only patriots, and who have their magnifying glasses in hand, scanning the country for evidence of disloyalty, eager to apply the brand of treason to the men who dare to even whisper their opposition to Junker rule in the United States. No wonder Sam Johnson declared that “patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” He must have had this Wall Street gentry in mind, or at least their prototypes, for in every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the people.

    They would have you believe that the Socialist Party consists in the main of disloyalists and traitors. It is true in a sense not at all to their discredit. We frankly admit that we are disloyalists and traitors to the real traitors of this nation; to the gang that on the Pacific coast are trying to hang Tom Mooney and Warren Billings in spite of their well-known innocence and the protest of practically the whole civilized world.

    I know Tom Mooney intimately—as if he were my own brother. He is an absolutely honest man. He had no more to do with the crime with which he was charged and for which he was convicted than I had. And if he ought to go to the gallows, so ought I. If he is guilty every man who belongs to a labor organization or to the Socialist Party is likewise guilty.

    What is Tom Mooney guilty of? I will tell you. I am familiar with his record. For years he has been fighting bravely and without compromise the battles of the working class out on the Pacific coast. He refused to be bribed and he could not be browbeaten. In spite of all attempts to intimidate him he continued loyally in the service of the organized workers, and for this he became a marked man. The henchmen of the powerful and corrupt corporations, concluding finally that he could not be bought or bribed or bullied, decided he must therefore be murdered. That is why Tom Mooney is today a life prisoner, and why he would have been hanged as a felon long ago but for the world-wide protest of the working class.

    Let us review another bit of history. You remember Francis J. Heney, special investigator of the state of California, who was shot down in cold blood in the courtroom in San Francisco. You remember that dastardly crime, do you not? The United Railways, consisting of a lot of plutocrats and highbinders represented by the Chamber of Commerce, absolutely control the city of San Francisco. The city was and is their private reservation. Their will is the supreme law. Take your stand against them and question their authority, and you are doomed. They do not hesitate a moment to plot murder or any other crime to perpetuate their corrupt and enslaving regime. Tom Mooney was the chief representative of the working class they could not control. They own the railways; they control the great industries; they are the industrial masters and the political rulers of the people. From their decision there is no appeal. They are the autocrats of the Pacific coast—as cruel and infamous as any that ever ruled in Germany or any other country in the old world. When their rule became so corrupt that at last a grand jury indicted them and they were placed on trial, and Francis J. Heney was selected to assist in their prosecution, this gang, represented by the Chamber of Commerce; this gang of plutocrats, autocrats and highbinders, hired an assassin to shoot Heney down in the courtroom. Heney, however, happened to live through it. But that was not their fault. The same identical gang that hired the murderer to kill Heney also hired false witnesses to swear away the life of Tom Mooney and, foiled in that, they have kept him in a foul prisonhole ever since.

    Every solitary one of these aristocratic conspirators and would-be murderers claims to be an arch-patriot; every one of them insists that the war is being waged to make the world safe for democracy. What humbug! What rot! What false pretense! These autocrats, these tyrants, these red-handed robbers and murderers, the “patriots,” while the men who have the courage to stand face to face with them, speak the truth, and fight for their exploited victims—they are the disloyalists and traitors. If this be true, I want to take my place side by side with the traitors in this fight.

    The other day they sentenced Kate Richards O’Hare to the penitentiary for five years. Think of sentencing a woman to the penitentiary simply for talking. The United States, under plutocratic rule, is the only country that would send a woman to prison for five years for exercising the right of free speech. If this be treason, let them make the most of it.

    Let me review a bit of history in connection with this case. I have known Kate Richards O’Hare intimately for twenty years. I am familiar with her public record. Personally I know her as if she were my own sister. All who know Mrs. O’Hare know her to be a woman of unquestioned integrity.’ And they also know that she is a woman of unimpeachable loyalty to the Socialist movement. When she went out into North Dakota to make her speech, followed by plain-clothes men in the service of the government intent upon effecting her arrest and securing her prosecution and conviction—when she went out there, it was with the full knowledge on her part that sooner or later these detectives would accomplish their purpose. She made her speech, and that speech was deliberately misrepresented for the purpose of securing her conviction. The only testimony against her was that of a hired witness. And when the farmers, the men and women who were in the audience she addressed—when they went to Bismarck where the trial was held to testify in her favor, to swear that she had not used the language she was charged with having used, the judge refused to allow them to go upon the stand. This would seem incredible to me if I had not had some experience of my own with federal courts.

    Who appoints our federal judges? The people? In all the history of the country, the working class have never named a federal judge. There are 121 of these judges and every solitary one holds his position, his tenure, through the influence and power of corporate capital. The corporations and trusts dictate their appointment. And when they go to the bench, they go not to serve the people, but to serve the interests that place them and keep them where they are.

    Why, the other day, by a vote of five to four—a kind of craps game—come seven, come ‘leven—they declared the child labor law unconstitutional—a law secured after twenty years of education and agitation on the part of all kinds of people. And yet, by a majority of one, the Supreme Court a body of corporation lawyers, with just one exception, wiped that law from the statute books, and this in our so-called democracy, so that we may continue to grind the flesh and blood and bones of puny little children into profits for the Junkers of Wall Street. And this in a country that boasts of fighting to make the world safe for democracy! The history of this country is being written in the blood of the childhood the industrial lords have murdered.

    These are not palatable truths to them. They do not like to hear them; and what is more they do not want you to hear them. And that is why they brand us as undesirable citizens , and as disloyalists and traitors. If we were actual traitors—traitors to the people and to their welfare and progress, we would be regarded as eminently respectable citizens of the republic; we would hold high office, have princely incomes, and ride in limousines; and we would be pointed out as the elect who have succeeded in life in honorable pursuit, and worthy of emulation by the youth of the land. It is precisely because we are disloyal to the traitors that we are loyal to the people of this nation.

    Scott Nearing! You have heard of Scott Nearing. He is the greatest teacher in the United States. He was in the University of Pennsylvania until the Board of Trustees, consisting of great capitalists, captains of industry, found that he was teaching sound economics to the students in his classes. This sealed his fate in that institution. They sneeringly charged—just as the same usurers, money-changers, pharisees, hypocrites charged the Judean Carpenter some twenty centuries ago—that he was a false teacher and that he was stirring up the people.

    The Man of Galilee, the Carpenter, the workingman who became the revolutionary agitator of his day soon found himself to be an undesirable citizen in the eyes of the ruling knaves and they had him crucified. And now their lineal descendants say of Scott Nearing, “He is preaching false economics. We cannot crucify him as we did his elder brother but we can deprive him of employment and so cut off his income and starve him to death or into submission. We will not only discharge him but place his name upon the blacklist and make it impossible for him to earn a living. He is a dangerous man for he is teaching the truth and opening the eyes of the people.” And the truth, oh, the truth has always been unpalatable and intolerable to the class who live out of the sweat and misery of the working class.

    Max Eastman has been indicted and his paper suppressed, just as the papers with which I have been connected have all been suppressed. What a wonderful compliment they pay us! They are afraid that we may mislead and contaminate you. You are their wards; they are your guardians and they know what is best for you to read and hear and know. They are bound to see to it that our vicious doctrines do not reach your ears. And so in our great democracy, under our free institutions, they flatter our press by suppression; and they ignorantly imagine that they have silenced revolutionary propaganda in the United States. What an awful mistake they make for our benefit! As a matter of justice to them we should respond with resolutions of thanks and gratitude. Thousands of people who had never before heard of our papers are now inquiring for and insisting upon seeing them. They have succeeded only in arousing curiosity in our literature and propaganda. And woe to him who reads Socialist literature from curiosity! He is surely a goner. I have known of a thousand experiments but never one that failed.

    John M. Work! You know John, now on the editorial staff of the Milwaukee Leader! When I first knew him he was a lawyer out in Iowa. The capitalists out there became alarmed because of the rapid growth of the Socialist movement. So they said: “We have to find some able fellow to fight this menace.” They concluded that John Work was the man for the job and they said to him: “John, you are a bright young lawyer; you have a brilliant future before you. We want to engage you to find out all you can about socialism and then proceed to counteract its baneful effects and check its further growth.”

    John at once provided himself with Socialist literature and began his study of the red menace, with the result that after he had read and digested a few volumes he was a full-fledged Socialist and has been fighting for socialism ever since.

    How stupid and shortsighted the ruling class really is! Cupidity is stone blind. It has no vision. The greedy, profit-seeking exploiter cannot see beyond the end of his nose. He can see a chance for an “opening”; he is cunning enough to know what graft is and where it is, and how it can be secured, but vision he has none—not the slightest. He knows nothing of the great throbbing world that spreads out in all directions. He has no capacity for literature; no appreciation of art; no soul for beauty. That is the penalty the parasites pay for the violation of the laws of life. The Rockefellers are blind. Every move they make in their game of greed but hastens their own doom. Every blow they strike at the Socialist movement reacts upon themselves. Every time they strike at us they hit themselves. It never fails. Every time they strangle a Socialist paper they add a thousand voices proclaiming the truth of the principles of socialism and the ideals of the Socialist movement. They help us in spite of themselves.

    Socialism is a growing idea; an expanding philosophy. It is spreading over the entire face of the earth: It is as vain to resist it as it would be to arrest the sunrise on the morrow. It is coming, coming, coming all along the line. Can you not see it? If not, I advise you to consult an oculist. There is certainly something the matter with your vision. It is the mightiest movement in the history of mankind. What a privilege to serve it! I have regretted a thousand times that I can do so little for the movement that has done so much for me. The little that I am, the little that I am hoping to be, I owe to the Socialist movement. It has given me my ideas and ideals; my principles and convictions, and I would not exchange one of them for all of Rockefeller’s bloodstained dollars. It has taught me how to serve—a lesson to me of priceless value. It has taught me the ecstasy in the handclasp of a comrade. It has enabled me to hold high communion with you, and made it possible for me to take my place side by side with you in the great struggle for the better day; to multiply myself over and over again, to thrill with a fresh-born manhood; to feel life truly worthwhile; to open new avenues of vision; to spread out glorious vistas; to know that I am kin to all that throbs; to be class-conscious, and to realize that, regardless of nationality, race, creed, color or sex, every man, every woman who toils, who renders useful service, every member of the working class without an exception, is my comrade, my brother and sister—and that to serve them and their cause is the highest duty of my life.

    And in their service I can feel myself expand; I can rise to the stature of a man and claim the right to a place on earth—a place where I can stand and strive to speed the day of industrial freedom and social justice.

    Yes, my comrades, my heart is attuned to yours. Aye, all our hearts now throb as one great heart responsive to the battle cry of the social revolution. Here, in this alert and inspiring assemblage our hearts are with the Bolsheviki of Russia. Those heroic men and women, those unconquerable comrades have by their incomparable valor and sacrifice added fresh luster to the fame of the international movement. Those Russian comrades of ours have made greater sacrifices, have suffered more, and have shed more heroic blood than any like number of men and women anywhere on earth; they have laid the foundation of the first real democracy that ever drew the breath of life in this world. And the very first act of the triumphant Russian revolution was to proclaim a state of peace with all mankind, coupled with a fervent moral appeal, not to kings, not to emperors, rulers or diplomats but to the people of all nations. Here we have the very breath of democracy, the quintessence of the dawning freedom. The Russian revolution proclaimed its glorious triumph in its ringing and inspiring appeal to the peoples of all the earth. In a humane and fraternal spirit new Russia, emancipated at last from the curse of the centuries, called upon all nations engaged in the frightful war, the Central Powers as well as the Allies, to send representatives to a conference to lay down terms of peace that should be just and lasting. Here was the supreme opportunity to strike the blow to make the world safe for democracy. Was there any response to that noble appeal that in some day to come will be written in letters of gold in the history of the world? Was there any response whatever to that appeal for universal peace? No, not the slightest attention was paid to it by the Christian nations engaged in the terrible slaughter.

    It has been charged that Lenin and Trotsky and the leaders of the revolution were treacherous, that they made a traitorous peace with Germany. Let us consider that proposition briefly. At the time of the revolution Russia had been three years in the war. Under the Czar she had lost more than four million of her ill-clad, poorly-equipped, half-starved soldiers, slain outright or disabled on the field of battle. She was absolutely bankrupt. Her soldiers were mainly without arms. This was what was bequeathed to the revolution by the Czar and his regime; and for this condition Lenin and Trotsky were not responsible, nor the Bolsheviki. For this appalling state of affairs the Czar and his rotten bureaucracy were solely responsible. When the Bolsheviki came into power and went through the archives they found and exposed the secret treaties—the treaties that were made between the Czar and the French government, the British government and the Italian government, proposing, after the victory was achieved, to dismember the German Empire and destroy the Central Powers. These treaties have never been denied nor repudiated. Very little has been said about them in the American press. I have a copy of these treaties, showing that the purpose of the Allies is exactly the purpose of the Central Powers, and that is the conquest and spoilation of the weaker nations that has always been the purpose of war.

    Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder. In the Middle Ages when the feudal lords who inhabited the castles whose towers may still be seen along the Rhine concluded to enlarge their domains, to increase their power, their prestige and their wealth they declared war upon one another. But they themselves did not go to war any more than the modern feudal lords, the barons of Wall Street go to war. The feudal barons of the Middle Ages, the economic predecessors of the capitalists of our day, declared all wars. And their miserable serfs fought all the battles. The poor, ignorant serfs had been taught to revere their masters; to believe that when their masters declared war upon one another, it was their patriotic duty to fall upon one another and to cut one another’s throats for the profit and glory of the lords and barons who held them in contempt. And that is war in a nutshell. The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose—especially their lives.

    They have always taught and trained you to believe it to be your patriotic duty to go to war and to have yourselves slaughtered at their command. But in all the history of the world you, the people, have never had a voice in declaring war, and strange as it certainly appears, no war by any nation in any age has ever been declared by the people.

    And here let me emphasize the fact—and it cannot be repeated too often—that the working class who fight all the battles, the working class who make the supreme sacrifices, the working class who freely shed their blood and furnish the corpses, have never yet had a voice in either declaring war or making peace. It is the ruling class that invariably does both. They alone declare war and they alone make peace.

    Yours not to reason why;
    Yours but to do and die.

    That is their motto and we object on the part of the awakening workers of this nation.

    If war is right let it be declared by the people. You who have your lives to lose, you certainly above all others have the right to decide the momentous issue of war or peace.

    Rose Pastor Stokes! And when I mention her name I take off my hat. Here we have another heroic and inspiring comrade. She had her millions of dollars at command. Did her wealth restrain her an instant? On the contrary her supreme devotion to the cause outweighed all considerations of a financial or social nature. She went out boldly to plead the cause of the working class and they rewarded her high courage with a ten years’ sentence to the penitentiary. Think of it! Ten years! What atrocious crime had she committed? What frightful things had she said? Let me answer candidly. She said nothing more than I have said here this afternoon. I want to admit—I want to admit without reservation that if Rose Pastor Stokes is guilty of crime, so am I. If she is guilty for the brave part she has taken in this testing time of human souls I would not be cowardly enough to plead my innocence. And if she ought to be sent to the penitentiary for ten years, so ought I without a doubt.

    What did Rose Pastor Stokes say? Why, she said that a government could not at the same time serve both the profiteers and the victims of the profiteers. Is it not true? Certainly it is and no one can successfully dispute it.

    Roosevelt said a thousand times more in the very same paper, the Kansas City Star. Roosevelt said vauntingly the other day that he would be heard if he went to jail. He knows very well that he is taking no risk of going to jail. He is shrewdly laying his wires for the Republican nomination in 1920 and he is an adept in making the appeal of the demagogue. He would do anything to discredit the Wilson administration that he may give himself and his party all credit. That is the only rivalry there is between the two old capitalist parties—the Republican Party and the Democratic Party—the political twins of the master class. They are not going to have any friction between them this fall. They are all patriots in this campaign, and they are going to combine to prevent the election of any disloyal Socialist. I have never heard anyone tell of any difference between these corrupt capitalist parties. Do you know of any? I certainly do not. The situation is that one is in and the other trying to break in, and that is substantially the only difference between them.

    Rose Pastor Stokes never uttered a word she did not have a legal, constitutional right to utter. But her message to the people, the message that stirred their thoughts and opened their eyes—that must be suppressed; her voice must be silenced. And so she was promptly subjected to a mock trial and sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years. Her conviction was a foregone conclusion. The trial of a Socialist in a capitalist court is at best a farcical affair. What ghost of a chance had she in a court with a packed jury and a corporation tool on the bench? Not the least in the world. And so she goes to the penitentiary for ten years if they carry out their brutal and disgraceful graceful program. For my part I do not think they will. In fact I feel sure they will not. If the war were over tomorrow the prison doors would open to our people. They simply mean to silence the voice of protest during the war.

    What a compliment it is to the Socialist movement to be thus persecuted for the sake of the truth! The truth alone will make the people free. And for this reason the truth must not be permitted to reach the people. The truth has always been dangerous to the rule of the rogue, the exploiter, the robber. So the truth must be ruthlessly suppressed. That is why they are trying to destroy the Socialist movement; and every time they strike a blow they add a thousand new voices to the hosts proclaiming that socialism is the hope of humanity and has come to emancipate the people from their final form of servitude.

    How good this sip of cool water from the hand of a comrade! It is as refreshing as if it were out on the desert waste. And how good it is to look into your glowing faces this afternoon! You are really good looking to me, I assure you. And I am glad there are so many of you. Your tribe has increased amazingly since first I came here. You used to be so few and far between. A few years ago when you struck a town the first thing you had to do was to see if you could locate a Socialist; and you were pretty lucky if you struck the trail of one before you left town. If he happened to be the only one and he is still living, he is now regarded as a pioneer and pathfinder; he holds a place of honor in your esteem, and he has lodgment in the hearts of all who have come after him. It is far different now. You can hardly throw a stone in the dark without hitting a Socialist. They are everywhere in increasing numbers; and what marvelous changes are taking place in the people!

    Some years ago I was to speak at Warren in this state. It happened to be at the time that President McKinley was assassinated. In common with all others I deplored that tragic event. There is not a Socialist who would have been guilty of that crime. We do not attack individuals. We do not seek to avenge ourselves upon those opposed to our faith. We have no fight with individuals as such. We are capable of pitying those who hate us. We do not hate them; we know better; we would freely give them a cup of water if they needed it. There is no room in our hearts for hate, except for the system, the social system in which it is possible for one man to amass a stupendous fortune doing nothing, while millions of others suffer and struggle and agonize and die for the bare necessities of existence.

    President McKinley, as I have said, had been assassinated. I was first to speak at Portsmouth, having been booked there some time before the assassination. Promptly the Christian ministers of Portsmouth met in special session and passed a resolution declaring that “Debs, more than any other person, was responsible for the assassination of our beloved President.” It was due to the doctrine that Debs was preaching that this crime was committed, according to these patriotic parsons, and so this pious gentry, the followers of the meek and lowly Nazarene, concluded that I must not be permitted to enter the city. And they had the mayor issue an order to that effect. I went there soon after, however. I was to speak at Warren, where President McKinley’s double-cousin was postmaster. I went there and registered. I was soon afterward invited to leave the hotel. I was exceedingly undesirable that day. I was served with notice that the hall would not be opened and that I would not be permitted to speak. I sent back word to the mayor by the only Socialist left in town—and he only remained because they did not know he was there—I sent word to the mayor that I would speak in Warren that night, according to schedule, or I would leave there in a box for the return turn trip.

    The Grand Army of the Republic called a special meeting and then marched to the hall in full uniform and occupied the front seats in order to silence me if my speech did not suit them. I went to the hall, however, found it open, and made my speech. There was no interruption. I told the audience frankly who was responsible for the President’s assassination. I said: “As long as there is misery caused by robbery at the bottom there will be assassination at the top.” I showed them, evidently to their satisfaction, that it was their own capitalist system that was responsible; the system that had impoverished and brutalized the ancestors of the poor witless boy who had murdered the President. Yes, I made my speech that night and it was well received but when I left there I was still an “undesirable citizen.”

    Some years later I returned to Warren. It seemed that the whole population was out for the occasion. I was received with open arms. I was no longer a demagogue; no longer a fanatic or an undesirable citizen. I had become exceedingly respectable simply because the Socialists had increased in numbers and socialism had grown in influence and power. If ever I become entirely respectable I shall be quite sure that I have outlived myself.

    It is the minorities who have made the history of this world. It is the few who have had the courage to take their places at the front; who have been true enough to themselves to speak the truth that was in them; who have dared oppose the established order of things; who have espoused the cause of the suffering, struggling poor; who have upheld without regard to personal consequences the cause of freedom and righteousness. It is they, the heroic, self-sacrificing few who have made the history of the race and who have paved the way from barbarism to civilization. The many prefer to remain upon the popular side. They lack the courage and vision to join a despised minority that stands for a principle; they have not the moral fiber that withstands, endures and finally conquers. They are to be pitied and not treated with contempt for they cannot help their cowardice. But, thank God, in every age and in every nation there have been the brave and self-reliant few, and they have been sufficient to their historic task; and we, who are here today, are under infinite obligations to them because they suffered, they sacrificed, they went to jail, they had their bones broken upon the wheel, they were burned at the stake and their ashes scattered to the winds by the hands of hate and revenge in their struggle to leave the world better for us than they found it for themselves. We are under eternal obligations to them because of what they did and what they suffered for us and the only way we can discharge that obligation is by doing the best we can for those who are to come after us. And this is the high purpose of every Socialist on earth. Everywhere they are animated by the same lofty principles; everywhere they have the same noble ideals; everywhere they are clasping hands across national boundary lines; everywhere they are calling one another Comrade, the blessed word that springs from the heart of unity and bursts into blossom upon the lips. Each passing day they are getting into closer touch all along the battle line, waging the holy war of the working class of the world against the ruling and exploiting class of the world. They make many mistakes and they profit by them all. They encounter numerous defeats, and grow stronger through them all. They never take a backward step.

    The heart of the international Socialist never beats a retreat.

    They are pressing forward, here, there and everywhere, in all the zones that girdle the globe. Everywhere these awakening workers, these class-conscious proletarians, these hardy sons and daughters of honest toil are proclaiming the glad tidings of the coming emancipation, everywhere their hearts are attuned to the most sacred cause that ever challenged men and women to action in all the history of the world. Everywhere they are moving toward democracy and the dawn; marching toward the sunrise, their faces all aglow with the light of the coming day. These are the Socialists, the most zealous and enthusiastic crusaders the world has ever known. They are making history that will light up the horizon of coming generations, for their mission is the emancipation of the human race. They have been reviled; they have been ridiculed, persecuted, imprisoned and have suffered death, but they have been sufficient to themselves and their cause, and their final triumph is but a question of time.

    Do you wish to hasten the day of victory? Join the Socialist Party! Don’t wait for the morrow. Join now! Enroll your name without fear and take your place where you belong. You cannot do your duty by proxy. You have got to do it yourself and do it squarely and then as you look yourself in the face you will have no occasion to blush. You will know what it is to be a real man or woman. You will lose nothing; you will gain everything. Not only will you lose nothing but you will find something of infinite value, and that something will be yourself. And that is your supreme need—to find yourself—to really know yourself and your purpose in life.

    You need at this time especially to know that you are fit for something better than slavery and cannon fodder. You need to know that you were not created to work and produce and impoverish yourself to enrich an idle exploiter. You need to know that you have a mind to improve, a soul to develop, and a manhood to sustain.

    You need to know that it is your duty to rise above the animal plane of existence. You need to know that it is for you to know something about literature and science and art. You need to know that you are verging on the edge of a great new world. You need to get in touch with your comrades and fellow workers and to become conscious of your interests, your powers and your possibilities as a class. You need to know that you belong to the great majority of mankind. You need to know that as long as you are ignorant, as long as you are indifferent, as long as you are apathetic, unorganized and content, you will remain exactly where you are. You will be exploited; you will be degraded, and you will have to beg for a job. You will get just enough for your slavish toil to keep you in working order, and you will be looked down upon with scorn and contempt by the very parasites that live and luxuriate out of your sweat and unpaid labor.

    If you would be respected you have got to begin by respecting yourself. Stand up squarely and look yourself in the face and see a man! Do not allow yourself to fall into the predicament of the poor fellow who, after he had heard a Socialist speech concluded that he too ought to be a Socialist. The argument he had heard was unanswerable. “Yes,” he said to himself, “all the speaker said was true and I certainly ought to join the party.” But after a while he allowed his ardor to cool and he soberly concluded that by joining the party he might anger his boss and lose his job. He then concluded: “I can’t take the chance.” That night he slept alone. There was something on his conscience and it resulted in a dreadful dream. Men always have such dreams when they betray themselves. A Socialist is free to go to bed with a clear conscience. He goes to sleep with his manhood and he awakens and walks forth in the morning with his self-respect. He is unafraid and he can look the whole world in the face, without a tremor and without a blush. But this poor weakling who lacked the courage to do the bidding of his reason and conscience was haunted by a startling dream and at midnight he awoke in terror, bounded from his bed and exclaimed: “My God, there is nobody in this room.” He was absolutely right. There was nobody in that room.

    How would you like to sleep in a room that had nobody in it? It is an awful thing to be nobody. That is certainly a state of mind to get out of, the sooner the better.

    There is a great deal of hope for Baker, Ruthenberg and Wagenknecht who are in jail for their convictions; but for the fellow that is nobody there is no pardoning power. He is “in” for life. Anybody can be nobody; but it takes a man to be somebody.

    To turn your back on the corrupt Republican Party and the still more corrupt Democratic Party—the gold-dust lackeys of the ruling class counts for still more after you have stepped out of those popular and corrupt capitalist parties to join a minority party that has an ideal, that stands for a principle, and fights for a cause. This will be the most important change you have ever made and the time will come when you will thank me for having made the suggestion. It was the day of days for me. I remember it well. It was like passing from midnight darkness to the noontide light of day. It came almost like a flash and found me ready. It must have been in such a flash that great, seething, throbbing Russia, prepared by centuries of slavery and tears and martyrdom, was transformed from a dark continent to a land of living light.

    There is something splendid, something sustaining and inspiring in the prompting of the heart to be true to yourself and to the best you know, especially in a crucial hour of your life. You are in the crucible today, my Socialist comrades! You are going to be tried by fire, to what extent no one knows. If you are weak-fibered and fainthearted you will be lost to the Socialist movement. We will have to bid you goodbye. You are not the stuff of which revolutions are made. We are sorry for you unless you chance to be an “intellectual.” The “intellectuals,” many of them, are already gone. No loss on our side nor gain on the other.

    I am always amused in the discussion of the “intellectual” phase of this question. It is the same old standard under which the rank and file are judged. What would become of the sheep if they had no shepherd to lead them out of the wilderness into the land of milk and honey?

    Oh, yes, “I am your shepherd and ye are my mutton.”

    They would have us believe that if we had no “intellectuals” we would have no movement. They would have our party, the rank and file, controlled by the “intellectual” bosses as the Republican and Democratic parties are controlled. These capitalist parties are managed by “intellectual” leaders and the rank and file are sheep that follow the bellwether to the shambles.

    In the Republican and Democratic parties you of the common herd are not expected to think. That is not only unnecessary but might lead you astray. That is what the “intellectual” leaders are for. They do the thinking and you do the voting. They ride in carriages at the front where the band plays and you tramp in the mud, bringing up the rear with great enthusiasm.

    The capitalist system affects to have great regard and reward for intellect, and the capitalists give themselves full credit for having superior brains. When we have ventured to say that the time would come when the working class would rule they have bluntly answered “Never! it requires brains to rule.” The workers of course have none. And they certainly try hard to prove it by proudly supporting the political parties of their masters under whose administration they are kept in poverty and servitude.

    The government is now operating its railroads for the more effective prosecution of the war. Private ownership has broken down utterly and the government has had to come to the rescue. We have always said that the people ought to own the railroads and operate them for the benefit of the people. We advocated that twenty years ago. But the capitalists and their henchmen emphatically objected. “You have got to have brains to run the railroads,” they tauntingly retorted. Well, the other day McAdoo, the governor-general of the railroads under government operation; discharged all the high-salaried presidents and other supernumeraries. In other words, he fired the “brains” bodily and yet all the trains have been coming and going on schedule time. Have you noticed any change for the worse since the “brains” are gone? It is a brainless system now, being operated by “hands.” But a good deal more efficiently than it had been operated by so-called “brains” before. And this determines infallibly the quality of their vaunted, high-priced capitalist “brains.” It is the kind you can get at a reasonable figure at the market place. They have always given themselves credit for having superior brains and given this as the reason for the supremacy of their class. It is true that they have the brains that indicates the cunning of the fox, the wolf, but as for brains denoting real intelligence and the measure of intellectual capacity they are the most woefully ignorant people on earth. Give me a hundred capitalists just as you find them here in Ohio and let me ask them a dozen simple questions about the history of their own country and I will prove to you that they are as ignorant and unlettered as any you may find in the so-called lower class. They know little of history; they are strangers to science; they are ignorant of sociology and blind to art but they know how to exploit, how to gouge, how to rob, and do it with legal sanction. They always proceed legally for the reaon that the class which has the power to rob upon a large scale has also the power to control the government and legalize their robbery. I regret that lack of time prevents me from discussing this phase of the question more at length.

    They are continually talking about your patriotic duty. It is not their but your patriotic duty that they are concerned about. There is a decided difference. Their patriotic duty never takes them to the firing line or chucks them into the trenches.

    And now among other things they are urging you to “cultivate” war gardens, while at the same time a government war report just issued shows that practically 52 percent of the arable, tillable soil is held out of use by the landlords, speculators and profiteers. They themselves do not cultivate the soil. They could not if they would. Nor do they allow others to cultivate it. They keep it idle to enrich themselves, to pocket the millions of dollars of unearned increment. Who is it that makes this land valuable while it is fenced in and kept out of use? It is the people. Who pockets this tremendous accumulation of value? The landlords. And these landlords who toil not and spin not are supreme among American “patriots.”

    In passing I suggest that we stop a moment to think about the term “landlord.” “LANDLORD!” Lord of the Land! The lord of the land is indeed a superpatriot. This lord who practically owns the earth tells you that we are fighting this war to make the world safe for democracy—he who shuts out all humanity from his private domain; he who profiteers at the expense of the people who have been slain and mutilated by multiplied thousands, under pretense of being the great American patriot. It is he, this identical patriot who is in fact the archenemy of the people; it is he that you need to wipe from power. It is he who is a far greater menace to your liberty and your well-being than the Prussian Junkers on the other side of the Atlantic ocean.

    Fifty-two percent of the land kept out of use, according to their own figures! They tell you that there is an alarming shortage of flour and that you need to produce more. They tell you further that you have got to save wheat so that more can be exported for the soldiers who are fighting on the other side, while half of your tillable soil is held out of use by the landlords and profiteers. What do you think of that?

    Again, they tell you there is a coal famine now in the state of Ohio. The state of Indiana, where I live, is largely underlaid with coal. There is practically an inexhaustible supply. The coal is banked beneath our very feet. It is within touch all about us—all we can possibly use and more. And here are the miners, ready to enter the mines. Here is the machinery ready to be put into operation to increase the output to any desired capacity. And three weeks ago a national officer of the United Mine Workers issued and published a statement to the Labor Department of the United States government to the effect that the 600,000 coal miners in the United States at this time, when they talk about a coal famine, are not permitted to work more than half time. I have been around over Indiana for many years. I have often been in the coal fields; again and again I have seen the miners idle while at the same time there was a scarcity of coal.

    They tell you that you ought to buy your coal right away; that you may freeze next winter if you do not. At the same time they charge you three prices for your coal! Oh, yes, this ought to suit you perfectly if you vote the Republican or Democratic ticket and believe in the private ownership of the coal mines and their operation for private profit.

    The coal mines now being privately owned, the operators want a scarcity of coal so they can boost their prices and enrich themselves accordingly. If an abundance of coal were mined there would be lower prices and this would not suit the mine owners. Prices soar and profits increase when there is a scarcity of coal.

    It is also apparent that there is collusion between the mine owners and the railroads. The mine owners declare there are no cars while the railroad men insist that there is no coal. And between them they delude, defraud and rob the people.

    Let us illustrate a vital point. Here is the coal in great deposits all about us; here are the miners and the machinery of production. Why should there be a coal famine upon the one hand and an army of idle and hungry miners on the other hand? Is it not an incredibly stupid situation, an almost idiotic if not criminal state of affairs?

    We Socialists say: “Take possession of the mines in the name of the people.” Set the miners at work and give every miner the equivalent of all the coal he produces. Reduce the work day in proportion to the development of productive machinery. That would at once settle the matter of a coal famine and of idle miners. But that is too simple a proposition and the people will have none of it. The time will come, however, when the people will be driven to take such action for there is no other efficient and permanent solution of the problem.

    In the present system the miner, a wage slave, gets down into a pit 300 or 400 feet deep. He works hard and produces a ton of coal. But he does not own an ounce of it. That coal belongs to some mine-owning plutocrat who may be in New York or sailing the high seas in his private yacht; or he may be hobnobbing with royalty in the capitals of Europe, and that is where most of them were before the war was declared. The industrial captain, so- called, who lives in Paris, London, Vienna or some other center of gaiety does not have to work to revel in luxury. He owns the mines and he might as well own the miners.

    That is where you workers are and where you will remain as long as you give your support to the political parties of your masters and exploiters. You vote these miners out of a job and reduce them to corporation vassals and paupers.

    We Socialists say: “Take possession of the mines; call the miner to work and return to him the equivalent of the value of his product.” He can then build himself a comfortable home; live in it; enjoy it with his family. He can provide himself and his wife and children with clothes—good clothes—not shoddy; wholesome food in abundance, education for the children, and the chance to live the lives of civilized human beings, while at the same time the people will get coal at just what it costs to mine it.

    Of course that would be socialism as far as it goes. But you are not in favor of that program. It is too visionary because it is so simple and practical. So you will have to continue to wait until winter is upon you before you get your coal and then pay three prices for it because you insist upon voting a capitalist ticket and giving your support to the present wage-slave system. The trouble with you is that you are still in a capitalist state of mind.

    Lincoln said: “If you want that thing that is the thing you want”; and you will get it to your heart’s content. But some good day you will wake up and realize that a change is needed and wonder why you did not know it long before. Yes, a change is certainly needed, not merely a change of party but a change of system; a change from slavery to freedom and from despotism to democracy, wide as the world. When this change comes at last, we shall rise from brutehood to brotherhood, and to accomplish it we have to educate and organize the workers industrially and politically, but not along the zigzag craft lines laid down by Gompers, who through all of his career has favored the master class. You never hear the capitalist press speak of him nowadays except in praise and adulation. He has recently come into great prominence as a patriot. You never find him on the unpopular side of a great issue. He is always conservative, satisfied to leave the labor problem to be settled finally at the banqueting board with Elihu Root, Andrew Carnegie and the rest of the plutocratic civic federationists. When they drink wine and smoke scab cigars together the labor question is settled so far as they are concerned.

    And while they are praising Gompers they are denouncing the I.W.W. There are few men who have the courage to say a word in favor of the I.W.W. I have. Let me say here that I have great respect for the I.W.W. Far greater than I have for their infamous detractors.

    Listen! There has just been published a pamphlet called “The Truth About the I.W.W.” It has been issued after long and thorough investigation by five men of unquestioned standing in the capitalist world. At the head of these investigators was Professor John Graham Brooks of Harvard University, and next to him John A. Fish of the Survey of the Religious Organizations of Pittsburgh, and Mr. Bruere, the government investigator. Five of these prominent men conducted an impartial examination of the I.W.W. To quote their own words they “followed its trail.” They examined into its doings beginning at Bisbee where the “patriots,” the cowardly business men, the arch-criminals, made up the mob that deported 1,200 workingmen under the most brutal conditions, charging them with being members of the I.W.W. when they knew it to be false.

    It is only necessary to label a man “I.W.W.” to have him lynched as they did Praeger, an absolutely innocent man. He was a Socialist and bore a German name, and that was his crime. A rumor was started that he was disloyal and he was promptly seized and lynched by the cowardly mob of so-called “patriots.”

    War makes possible all such crimes and outrages. And war comes in spite of the people. When Wall Street says war the press says war and the pulpit promptly follows with its Amen. In every age the pulpit has been on the side of the rulers and not on the side of the people. That is one reason why the preachers so fiercely denounce the I.W.W.

    Take the time to read this pamphlet about the I.W.W. Don’t take the word of Wall Street and its press as final. Read this report by five impartial and highly reputable men who made their investigation to know the truth, and that they might tell the truth to the American people. They declare that the I.W.W. in all its career never committed as much violence against the ruling class as the ruling class has committed against the I.W.W.

    You are not now reading any reports in the daily press about the trial at Chicago, are you? They used to publish extensive reports when the trial first began, and to prate about what they proposed to prove against the I.W.W. as a gigantic conspiracy against the government. The trial has continued until they have exhausted all their testimony and they have not yet proven violence in a single instance. No, not one! They are utterly without incriminating testimony and yet 112 men are in the dock after lying in jail for months without the shadow of a crime upon them save that of belonging to the I.W.W. That is enough it would seem to convict any man of any crime and send his body to prison and his soul to hell. Just whisper the name of the I.W.W. and you are branded as a disloyalist. And the reason for this is wholly to the credit of the I.W.W., for whatever may be charged against it the I.W.W. has always fought for the bottom dog. And that is why Haywood is despised and prosecuted while Gompers is lauded and glorified by the same gang.

    Now what you workers need is to organize, not along craft lines but along revolutionary industrial lines. All of you workers in a given industry, regardless of your trade or occupation, should belong to one and the same union.

    Political action and industrial action must supplement and sustain each other. You will never vote the Socialist republic into existence. You will have to lay its foundations in industrial organization. The industrial union is the forerunner of industrial democracy. In the shop where the workers are associated is where industrial democracy has its beginning. Organize according to your industries! Get together in every department of industrial service! United and acting together for the common good your power is invincible.

    When you have organized industrially you will soon learn that you can manage as well as operate industry. You will soon realize that you do not need the idle masters and exploiters. They are simply parasites. They do not employ you as you imagine but you employ them to take from you what you produce, and that is how they function in industry. You can certainly dispense with them in that capacity. You do not need them to depend upon for your jobs. You can never be free while you work and live by their sufferance. You must own your own tools and then you will control your own jobs, enjoy the products of your own labor and be free men instead of industrial slaves.

    Organize industrially and make your organization complete. Then unite in the Socialist Party. Vote as you strike and strike as you vote.

    Your union and your party embrace the working class. The Socialist Party expresses the interests, hopes and aspirations of the toilers of all the world.

    Get your fellow workers into the industrial union and the political party to which they rightly belong, especially this year, this historic year in which the forces of labor will assert themselves as they never have before. This is the year that calls for men and women who have courage, the manhood and womanhood to do their duty.

    Get into the Socialist Party and take your place in its ranks; help to inspire the weak and strengthen the faltering, and do your share to speed the coming of the brighter and better day for us all.

    When we unite and act together on the industrial field and when we vote together on election day we shall develop the supreme power of the one class that can and will bring permanent peace to the world. We shall then have the intelligence, the courage and the power for our great task. In due time industry will be organized on a cooperative basis. We shall conquer the public power. We shall then transfer the title deeds of the railroads, the telegraph lines, the mines, mills and great industries to the people in their collective capacity; we shall take possession of all these social utilities in the name of the people. We shall then have industrial democracy. We shall be a free nation whose government is of and by and for the people.

    And now for all of us to do our duty! The clarion call is ringing in our ears and we cannot falter without being convicted of treason to ourselves and to our great cause.

    Do not worry over the charge of treason to your masters, but be concerned about the treason that involves yourselves. Be true to yourself and you cannot be a traitor to any good cause on earth.

    Yes, in good time we are going to sweep into power in this nation and throughout the world. We are going to destroy all enslaving and degrading capitalist institutions and re-create them as free and humanizing institutions. The world is daily changing before our eyes. The sun of capitalism is setting; the sun of socialism is rising. It is our duty to build the new nation and the free republic. We need industrial and social builders. We Socialists are the builders of the beautiful world that is to be. We are all pledged to do our part. We are inviting—aye challenging you this afternoon in the name of your own manhood and womanhood to join us and do your part.

    In due time the hour will strike and this great cause triumphant—the greatest in history—will proclaim the emancipation of the working class and the brotherhood of all mankind.

    #USA #syndicalisme

  • Gena Rowlands ist tot: Bekannt aus „Eine Frau unter Einfluss“ und „Gloria“

    15.8.2024 - Gena Rowlands drehte Dutzende Filme, viele davon unter der Regie ihres Mannes John Cassavetes. Nun ist der Star gestorben.

    Die amerikanische Schauspielerin Gena Rowlands ist tot. Sie starb am Mittwoch im Alter von 94 Jahren, wie das Onlineportal TMZ und die New York Times berichteten. Eine offizielle Todesursache wurde zunächst nicht genannt. Im Juni hatte ihr Sohn Nick Cassavetes der New York Times gesagt, dass Rowlands seit fünf Jahren an Alzheimer leide.

    Rowlands wirkte seit den 1960er Jahren in Dutzenden Filmen mit, viele davon unter der Regie ihres Mannes John Cassavetes. Mit dem Regisseur war sie von 1954 bis zu dessen Tod im Jahr 1989 verheiratet. Das Paar hatte drei Kinder, die ihnen ins Filmgeschäft folgten.

    Für ihre Rollen in den Erfolgsfilmen „Eine Frau unter Einfluss“ (1974) und „Gloria“ (1980), beide unter der Regie von John Cassavetes, wurde sie für einen Oscar nominiert, ging aber jeweils leer aus. 2015 zollte die Filmakademie der damals 85-jährigen Schauspielerin mit einem Ehren-Oscar Anerkennung für ihr Lebenswerk.

    #cinéma #acteurs #USA

    • Gena Rowlands, interprète de toutes les nuances de l’expérience féminine

      Leur vie va changer, leur confort personnel va y passer, les cachets financeront les films. (...)

      Ce n’est pas un hasard si Une femme sous influence sort un an avant Jeanne Dielman, de Chantal Akerman. Les deux films, bien que très différents, montrent une même réalité que personne n’avait su voir : que fait une femme, seule chez elle, le long de ses journées ? Gena Rowlands incarne Mabel Longhetti, une mère de famille que la vie au foyer a rendue folle. Elle a pris l’habitude de faire des séjours en hôpital psychiatrique, alterne entre phase mélancolique et phase maniaque, ne sait ni s’occuper de ses enfants ni tenir la maison. Cassavetes filme précisément cela : une femme qui ne sait pas tenir son rôle, trop lourd et triste pour elle, et démasque ainsi la mascarade de la féminité domestique.

      Un « corps traversé »

      On croit d’abord que Mabel est folle, jusqu’à comprendre que c’est la normalité qui est insensée, un rôle impossible à tenir. C’est le conformisme qu’il faut chasser de la maison. Sans s’y référer, Cassavetes semble fidèlement porter à l’écran La Femme mystifiée (1964), ouvrage culte de la féministe Betty Friedan. Qu’invente ici Gena Rowlands ? Quelque chose d’inédit, d’effroyablement dur à décrire. A même son propre corps, elle semble effectuer un montage d’attitudes, de postures, de phrases toutes faites. Comme si un robot tentait d’imiter les rôles dévolus aux femmes : gentille épouse, parfaite maîtresse de maison, mère aimante.

      Puis, dépassée par tous les rôles à tenir, Gena Rowlands frôle la surchauffe, se détraque, mélange tout. Ici, son corps n’agit pas, il est comme un ciel traversé par des états, un sourire, une phrase, un geste. Sans béquille ni accessoire, l’actrice puise au fond d’elle-même pour exprimer l’idée que la vie de Mabel ne lui appartient pas. Cette capacité à être un « corps traversé » est sans doute ce qui fait événement dans la performance de l’actrice. « Ceci n’est pas un film », ne cessera de dire Cassavetes. Ce sera son plus grand succès.


    • Dans Night On Earth with Winona Ryder

      ... et la chanson qui va avec ...

      Peggy Seeger - Gonna Be an Engineer

      When I was a little girl I wished I was a boy
      I tagged along behind the gang and wore my corduroys
      Everybody said I only did it to annoy
      But I was gonna be an engineer

      Mamma told me, "Can’t you be a lady?
      Your duty is to make me the mother of a pearl
      Wait until you’re older, dear, and maybe
      You’ll be glad that you’re a girl

      Dainty as a Dresden statue, gentle as a Jersey cow
      Smooth as silk, gives creamy milk
      Learn to coo, learn to moo
      That’s what you do to be a lady, now

      When I went to school, I learned to write and how to read
      Some history, geography, and home economy
      And typing is a skill that every girl is sure to need
      To while away the extra time until the time to breed
      Then they have the nerve to say, “What would you like to be?”
      I says, “I’m gonna be an engineer!”

      “No, you only need to learn to be a lady
      The duty isn’t yours for to try and run the world
      An engineer could never have a baby
      Remember, dear, that you’re a girl”
      You might also like
      She’s smart...for a woman
      I wonder how she got that way?
      You get no choice, you get no voice
      Just stay mum, pretend you’re dumb
      That’s how you come to be a lady, today

      Then Jimmy come along and we set up a conjugation
      We were busy every night with love and recreation
      I spent the day at work so he could get his education
      Well, now he’s an engineer!

      He says, “I know you’ll always be a lady
      It’s the duty of my darling to love me all her life
      Could an engineer look after or obey me?
      Remember, dear, that you’re my wife!”

      Well, as soon as Jimmy got a job, I began again
      Then happy at me turret lathe a year or so, and then
      The morning that the twins were born, Jimmy says to them
      “Kids, your mother was an engineer!”

      “You owe it to the kids to be a lady
      Dainty as a dishrag, faithful as a chow
      Stay at home, you got to mind the baby
      Remember you’re a mother now!”
      Well, every time I turn around, there’s something else to do
      It’s cook a meal, mend a sock, sweep a floor or two
      Listening to Jimmy Young, it makes me want to spew
      “I was gonna be an engineer!”

      Dude, I really wish that I could be a lady
      I could do the lovely things that a lady’s supposed to do
      I wouldn’t even mind if only they would pay me
      Then I could be a person too

      What price for a woman?
      You could buy her for a ring of gold
      To love and obey without any pay
      You get a cook and a nurse for better or worse
      You don’t need a purse when the lady is sold

      Oh, but now that times are harder and me Jimmy’s got the sack
      I went down to Vickers, they were glad to have me back
      But I’m a third-class citizen, my wages tell me that
      And I’m a first-class engineer!

      The boss, he says, “We pay you as a lady
      You only got the job ’cause I can’t afford a man
      With you, I keep the profits high as may be
      You’re just a cheaper pair of hands.”
      You got one’re a woman
      You’re not worth the equal pay
      A bitch or a tart, you’re nothing but heart
      Shallow and vain, you got no brain
      You even go down the drain like a lady today

      Well, I listened to my mother and I joined a typing pool
      I listened to my lover and I put him through his school
      But if I listen to the boss, I’m just a bloody fool
      And an underpaid engineer
      I’ve been a sucker ever since I was a baby
      As a daughter, as a wife, as a mother, and a dear
      But I’ll fight them as a woman, not a lady
      Fight them as an engineer!

  • Li Bing, Qin dynasty (李冰 ; pinyin : Lǐ Bīng)

    Statue of Li Bing at Erwang Temple, Dujiangyan, sculpted during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD)
    On parle souvent de la brutalité de la campagne militaire du roi des Quin qui a mis fin à la période des Royaumes combattants et a permis la fondation du premier empire de Chine uni. L’histoire de l’hydrologie nous renseigene sur la base matérielle de ce succès miltaire et polititique. Il s’agit du progrès majeur en productivité par le contrôle des ressources d’eau et d’une nouvelle forme de gestion administrative stable du pays . L’architecte du système d’irrigation de Dujiangyan, projet à la fois technique, politique et militaire peut être considéré comme le véritable fondateur de l’empire chinois qui a duré 2000 ans.

    Li Bing was a Chinese hydraulic engineer and politician of the Warring States period. He served the state of Qin as an administrator and is revered for his work on the Dujiangyan River Control System, which both controlled flooding and provided irrigation water year-round, greatly increasing the productivity of the valley. Li Bing became a cultural icon, known as the vanquisher of the River God and is compared to the Great Yu.

    Dujiangyan is still in use today and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

    Li Bing - History of Hydrology Wiki

    King Zhaoxiang of Qin (r. 306–251 BC) dispatched Li Bing as joint military and civilian governor (shou) over Shu, a recently defeated state in Sichuan province, Southwest China, just west of modern Chengdu. According to the Records of the Grand Historian, Li Bing was appointed governor of Shu in c. 277 BC. However, the Chronicles of Huayang place Li Bing in Shu in 272 BC. He arrived just as Zhang Ruo had put down the last of the marquis rebellions and moved out to engage the Chu city of Yan. Zhang Ruo did not leave any incumbent ministers, and Li Bing had complete control over Shu. (Sage, 149) “When he arrived in Shu, Li Bing witnessed the sufferings of local people from frequent flooding of the Min River.” Additionally, the Qin monarchy had been sending its exiles to this state and the Qin military needed food and infrastructure.

    Prévenir la révolte d’un peuple superstitieux

    in order to avert a similar massive revolt, Li Bing set out to end this practice “by a combination of tact and showmanship”. (Sage, 150)

    Steven Sage describes from the Shiji that the first thing Li Bing did was set up a temple to honor the Min deity. He then offered his own two daughters as brides to the deity. But first he set up a large nuptial banquet along the river. He offered a toast. But the deity did not drink his glass of wine. Deeply offended, Li Bing runs off sword drawn. Two bulls prepared in advance were then seen by the crowd fighting along the river bank. Symbolically, this was Li Bing in a duel with the deity. Li Bing returns to the scene sweating as if in battle and calls for assistance. One of his lieutenants ran up to the bull that Li Bing had pointed out was the deity and killed the bull. The river spirit was subdued. “Through the medium of the bull, Li Bing had won.”(Sage 150-151{Shiji, ch.116, xi nan yi lie zhuan, pp 2995–2996.}) In 268 BC, Li Bing is said to have personally led tens of thousands of workers in the initial stage of construction on the Min River banks.

    King Zhaoxiang of Qin - Wikipedia

    King Zhaoxiang died at age 75 in 251 BC, having outlived his eldest son, who died in 267 BC while serving as a hostage in the state of Wei. He was succeeded by his second son King Xiaowen.

    Reigning over 55 years, he was one of the longest-serving rulers during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Although making numerous policy mistakes during his later years, his aggressive territorial expansions were pivotal in consolidating the state of Qin as the dominant military powerhouse in the late Warring States period. It was the strategic dominance established during his reign that paved the way to Qin’s eventual successful unification of China under his great-grandson, Ying Zheng.

    In manga and anime Kingdom, he was described as a “War God”, which he led Qin through bloody battles alongside his 6 most elite generals, including Bai Qi, Wang He, Wang Yi, Liao, Sima Cuo and Hu Shang.

    50 ans après la modernisation du système d’irrigation par Li Bing arrive la fin de l’époque des royaumes combattants et l’unification de la Chine sous 秦始皇, Qui Shi Huang (février 259 AEC – 12 juillet 210 AEC). L’architecte et administrateur avait crée la base matérielle de l’empire.

    By 221 BC, all Chinese lands had been unified under the Qin. To elevate himself above the feudal Zhou kings, King Zheng proclaimed himself the First Emperor, or Shi Huang Di (始皇帝), creating the title of huangdi, which would be used as the title of the Chinese sovereign for the next two millennia. Qin Shi Huang also ordered the Heshibi to be crafted into the Heirloom Seal of the Realm, which would serve as a physical symbol of the Mandate of Heaven, and would be passed from emperor to emperor until its loss in the 10th century CE.

    During the year 215 BC, in an attempt to expand Qin territory, Qin Shi Huang ordered military campaigns against the Xiongnu nomads in the North. Led by General Meng Tian, Qin armies successfully routed the Xiongnu from the Ordos region, setting the ancient foundations for the construction of the Great Wall of China. In the South, Qin Shi Huang also ordered several military campaigns against the Yue tribes, which annexed various regions in modern Guangdong Province and Vietnam.

    China’s 2000-year-old irrigation system that’s still in use today — Google Arts & Culture

    Système d’irrigation de Dujiangyan

    Das Dujiangyan-Bewässerungssystem, der Staudamm Dujiangyan

    Unter der Leitung des Präfekten Li Bing und seines Sohnes wurde von 306 bis 251 v. Chr. an diesem Projekt Dujiangyan gearbeitet. Das heute wieder instandgesetzte Bewässerungssystem konnte bereits in seinen ersten Jahren nach Inbetriebnahme mehr als 200000 Hektar Land bewässern, heute werden damit 600000 Hektar Ackerflächer mit Wasser versorgt. Zu Ehren seiner Erbauer ist der Tempel der Zwei Könige errichtet worden. Im Pavillon der Unterwerfung des Drachen ist eine fast 1900 Jahre alte, 2,9 Meter große Steinstatue des Li Bing zu sehen. Von hier aus genießt man auch einen herrlichen Überblick über die gesamte Anlage.

    Die Sehenswürdigkeiten der großen, 60 km nordwestlich von Chengdu gelegenen Stadt Dujiangyan rechtfertigen durchaus einen halbtägigen Aufenthalt. In dieser Gegend errichtete 256 v.Chr. der Präfekt Li Bing das ausgeklügelte Bewässerungsprojekt von Dujiangyan, mit dem er den Min-Fluss zu zähmen beabsichtigte, einen für seine Überschwemmungen berüchtigten Nebenfluss des Yangzi. Li entwickelte ein dreiteiliges Wasserregulierungssystem mit einer zentralen Erdaufschüttung und künstlichen Inseln als Wasserscheide, die den Min in einen inneren Lauf für die Bewässerung und einen äußeren Kanal für den Hochwasserschutz trennte. Eine Überlaufrinne ermöglichte die Kontrolle über das Wasser und die Ausspülung von Schwemmsand, während der optimale Zufluss durch einen in den Berg gehauenen Kanal garantiert wurde.

    Die von Li Bings Sohn vollendete Anlage versieht seit damals ununterbrochen ihren Dienst, derzeit besteht das System aus Staumauern, Rückhaltebecken und Pumpstationen für die Bewässerung von rund 32.000 km2 landwirtschaftlicher Nutzfläche. Es ist sogar als Weltkulturerbe vorgesehen, hat diesen Status aber bislang nicht erhalten, und inzwischen sieht es leider so aus, als würde die Anlage zerstört, wenn im Jahr 2006 der neue Zipingpu-Staudamm 9 km flussaufwärts in Betrieb genommen wird.

    Wer am Busbahnhof südlich des Zentrums ankommt, wendet sich nach links und gelangt nach 1 km über die Taiping Jie an eine Kreuzung, wo man links abbiegt und der Landstraße bis zum Lidui-Park folgt, der das ursprüngliche Kernstück des Projekts umschließt. Schwungvolle Schnitzarbeiten an den Dachvorsprüngen und eine uralte Steinstatue von Liu Bing zieren den 1600 Jahre alten Fulong Guan (Tempel des Drachenbezwingers), der von kerzengeraden Nanmu-Bäumen flankiert direkt am Beginn des ersten Wasserlaufs erbaut wurde und dessen Name die Zähmung des Flusses symbolisiert. Der Ort verschafft einen guten Einblick in die Konzeption der Anlage, doch einen noch besseren Überblick bietet eine Fahrt mit dem Sessellift, der neben dem Tempel beginnt und über den Fluss bis zum Erwang Miao (Tempel der Zwei Könige) führt. Die Haupthallen der Posthum zu Ehren Li Bings und seines Sohns errichteten Tempelanlage enthalten Statuen der beiden Meister der Ingenieurskunst. Insgesamt handelt es sich um einen gut erhaltenen Komplex aus schwerem Stein, der auch einen Keil aus einem angeblich 4000 Jahre alten Baumstamm beherbergt. Oberhalb des Tempels verläuft eine Landstraße, wo eine enttäuschend restaurierte Pagode steht und der Bus Nr. 1 zurück zum Busbahnhof fährt. Vom Tempel abwärts führt eine Treppe zu der aus Brettern und Seilen bestehenden Anlan-Hängebrücke, über die man den Min-Fluss überqueren und den Fußweg zurück in die Stadt nehmen kann.

    Die Anfahrt von Chengdu erfolgt wahlweise vom Busbahnhof Ximen oder vom Hauptbahnhof. Dujianyans Busbahnhof liegt südlich des Zentrums in der Yingbin Dadao. Den ganzen Tag über fahren Busse zum Qingcheng Shan (45 Minuten) und nach Chengdu (eine und halbe Stunde); mindestens eine Verbindung täglich besteht auch in Richtung Westen nach Wolong (3 Stunden) und Xiaojin sowie in Richtung Norden nach Wenchuan (4 Stunden) und Songpan (7 Stunden). Außerdem gibt es Busse nach Chongqing (10 Stunden), Guanghan (1,5 Stunde) und Leshan (7 Stunden).

    Im Jahr 2000 ist Dujiangyan gemeinsam mit dem Qingcheng Berg in die UNESCO-Liste des Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen worden. Als Denkmäler stehen sie in China allerdings bereits seit 1982. Zudem gibt es auch noch viele andere unter Denkmalschutz stehende antike Wasserbauprojekte in China, wie zum Beispiel der Zheng-Guo-Kanal und der Ling-Kanal.

    Diese Anlage hat bis heute seine Funktion behalten und wird „lebendes Museum des Wasserbaus“ genannt. Das Bewässerungssystem besteht aus folgenden Bereichen: dem Fischmaul, dem Flugsandwehr und dem kostbaren Flaschenhals.

    Das Fischmaul ist ein flacher Deich, der den Min-Fluss der Länge nach in einen inneren und äußeren Strom teilt. Auf dem Fischmaul ist – etwas zurückgesetzt – ein höherer Deich gebaut. Der äußere, westlich gelegene Strom, fließt als Min-Fluss weiter, während der innere, östlich gelegene, als Quelle für das abzuleitende Wasser dient. Die Form des Fischmauls bewirkt eine saisonal unterschiedliche Verteilung der Wassermassen. Im wasserarmen Frühjahr fließen 40 % des Wassers in den äußeren Strom und 60% in den inneren; zur Hochwassersaison steigt der Wasserpegel, so dass er das Fischmaul überschwemmt und sich die Aufteilungsverhältnisse umkehren: jetzt fließen 60 % des Wassers in den äußeren Strom. Durch die Konstruktion wird das Tiefenwasser mit dem Hauptanteil an Sand und Schwebeteilchen in den äußeren Strom geleitet, während das klarere Oberflächenwasser in den inneren Kanal fließt.
    Das Fischmaul

    Dies ist ein flacher Deich, der den Min-Fluss der Länge nach in einen inneren und äußeren Strom teilt. Es steht ein höherer Deich etwas zurückgesetzt auf dem Fischmaul. Der Min-Fluss fließt weiter im äußeren, westlich gelegenen Strom, während der andere innere Strom abgeleitet wird und als Wasserquelle dient. Aufgrund der Form des Fischmauls gibt es eine saisonal unterschiedliche Verteilung der Wassermengen. Im Frühjahr, wenn es recht trocken ist, fließen 40 % des Wassers in den äußeren Strom und 60 % in den inneren, während zur Regenzeit das Fischmaul überschwemmt wird und sich die Proportionen umkehren mit 60 % des Wassers im äußeren Strom. Dadurch ergibt sich aufgrund der Konstruktion die Situation, dass das Tiefenwasser mit dem angeschwemmten Flöss in den öußeren Strom fließt und dass viel klarere Oberflächenwasser in den inneren Kanal fließt.
    das Flugsandwehr

    Es existiert ein Überlauf im inneren Strom, der die Wassermenge kontrolliert. Dieser ist das Flugsandwehr, das eine 710 m abwärts gelegene und 240 m breite Öffnung im Deich ist. Dadurch fließt bei Hochwasser das überschüssige Wasser in den äußeren Strom ab, wodurch auch der Sand und die Steine ausgeschwemmt werden, was eine Verschlammung des inneren Stroms verhindert.
    der kostbare Flaschenhals

    Mit dem kostbaren Flaschenhals wird erreicht, dass das Wasser für die Felder in der Ebene von Chengdu abgezweigt wird. Dies ist ein künstlicher Einschnitt in die Bergflanke des Yulei Shan (玉垒山), der 120 m entfernt ist vom Auslass des Flugsandwehrs. Insgesamt ist er bis zu 28,9 m breit, 18,8 m hoch und hat eine Länge von 36 m. Das Wasser fließt so in Kanälen nach Südosten und bewässert die Ebene von Chengdu, indem es dem natürlichen Gefälle folgt.

    Durch den kostbaren Flaschenhals wird schließlich das Wasser für die Felder in der Ebene von Chengdu abgezweigt. Der kostbare Flaschenhals ist ein künstlicher Einschnitt in die Bergflanke des Yulei Shan, 120 m entfernt vom Auslass des Flugsandwehrs. Er ist bis zu 28,9 m breit, 18,8 m hoch und hat eine Länge von 36 m. Dem natürlichen Gefälle folgend fließt es in Kanälen nach Südosten und bewässert die Ebene von Chengdu.

    Li Bing – the architect of Dujiangyan

    Dujiangyan, UNESCO world cultural heritage site

    Période des Royaumes combattants

    #Chine #histoire #politique #hydrologie

  • India’s M. N. Roy Was the Pioneer of Postcolonial Marxism

    1.8.2024 by Kris Manjapra - M. N. Roy was a revolutionary activist across national borders, from his home country of India to Mexico and the USSR. Roy rejected Eurocentric versions of Marxism, and his ideas about the postcolonial state are strikingly relevant to Indian politics today.

    The outcome of this year’s Indian elections has raised hopes for a curb on India’s slide toward twenty-first-century fascism. Even so, the prognosis remains tenuous as the signal of a truly Indian people’s democracy continues to flicker amid majoritarian chants and a prime minister still trying to assume the status of aloof god-man and exalted leader.

    Narendra Modi’s regime, during his previous ten years in power, was successful in retooling the Indian postcolonial state to become more overtly colonialist. Now in Modi’s third term, with his mandate significantly diminished by an electorate refusing to worship at his feet, we will learn whether the colonialist drive of the Indian state can be restrained by the diversity and the immensity of the needs of its people.

    The problem of postcolonial colonialism in India was first recognized by a forgotten critical theorist, revolutionary, and political leader, Manabendra Nath Roy. As early as the 1940s, M. N. Roy, anticipating what we would now call “postcolonial theory,” concerned himself with analyzing the factors that would give rise to the decay of democracy in South Asia (such as capitalist rule by abusive business interests, family dynasties, caste hierarchies, and deification of leaders).

    He was the first practitioner of what we might recognize as a homegrown South Asian critical theory, rooted in Marxist analysis but rejecting orthodox determinism, and attuned to the world-making role of cultural signification. For Roy, there was no telos of the nation-state nor of the party, but only of the people. The postcolonial state was part of no grand family romance, as it was for Jawaharlal Nehru.

    Unlike Mohandas K. Gandhi, Roy insisted that the Indian nation had no distinctive spiritual force rooted in Indic disciplines and abstinences. He saw the British colonial state, the emerging postcolonial state of India, and the 1930s and ’40s fascist states across Eurasia as all sharing a nomos, an underlying form and logic. And this logic, insisted Roy, was imperialist.
    An Anti-Colonial Icon

    Roy was an anti-colonial icon of the mid-twentieth century. From his origins as a young insurgent in Calcutta in the 1910s to his roles as a founder of the Mexican Communist Party and a high-level Comintern leader in 1920s Moscow, Roy exemplified the internationalist left in extreme times.

    Among Roy’s renegade intellectual breakthroughs was his rebuttal of Vladimir Lenin’s claim, in his 1920 “Draft Theses on National and Colonial Questions,” that workers’ revolutions across the colonial world would convey, like aftershocks, the seismic force first generated by revolution in the West. Roy, penning his own “Supplementary Theses” (1920), instead envisioned a “mutual relationship” between toilers located across the colonies and the West, and identified the tectonic role of anti-imperial struggle in shifting the balance of the whole world. Some years later, in his innovative and bold history of the revolutionary process in China (Revolution and Counterrevolution in China), published in 1930, Roy eviscerated Eurocentric orthodox Marxist assertions about a supposed despotic “Asiatic mode of production.”

    However, the beginning of the murderous Stalinist purges at the end of the 1920s almost killed Roy and compelled him to return to India in 1930, where he was sentenced to twelve years of imprisonment by the British imperial regime. He became known for what the scholar Sudipta Kaviraj called his “remarkable failures” and his ultimate lack of political salience on the Indian political stage. Roy himself thematized his failures as part of his biography. As he wrote in his 1946 work New Orientation, “If there is one failure or two defeats, you may say they are due to mistakes. But if you have a whole series of failures, you simply cannot close your eyes to it.”

    Yet while he may have failed in political mobilization, he excelled in critique. Roy’s analyses of culture, society, and politics of the 1930s and ’40s provide insights into the international formations of fascism and their instances in the Global South. He developed critical thinking about the future of fascism, not as an epigone of Western styles of thought but rather as their bellwether.

    Roy saw the varieties of fascism (not just German, Italian, or even Russian, but also Indian) as locally differentiated styles sharing a global form. Long before the bloody Partition of India in 1947, he warned that postcolonial independence, drawing perverse energy from the preceding era of imperial rule, would turn fascist because of Hindu nationalism, mob rule, and the cooptation of the state by dynasts and super capitalists. Fascism would live on in the postcolony.

    In Roy’s voluminous writing about Indian fascism in the 1940s, he argued that the world was in the midst of a civil war between the forces of autarky, on one hand, and those of federalization, on the other; between elite colonialist interests seeking to erect dividing walls and democratic anti-colonial people’s movements striving to break them down.

    The key contribution of Roy’s critical analysis — and the insight that made him so unpopular and politically irrelevant back in his day — was his assertion that the shoot of fascism in India had grown from the soil of Gandhism and the politics of the Indian National Congress and would continue to grow in mainstream Indian postcolonial nationalism.

    Seen from today’s perspective, the fascism promulgated by Narendra Modi’s regime draws its force not only from a fringe offshoot of the paramilitary Hindutva Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), but also from the deeper taproot of mainstream political styles in India that go all the way back to the cult of the Mahatma, the appeal to ideas of Hindu cultural and spiritual exceptionalism, and the practices of instrumentalized mass mobilization by elites.

    It was Roy’s consistent view, sounding as perverse today as it did back then, that Gandhi’s paternalist mass movement and Congress dynasticism would condemn independent India to recurring confrontations with a homegrown Indian strain of fascism, and with the colonialist impulses of the postcolonial state.
    Drawing the Line

    The reigning nomos of the earth of the 1940s emerged from more than a century of imperial warmaking, which was the condition of possibility for the globalization of the modern nation-state form. British imperialist wars across South Asia after 1857, for example, marked a new resolve to draw the line of imperial domination, and to use fresh military and juridical technologies to execute and appropriate across the space it enclosed.

    These events, beginning in South Asia with the War of 1857, unleashed a global frenzy that next crescendoed across the Caribbean and Africa between 1865 and 1910, where all kinds of old and new techniques were put to work by the European imperial powers. Lines of all varieties — amity lines, colonial lines, cadastral lines, civil lines, hamletting lines, treaty lines, cartographic lines, partition lines, not to mention concentration-camp lines — were drawn, redrawn, and superimposed many times over across Asia, Africa, and the entire colonial world.

    As both Roy and Aimé Cesaire noted at the time, what then transpired between 1914 and 1945 — the rise of fascism and totalitarianism — was the continuation onto European soil of what European empires were doing across South Asia, the Caribbean, and Africa, as well as the indigenous world.

    The lines drawn in the 1950s era of decolonization — as in the preceding period of fascism — were carved inside the state too, as much as on their outer, contested boundary limits. Postcolonial statecraft of South Asia grew out of violent appropriation from subordinated castes, indigenous peoples, racialized groups, and minoritized ethnic communities. In this sense, according to Roy’s analysis, postcolonial South Asia, perhaps in more heightened fashion than in any other part of the world, was constituted through the drawing and redrawing of such lines of appropriation, and this made it extremely susceptible to postcolonial fascism.

    Roy, who was himself of a Bengali upper-caste family, wrote about the ways that casteist Hindu patriarchy placed women and sexual minorities “outside the line” and subjected them to appropriation, domination, and abjection. Under the conditions of British rule, as the state remained in the hands of a foreign overlord, Indian patriarchy redoubled its manipulations and delineations of the realm of sexuality.

    For Roy, majoritarian culture did not serve as a kind of inner space in which a measure of anti-colonial freedom was maintained. Instead, he contended, nationalist cultural politics in India served as little more than an intimate microcosm for the nomos of the earth.

    Roy viewed Gandhi’s cultural politics as the quintessence of this. As he wrote in one of his merciless eviscerations of Gandhian patriarchalism, “The profession of spiritualism commits Gandhians to the vulgarist, most brutal practices of materialism. . . . Spiritualist dogmas hide antidemocratic counterrevolutionary tendencies of orthodox nationalism.” He went on, “Indian fascism may even be nonviolent.”

    In Roy’s view, the vulgar materialism of “spiritualist” ideologies relied on ahistorical categories of identity and authenticity, and on the delineation of social hierarchies (i.e., the role of the woman, the role of the “harijan,” the role of the ethnic or communitarian Other, the role of the upper-caste patriarch). These rigidly enforced identity lines sought command over the historical dialectics of human experience and conspired to stabilize systems of social domination.
    Prescient Hyperbole

    Roy’s twelve-year period of imprisonment under British rule was reduced to seven, running from 1931 to 1936, and he subsequently worked to set up an Institute of New Thinking in the Indian town of Dehradun. It must be said that his analysis during these later years focused less on particular political events and strategies and more on the critique of political forms. Perhaps it became more hyperbolic too.

    Yet what might have appeared as Roy’s hyperbole in the 1940s, as he issued warning after warning about the rise of Indian fascism in and through mainstream postcolonial politics, today seems increasingly prescient, with the endurance of Modi’s India. In fascist regimes, elites attempt to coopt, coerce, and frighten the people, using the mechanisms of democracy itself to this end, turning segments of the people into masses, and the masses, eventually, into a mob.

    However, the people, in the diversity of their social needs, identities, and desires, may exceed and ultimately dispel the hold of the mob. Roy hoped for this outcome in 1946, even before South Asian democracies were born.

    At the time of the Indian Constituent Assembly, that great conclave of December 1946 when a people’s democratic system that could avoid the Partition of India and Pakistan was still possible, he advocated for the formation of “people’s committees,” in which “power will not be captured by a party, but by those committees, which will constitute the foundation of a democratic state.”

    In his last years, he developed what we can describe as an anti-Aristotelian and anti-Communist theory of the people: not as requiring leadership; not as needing education so as to be reared into democratic freedom; but as an inherently critical and political multitude, acting, diversely, out of the urgency of basic needs and innate desires. According to Roy, the greatest bulwark against mob rule in India was not an enlightened leader, vanguard, or political party, but the irrepressible and irreverent life of the diverse people themselves.

    After independence, in 1950s Dehradun, he established a philosophical movement known as Radical Humanism, which pursued cross-cultural insights from the writings of Anaxagoras, Pythagoras, Gautam, the Sufis, and others. Those insights set human beings within a larger cosmic balance of forces of which they might recognize themselves as planetary emanations, witnesses, and participants, rather than as archons who draw lines of domination and appropriation.

    As India enters Modi’s third term, another moment of contingency arises. As in other nation-states worldwide, alternatives to a fascist future are a matter of urgent struggle. In India, these alternatives to mob democracy all point in the direction of the as-yet-unrealized promise of a people’s democracy. The coin of Roy’s critical perspectives in the 1940s and ’50s redeems its value today as we watch what transpires next, where colonialist and fascist lines confront what Roy invoked as “the human urge to revolt against the intolerable conditions of life.”

    M. N. Roy

    Manabendra Nath Roy (born Narendra Nath Bhattacharya, better known as M. N. Roy; 21 March 1887 – 25 January 1954) was a 20th-century Indian revolutionary, philosopher, radical activist and political theorist. Roy was the founder of the Mexican Communist Party and the Communist Party of India (Tashkent group).

    #Inde #histoire #marxisme #colonialisme #communisme #fascisme #hindoutva

  • HSBC shareholders to receive further $4.8bn as profits rise

    Il est toujours rentable d’investir dans la reine historique du lavage d’argent sale du commerce d’opium.

    31.7.2024 by Kalyeena Makortoff - Outgoing CEO Noel Quinn will have paid $34.4bn to investors during final 18 months in post

    HSBC is giving a further $4.8bn to shareholders, providing a final parting gift from the outgoing chief executive, Noel Quinn, after a rise in second-quarter profit.

    The London-headquartered bank said it would buy back another $3bn (£2.3bn) worth of shares from investors, who will receive $1.8bn in fresh dividends.

    It will mean Quinn will have paid $34.4bn to shareholders during his final 18 months in post, as part of a strategy that helped fend off calls to break up the bank, led by its top shareholder, China’s Ping An Asset Management.

    He will hand the reins to the chief financial officer, Georges Elhedery, who was revealed as his successor earlier this month, in September

    The payouts come after HSBC managed to eke out a 1.5% increase in pre-tax profit to $8.9bn in the second quarter, up from $8.7bn a year earlier. The bank, which makes the bulk of its profits in Asia, benefited from growth in its wealth division and increased demand for investment banking services.

    It helped offset an 11% drop in net interest income, including in the UK, where increased competition for customers has meant banks have had to pay more to savers, and offer more affordable mortgage rates, in order to attract business. Net interest income accounts for the difference between what a bank pays to savers, versus what it charges borrowers.

    However, the bank said it was increasing its forecasts for net interest income for the full year from $41bn to $43bn, but said this depended on the path of global interest rates.

    While HSBC put aside $346m for potential defaults, it was much lower than the $913m it had to reserve last year, including for bad debts linked to China’s property market downturn. The lower charges also reflected improving economic conditions in the UK.

    “After achieving a record profit performance in 2023, we had a strong first half financial performance that reflected our strategy execution and revenue diversification over the past five years,” Quinn said.

    “We remain confident that we can deliver attractive returns, even in a lower interest rate environment, as a result of macroeconomic trends that play to our strengths, market-leading businesses connecting high-growth markets that we are continuing to invest in, and ongoing cost discipline.”

    HSBC traces its origin to a hong trading house in British Hong Kong. The bank was established in 1865 in Hong Kong and opened branches in Shanghai in the same year.[1] It was first formally incorporated in 1866.[8] In 1991, the present parent legal entity, HSBC Holdings plc, was established in London and the historic Hong-Kong-based bank from whose initials the group took its name became that entity’s fully-owned subsidiary.[9][10][11] The next year (1992), HSBC took over Midland Bank and thus became one of the largest domestic banks in the United Kingdom.


    Money laundering

    In both 2003 and 2010, U.S. regulators ordered HSBC to strengthen its anti-money laundering practices.[185] In October 2010, the United States OCC issued a Cease and Desist Order requiring HSBC to strengthen multiple aspects of its Anti-Money Laundering (AML) program. The identified problems included a once massive backlog of over 17,000 alerts identifying suspicious activity, failure to file timely suspicious activity reports with U.S. law enforcement, failure to conduct any due diligence to assess risks to HSBC affiliates before opening correspondent accounts for them, a three-year failure by HBUS from mid-2006 to mid-2009 to conduct any AML of $15 billion in bulk cash transactions from those same HSBC affiliates, failure to monitor $60 trillion in annual wire transfers by customers in countries rated lower risk by HBUS, and inadequate and unqualified AML staffing, resources, and leadership. It was noted that HSBC fully cooperated with the Senate investigation.[186]

    In 2012, HSBC was fined by $14 million by Argentina for failure to report suspicious transactions in the country in 2008.[187]

    On 19 July 2012, India investigated alleged violation of safety compliance, in which Indian employees were believed to be involved.[188] On 9 November 2012, Indian activist and politician Arvind Kejriwal said he had details of 700 Indian bank accounts hiding black money with a total value of ₹60 billion (US$720 million) with HSBC in Geneva.[189] In June 2013, a media outlet in India did an undercover expose where HSBC officers were caught on camera agreeing to launder “black money.” HSBC placed these employees on leave pending their own internal investigation.[190]

    In November 2012, it was reported that HSBC had set up offshore accounts in Jersey for suspected drug-dealers and other criminals, and that HM Revenue and Customs had launched an investigation following a whistle blower leaking details of £700 million allegedly held in HSBC accounts in the Crown dependency.[191]

    Following search warrants and raids beginning in January 2013, in mid-March 2013 Argentina’s main taxing authority accused HSBC of using fake receipts and dummy accounts to facilitate money laundering and tax evasion.[192][193][194]

    In early February 2013, appearing before UK’s Parliamentary Banking Standards Commission, CEO Stuart Gulliver acknowledged that the structure of the bank had been “not fit for purpose.” He also stated, “Matters that should have been shared and escalated were not shared and escalated.”[195] HSBC has also been accused of laundering money for terrorist groups.[195][196]

    In June 2015, HSBC was fined by the Geneva authorities after an investigation into money laundering within its Swiss subsidiary. The fine was 40 million Swiss Francs.[197]

    In 2018, HSBC was fined 15 million rand by South Africa’s central bank for weaknesses in its processes meant to detect money laundering and terrorism financing, though it also added that HSBC was not found to have facilitated any transactions involving money laundering or the financing of terrorism in South Africa.[198]

    In 2020, HSBC told AUSTRAC that it may have broken Australia’s anti money laundering and counter-terrorism laws after allegedly failing to report thousands of transactions to AUSTRAC.[199][200]

    In July 2021, HSBC disclosed that in 2016 it discovered a suspected money laundering network that received $4.2 billion worth of payments which has raised questions over whether it disclosed this appropriately to US monitors as the bank was still under probation by U.S. authorities over anti-money laundering concerns.[201][202]

    In December 2021, HSBC was fined 64 million pounds ($85 million) by British regulators for failings in its anti-money laundering processes spanning eight years.[203]
    US Senate investigation (2012)

    In July 2012, a US Senate committee issued a report[204] which stated that HSBC had been in breach of money-laundering rules, and had assisted Iran and North Korea to circumvent US nuclear-weapons sanctions.[205][206]

    In December 2012, Assistant U.S. Attorney General Lanny Breuer suggested that the U.S. government might resist criminal prosecution of HSBC which could lead to the loss of the bank’s U.S. charter. He stated, “Our goal here is not to bring HSBC down, it’s not to cause a systemic effect on the economy, it’s not for people to lose thousands of jobs.”[185]

    In December 2012, HSBC was penalised $1.9 billion (US), the largest fine under the Bank Secrecy Act, for violating four U.S. laws designed to protect the U.S. financial system.[207] HSBC had allegedly laundered at least $881 million in drugs proceeds through the U.S. financial system for international cartels, as well as processing an additional $660 million for banks in US sanctioned countries. According to the report, “The U.S. bank subsidiary [also] failed to monitor more than $670 billion in wire transfers and more than $9.4 billion in purchases of physical dollars from its Mexico unit.”[207] As part of the agreement deferring its prosecution, HSBC acknowledged that for years it had ignored warning signs that drug cartels in Mexico were using its branches to launder millions of dollars, and also acknowledged that HSBC’s international staff had stripped identifying information on transactions made through the United States from countries facing economic sanctions such as Iran and Sudan.[185]

    A December 2012 CNNMoney article compared the 1.9 billion dollar fine to HSBC’s profit “last year” (2011) of 16.8 billion.[185]

    In 2016, HSBC was sued by American families involved in deaths by organized-crime gangs for processing funds ("money laundering") for the Sinaloa cartel.[208]
    FinCEN Files (2020)

    The FinCEN Files showed that HSBC continued to serve alleged criminals and corporations involved in government corruption, including $292 million for the Waked Family company Viva Panama between 2010 and 2016 before the United States Department of the Treasury declared it a drug money-laundering organization. HSBC’s activities took place while the bank was under probation from the U.S. government; six former HSBC employees reported to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists that the deferred prosecution agreement for HSBC marked a “cultural shift” in the organization toward profit-making motives. Employees working in compliance at HSBC also expressed concern to Buzzfeed about what they felt were inadequate efforts to combat money laundering, including hasty investigations and unachievable internal investigation quotas.[209][210] In response to the report HSBC said it is “continually seeking ways to improve” its financial crime compliance regime.[211]
    Forex, Libor and Euribor scandals (2014)

    The bank was fined US$275m by the US CFTC in 2014 for taking part in the Forex scandal.[212] The bank also settled for US$18m in the related Libor scandal and EUR 33m for the Euribor rate scandal (relative to other banks a small amount).[213][214] In October 2020 HSBC was fined about $2.2 million over the Euribor rate scandal in Switzerland.[215]
    Belgian tax fraud, money laundering charges (2014)

    In November 2014, HSBC was accused of tax fraud and money laundering by Belgian Prosecutors for helping hundreds of clients move money into offshore tax havens.[216][217]

    In August 2019, HSBC agreed to pay $336 million to settle the case.[218][219]
    Tax avoidance schemes (2015)
    See also: Swiss Leaks

    In February 2015, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists released information about the bank’s business conduct under the title Swiss Leaks. The ICIJ alleges that the bank profited from doing business with tax evaders and other clients.[86] The BBC reported that the bank had put pressure on media not to report about the controversy, with British newspaper The Guardian claiming bank advertising had been put “on pause” after The Guardian’s coverage of the matter.[220] Peter Oborne, chief political commentator at The Daily Telegraph, resigned from the paper and in an open letter claimed the newspaper suppressed negative stories and dropped investigations into HSBC because of the bank’s advertising.[221]

    In November 2017, HSBC agreed to pay $352 million to settle a French investigation into the case.[222]

    In August 2019, the former head of HSBC Swiss from 2000 to 2008, Peter Braunwalder pleaded guilty in a French court for helping wealthy clients hide $1.8 billion. He was fined $560,000 and received a one-year suspended jail sentence.[223]

    In December 2019, HSBC Swiss agreed to pay a $192 million United States fine for the case.[224][225]
    $3.5 billion currency scheme (2016)

    In July 2016, the United States Department of Justice charged two executives from HSBC Bank over an alleged $3.5 billion currency scheme which defrauded HSBC clients and “manipulated the foreign exchange market to benefit themselves and their bank”.[226] “Mark Johnson and Stuart Scott, both British citizens, are being accused.” "Johnson was arrested late Tuesday [19 July 2016] at JFK International Airport in New York City."[227] “Stuart Scott, who was HSBC’s European head of foreign exchange trading in London until December 2014, is accused of the same crimes.” A warrant was issued for Scott’s arrest, but he fled to Britain. In July 2018 the High Court of Justice ruled against extraditing him to the United States since most of the alleged crimes took place in Britain and because Scott has no significant connection to the United States.[228][226]

    Mark Johnson was later convicted of nine counts of wire fraud and conspiracy to defraud related to front running the currency trades of HSBC clients and sentenced to two years in federal prison.[229][230] He was released after serving three months in prison and was allowed to return home to the U.K. while he pursued an appeal. November 2020 the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of his 2017 conviction, which was previously upheld by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. It meant he would have to return to the U.S. to serve his sentence.[231] In February 2021 a judge ruled that Johnson would not need to report to prison until he is vaccinated against COVID-19.[232] In January 2018 HSBC agreed to pay a $101.5 million fine over the case.[233][234]
    Defense industry (2018)

    In December 2018, The Jerusalem Post reported that HSBC confirmed that the bank would divest from Elbit Systems Ltd., Israel’s largest non-government-owned military contractor,[235] active in numerous defence-related industries. HSBC justified its decision by claiming it “strongly supports observance of international human rights principles as they apply to business.”[236] In response, the group Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) released a press release in which it “declared a victory” and quoted PSC director Ben Jamal saying the decision demonstrates “the effectiveness of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions as a tactic.”[237] reported that multiple sources claimed HSBC’s decision was not influenced by the BDS movement but was an “investment decision.”[238]

    In an editorial titled “Bad Banking”, The Jerusalem Post wrote, “HSBC, if this is your final decision, you will go down on the wrong side of history. Do you understand that Israel is using Elbit technology to protect itself against Palestinian terror, and not to undermine the rights of the Palestinian people? If you are really concerned about human rights, perhaps you might consider using some of your own income to invest in the Palestinian economy, and boost cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian institutions.”[239]
    Housing crisis fine (2018)

    In 2018, HSBC agreed to pay a $765 million fine to settle claims it mis-sold Residential mortgage-backed securities between 2005 and 2007.[240][241] Forbes noted the settlement was the lowest of 11 banks that settled with the Department of Justice.[242] HSBC has said in statement that it has been improving relevant control mechanisms since the financial crisis.[243]
    Support for China’s Security Law for Hong Kong (2020)

    In June 2020, on the eve of the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, HSBC took the rare step of wading into political issues by publicly backing Beijing’s controversial new national security law for Hong Kong.[244] The chief executive for HSBC’s Asia-Pacific division, Peter Wong, signed a petition supporting the law and stated in a post on Chinese social media that HSBC “respects and supports all laws that stabilise Hong Kong’s social order.”[245][246]

    Though HSBC moved its headquarters to London in 1993, Hong Kong remains its largest market accounting for 54% of its profit, a third of its global revenue, and 50,000 local staff.[247][248] In response, Joshua Wong, a top Hong Kong pro-democracy activist decried the bank’s position stating that HSBC’s stance demonstrates “how China will use the national security law as new leverage for more political influence over foreign business community in this global city.”[246] Alistair Carmichael, the U.K. chairman of the All Parliamentary Group on Hong Kong, said HSBC made a serious error by bending to China’s will regarding the security law, calling it “a colossal misjudgment” since it would be seen as a large British corporation advocating for “a fairly flagrant breach of international law” when banks rely on a rules-based system.[244] Human Rights Watch alleged that “the new national security law will deal the most severe blow to the rights of people in Hong Kong since the territory’s transfer to China in 1997.”[247]

    British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab also commented on HSBC’s stance, saying “Businesses will make their own judgment calls, but let me just put it this way – we will not sacrifice the people of Hong Kong over the altar of banker bonuses”.[249]

    Since August 2020, HSBC has frozen the accounts of numerous pro-democratic organizations and activists, and their families, including Jimmy Lai, Ted Hui and the Good Neighbour North District Church.[250][251]

    In January 2021, the CEO of HSBC defended its relationship with Chinese authorities in Hong Kong and freezing of Ted Hui’s account to the United Kingdom’s parliamentary foreign affairs committee.[252][253]

    In February 2021, more than 50 members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China called for the immediate unfreezing of funds belonging to Ted Hui and his family,[254][255]

    In 2023 an All-party parliamentary group released a report regarding the actions of the bank’s operations in Hong Kong.[256] The report found that HSBC was complicit in human rights abuses by bank’s cutting off the pension plan after the Hong Kong authority cut off pension funding for those that fled the anti-democratic crackdown on the region. The group was chaired by Alistair Carmichael who stated that the bank has been “complicit in the repression of the human rights of innocent Hong Kongers”.[257]
    Sterling Lads (2021)

    EU antitrust regulators fined HSBC 174.3 million euros for foreign exchange market rigging by exchanging sensitive information and trading plans through an online chat room dubbed “Sterling Lads”.[258][259]
    Data loss (2008)

    In 2008, HSBC issued a statement confirming it had lost a disc containing details of 370,000 customers of its life insurance business. HSBC said the disc had failed to arrive in the post between offices and it was not encrypted.[260] The bank was later fined over £3 million by the Financial Services Authority for failing to exercise reasonable care with regards to data protection in connection with this and other lost customer information.[261]
    Breaching Iran sanctions for Huawei (2009–2014)

    From 2009 to 2014, in breach of United States sanctions on Iran, the bank facilitated money transfers in Iran on behalf of the Chinese company Huawei.[262]
    Gaddafi Libya claims (2011)

    According to Global Witness and cited by BBC, “billions of dollars of assets” were held by the bank for the Libyan Investment Authority, controlled by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Following Gaddafi’s overthrow the bank declined to reveal information about the funds citing customer confidentiality.[263][264][265]
    Deforestation claims (2012, 2018)

    In the report titled “In the Future There Will Be No Forests Left” produced by Global Witness, the bank was accused of supporting the seven largest Malaysian timber conglomerates, which are responsible for deforestation in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.[266] The bank declined to divulge its clients, citing client confidentiality, but maintains that the accusations are not accurate.[267] The environmentalist group Greenpeace has also alleged that the bank is contributing to the deforestation in Indonesia and subsequent hazardous impacts in the region by providing funds to palm oil producers for new plantations. The bank has denied these claims, citing its sustainability policy that prohibits the bank from financing projects that “damage high conservation value forest.”[268]
    Money-laundering policies (2014)

    The bank was reported to have refused large cash withdrawals for customers without a third-party letter confirming what the money would be used for.[269] Douglas Carswell, the Conservative MP for Clacton, was alarmed by the policy: “All these regulations which have been imposed on banks allow enormous interpretation. It basically infantilises the customer. In a sense, your money becomes pocket money and the bank becomes your parent.”[269]
    Payments-processing failures (2015)

    In August 2015, the bank failed to process BACS payments resulting in thousands of salaries not paid, house purchase and payment for essential home care failures.[270]
    Spam phone calls (2020)

    In January 2020, HSBC agreed to pay a $2.4 million settlement for a lawsuit filed in 2015 by customers who stated they received spam phone calls from the company.[271]
    Racism report (2021)

    HSBC banker Ian Clarke alleged a failure of HSBC to retain or promote black and other ethnic minority staff, a lack of such people in senior positions, and insufficient policies to address these problems. HSBC did not address the specifics of Clarke’s assertions and he resigned shortly thereafter.[272][273]
    Climate change (2022)

    Stuart Kirk, the bank’s global head of responsible investing, was suspended in May due to his speech in which he said “There’s always some nut job telling me about the end of the world.” He quit his position in July, criticising the “cancel culture” in his Linkedin post, and blaming it for his suspension and resignation.[274] In October, the company had its two advertisements banned due to being misleading about the company’s activities for reducing the effects of climate change. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), who was behind the ban, stated that the posters omitted material information about how HSBC planned to tackle the climate change and reduce its impact.[275]

    #banques #capitalisme #fraude #drougues

  • Si tu ne votes pas pour Trump, alors les wokistes vont interdire la Bible pour la remplacer par une version inclusive et queer. (Avec plein de petits points au milieu des mots.)

    Disciples in the Moonlight

    In the not-too-distant future, the United States has banned the Bible for its “offensiveness” and replaced it with a government-approved version. A small group of Christians are recruited to smuggle God’s Word to underground churches throughout the Midwest. With a ruthless federal agent in hot pursuit, the believers must choose between following the law or honoring and trusting God.

  • The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick : It’s Worse Than You Think

    Cet article est comme la suite de l’article de Vanity Fair sur J.D. Vance et son contexte d’extrême droite.

    Quatre ans plus tard Whitney Webb décrit les relation du groupe derrière Vance avec les services secrets, Palantir et son histoire.

    A lire dans le même contexte :

    18.7.2024/by Whitney Webb - After the recent revelation that Donald Trump had selected J.D. Vance as his Vice President, public attention not only turned toward Vance, but also to the billionaire Peter Thiel. Vance has been one of several prominent Thiel protégés whose profile has risen in recent years, with other protégés of the PayPal co-founder including OpenAI’s Sam Altman and Anduril’s Palmer Luckey.

    Recent reports have also noted that Thiel first recruited Vance into his circle while Vance was still a student at Yale Law School. Shortly thereafter, Vance joined Thiel’s investment firm Mithril Capital, where he worked for two years before joining Revolution Ventures. Vance played a major role in Revolution’s “Rise of the Rest” seed fund whose major investors included Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and the Walton family of WalMart, who boast long-standing deep ties to the Clinton family. Vance later launched his own venture capital firm Narya Capital in 2020, which was heavily funded by Thiel as well as former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

    Schmidt, a major Democrat donor, has been the guiding hand behind the Biden administration’s science and technology policy and has dominated the development of the AI policies of the US military and intelligence communities, largely through his leadership of the National Security Commission on AI (NSCAI). As Unlimited Hangout previously reported, the Schmidt-led NSCAI promoted policies like the end of private car ownership and in-person shopping in the United States to advance Americans’ adoption of AI as supposed national security imperative in the lead-up to the Covid-era lockdowns.Both Schmidt and Thiel are key members of the steering committee of the controversial, closed-door and overtly globalist Bilderberg conference. Newsweek once called Schmidt and Thiel the two most influential figures at Bilderberg.

    Thiel has donated heavily to Vance’s political career, giving $15 million to Vance’s successful Senate bid in the 2022 election cycle in what was then the largest donation ever given to one Senate candidate. Thiel also joined Vance, a former “Never Trumper,” on a visit to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago where Vance successfully won the former president’s blessing. Thiel also connected Vance to other members of the so-called PayPal mafia, like David Sacks who donated $1 million to Vance and hosted a fundraiser for him. Sacks, along with PayPal co-founder Elon Musk, were allegedly a key factor in Trump’s selection of Vance as Vice President as they ran “a secret lobbying campaign” for Vance that also included media presenter Tucker Carlson.

    Thiel had been a major donor to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and served on Trump’s transition team, with other Thiel-linked figures like Trae Stephens dramatically influencing Trump’s Pentagon appointments. Stephens’ influence at the Trump Pentagon also helped develop the military’s relationship with the Thiel-funded company Anduril, which was co-founded by Stephens and Thiel fellow Palmer Luckey. Before Anduril, Luckey develop the Virual Reality system Oculus Rift, which was later sold to Facebook, where Thiel then served on the board. Anduril is now building a “virtual border wall” for the federal government and Trump, who long campaigned on building a physical barrier on the US-Mexico border, abandoned that promise during his first term and now supports the exact solution Anduril is selling.

    Anduril’s unmanned drones have also come to play a major role in Ukrainian military operations during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as have other controversial Thiel-funded companies like Palantir (a CIA contractor) and ClearView AI, which used mainly photos posted on Facebook (another Thiel-backed company) to develop its Orwellian facial recognition database. These companies’ close ties to the Ukrainian military may impact a second Trump administration’s policies as it relates to American support for Ukraine, particularly if Thiel is slated to hold significant influence. Beyond Ukraine, this network of Thiel-funded defense companies are remaking the face of warfare and slowly but surely replacing human decision-making with AI.

    While these ties should be unsettling on their own, the potential influence of Thiel on the upcoming Trump administration should concern every American, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum, due to Thiel’s efforts to rehabilitate and remake some of the intelligence communities’ most Orwellian and unconstitutional efforts to target domestic dissent.
    Thiel Information Awareness

    While Peter Thiel has long marketed himself as a libertarian, his track record from PayPal on has revealed him to instead be an architect of the modern surveillance state and a successor to the neoconservative cabal that had once tried (but failed) to do the same. During PayPal’s earliest days, Thiel and his colleagues went around to various government agencies, including intelligence agencies, to see how they could best tailor their product to win government support (and contracts) for their products and services. After leaving PayPal, Thiel would follow a similar path in creating another company, Palantir. Palantir is the engine on which the surveillance state runs and, soon after Vance was announced as Trump’s Vice President, it was reported that Palantir co-founder Joe Lonsdale as well as Palantir itself were backing a Trump-Vance super PAC called America PAC.

    Unlimited Hangout has reported extensively on Thiel and Palantir for several years. As noted in past reports, the company was created to be the privatized version of a post-9/11 surveillance program that had been dreamt up by the Iran-Contra criminals responsible for the unconstitutional Main Core database. During the Reagan administration, the individuals at the heart of the Iran-Contra scandal developed a database called Main Core, which firmly placed the US national-security state on its current, tech-fuelled path for crushing dissent. A senior government official with a high-ranking security clearance and service in five presidential administrations told Radar in 2008 that Main Core was “a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived ‘enemies of the state’ almost instantaneously.”

    Main Core was expressly developed for use in “continuity of government” (COG) protocols by the key Iran-Contra figure Oliver North and his allies that operated an “off the books” intelligence apparatus with direct CIA involvement known as “The Enterprise.” North and his associates used COG and Main Core to compile a list of US dissidents and “potential troublemakers” to be dealt with if the continuity of government protocol was ever invoked. Troublingly, these protocols could be invoked for a variety of reasons, including widespread public, non-violent opposition to a US military intervention abroad, widespread internal dissent, or a vaguely defined moment of “national crisis” or “time of panic.” North would later brush up against the Trump administration, joining former Blackwater founder Erik Prince in an effort to lobby the administration to create an “off the books,” private CIA.

    Congressman Jack Brooks attempted to ask Oliver North about the COG protocols during the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings, but was prevented from doing so.

    Main Core utilized the PROMIS software, which was stolen from its owners at Inslaw Inc. by top Reagan and US intelligence officials as well as Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan. Also intimately involved in the PROMIS scandal was media baron and Israeli “super spy” Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell and reportedly the man who brought Jeffrey Epstein into the Israeli intelligence orbit. Like PROMIS, Main Core involved both US and Israeli intelligence and was a big data approach to the surveillance of perceived domestic dissidents.

    The Iran-Contra and PROMIS scandals were exposed, but were subsequently covered up, largely by the then US attorney general William Barr, who would return to serve in that same position during the Trump administration. The use of Main Core by the federal government persisted and continued to amass data. That data could not be fully tapped into and utilized by the intelligence community until after the events of September 11, 2001, which offered a golden opportunity for the use of such tools against the domestic US population, all under the guise of combating “terrorism.” For example, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 government officials reportedly saw Main Core being accessed by White House computers.

    September 11 was also used as an excuse to remove information “firewalls” within the national-security state, expanding “information sharing” among agency databases and, by extension, also expanding the amount of data that could be accessed and analyzed by Main Core and its analogues. As Alan Wade, then serving as the CIA’s chief information officer, pointed out soon after 9/11: “One of the post-September 11 themes is collaboration and information sharing. We’re looking at tools that facilitate communication in ways that we don’t have today.”

    In an attempt to build on these two post-9/11 objectives simultaneously, the US national-security state attempted to create a “public-private” surveillance program so invasive that Congress defunded it just months after its creation due to concerns it would completely eliminate the right to privacy in the US. Called Total Information Awareness (TIA), the program sought to develop an “all-seeing” surveillance apparatus managed by the Pentagon’s DARPA. TIA’s supporters argued that invasive surveillance of the entire US population was necessary to prevent terrorist attacks, bioterrorism events, and even naturally occurring disease outbreaks (such as pandemics) before they could take place.

    The architect of TIA, and the man who led it during its relatively brief existence, was John Poindexter, best known for being Reagan’s National Security Advisor during Iran-Contra and being convicted of five felonies in relation to that scandal. Poindexter, during the Iran-Contra hearings, had famously claimed that it was his duty to withhold information from Congress.

    In regard to TIA, one of Poindexter’s key allies was the chief information officer of the CIA, Alan Wade. Wade met with Poindexter in relation to TIA numerous times and managed the participation of not just the CIA but all US intelligence agencies that had signed on to add their data as “nodes” to TIA and, in exchange, gained access to its tools. Wade, while at the CIA, had previously partnered with Robert Maxwell’s daughter, Christine Maxwell, on national security software called Chiliad, which had similarities to TIA (as well as Palantir) but fell short of the proposed program’s scope and ambition. Christine had previously been involved in her father’s efforts to market bugged PROMIS software to US national laboratories.

    The TIA program, despite the best efforts of Poindexter and his allies such as Wade, was eventually forced to shut down after considerable criticism and public outrage. Though the program was defunded, it later emerged that TIA was never actually shut down, with its various programs having been covertly divided among the web of military and intelligence agencies that make up the US national security state. While some of those TIA programs went underground, the core panopticon software that TIA had hoped to wield began to be developed by the company now known as Palantir, with considerable help from the CIA and Alan Wade, as well as Poindexter.

    At the time it was formally launched in February 2003, the TIA program was immediately controversial, leading it to change its name in May 2003 to Terrorism Information Awareness in an apparent attempt to sound less like an all-encompassing domestic surveillance system and more like a tool specifically aimed at “terrorists.” The TIA program was shuttered by the end of 2003.

    The same month as the TIA name change Peter Thiel incorporated Palantir. Thiel, however, had begun creating the software behind Palantir months in advance, though he claims he can’t recall exactly when. Some reports state that Palantir began as an anti-fraud algorithm at Thiel’s PayPal. Thiel, Karp, and other Palantir cofounders claimed for years that the company had been founded in 2004, despite the paperwork of Palantir’s incorporation by Thiel directly contradicting this claim.

    Also, in 2003, apparently soon after Thiel formally created Palantir, Iraq War architect and Bush-era neoconservative Richard Perle called Poindexter, saying that he wanted to introduce the architect of TIA to two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, Peter Thiel and Alex Karp. According to a report in New York Magazine, Poindexter “was precisely the person” whom Thiel and Karp wanted to meet, mainly because “their new company was similar in ambition to what Poindexter had tried to create at the Pentagon,” that is, TIA. During that meeting, Thiel and Karp sought “to pick the brain of the man now widely viewed as the godfather of modern surveillance,” shaping Palantir into a TIA equivalent.

    Soon after Palantir’s incorporation, though the exact timing and details of the investment remain hidden from the public, the CIA’s In-Q-Tel became the company’s first backer, aside from Thiel himself, giving it an estimated $2 million. In-Q-Tel’s stake in Palantir would not be publicly reported until mid-2006. In addition, Alex Karp recently told the New York Times that “the real value of the In-Q-Tel investment was that it gave Palantir access to the CIA analysts who were its intended clients.” A key figure in the making of In-Q-Tel investments during this period, including Palantir, was the CIA’s chief information officer at the time, Alan Wade.
    Alex Karp (left) and Peter Thiel (right) pose at the 2009 Sun Valley conference, which is hosted by Allen & Company, Source

    After the In-Q-Tel investment, the CIA held the unique position of being Palantir’s only client until 2008. During that period, Palantir’s two top engineers—Aki Jain and Stephen Cohen—traveled to CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia every two weeks. Jain recalls making at least two hundred trips to CIA headquarters between 2005 and 2009. During those regular visits, CIA analysts “would test [Palantir’s software] out and offer feedback, and then Cohen and Jain would fly back to California to tweak it.” As with In-Q-Tel’s decision to invest in Palantir, the CIA’s chief information officer at the time, Alan Wade, played a key role in many of these meetings and subsequently in the “tweaking” of Palantir’s products. It should come as no surprise, then, that there is an overlap between Palantir’s products and the vision that Wade and Poindexter had held for the failed TIA program. The extensive overlap between the two is detailed in previous Unlimited Hangout investigations.

    The benefits in repurposing the “public-private” TIA into a completely private entity after TIA was publicly dismantled are obvious. For instance, given that Palantir is a private company as opposed to a government program, the way its software is used by its government and corporate clients benefits from “plausible deniability” and frees Palantir and its software from constraints that would be present if it had remained a public project.

    A 2020 New York Times profile on Palantir noted:

    The data, which is stored in various cloud services or on clients’ premises, is controlled by the customer, and Palantir says it does not police the use of its products. Nor are the privacy controls foolproof; it is up to the customers to decide who gets to see what and how vigilant they wish to be.

    Not long after Thiel helped resurrect TIA as Palantir, another post-9/11 DARPA program was also seeking a private sector makeover. Developed by Douglas Gage, a close friend of Poindexter’s and a DARPA program manager, LifeLog sought to “build a database tracking a person’s entire existence” that included an individual’s relationships and communications (phone calls, mail, etc.), their media-consumption habits, their purchases, and much more in order to build a digital record of “everything an individual says, sees, or does.” LifeLog would then take this unstructured data and organize it into “discreet episodes” or snapshots while also “mapping out relationships, memories, events and experiences.”

    LifeLog, per Gage and supporters of the program, would create a permanent and searchable electronic diary of a person’s entire life, which DARPA argued could be used to create next-generation “digital assistants” and offer users a “near-perfect digital memory.” Gage insisted, even after the program was shut down, that individuals would have had “complete control of their own data-collection efforts” as they could “decide when to turn the sensors on or off and decide who will share the data.” In the years since then, analogous promises of user control have been made by the tech giants of Silicon Valley, only to be broken repeatedly for profit and to feed the government’s domestic-surveillance apparatus.

    The information that LifeLog gleaned from an individual’s every interaction with technology was to be combined with information obtained from a GPS transmitter that tracked and documented the person’s location, audio-visual sensors that recorded what the person saw and said, as well as biomedical monitors that gauged the person’s health. Like TIA, LifeLog was promoted by DARPA as potentially supporting “medical research and the early detection of an emerging epidemic.”

    Critics in mainstream media outlets and elsewhere were quick to point out that the program would inevitably be used to build profiles on dissidents as well as suspected terrorists. Combined with TIA’s surveillance of individuals at multiple levels, LifeLog went farther by “adding physical information (like how we feel) and media data (like what we read) to this transactional data.” One critic, Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, warned at the time that the programs that DARPA was pursuing, including LifeLog, “have obvious, easy paths to Homeland Security deployments.”

    At the time, DARPA publicly insisted that LifeLog and TIA were not connected, despite their obvious parallels, and that LifeLog would not be used for “clandestine surveillance.” However, DARPA’s own documentation on LifeLog noted that the project “will be able . . . to infer the user’s routines, habits and relationships with other people, organizations, places and objects, and to exploit these patterns to ease its task,” which acknowledged its potential use as a tool of mass surveillance.

    However, despite its proponents’ best efforts, LifeLog was shuttered just like TIA. Given what had transpired with TIA, some suspected the program would continue under a different name. For example, Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation told VICE at the time of LifeLog’s cancellation, that: “It would not surprise me to learn that the government continued to fund research that pushed this area forward without calling it LifeLog.” Along with its critics, one of the would-be researchers working on LifeLog, MIT’s David Karger, was also certain that the DARPA project would continue in a repackaged form. He told Wired that “I am sure such research will continue to be funded under some other title . . . I can’t imagine DARPA ‘dropping out’ of a such a key research area.” The answer to these speculations appears to lie with the company that launched the exact same day that LifeLog was shuttered by the Pentagon: Facebook.

    The Military Origins of Facebook

    Facebook’s growing role in the ever-expanding surveillance and “pre-crime” apparatus of the national security state demands new scrutiny of the company’s origins and its products as they relate to a former, controversial DARPA-run surveillance program that was essentially analogous to what is currently the world’s largest social network.

    A few months into Facebook’s launch, in June 2004, Facebook co-founders Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz brought Sean Parker onto Facebook’s executive team. Parker, previously known for co-founding Napster, later connected Facebook with its first outside investor, Peter Thiel. As discussed, Thiel, at that time, in coordination with the CIA, was actively trying to resurrect at least one controversial DARPA program that had been dismantled the previous year. Notably, Sean Parker, who became Facebook’s first president, also had a history with the CIA, which sought to recruit him at the age of sixteen soon after he had been busted by the FBI for hacking corporate and military databases. Thanks to Parker, in September 2004, Thiel formally acquired $500,000 worth of Facebook shares and was added its board. Parker maintained close ties to Facebook as well as to Thiel, with Parker being hired as a managing partner of Thiel’s Founders Fund in 2006. Thiel left the Facebook board, which he had joined in 2005, in 2022 to focus on supporting “Trump-aligned candidates,” including J.D. Vance.

    Thiel and Facebook co-founder Mosokvitz became involved outside of the social network long after Facebook’s rise to prominence, with Thiel’s Founder Fund becoming a significant investor in Moskovitz’s company Asana in 2012. Thiel’s longstanding symbiotic relationship with Facebook co-founders extends to his company Palantir, as the data that Facebook users make public invariably winds up in Palantir’s databases and helps drive the surveillance engine Palantir runs for US police departments, the military, and the intelligence community. Facebook data also feeds another Thiel-backed company, Clearview AI.

    Notably, even LifeLog’s architect, Douglas Gage, has publicly commented on Facebook’s similarities to the program he had once hoped to lead. In 2015, He told VICE that “Facebook is the real face of pseudo-LifeLog at this point.” He tellingly added, “We have ended up providing the same kind of detailed personal information to advertisers and data brokers and without arousing the kind of opposition that LifeLog provoked,” precisely because it is now a private company and not a project housed at the Pentagon’s DARPA.
    Palantir and the Surveillance Agenda under Trump

    During the Trump administration, Palantir enjoyed an even more privileged status than it had held under previous administrations, with Palantir gaining many new lucrative contracts, mainly with the military and intelligence, during Trump’s first term. This was likely influenced by Thiel’s presence on Trump’s transition teams and the role of close Thiel associates in choosing key Pentagon appointees.
    Donald Trump and Peter Thiel in 2017, Source

    Not only that, but the broader agenda behind Palantir – the decades-long effort to create a pre-crime, AI-powered surveillance system in the United States – also got significant boosts during Trump’s first term. For instance, Trump’s Attorney General William Barr quietly legalized pre-crime in the United States under the guise of detecting potential mass shooters before they commit any crime. The program, called DEEP, enables the DOJ and FBI to work with “private sector partners” to surveil people of interest that have committed no crime, but are “mobilizing towards violence.” At roughly the same time the program was announced, Barr was also pushing heavily for a government backdoor into consumer apps and devices, particularly those that utilize encryption. He also signed a data access agreement with then-UK Home Secretary Priti Patel that allowed both countries to “demand electronic data on consumers from tech companies based in the other country without legal restrictions.”

    Also during the Trump administration, an Israeli intelligence-linked company called Carbyne911 began to be installed throughout the United States in emergency call centers and has since spread throughout the nation. Carbyne911 was heavily funded by Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund and Trae Stephens sits on its advisory board alongside Michael Chertoff (head of DHS under George W. Bush) and Kirstjen Nielsen (head of DHS under Trump). Carbyne was also heavily funded by Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner and, for much of its early history, was closely associated with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, himself an intimate associate of Epstein.

    How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare

    Israel’s Mossad and infamous Unit 8200 are partnering with the CIA and US tech firms to create an Orwellian pre-crime nightmare.

    Carbyne911 and similar companies extract any and all data from consumer smartphones for merely making emergency calls and then use it to “analyze the past and present behavior of their callers, react accordingly, and in time predict future patterns,” with the ultimate goal of smart devices – such as “smart” street lamps – making emergency calls to the authorities, as opposed to human beings.

    Data obtained from these software products, which are slated to be adopted nationwide as part of a new national “next generation” 911 system, are shared with the same law enforcement agencies now implementing the Barr-designed “national disruption and early engagement program” to target individuals flagged as potentially violent based on vague criteria. Combined with the “domestic terror” framework released during the Biden administration, the definition of “domestic terrorists” now encompasses those who oppose US government overreach and those who oppose any form of capitalism, including the World Economic Forum-favored “stakeholder capitalism,” and/or “corporate globalization.”

    The Trump administration, during this same period, also mulled the creation of a new health-focused agency modeled after DARPA. The proposed “HARPA”, which was promoted extensively to Trump by his son-in-law Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka as well as Trump’s close friend and former NBCUniversal president Bob Wright. HARPA’s proposed flagship program – “SAFE HOME” (Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes) – would use “breakthrough technologies with high specificity and sensitivity for early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence,” specifically “advanced analytical tools based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.” The program would have cost an estimated $60 million over four years and would use data from Americans’ social media accounts as well as “Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo and Google Home” and other consumer electronic devices. The program would also collect information provided by health-care providers to identify who may be a “threat.”

    Bob Wright promoting the HARPA proposal in 2018

    Though HARPA was not created under the Trump administration, Trump reportedly reacted “very positively” to the proposal and was “sold on the concept.” In addition, before the proposal was known publicly, Trump had called on Big Tech, and specifically social media to collaborate with the DOJ to create software that stops mass murders before they happen by detecting potential mass shooters before they can act. However, Trump ultimately passed on creating HARPA, which was ultimately created during the Biden administration as ARPA-H, underscoring the bipartisan nature of this agenda.
    Are Peter Thiel-Backed Intelligence Contractors “MAGA”?

    Despite many Thiel-backed or Thiel-founded companies describing themselves as “America First” and as defenders of “Western values,” a closer examination of those companies suggests this is not the case. One lesser known example of this is Palantir’s early role in developing a way for the US government to target Julian Assange, leaks-based journalism in the public interest, and what it called “The WikiLeaks Threat.” In looking at other Thiel-linked firms, it’s quite clear that at least some are more than willing to target Americans on either side of the political divide on behalf of their biggest client, the so-called “Deep State” that Trump supporters revile. Take, for example, the Thiel-backed Clearview AI – which claims to now be able to identify every person in the world using its advanced facial recognition system. As Unlimited Hangout contributor Stavroula Pabst noted in a recent report:

    When asked in an NBC interview about Clearview AI’s possible negative ramifications for society, the company’s CEO, Hoan Ton-That, said ‘[a] lot of peoples’ minds on facial recognition technology were changed around Jan. 6th, when the insurrection happened [at the United States Capitol Building]. It was very instrumental in being able to make identifications quickly.’

    As its own CEO stated, Clearview AI was used extensively on January 6th and later boasted of its “potential for identifying rioters at the January 6 attack on the Capitol.” In a 2023 interview, New York Times reporter Kashmir Hill added that, not only was Clearview AI used at the Capitol that day, but also in the days and weeks that followed to identify alleged rioters:

    The FBI had photos of all these people because many of them were filming themselves on social media and posting photos online, and they weren’t wearing masks. And so many police departments started running their photos through Clearview AI to identify them.

    After the events of January 6th, 2021, Clearview AI reported a 26 percent uptake of its services from law enforcement, having used its role in targeting Trump supporters as a sales pitch.

    Clearview AI’s sales pitch that includes its admitted role in arresting those present at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021

    Clearview AI is not the only Thiel-linked company willing to target Trump’s base, as Palantir’s co-founder and current CEO Alex Karp is obsessed with his long-time fear that the “far right” is going to murder him for his ethnic background. That fear, per Karp, “propels a lot of the decisions” made at Palantir. “I still can’t believe I haven’t been shot and pushed out the window,” Karp told New York Times reporter Michael Steinberger in 2020. Steinberger added that “if the far right came to power, [Karp] said, he would certainly be among its victims. ‘Who’s the first person who is going to get hung? You make a list, and I will show you who they get first. It’s me. There’s not a box I don’t check.’”

    Then, in 2023, Karp stated during an interview at the World Economic Forum annual meeting that “We built PG [proprietary software], which single-handedly stopped the rise of the far-right in Europe.” Given that the labels “far right” as well as “far left” are often misused to describe those on either side of the political spectrum that do not subscribe to or support official narratives, it’s worth asking if the “far right” Karp claims to have stopped referred to people who actually deserve the label, or right-leaning populism, given populism of any flavor is a threat to Palantir’s benefactors in the corporate world and in the US National Security community.
    Alex Karp arrives at the 2016 Bilderberg conference, Source

    In addition, Trump supporters that did not subscribe to official narratives around Covid-19-era policies should be aware of Palantir’s role in the Trump administration’s Covid response and also in the Covid vaccination roll-out. During Covid, Palantir developed Tiberius, which was used by HHS to “help the federal government allocate the amount of vaccine each state will receive” and also to “decide where every allocated dose will go – from local doctors’ offices to large medical centers.” Tiberius, and by extension Palantir, collected all the Covid-19 and healthcare data from US government agencies, local and state governments, pharmaceutical firms, vaccine manufacturers and companies contracted to act as vaccine distributers. Palantir was also provided Americans’ sensitive health information by the Trump-era HHS as well as “a wide range of demographic, employment and public health data sets” in order to “help identify high-priority populations” to receive the vaccine first. During Covid, Palantir was also a member of the Covid-19 Health Coalition, whose other members included the CIA’s In-Q-Tel, which was Palantir’s first funder, as well as Amazon, Microsoft and Google.

    Palantir also managed the HHS Protect database, a secretive database that hoarded (and still hoards) information related to the spread of Covid-19 gathered from “more than 225 data sets, including demographic statistics, community-based tests, and a wide range of state-provided data.” At the time, HHS Protect was criticized by several public health experts and epidemiologists, among others, because of the sudden decision by the Trump-era HHS to force US hospitals to provide all data on COVID-19 cases and patient information directly to HHS Protect and, thus, to Palantir. Hospitals were threatened with the loss of Medicare or Medicaid funding if they declined to regularly feed all of their COVID-19 patient data and test results into the HHS Protect database. Palantir declined to provide information on any safeguards it had in place to protect Americans’ health data in any of its HHS-related programs, despite requests to do so from Senators and Congressmen. HHS Protect also later incorporated HHS Vision, an artificial intelligence–driven “predictive” component, which “uses prewritten algorithms to simulate behaviors and forecast possible outcomes.” Aspects of HHS Protect share remarkable similarities with the scrapped TIA sub-program known as “Bio-surveillance.”

    Palantir pavilion, World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland Photo by Cory Doctorow

    Palantir’s Tiberius, Race, and the Public Health Panopticon

    The controversial data mining firm, whose history and rise has long been inextricably linked with the CIA and the national security state, will now use its software to identify and prioritize the same minority groups that it has long oppressed on behalf of the US military and US intelligence.

    Not only that, but a long-time consultant to Palantir, Avril Haines, was a key fixture at the controversial pandemic “simulation” in late 2019 that was tied to previous, intelligence-linked biosecurity events like the 2001 anthrax attacks. Haines, a former CIA deputy director, worked very closely with her superior, John Brennan, at the CIA, including during the time Brennan illegally surveilled Trump associates during the 2016 election cycle and helped propagate and develop the “Russiagate” narrative, which Haines is now conveniently resurrecting. Haines, shortly after participating in Event 201, joined the Biden administration and has been serving as the administration’s top intelligence official – the Director of National Intelligence – since Biden took office in January 2021.

    Palantir is also controversial among the America left for its role in using big data to facilitate ICE raids on migrants and its decision to pilot its “predictive policing”, i.e. pre-crime, functionality in low-income, minority communities. Ultimately, Palantir – like many of the other military/intelligence contractors with close ties to Peter Thiel – is a tool of the National Security State, which has been ramping up its “War on Domestic Terror” apparatus that – per government documentation – will target dissent on both left and right and essentially anyone who attempts to stand, or even speak, against government overreach and criminality.

    With Thiel, Palantir and Palantir co-founder Joe Lonsdale now pumping millions into the Trump-Vance campaign after the recent VP announcement, it seems almost inevitable that Palantir and the other Thiel-linked military contractors will have even more influence in a second Trump administration than it did during his first term.

    #USA #services_secrets #CIA #FBI #Palantir #Mossad

  • What Peter Thiel, J.D. Vance, and Others Are Learning From Curtis Yarvin and the New Right

    Byebye old Lady Rand, here comes the sexiest philosopher of today !
    ... Curtis Yarvin, the “house political philosopher” for a network often called the Thielverse ...

    For this guy culture war is class warfare . I couldn’t agree less.
    He is one of the faces of fascist movements in the US which try to craft a new imperialism.

    Pour le côté services secrets lire
    The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick : It’s Worse Than You Think

    20.4.2020 by James Pogue - They’re not MAGA. They’re not QAnon. Curtis Yarvin and the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics.

    It was Halloween in Orlando, and we had piled into a car to make a short trip from the Hilton to an after-party down the road, to wind up the first night of the latest edition of a gathering called the National Conservatism Conference. For at least many of the young people, the actual business of conference going seemed to be beside the point, a gesture at how we used to conduct politics back before life in America spun out of control. There were jokes, or maybe they were serious questions, about whether one of the guys tagging along with us was a fed. I surreptitiously made a few searches of the name he’d given me and was surprised when I couldn’t find a single plausible hit—though that could have been because he was a hyper-secret crypto type; there were some of those floating around. Not that anyone cared. These were people who were used to guarding their words.

    “Don’t fuck me here,” a dark-haired woman named Amanda Milius said to me—as she somewhat imperiously dealt with a guy at the door who was skeptical about letting a reporter into the party—“and say we’re all in here sacrificing kids to Moloch. We’re just the last normal people, hanging out at the end of the world.”

    I had met Milius outside the Hilton when I asked for a cigarette, and she began to chaperone me around, telling people who eyed my press pass that I was there to profile her as an up-and-coming female director who, she said, had attracted more Amazon streams than any woman ever with her first documentary, a counternarrative about Russiagate. “Annie Leibovitz is still scheduling the photo shoot,” she kept saying. In this world, almost every word is layered in so much irony that you can never be sure what to take seriously or not, perhaps a semiconscious defense mechanism for people convinced that almost everyone is out to get them.

    “Oh, fuck,” she said as we walked into a small ballroom where the party was already underway. The room was pitifully quiet, lit in strip-club red, and the sparse crowd was almost entirely male, with a cash bar off in the corner that seemed unable to produce drinks fast enough to buoy the mood. “We have a thing we say,” she said. “ ‘This is what the people at The Washington Post think we’re doing.’ Well, this is exactly what the people at The Washington Post think we’re doing.”

    A portly guy running for Congress in Georgia made his way to the front of the room to give a speech heavy on MAGA buzzwords and florid expressions of fealty to Donald Trump.

    “This is sad,” Milius said. No one cheered or even seemed interested. But this was not Trumpworld, even if many of the people in the room saw Trump as a useful tool. And these parties aren’t always so lame. NatCon, as this conference is known, has grown into a big-tent gathering for a whole range of people who want to push the American right in a more economically populist, culturally conservative, assertively nationalist direction. It draws everyone from Israel hawks to fusty paleocon professors to mainstream figures like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. But most of the media attention that the conference attracts focuses on a cohort of rosy young blazer-wearing activists and writers—a crop of people representing the American right’s “radical young intellectuals,” as a headline in The New Republic would soon put it, or conservatism’s “terrifying future,” as David Brooks called them in The Atlantic.

    But the people these pieces describe, who made up most of the partygoers around me, were only the most buttoned-up seam of a much larger and stranger political ferment, burbling up mainly within America’s young and well-educated elite, part of an intra-media class info-war. The podcasters, bro-ish anonymous Twitter posters, online philosophers, artists, and amorphous scenesters in this world are variously known as “dissidents,” “neo-reactionaries,” “post-leftists,” or the “heterodox” fringe—though they’re all often grouped for convenience under the heading of America’s New Right. They have a wildly diverse set of political backgrounds, with influences ranging from 17th-century Jacobite royalists to Marxist cultural critics to so-called reactionary feminists to the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, whom they sometimes refer to with semi-ironic affection as Uncle Ted. Which is to say that this New Right is not a part of the conservative movement as most people in America would understand it. It’s better described as a tangled set of frameworks for critiquing the systems of power and propaganda that most people reading this probably think of as “the way the world is.” And one point shapes all of it: It is a project to overthrow the thrust of progress, at least such as liberals understand the word.

    This worldview, these worldviews, run counter to the American narrative of the last century—that economic growth and technological innovation are inevitably leading us toward a better future. It’s a position that has become quietly edgy and cool in new tech outposts like Miami and Austin, and in downtown Manhattan, where New Right–ish politics are in, and signifiers like a demure cross necklace have become markers of a transgressive chic. No one is leading this movement, but it does have key figures.

    One is Peter Thiel, the billionaire who helped fund NatCon and who had just given the conference’s opening address. Thiel has also funded things like the edgelordy and post-left–inflected New People’s Cinema film festival, which ended its weeklong run of parties and screenings in Manhattan just a few days before NatCon began. He’s long been a big donor to Republican political candidates, but in recent years Thiel has grown increasingly involved in the politics of this younger and weirder world—becoming something like a nefarious godfather or a genial rich uncle, depending on your perspective. Podcasters and art-world figures now joke about their hope to get so-called Thielbucks. His most significant recent outlays have been to two young Senate candidates who are deeply enmeshed in this scene and influenced by its intellectual currents: Hillbilly Elegy author J.D. Vance, running for the Republican nomination in Ohio, and Blake Masters in Arizona.

    Thiel has given more than $10 million to super PACs supporting the men’s candidacies, and both are personally close to him. Vance is a former employee of Thiel’s Mithril Capital, and Masters, until recently the COO of Thiel’s so-called “family office,” also ran the Thiel Foundation, which has become increasingly intertwined with this New Right ecosystem. These three—Thiel, Vance, Masters—are all friends with Curtis Yarvin, a 48-year-old ex-programmer and blogger who has done more than anyone to articulate the world historical critique and popularize the key terms of the New Right. You’ll often hear people in this world—again under many layers of irony—call him things like Lord Yarvin, or Our Prophet.

    I was looking around the party for Vance, who hadn’t arrived yet, when Milius nudged me and pointed to a table off to our left. “Why is it that whenever I see Curtis, he’s surrounded by a big table of incels?” she asked with apparent fondness. I spotted Yarvin, a slight, bespectacled man with long dark hair, drinking a glass of wine with a crowd that included Josh Hammer, the national conservatism–minded young opinion editor of Newsweek, and Michael Anton, a Machiavelli scholar and former spokesman for Trump’s National Security Council—and a prominent public intellectualizer of the Trump movement. Other luminaries afoot for the conference included Dignity author Chris Arnade, who seemed slightly unsure about the whole NatCon thing, and Sohrab Ahmari, the former opinion editor of the New York Post, now a cofounder and editor at the new magazine Compact, whose vision is, according to its mission statement, “shaped by our desire for a strong social-democratic state that defends community—local and national, familial and religious—against a libertine left and a libertarian right.” It is a very of-the-moment project.

    Political reporters, at least the ones who have bothered to write about Yarvin, have often dismissed him as a kook with a readership made up mostly of lonely internet weirdos, fascists, or both. But to ignore him is to underestimate how Yarvin’s ideas, or at least ideas in conversation with his, have become foundational to a whole political and cultural scene that goes much deeper than anything you’d learn from the panels and speeches at an event like NatCon. Or how those ideas are going to shape the future of the American right, whether or not Vance and Masters win their Senate primaries. I introduced myself, and soon Milius and I were outside smoking as Yarvin and I chatted about whether he’d be willing to talk to me on the record.

    People often struggle with what to make of Thiel’s involvement in this ecosystem. Last year the journalist Max Chafkin published a biography of Thiel, titled The Contrarian, in which he described Yarvin as the “house political philosopher” for a network often called the Thielverse. The book focuses heavily on Thiel’s political maneuverings, describing how he evolved from being a hyper-libertarian to someone who now makes common cause with nationalists and populists. And it explains how Thiel helped both Cruz and Josh Hawley on their paths to the Senate. The Contrarian ends with a dark picture of the billionaire trying to extend his political reach ever more overtly by funding and shepherding the campaigns of Masters and Vance. “Masters and Vance are different from Hawley and Cruz,” Chafkin writes; the former two are “extensions” of Thiel.

    This is only partly true. It would be just as accurate to say that Thiel has been influenced by the intellectual currents and political critiques of the New Right that he’s now helping to support. Many of these people are friendly with Thiel, or admire him, but are by no means beholden to him. And many of them hold views that would seem to make Thiel, a tech oligarch currently worth around $8 billion who recently resigned from the Meta—née Facebook—board of directors, their natural enemy.

    This New Right is heavily populated by people with graduate degrees, so there’s a lot of debate about who is in it and whether or not it even exists. At one end are the NatCons, post-liberals, and traditionalist figures like Benedict Option author Rod Dreher, who envision a conservatism reinvigorated by an embrace of localist values, religious identity, and an active role for the state in promoting everything from marriage to environmental conservation. But there’s also a highly online set of Substack writers, podcasters, and anonymous Twitter posters—“our true intellectual elite,” as one podcaster describes them. This group encompasses everyone from rich crypto bros and tech executives to back-to-the-landers to disaffected members of the American intellectual class, like Up in the Air author Walter Kirn, whose fulminations against groupthink and techno-authoritarianism have made him an unlikely champion to the dissident right and heterodox fringe. But they share a the basic worldview: that individualist liberal ideology, increasingly bureaucratic governments, and big tech are all combining into a world that is at once tyrannical, chaotic, and devoid of the systems of value and morality that give human life richness and meaning—as Blake Masters recently put it, a “dystopian hell-world.”

    Kirn didn’t want to put a label on this movement, describing it as a “fractious family of dissenters” when I called him at his home in Montana—“a somewhat new, loose coalition of people whose major concern is that we not end up in a top-down controlled state.” He told me he didn’t consider himself right wing and found some of the antidemocratic ideas he heard expressed in this sphere to be “personally chilling.” But he described it as a zone of experimentation and free expression of a kind that was now closed off in America’s liberal mainstream. “They seem to want a war,” he said. “The last thing I want is some kind of definitive ideological war which leaves out the heterodox, complicated, and almost naively open spirit of American politics.”

    And the ferment is starting to get noticed. “I think that’s a really good sign,” one of the hosts of the dissident-right podcast The Fedpost said recently, discussing how Tucker Carlson had just quoted a tweet from one of their guests. “This is a kind of burgeoning sect of thought,” he went on, “and it’s causing people who are in positions of larger influence and relative power to actually have to start looking into it.”

    Vance sits somewhere in between these two tendencies—at 37, he’s a venture capitalist who is young enough to be exposed to the dissident online currents. But he’s also shaped by the most deeply traditionalist thinking of the American right. He is friends with Yarvin, whom he openly cites as a political influence, and with Dreher, who was there when Vance was baptized into the Catholic Church in 2019. I’d been writing about militias and right-wing stirrings in the rural West for years, but I didn’t really understand how this alchemy worked until I first met him last July. I’d gone back to Ohio to see my uncle, who was dying of cancer. Vance and I both grew up around Cincinnati, immersed in a culture of white rural migrants who had come from coalfields and farm towns to look for work in the cities of the Midwest. We had met as a kind of experiment—I was going to be in town anyway, and because my uncle was sick, I was thinking a lot about the place and what it meant to me. On a whim, I asked an editor at a conservative magazine if I could write something from the perspective of a skeptical leftist. Vance suggested that we meet at a diner where my dad had often taken me as a kid. He was barely registering in the polls at the time.

    Vance believes that a well-educated and culturally liberal American elite has greatly benefited from globalization, the financialization of our economy, and the growing power of big tech. This has led an Ivy League intellectual and management class—a quasi-aristocracy he calls “the regime”—to adopt a set of economic and cultural interests that directly oppose those of people in places like Middletown, Ohio, where he grew up. In the Vancian view, this class has no stake in what people on the New Right often call the “real economy”—the farm and factory jobs that once sustained middle-class life in Middle America. This is a fundamental difference between New Right figures like Vance and the Reaganite right-wingers of their parents’ generation. To Vance—and he’s said this—culture war is class warfare.

    Vance recently told an interviewer, “I gotta be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine,” a flick at the fact that he thinks the American-led global order is as much about enriching defense contractors and think-tank types as it is about defending America’s interests. “I do care about the fact that in my community right now the leading cause of death among 18- to 45-year-olds is Mexican fentanyl.” His criticisms of big tech as “enemies of Western civilization” often get lost in the run of Republican outrage over Trump being kicked off Twitter and Facebook, though they go much deeper than this. Vance believes that the regime has sold an illusive story that consumer gadgets and social media are constantly making our lives better, even as wages stagnate and technology feeds an epidemic of depression.

    I wrote a piece that came across as critical of him. It expressed my deep hopelessness about the future of America. I figured he’d want nothing more to do with me. But the morning it was published he sent me a short, heartfelt email. He said that he’d been a bit “pained” to read in the piece that my parents disliked him but said he’d like to talk more. “I don’t see you as a member of the elite because I see you as independent of their ideological strictures and incentives,” he wrote. “But maybe I’m just saying that because I like you.”

    “Despair,” he signed off, “serves the regime.”

    Part of why people have trouble describing this New Right is because it’s a bunch of people who believe that the system that organizes our society and government, which most of us think of as normal, is actually bizarre and insane. Which naturally makes them look bizarre and insane to people who think this system is normal. You’ll hear these people talk about our globalized consumerist society as “clown world.” You’ll often hear the worldview expressed by our media and intellectual class described as “the matrix” or the “Ministry of Truth,” as Thiel described it in his opening keynote speech to NatCon. It can be confusing to turn on something like the influential underground podcast Good Ol Boyz and hear a figure like Anton talk to two autodidact Southern gamers about the makeup of the regime, if only because most people reading this probably don’t think of America as the kind of place that has a regime at all. But that’s because, as many people in this world would argue, we’ve been so effectively propagandized that we can’t see how the system of power around us really works.

    This is not a conspiracy theory like QAnon, which presupposes that there are systems of power at work that normal people don’t see. This is an idea that the people who work in our systems of power are so obtuse that they can’t even see that they’re part of a conspiracy.

    “The fundamental premise of liberalism,” Yarvin told me, “is that there is this inexorable march toward progress. I disagree with that premise.” He believes that this premise underpins a massive framework of power. “My job,” as he puts it, “is to wake people up from the Truman Show.”

    We spoke sharing a bench outside in the dark one evening, a few days into the conference. Yarvin is friendly and solicitous in person, despite the fact that he tends to think and talk so fast that he can start unspooling, reworking baroque metaphors to explain ideas to listeners who have heard them many times before.

    Strange things can happen when you meet him. I’d gotten in touch with him through a mutual friend, a journalist I knew from New York who once had a big magazine assignment to write about him. The piece never came out. “They wanted him to say I was really evil and all that,” Yarvin told me. “He wouldn’t do it and pulled the piece. And I thought, Okay, that’s a cool guy.” This friend has now made a bunch of money in crypto, works on a project Yarvin helped launch to build a decentralized internet, and lives hours out into the desert in Utah, where he’ll occasionally call in to New Right–ish podcasts. He recently had dinner with Thiel and Masters—both Masters and Vance have raised money by offering donors a chance to dine with Thiel and the candidate.

    Yarvin has a pretty condescending view of the mainstream media: “They’re just predators,” he has said, who have to make a living attacking people like him. “They just need to eat.” He doesn’t usually deal with mainstream magazines and wrote that he’d been “ambushed” at the last NatCon, in 2019, by a reporter for Harper’s—where I also write—who made him out to be a bit of a loon and predicted that the NatCons’ populist program would soon be “stripped of its parts” by the corporate-minded Republican establishment.

    But the winds are shifting. He told me about how he’d gone to read poetry in New York recently, at the Thiel-funded NPC fest. “A bunch of lit kids showed up,” he said, grinning. I had grown into adulthood in the New York lit-kid world; even a few years ago, there was no question that anything like this could have happened. But now Yarvin is a cult hero to many in the ultrahip crowd that you’ll often hear referred to as the “downtown scene.” “I don’t even think antifa bothered showing up,” Yarvin said. “What would they do? It was an art party.”

    Yarvin had asked his new girlfriend, Lydia Laurenson, a 37-year-old founder of a progressive magazine, to vet me. The radical right turn her life had taken created complications.

    “One of my housemates was like—‘I don’t know if I want Curtis in our house,’ ” she told me. “And I’m like, ‘Okay, that makes sense. I understand why you’re saying that.’ ”

    Laurenson had been a well-known blogger and activist in the BDSM scene back when Yarvin was the central early figure in a world of “neo-reactionary” writers, publishing his poetry and political theory on the Blogger site under the name Mencius Moldbug.

    As Moldbug, Yarvin wrote about race-based IQ differences, and in an early post, titled “Why I Am Not a White Nationalist,” he defended reading and linking to white nationalist writing. He told me he’d pursued those early writings in a spirit of “open inquiry,” though Yarvin also openly acknowledged in the post that some of his readers seemed to be white nationalists. Some of Yarvin’s writing from then is so radically right wing that it almost has to be read to be believed, like the time he critiqued the attacks by the Norwegian far-right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik—who killed 77 people, including dozens of children at a youth camp—not on the grounds that terrorism is wrong but because the killings wouldn’t do anything effective to overthrow what Yarvin called Norway’s “communist” government. He argued that Nelson Mandela, once head of the military wing of the African National Congress, had endorsed terror tactics and political murder against opponents, and said anyone who claimed “St. Mandela” was more innocent than Breivik might have “a mother you’d like to fuck.”

    He’s tempered himself in middle age—he now says he has a rule never to “say anything unnecessarily controversial, or go out of my way to be provocative for no reason.” Many liberals who hear him talk would probably question how strictly he follows this rule, but even in his Moldbug days, most of his controversial writings were couched in thickets of irony and metaphor, a mode of speech that younger podcasters and Twitter personalities on the highly online right have adopted—a way to avoid getting kicked off tech platforms or having their words quoted by liberal journalists.

    He considers himself a reactionary, not just a conservative—he thinks it is impossible for an Ivy League–educated person to really be a conservative. He has consistently argued that conservatives waste their time and political energy on fights over issues like gay marriage or critical race theory, because liberal ideology holds sway in the important institutions of prestige media and academia—an intertwined nexus he calls “the Cathedral.” He developed a theory to explain the fact that America has lost its so-called state capacity, his explanation for why it so often seems that it is not actually capable of governing anymore: The power of the executive branch has slowly devolved to an oligarchy of the educated who care more about competing for status within the system than they do about America’s national interest.

    No one directs this system, and hardly anyone who participates in it believes that it’s a system at all. Someone like me who has made a career of writing about militias and extremist groups might go about my work thinking that all I do is try to tell important stories and honestly describe political upheaval. But within the Cathedral, the best way for me to get big assignments and win attention is to identify and attack what seem like threats against the established order, which includes nationalists, antigovernment types, or people who refuse to obey the opinions of the Cathedral’s experts on issues like vaccine mandates, in as alarming a way as I possibly can. This cycle becomes self-reinforcing and has been sent into hyperdrive by Twitter and Facebook, because the stuff that compels people to click on articles or share clips of a professor tends to affirm their worldview, or frighten them, or both at the same time. The more attention you gain in the Cathedral system, the more you can influence opinion and government policy. Journalists and academics and thinkers of any kind now live in a desperate race for attention—and in Yarvin’s view, this is all really a never-ending bid for influence, serving the interests of our oligarchical regime. So I may think I write for a living. But to Yarvin, what I actually do is more like a weird combination of intelligence-gathering and propagandizing. Which is why no one I was talking to at NatCon really thought it would be possible for me to write a fair piece about them.

    You won’t hear people use the Cathedral term a lot in public, although right-wing Twitter lit up with delight when Yarvin sketched the concept on Tucker Carlson’s Fox Nation show last September. People who’ve opened their eyes to this system of control have taken the red pill, a term Yarvin started using back in 2007, long before it got watered down to generally mean supporting Trump. To truly be red-pilled, you have to understand the workings of the Cathedral. And the way conservatives can actually win in America, he has argued, is for a Caesar-like figure to take power back from this devolved oligarchy and replace it with a monarchical regime run like a start-up. As early as 2012, he proposed the acronym RAGE—Retire All Government Employees—as a shorthand for a first step in the overthrow of the American “regime.” What we needed, Yarvin thought, was a “national CEO, [or] what’s called a dictator.” Yarvin now shies away from the word dictator and seems to be trying to promote a friendlier face of authoritarianism as the solution to our political warfare: “If you’re going to have a monarchy, it has to be a monarchy of everyone,” he said.

    By the time TechCrunch publicized Yarvin’s identity, in 2013, he had become influential in a small circle of the disaffected elite. In 2014, The Baffler published a lengthy look at his influence, titled “Mouthbreathing Machiavellis Dream of a Silicon Reich.” The piece warned that Yarvin’s ideas were spreading among prominent figures like Thiel and Balaji Srinivasan, formerly the CTO of Coinbase, and that it was possible for an intellectual fringe to “seize key positions of authority and power” and “eventually bring large numbers of people around,” just as the Koch brothers once had with their pro-business libertarianism, a position that Thiel was quickly moving away from.

    In 2017, BuzzFeed News published an email exchange between Yarvin and Milo Yiannopoulis in which Yarvin said that he’d watched the 2016 election returns with Thiel. “He’s fully enlightened,” Yarvin wrote. “Just plays it very carefully.” Masters soon had an office in Trump Tower. He and Thiel worked, generally without success, to install figures like Srinivasan, whom they proposed to head the FDA, and who himself often talked about the “paper belt,” in an echo of Yarvin’s Cathedral concept, and made common cause with figures like Steve Bannon, who wanted to pick apart the administrative state, an idea that at least had a hint of Yarvin’s RAGE proposal. Yarvin eventually stopped working as a programmer and left the Bay Area, moving with his wife and two children to Nevada. His wife died in April 2021, and he seems to have been devastated, publishing searching poems about her. But last September, a month before we spoke, he posted a dating call, inviting women who were “reasonably pretty and pretty smart,” as he put it, and “have read my work and like it,” and who thought that “the purpose of dating is to get married and have kids,” to email him so they could set up a Zoom date.

    “His writing doesn’t really represent who he is,” Laurenson told me. “So I answered this email and I was just like, ‘Hi, I’m a liberal, but I have a high IQ. And I want kids, and I’m actually just really curious to talk to you.’ ” The two are now engaged.

    Laurenson told me she’d had a gradual awakening that accelerated during the upheavals of the early pandemic and the protests of the summer of 2020. “I started really getting drawn to NRx ideas,” she said, using a common online abbreviation for the neo-reactionary fringe, “because I was tracking the riots,” by which she meant the violence that erupted amid some of the Black Lives Matter protests.

    “I have a background in social justice,” she said. But she was “horrified” by “how the mainstream media covered the riots.… It was just such a violation of all of my values.”

    She’d had a strange realization after she and Yarvin started dating, discovering that some of her friends had been reading him for years. “I found out that all these people had been reading NRx stuff just like me. They just never told anyone about it,” she said. “It has been very striking to me,” she said, “how cool this world is becoming.”

    Yarvin had given people a way to articulate a notion that somehow felt subversive to say out loud in America—that history was headed in the wrong direction. “Somebody said something earlier that captured it for me,” Laurenson said, just before they had to leave to go to a slightly hush-hush private dinner with Vance and a few others. “They said, ‘You can be here and know you’re not alone.’ ”

    People at the conference seemed excited about being in a place where they weren’t alone. I skipped most of the talks—which ranged from sessions about confronting the threat of China to the liberal influence on pop culture to “Worker Power.” Hawley gave a keynote on the “assault on the masculine virtues,” and Cruz offered up a traditional stump speech, evoking Reagan and saying he thought conservatives would soon prevail at the ballot box. “I’m pretty sure a lot of the 20-somethings rolled their eyes at that,” Yarvin said to me afterward with a smirk. The 20-somethings had a bigger vision.

    Up by the bar every night, hordes of young men, mostly, would descend to drink and bear-hug and spot favorite podcasters and writers. You could see Dave Rubin, and Jack Murphy, who hosts a popular New Right–ish YouTube channel and is trying to build a fraternal group of men who believe in “positive masculinity” that he calls the Liminal Order. Pretty much everyone had the same trimmed beard and haircut—sides buzzed short, the top longer and combed with a bit of gel to one side.

    I didn’t see a single Black person under the age of 50, though there were attendees of South Asian and Middle Eastern descent. In March, the journalist Jeff Sharlet (a Vanity Fair contributing editor who covers the American right) tweeted that the “intellectual New Right is a white supremacist project designed to cultivate non-white support,” and he linked it to resurgent nationalist and authoritarian politics around the world: “It’s part of a global fascist movement not limited to the anti-blackness of the U.S. & Europe.” Yet many on the New Right seem increasingly unfazed by accusations that they’re white nationalists or racists. Masters in particular seems willing to goad commentators, believing that the ensuing arguments will redound to his political advantage: “Good luck [hitting] me with that,” Masters told the podcaster Alex Kaschuta recently, arguing that accusations of racism had become a political bludgeon used to keep conservative ideas outside the political mainstream. “Good luck criticizing me for saying critical race theory is anti-white.” But for all the chatter of looming dystopia, no one I spoke to raised one of the most dystopian aspects of American life: our vast apparatus of prisons and policing. Most people seemed more caught up in fighting what they perceived as the cant and groupthink among other members of the political media class, or the hypocrisy of rich white liberals who put up Black Lives Matter signs in front of multimillion-dollar homes, than they were with the raw experience that has given shape to America’s current racial politics.

    Milius was a sardonic and constant presence, easy to find smoking as Yarvin stood and talked at warp speed in his unmistakable voice. She was by far the most strikingly dressed person there, favoring Gucci and Ralph Lauren and lots of gold jewelry and big sunglasses. She is the daughter of the conservative director John Milius, who cowrote Apocalypse Now and directed Red Dawn. She grew up in Los Angeles, and it turned out that we’d both gone to the same tiny liberal arts college in Manhattan, so, like pretty much all the people there, she was used to living in social spaces where conservative views were considered strange if not downright evil. She thought something had radically changed since 2015, after she went to film school at USC and started working in Hollywood, before she suddenly dropped everything to work for Trump’s campaign in Nevada, eventually landing a job in his State Department.

    “What this is,” she said, “is a new thought movement. So it’s very hard to put your finger on and articulate what it is outside of Trumpism. Because it really is separate from the man himself, it has nothing to do with that.”

    She argued that the New Right, or whatever you wanted to call it, was, paradoxically, much less authoritarian than the ideology that now presented itself as mainstream. “I get the feeling, and I could be wrong,” she said, “that the right actually at this point is like almost in this live-and-let-live place where the left used to be at.” What she meant specifically: “The idea that you can’t raise your kids in a traditional, somewhat religious household without having them educated at school that their parents are Nazis.” This apparent laissez-faire obscures somewhat the intense focus that some people in this world have on trans issues—or what they might say is the media’s intense focus on trans issues, one of a suite of “mimetic viruses,” as Kaschuta, the podcaster, put it, that spread a highly individualistic liberal culture that is destructive to traditional ways of life. But the laissez-faire has helped win unlikely converts. Milius brought up Red Scare, a podcast that has become the premier example of this attraction—she’d actually cast one of the hosts, Dasha Nekrasova, in the film she made as her senior thesis in directing school at USC.

    The Red Scare hosts both started out as diffident socialists, back when it was still possible to think that socialism represented an edgy political stance, in the little interlocking spheres of America’s media and political set. One of them, Nekrasova, actually became known in media circles for a clip that went megaviral in 2018, when she cut dead a reporter for Alex Jones’s Infowars trying to ambush Bernie Sanders supporters at a festival in Austin. “I just want people to have health care, honey,” she deadpanned. “You people have, like, worms in your brains. Honestly.”

    Fast-forward to November 2021, and Nekrasova and her cohost Anna Khachiyan were posting photos of themselves with Jones’s arms wrapped around them under an evening Texas sun. Nekrasova now has a role on HBO’s Succession, playing a P.R. rep working with Kendall Roy; the show itself set “right-wing Twitter”—a sphere heavily populated by 20-somethings who work in tech or politics and seem to disproportionately live in D.C. and Miami—alight with delight when an episode in the latest season included a litany of key New Right phrases such as “integralist” and “Medicare for all, abortions for none.”

    The Red Scare hosts are only the best-known representatives of a fashionable dissident-y subculture, centered in but not exclusive to downtown Manhattan. “Everyone dresses like a duck hunter now,” a bewildered friend of mine texted recently. People use the derisive term “bugman” to describe liberal men who lack tangible life skills like fixing trucks or growing food—guys who could end up spending their lives behind the bug-eyed screen of a V.R. headset. Women wear clothes from Brandy Melville, which you can hear described ironically as fashionwear for girls with “fascist leanings,” and which named one of its lines after John Galt, the hero of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. People are converting to Catholicism. “It’s a good thing I have a girlfriend,” my friend texted. “Because casual sex is out.”

    Yarvin has mused that the liberal regime will begin to fall when the “cool kids” start to abandon its values and worldview. There are signs that this may be happening, though not all the so-called cool kids involved in this vibe shift would want to be colored as the vanguard in a world historical rebellion against the global order.

    “I’m not, like, into politics,” the writer Honor Levy, a Catholic convert and Bennington grad, told me when I called her. “I just want to have a family someday.”

    Levy, who was a leftist recently enough that she cried when it became clear that Bernie Sanders wouldn’t be the Democratic presidential nominee, is friendly with Yarvin and has had him on the podcast she cohosts, Wet Brain—“Yeah, the Cathedral and blah blah,” she said when we got to talking about political media. But she said she’d never even heard of J.D. Vance or Blake Masters.

    Levy is an It girl in a downtown Manhattan scene—The New Yorker has published her fiction; she is named in a New York Times story that tries to describe that scene—where right-wing politics have become an aesthetic pose that mingles strangely with an earnest search for moral grounding. “Until like a year and a half ago I didn’t believe good and evil existed,” she told me, later adding: “But I’m not in a state of grace, I shouldn’t be talking.” I asked if she would take money from Thiel and she cheerily said, “Of course!” She also described her cohort as a bunch of “libertines,” and on her podcast you can get a window into a world of people who enjoy a mind-bendingly ironic thrill by tut-tutting each other for missing church or having premarital sex. “Most of the girls downtown are normal, but they’ll wear a Trump hat as an accessory,” she said. The ones deep into the online scene, she said, “want to be like Leni Riefenstahl–Edie Sedgwick.”

    Like Levy, Milius is in the funny position of being at the intersection of many of these crosscurrents, having worked in mainstream politics but appearing on so-called dissident podcasts and being on the periphery of a cultural scene where right-wing politics have taken on a sheen approximating cool.

    She said she was too “black-pilled”—a very online term used to describe people who think that our world is so messed up that nothing can save it now—to think much about what it would look like for her side to win. “I could fucking trip over the curb,” Milius said, “and that’s going to be considered white supremacism. Like, there’s nothing you can do. What the fuck isn’t white supremacism?”

    “They’re going to come for everything,” she said. “And I think it’s sinister—not that I think that people who want to pay attention to race issues are sinister. But I think that the globalization movement is using these divisive arguments in order to make people think that it’s a good thing.”

    This is the Cathedral at work.

    A few weeks after NatCon, I drove from California to Tucson to meet Masters, a very tall, very thin, very fit 35-year-old. I wanted to see how all this might translate into an actual election campaign, and I’d been watching a lot of Fox News, including Yarvin’s streaming interview with Carlson in which he gave a swirling depiction of how the Cathedral produced its groupthink. “Why do Yale and Harvard always agree on everything?” he asked. “These organizations are essentially branches of the same thing,” he told a mesmerized Carlson. “You’re like, ‘Where are the wires?’ ” He sketched his vision of (as he calls it) a “constitutional” regime change that would take power back from this oligarchy—so diffuse most people hardly knew it was there. “That’s what makes it so hard to kill,” he said.

    At a coffee shop near the house he’d bought when he moved back home to Tucson from the Bay Area, Masters and I went through the tenets of his nationalist platform: on-shoring industrial production, slashing legal immigration, regulating big tech companies, and eventually restructuring the economy so that one salary would be enough to raise a family on. I mentioned Yarvin and his line of arguing that America’s system had become so sclerotic that it was hopeless to imagine making big systemic changes like these. “In a system where state capacity is very low…” I started the question.

    “Alas,” he said, with a twinkle in his eye.

    “Do we need a crisis to get there?” I asked him.

    “Maybe, maybe, maybe,” he said. It wasn’t where his immediate thinking was. “I’ll have the proverbial machete,” he said. “But yeah, it may take some kind of crisis to get us there.”

    He paused. “But we’re already sort of in one, right?”

    Masters often says he’s not as black-pilled and pessimistic as some in the New Right spheres. He seems, unlike many New Righters, to still earnestly believe in the power of electoral politics. But he does think that the culturally liberal and free-market ideology that has guided America’s politics in recent years is a hopeless dead end. “A country is not just an economy,” Masters told the dissident-right outlet IM—1776 recently. “You also need a conception of yourself as a nation, as a people, and as a culture. And that’s what America is increasingly lacking today.”

    “It’s true that I’m incredibly hopeful,” he said to me. “I think it’s really bleak, I think the default is continued stagnation, and maybe you get the crisis in 5 years or maybe it’s 30 years from now.”

    He told me that he didn’t like to use terms like the Cathedral and used “the regime” less often than Vance, although I later noticed that he used this latter phrase frequently with interviewers on the dissident right.

    “ ‘The regime’ sounds really sexy, right?” he said to me. “It’s a tangible enemy—if you could just grapple with it in the right way, you can topple it. And I think it’s actually just a lot less sexy and a lot more bureaucratic,” he said. “But I’ve read that stuff, and I see what it means.”

    I asked him about the term Thielbucks, and how true it was that the Thiel Foundation was funding a network of New Right podcasters and cool-kid cultural figures as a sort of cultural vanguard.

    “It depends if it’s just dissident-right think-tank stuff,” he told me, “or if anyone actually does anything.”

    “I don’t know how that became a meme,” he said about Thielbucks. “I think I would know if those kids were getting money.”

    “We fund some stuff,” he told me. “But we’re not funding an army of meme posters.” He told me that he and Thiel had met with Khachiyan, one of the cohosts of Red Scare. “Which was cool,” he said. “Their podcast is interesting.”

    I asked if there was a world in which they might get funding from Thiel. “Maybe, yeah,” he said. “We fund some weird stuff with the Thiel Foundation.”

    We drove together to a campaign event, talking about everything from how technology is reshaping our brains to environmental policy, both of us circling from different political directions to an apocalyptic place. “I do think we’re at a moment of crossroads,” he said. “And if we play it wrong, it’s the Dark Ages.” Masters has publicly said he thinks “everybody should read” the Unabomber’s anti-tech manifesto, “Industrial Society and Its Future,” which may sound strange for a young tech executive running to serve in the United States Senate. But to Masters, Kaczynski’s critique was a useful analysis of how technology shapes our world and how “degrading and debasing” it could be to human lives.

    I asked whether he thought the core of his project was a fight against a consumerist techno-dystopia that many on the left have also come to fear. He said yes. I asked why, if this was the case, it almost never came across in his mainstream media appearances. “That’s interesting feedback,” he said. “That it’s not coming through.”

    “I go on, and it’s the tail end of the B block, and I’ve got two minutes to talk about Kyle Rittenhouse,” he’d said earlier, talking about his spots on Fox News. “And it’s like, ‘Well, the left is insane, and this kid shouldn’t have been on trial, and they’re punishing him for being a white guy who defended himself with an AR-15.’ ” Conservative media seems to thrive on culture-war touch points as much as all the rest of it. “I feel like I’m willing to go there,” he said. “But you can’t do that on Laura Ingraham sound bites.”

    He was a little less rosy about the future with some interviewers than he was with me. “We need someone with their hand on the tiller who understands where we’ve been and where we need to go,” he told the podcaster Alex Kaschuta recently. “Otherwise we will get just totally owned by the progressive left. And the progressive left just remains the enemy. It’s the enemy of true progress. It’s the enemy of everything that is good.”

    I asked if he could give me a vision of what he thought victory for his side would look like.

    “It’s just families and meaningful work,” he said, “so that you can raise your kids and worship and pursue your hobbies and figure out what the meaning of it all is.” Pretty much anyone could agree with this. And pretty much anyone could wonder how it is that this sort of thing has come to seem radical, or distant from the lives of many people growing into adulthood today. “It just feels so networked,” he said. “It’s so in-the-matrix.”

    We drove a long way into the desert before we arrived at the campaign meet-and-greet, which was being hosted by a former CIA official in a comfortable retirement community. The crowd of a few dozen was mostly sweater-wearing retirees, immersed in a media culture in which the people who repeated the most incendiary and Trumpist talking points tended to gain attention and political support. This kind of groupthink was not just a phenomenon of the liberal media, and this fact has hampered the campaigns of both Masters and Vance, who are often seen as Trump-aligned culture warriors, and who have had a lot of trouble working their more complicated policy ideas into our fervid political conversation. He talked through his proposal to regulate tech companies as common carriers, like America once regulated phone companies. The crowd seemed interested but hardly electrified. When he took questions at the end, they were mostly the usual ones about the supposedly stolen 2020 election—a view that Masters did not push back on—the border wall, vaccine mandates. One man raised his hand to ask how Masters planned to drain the swamp. He gave me a sly look. “Well, one of my friends has this acronym he calls RAGE,” he said. “Retire All Government Employees.” The crowd liked the sound of this and erupted in a cheer.

    On the last afternoon of NatCon, a few hours before he was set to give the keynote address, Vance showed up. He spotted me drinking a beer at the bar and came over to say hello. “I still have no idea what I’m going to say,” he said, though he didn’t seem worried.

    I wandered down to the ballroom to wait and ended up sitting with the U.S. correspondent for the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel. I knew that some of the reporters there might have been under the impression that this was all mostly just tweedy MAGA pageantry. He had a more complex view, having just spoken to Yarvin, and asked me to explain his philosophy. I found myself at a loss. I said that there were these things called the regime and the Cathedral and that Yarvin was “sort of a monarchist.”

    “A monarchist?”he asked. He seemed taken aback to learn that what this hero figure of the New Right dreamed of was a king.

    Vance showed up, wearing a suit and bright red tie, looking relaxed for a person who was about to give a speech to hundreds of people who viewed him as possibly a last great hope in saving the American nation from global corporatist subjugation. He’d shot up in the polls and at that moment was second in his primary, helped by regular invitations from Carlson.

    I asked how he was feeling about the speech. He looked impish. “I think I’ve got a good topic,” he said. “I’m going to talk about college.”

    What he meant was that he was about to give a genuinely thunderous speech, titled “The Universities Are the Enemy.” People immediately pointed out that it was a variation on something that Richard Nixon said to Henry Kissinger on White House tapes back in 1972. Vance denounced elite colleges as enemies of the American people; he has long proposed cutting off their federal funding and seizing their endowments. The speech was later linked in alarmed op-eds to “anti-intellectual” movements that had attacked institutions of learning. But that doesn’t quite reckon with what an apocalyptic message he was offering. Because Vance and this New Right cohort, who are mostly so, so highly educated and well-read that their big problem often seems to be that they’re just too nerdy to be an effective force in mass politics, are not anti-intellectual. Vance is an intellectual himself, even if he’s not currently playing one on TV. But he thinks that our universities are full of people who have a structural, self-serving, and financial interest in coloring American culture as racist and evil. And he is ready to go to extraordinary lengths to fight them.

    Yarvin and Laurenson bounded out of the crowd as the cheers were still ringing. They were giggling, seeming to have had some wine. “Nixon—Nixon!”Laurenson said, still laughing. I couldn’t tell if she was delighted or horrified.

    A couple of hours later I found Vance standing up by the bar, surrounded by a circle of young and identical-looking fanboys. I went over. He asked what I’d thought of the speech, and he suggested we find somewhere to talk.

    He asked me to turn my recorder off so we could speak candidly. I agreed, with regret, because the conversation revealed someone who I think will be hugely influential in our politics in the coming years, even if he loses his Senate primary, as both of us thought was possible.

    It also revealed someone who is in a dark place, with a view that we are at an ominous turning point in America’s history. He didn’t want to describe this to me on the record. But I can show it anyway, because he already says it publicly, and you can hear it too.

    That night, I went up to my hotel room and listened to a podcast interview Vance had conducted with Jack Murphy, the big, bearded head of the Liminal Order men’s group. Murphy asked how it was that Vance proposed to rip out America’s leadership class.

    Vance described two possibilities that many on the New Right imagine—that our system will either fall apart naturally, or that a great leader will assume semi-dictatorial powers.

    “So there’s this guy Curtis Yarvin, who has written about some of these things,” Vance said. Murphy chortled knowingly. “So one [option] is to basically accept that this entire thing is going to fall in on itself,” Vance went on. “And so the task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be preserved,” waiting for the “inevitable collapse” of the current order.

    He said he thought this was pessimistic. “I tend to think that we should seize the institutions of the left,” he said. “And turn them against the left. We need like a de-Baathification program, a de-woke-ification program.”

    “I think Trump is going to run again in 2024,” he said. “I think that what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”

    “And when the courts stop you,” he went on, “stand before the country, and say—” he quoted Andrew Jackson, giving a challenge to the entire constitutional order—“the chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.”

    This is a description, essentially, of a coup.

    “We are in a late republican period,” Vance said later, evoking the common New Right view of America as Rome awaiting its Caesar. “If we’re going to push back against it, we’re going to have to get pretty wild, and pretty far out there, and go in directions that a lot of conservatives right now are uncomfortable with.”

    “Indeed,” Murphy said. “Among some of my circle, the phrase ‘extra-constitutional’ has come up quite a bit.”

    I’d asked Vance to tell me, on the record, what he’d like liberal Americans who thought that what he was proposing was a fascist takeover of America to understand.

    He spoke earnestly. “I think the cultural world you operate in is incredibly biased,” he said—against his movement and “the leaders of it, like me in particular.” He encouraged me to resist this tendency, which he thought was the product of a media machine leading us toward a soulless dystopia that none of us want to live in. “That impulse,” he said, “is fundamentally in service of something that is far worse than anything, in your wildest nightmares, than what you see here.”

    He gave me an imploring look, as though to suggest that he was more on the side of the kind of people who read Vanity Fair than most of you realize.

    If what he was doing worked, he said, “it will mean that my son grows up in a world where his masculinity—his support of his family and his community, his love of his community—is more important than whether it works for fucking McKinsey.”

    At that, we called it, and the crowd of young men who wanted to talk to him immediately descended on the couches. People kept bringing drinks, and there was a lot of shit talk, and it went on late. I remember thinking at one point how strange it was that in our mid-30s Vance and I were significantly older than almost everyone there, all of whom thought they were organizing a struggle to change the course of human history, and all of whom were now going to get sloppy drunk.

    The next morning, wrecked, I put on sweatpants and a hoodie and tried to smuggle myself out of the hotel without having to talk to anyone. I gave my chit to the valet and looked around to find Vance and Yarvin standing there waiting for cars. “How do you guys feel?” Yarvin asked. Vance was wearing a hoodie too and looked like I felt. “I feel horrible,” he said. “Not good.”

    Yarvin asked what I’d thought of everything. I said it would take a long time for me to figure that out. We all shook hands, and they waved as I got into my car and we all resumed our usual battle stations in the American info-wars.

    The Plot Against the President

    Amanda Milius is the director and writer of a documentary film that explores the political scandal of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The film features interviews with former officials, journalists, and commentators who discuss the deep state conspiracy theory and the role of the media.
    Featured in Tucker Carlson Tonight: Episode dated 30 October 2020 (2020)


    Compact, an online magazine founded in 2022, seeks a new political center devoted to the common good. Believing that political forces, not economic ones, should determine our common life, we draw on the social-democratic tradition to argue for an order marked by authentic freedom, social stability, and shared prosperity. Though we have definite opinions, we proudly publish writers with whom we disagree.

    According to Danny Postel, writing in New Lines Magazine, its approach is a “’synthesis’ of communitarian conservatism and social democracy”." According to Matt McManus, writing in Jacobin, it is “an ideologically syncretic outlet in the spirit of Christopher Lasch”. McManus further wrote that “Compact’s ambition is to argue for a strong social democratic state that also resists libertine ideologies and upholds local, national, familial, and religious communities.” Stephanie Slade, writing in Reason, describes it as the new home of post-liberalism, whose editors espouse “intense religious conservatism [with] a whiff of socialism”. Slade wrote: “By bringing a ’labor populism’ with deep roots in the socialist tradition and a ’political Catholicism’ that questions the very separation of church and state under a single roof, Compact has built an intellectual meeting place not just for post-liberal conservatives but for anti-liberals of every stripe.”

    Edie Sedgwick

    Edith Minturn Sedgwick Post (April 20, 1943 – November 16, 1971) was an American actress, model, and socialite, who was one of Andy Warhol’s superstars, starring in several of his short films during the 1960s.
    Her death certificate states the immediate cause was “probable acute barbiturate intoxication” due to ethanol intoxication. Sedgwick’s alcohol level was registered at 0.17% and her barbiturate level was 0.48 mg%. She was only 28.

    #USA #extrême_droite #nationalisme #fascisme #idéologie #Thielbucks

    • J. D. Vance est effrayant car dans cet article de 2020 il déclare ouvertement vouloir prendre le pouvoir afin d’organiser un coup d’état suivant la méthode nazie de 1933.

      “So there’s this guy Curtis Yarvin, who has written about some of these things,” Vance said. Murphy chortled knowingly. “So one [option] is to basically accept that this entire thing is going to fall in on itself,” Vance went on. “And so the task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be preserved,” waiting for the “inevitable collapse” of the current order.

      He said he thought this was pessimistic. “I tend to think that we should seize the institutions of the left,” he said. “And turn them against the left. We need like a de-Baathification program, a de-woke-ification program.”

      “I think Trump is going to run again in 2024,” he said. “I think that what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”

      “And when the courts stop you,” he went on, “stand before the country, and say—” he quoted Andrew Jackson, giving a challenge to the entire constitutional order—“the chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.”

      This is a description, essentially, of a coup.

      C’est un article vraiment révélateur.
      Ils ont aussi un de ces fameux acronyme pour le procédé :
      RAGE, Retire All Government Employees

  • List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots

    Après tout il y en a moins que je pensais.

    Presidents assassinated
    Abraham Lincoln
    James A. Garfield
    William McKinley
    John F. Kennedy

    Presidents wounded
    Theodore Roosevelt
    Ronald Reagan
    Donald Trump

    A propos de l’attentat de John Warnock Hinckley, Jr. contre R.R.

    Hinckley was immediately arrested, and later said he had wanted to kill Reagan to impress actress Jodie Foster.

    Taxi Driver a fait des émules.

    Nos amis américains sont fascinés par les attentats.

    How many Roman Emperors were Assassinated

    Il y a eu 36 empereurs assassinés en 439 ans à Rome contre seulement 4 présidents en 98 ans aux USA, 8 contre 4 en cent ans. Si on prend la fréquence des attentats réussis comme indice pour la stabilité de l’état on peut conclure que la fin de l’empire états-unien n’est pas aussi proche comme certains aimeraient bien ;-)

    Emperor, Year of Death, Duration on the Throne, Age at Death, Type of Assassination, Succeeded by

    Gaius (Caligula) 41 AD 4 years 28 Assassinated Claudius
    Claudius 54 AD 13 years 63 Likely poisoned Nero
    Galba 69 AD <1 year 70 Assassinated Otho
    Vitellius 69 AD <1 year 54 Executed Vespasian
    Domitian 96 AD 15 years 44 Assassinated Nerva
    Commodus 192 AD 15 years 31 Assassinated Pertinax
    Pertinax 193 AD 86 days 66 Assassinated Didius Julianus
    Didius Julianus 193 AD 66 days 61 Assassinated Septimius Severus
    Geta 211 AD 3 years 22 Assassinated by Caracalla -
    Caracalla 217 AD 19 years 29 Assassinated Macrinus
    Macrinus 218 AD 1 year 55 Executed Elagabalus
    Elagabalus 222 AD 4 years 18 Assassinated Alexander Severus
    Alexander Severus 235 AD 13 years 26 Assassinated Maximinus Thrax
    Maximinus Thrax 238 AD 3 years 65 Assassinated Gordian I & II
    Pupienus and Balbinus 238 AD <1 year 70 and 60 Joint rule Gordian III
    Gordian III 244 AD 6 years 19 Murdered Philip the Arab
    Gallienus 268 AD 15 years 50 Assassinated Claudius Gothicus
    Aurelian 275 AD 5 years 60 Assassinated Tacitus
    Tacitus 276 AD 1 year 75 Likely assassinated Florianus
    Florianus 276 AD <1 year uncertain Assassinated Probus
    Probus 282 AD 6 years 38 Assassinated Carus
    Carinus 285 AD 2 years 29 Assassinated Diocletian
    Numerianus 284 AD 1 year uncertain Likely assassinated -
    Licinius 324 AD 16 years 60 Executed -
    Severus II 307 AD <1 year uncertain Likely assassinated -
    Constans I 350 AD 13 years 27 Assassinated -
    Gratian 383 AD 16 years 24 Assassinated Magnus Maximus
    Valentinian II 392 AD 17 years 21 Likely assassinated -
    Eugenius 394 AD 2 years uncertain Executed Theodosius I
    John the Illicit 425 AD 2 years uncertain Executed Theodosius II
    Valentinian III 455 AD 30 years 35 Assassinated Petronius Maximus
    Petronius Maximus 455 AD <1 year 57 Stoned by mob Avitus
    Avitus 456 AD 1 year uncertain Likely forced suicide Maiorianus
    Maiorianus 461 AD 4 years 44 Beheaded Libius Severus
    Anthemius 472 AD 5 years 56 Beheaded Olybrius
    Nepos 480 AD 5 years uncertain Assassinated Romulus Augustulus

    Catégorie:Empereur romain assassiné

    Après il n’y a eu plus que Romulus Augustulus qui n’a pas été assassiné.

    Romulus Augustus (c. 465 – after 511[b]), nicknamed Augustulus, was Roman emperor of the West from 31 October 475 until 4 September 476. Romulus was placed on the imperial throne while still a minor by his father Orestes, the magister militum, for whom he served as little more than a figurehead. After a rule of ten months, the barbarian general Odoacer defeated and killed Orestes and deposed Romulus. As Odoacer did not proclaim any successor, Romulus is typically regarded as the last Western Roman emperor, his deposition marking the end of the Western Roman Empire as a political entity. The deposition of Romulus Augustulus is also sometimes used by historians to mark the transition from antiquity to the medieval period.

    #USA #président #politique #histoire #assassinat

  • Optimisme : Eat the rich

    Pierre Gaspard Chaumette, President of the Paris Commune, gave a speech to the city during the Reign of Terror on 14 October 1793 in which he said :

    Rousseau faisait parti du peuple aussi, et il disait : ’Quand le peuple n’aura plus rien à manger, il mangera le riche.

    Source : Adolphe Thiers, Histoire de la Révolution française, Tome Cinquième

    Quand le peuple votera avec sa bouche ... ;-)

    #élections #philosophie #révolution

  • Vor 90 Jahren : Verkürzte Querfront
    Rivalen bis aufs Messer : Hermann Göring und Ernst Röhm (vor der Feldherrnhalle in München am 9. November 1933) Scherl/picture alliance / SZ Photo

    Il y a exactement 90 ans les nazis réglaient leurs comptes dans une action connue comme la nuit des longs couteaux ou Röhm-Putsch comme l’appellaient les vainqueurs du massacre. C’est la fin de la fraction « ouvrière-socialiste » au sein du parti. Désormais les memebres de l’alliance d’industriels et d’antisemites durcis décidèrent seuls sur le cap du cuirassé allemand.

    Un an auparavant après avoir incendié le Reichstag les terroristes nazis de la SA avaient éliminé leurs adversaires socialistes et bourgeois modérés . Maintenant on fit renter dans les rangs les forces SA du parti nazi. Ce fut le début de la suprématie du moloch SS .

    29.6.2024 von Reinhard Opitz - Im Frühjahr 1934 befand sich das Hitler-Papen-Kabinett in der Krise. Kreise um Kurt von Schleicher schmiedeten Pläne zur Regierungsumbildung. Zur engeren Vorgeschichte des 30. Juni 1934 (Teil 1)

    Vom frühen Morgen des 30. Juni 1934 bis zum 2. Juli regierte in Deutschland der Mord. SS und Gestapo töteten auf Anweisung des Reichskanzlers Adolf Hitler, des preußischen Ministerpräsidenten Hermann Göring und des Chefs der politischen Polizei Heinrich Himmler fast alle höheren SA-Führer, darunter Hitlers Duzfreund, den SA-Stabschef Ernst Röhm, ferner den langjährigen »zweiten Mann« der NSDAP, Gregor Strasser, den früheren Reichskanzler und Reichswehrminister Kurt von Schleicher, dessen engsten Vertrauten General Ferdinand von Bredow sowie Edgar Julius Jung, enger Mitarbeiter von Vizekanzler Franz von Papen. Namentlich nachgewiesen sind 90 Ermordete, insgesamt könnten es bis zu 200 gewesen sein.

    Die Nazipropaganda präsentierte das Vorgehen als präventive Maßnahme gegen einen angeblich unmittelbar bevorstehenden Putsch durch Röhm. Obwohl es solche Pläne nicht gab, hat sich in der bürgerlichen Geschichtswissenschaft in (West-) Deutschland der damalige Propagandabegriff »Röhm-Putsch« durchgesetzt. Bis heute hält sich dort hartnäckig die Auffassung, die Mordaktion sei eine persönliche Abrechnung gewesen, ein Streit zweier Flügel innerhalb der NSDAP. Viel spricht indessen dafür, dass die Ereignisse Ausdruck eines Richtungskampfs zwischen den mächtigsten Kapitalgruppen waren und zugleich der Motivation folgten, die Krise der noch nicht konsolidierten faschistischen Diktatur mit einem Gewaltstreich zu beenden.

    Dieser Frage ist vor allem der marxistische Historiker Kurt Gossweiler in seiner 1983 veröffentlichten Monographie »Die Röhm-Affäre. Hintergründe – Zusammenhänge – Auswirkungen« nachgegangen. Etwa zur gleichen Zeit arbeitete aber auch der marxistische Politikwissenschaftler und Historiker Reinhard Opitz an einem Buch über die »Röhm-Affäre«. Opitz, der am 2. Juli 90 Jahre alt geworden wäre, konnte seine Arbeit nicht beenden. Er starb am 3. April 1986. 1999 erschienen im Marburger BdWi-Verlag bis dahin unveröffentlichte Texte aus Opitz’ Nachlass in einer dreibändigen Edition unter dem Titel »Liberalismus-Faschismus-Integration«. Der dritte Band versammelt das Arbeitsmaterial zum Röhm-Buch. Wir veröffentlichen an dieser Stelle in zwei Teilen einen redaktionell leicht gekürzten Abschnitt, der sich mit der engeren Vorgeschichte des 30. Juni 1934 beschäftigt. Opitz hatte zu diesem Abschnitt angemerkt: »vor Abschluss abgebrochene und verworfene erste Langfassung«. (jW)

    Quelle: Reinhard Opitz: Liberalismus – Faschismus – Integration. Edition in drei Bänden, Band III: Die »Röhm-Affäre«, BdWi-Verlag, Marburg 1999, S. 121-141

    #Allemagne #histoire #nazis

    • Niekisch n’a jamais réussi quoi que ce soi et n’a jamais eu de l’influence hors de son petit cercle national-bolchéviste. Il était tellement exotique qu’on ne l’a poursuivi qu’à partir de 1939. Son destin tragique aurait pu sortir droit d’une oeuvre de Camus.

      Ernst Niekisch

      He was allowed to visit Rome in 1935 and held meetings with Benito Mussolini, who told Niekisch that he considered Hitler’s aggressive stances towards the Soviet Union to be foolish and would later discuss opposition groups with the Italian Consul General while Italo-German relations were somewhat strained.

      In 1937, Niekisch and dozens of his colleagues were arrested by the Gestapo for writing articles against the regime. In 1939, Niekisch was found guilty of ’literary high treason by the Volksgerichtshof, along with fellow National Bolsheviks Joseph Drexel and Karl Tröger, and sentenced to life in prison. Following the intervention of his former ally, Jünger, his family could retain his property, but not secure his release. Niekisch remained in prison until April 1945, when he was liberated by the Red Army. By then, he had nearly gone blind.
      Later life

      Embittered against nationalism by his wartime experiences, he turned to orthodox Marxism and lectured in sociology in Humboldt University in East Germany until 1953 when, disillusioned by the brutal suppression of the workers’ uprising, he relocated to West Berlin, where he died in 1967.


  • Scarsdale Is What We Thought It Was

    Suite à un investissement massif du lobby israëlien dans sa circonscription électorale, un élu socialiste de New York perd son siège au congrès. Dans les parties pauvres de sa circonscription il obtient toujours 80 pour cent des votes contre huit dans les parties riches.

    26.6.2024 by Matt Karp - Jamaal Bowman’s defeat is another reminder that left-wing politics cannot live or die in the rich suburbs.

    The most expensive House primary in US history has ended in defeat for democratic socialist Jamaal Bowman, soundly beaten by Westchester county executive George Latimer.

    According to the New York Times and much of the national media, the winners and losers here are fairly straightforward. Bowman’s defeat was a victory for the pro-Israel lobby, which spent $14 million to oust a major critic of the war in Gaza, and for leading centrist Democrats, from Hillary Clinton to Josh Gottheimer, who had endorsed Latimer. “The outcome in this race,” said an American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) spokesman quoted by the Times, “once again shows that the pro-Israel position is both good policy and good politics.”

    Meanwhile, the paper called the election “an excruciating blow for the left,” including Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and “the Squad” in Congress. They had rallied behind Bowman but could not save the gaffe-prone representative from his own voters, who ultimately rejected him as “too extreme to help solve the nation’s problems.”

    Every single element of this fable is perfectly accurate — if only the entire district, the national Democratic coalition, and the whole of the American body politic resided in the village of Scarsdale, New York.

    This elite Westchester suburb, with its manicured lawns, seven-figure mansions, and an average income of over $500,000 a year, had given Bowman nearly 40 percent of its vote in his upset victory four years ago. But this year Scarsdale decided it could not abide the congressman’s “far-left views,” on Israel or anything else: in the early vote there, Latimer led Bowman by the astonishing margin of 92 to 8 percent.

    This was the pattern across wealthy Westchester suburbs, like Rye, Harrison, and Mamaroneck, where the early vote showed Latimer winning over 80 percent support. Residents there may have indeed rejected what the Times suggested were Bowman’s “extreme viewpoints,” including support for a cease-fire in Gaza, where Israel’s war has killed nearly fifteen thousand children.

    Yet in most working-class portions of the district, Bowman’s far-left views seem to have held up just fine. He took 84 percent of the vote in the Bronx. Analysts looking to find a popular repudiation of pro-Palestine politics will have to look somewhere beyond working-class Yonkers and Mount Vernon, where the congressman led the early vote by margins similar to his victory in 2020.

    Unfortunately for Bowman, too much of his district did, in fact, reside in Scarsdale or somewhere similar. Though Times reporters did not see fit to mention it, last year NY-16 was redrawn so that the Westchester share of its primary vote jumped from about 60 percent to over 90 percent. This was of course the story of the entire election. The new and wealthy suburban areas in the district — including parts of Tarrytown and at least five additional country clubs north of Rye — all voted heavily against Bowman.

    The good news for Bowman’s national supporters is that losing Westchester to an AIPAC-funded centrist is not a meaningful defeat for the American left. Any real challenge to corporate Democrats or the pro-Israel lobby will have to come from somewhere else. Scarsdale is what we thought it was — a tiny, eccentric sliver of an enormous, diverse, and largely working-class country.

    The bad news is that the American left has not managed to make many inroads into that giant country, either. Perhaps the brand of politics that gave us the Squad in the first place — nine members in a Congress of four hundred and thirty-five — has run its course. If Bowman’s defeat is a wake-up call, it is not because he lost the neighborhoods around the Horseshoe Harbor Yacht Club and Blind Brook Country Club, but because the Left found itself fighting a battle there in the first place.

    Matt Karp is an associate professor of history at Princeton University and a Jacobin contributing editor .

    Westchester county,_New_York

    The annual per capita income for Westchester was $67,813 in 2011. The 2011 median household income of $77,006 was the fifth-highest in New York (after Nassau, Putnam, Suffolk, and Rockland counties) and the 47th highest in the United States.[9] By 2021, the county’s median household income had risen to $105,387. Westchester County ranks second in the state after New York County for median income per person, with a higher concentration of incomes in smaller households. Simultaneously, Westchester County had the highest property taxes of any county in the United States in 2013.

    Westchester County is one of the centrally located counties within the New York metropolitan area. The county is positioned with New York City, plus Nassau and Suffolk counties (on Long Island, across the Long Island Sound), to its south; Putnam County to its north; Fairfield County, Connecticut, to its east; and Rockland County and Bergen County, New Jersey, across the Hudson River to its west. Westchester was the first suburban area of its scale in the world to develop, due mostly to the upper-middle-class development of entire communities in the late 19th century and the subsequent rapid population growth.

    Westchester County has numerous road and mass transit connections to New York City, and the county is home to the headquarters of large multinational corporations including IBM, Mastercard, PepsiCo, and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Westchester County high school students often feature prominently as winners of the International Science and Engineering Fair and similar STEM-based academic

    #USA #élections #gauche #découpage_électoral #gerrymanderung #racisme #ségrégation #New_York #banlieues

  • 我们已经老了,无所谓
    Wǒmén yǐjīng lǎole , wúsuǒwèi .

    赵紫阳 Zhao Ziyang , 17.10.1919 – 17.1.2005
    C’était un homme droit qui en 1989 a failli provoquer comme secrétaire général du Parti communiste chinois la même catastrophe en Chine comme Gorbatchev en URSS.

    The phrase “We are already old, and do not matter” (我们已经老了,无所谓) and Zhao’s speech, have since become a well known part of the protests.

    #Chine #1989

    • Je crois que les états unis s’en foutent que la Chine soit démocratique. Je dis ca parce qu’on nous parle sans cesse de ça quand les dirigeants étrangers leur rendent visite. Un petit chuchotage à l’oreille de Xi Jinping sur les droits humains quand les journalistes n’écoutent pas.
      Ce que Regan et tous les autres ont toujours voulu, c’est d’un pays docile qui permette l’investissement, l’installation d’usines pour profiter de la main d’oeuvre (pas chère à l’époque), le tout sans trop faire de bénéfices ou d’espionnage industriel au passage.

      En gros, ca me ferait chier que des libéraux croient en la démocratie (dans leur pays oui, mais pas à la concurrence).

    • La Chine, qu’est-ce que c’est comme genre d’état et type de société ?
      D’abord il est évident qu’en matière de droits de l’homme la Chine peut se montrer de manières différentes, suivant des raisons qui sont difficiles à comprendre de l’extérieur. Une chose est sûre c’est qu’aucune intervention de l’extérieur qui risquait de faire perdre face au pays n’a jamais eu le moindre résultat souhaité.

      Ensuite il y a l’éternel débat si c’est un état socialiste ou capitaliste, et ce dernier temps on entend des qualifications risibles comme « impérial ».

      Démocratique ou non c’est encore une discussion qui mène nulle part si on la pose du point de vue occidental. C’est une société qui pratique les décisions collectives à tous les niveaux en prenant en compte des choses qui n’intéressent pas nos dirigeants ou leurs sbires.

      La Chine est loin d’être parfaite et se montre parfois comme choquante simplement à cause des dimensions qui dépassent notre expérience d’habitants de petits pays d’Europe.

      Bref, il faut dire byebye aux mythes sur la #Chine qu’on nous raconte et écouter les Chinois à la place. Quand je dis « Chinois » je ne parle pas des gens qui ont réussi une carrière d’ennemi professionnel du gouvernement chinois au solde des #USA.

      Voilà une sinologue qui le fait très bien :
      Mechthild Leutner (罗梅君, Luó Méijūn)

      Commençon donc en écoutant notre dictateur de prédilection « Mao Tse Tung » : « Si le chat est noir ou blanc n’a pas d’importance tant qu’il attrappe les souris. » Je ne sais même pas s’il l’a vraiment dit mais c’est un si joli Chéngyǔ (成语) , alors on s’en fout ...

      #langue #culture #proverbes

    • @sandburg La catastrophe que les Chinois ont observé en URSS et prévenu dans leur pays après 1989 est le résultat de la libération des pires traits du caractère humain par l’introduction du marché libre sans freins. L’URSS a été détruite par un putsch. Ensuite la prise en mains du processus de transformation économique inspirée par des conseillers libéraux états-uniens a produit une démocratie relative sous domination de voyous sans scrupules. En Chine l’introduction de l’économie du marché a également fait des dégâts mais jamais le fondement de l’état n’a été mis en danger et sa politique a pu contrebalancer et parfois éliminer ses pires dérapages.

      Le gouvernement chinois pose des limites au pouvoir des capitaines de l’industrie et de la finance alors que dans les démocraties de l’Ouest c’est l’inverse. La disparition temporaire de Jack Ma a servi d’exemple salutaire pour ses semblables qui n’agissent en général que dans les limites qu’impose le parti communiste.

      Les droits du peuple et les abus causés par la transformation capitaliste sont des sujets de discussion permanents dans le pays où ils sont traités dans des films à grand budget. Après tout les processus politiques et sujets de discussions ne sont pas si loin de ce que nous connaissons en Europe.


      Qiu Ju, une femme chinoise (1992),_une_femme_chinoise
      A Touch of Sin (2013)

      Il y a une question essentielle qui n’est que rarement posée à propos de la politique internationale chinoise :

      Est-ce que le pays suivra sa tradition vielle de deux millénaires de n’entrer en guerre que sous des contraintes extrêmes ou est-ce que les forces innées du capitalisme feront agir ses dirigeants suivant le même besoin d’expansion et de conquête de marchés par les armes comme les pays impérialistes occidentaux ?

      Pour le moment j’ai l’impression que le primat de la politique sur le militaire et l’économie permet au pays de poursuivre son ascension à la place dans le monde qui lui est dû sans se laisser perturber par les impulsions impérialistes de ses grands groupes capitalistes.
      J’avoue que ce n’est qu’une impression. Je n’ai toujours pas retrouvé cette boule de cristal prophétique ;-)

  • Siege of Leningrad

    Two little girls assemble submachine guns during the siege of Leningrad, 1943

    Avec un million de victimes de la famine imposée aux habitants de Leningrad pendant deux ans et demi et deux millions de morts quand on compte le demi million de soldats allemands qui sont morts sur ce front, le siège de Leningrad est le plus meurtrier de l’histoire. C’est un crime d’une dimension telle que la tentative d’éradication des habitants de Gaza paraît comme un vol à la tire par rapport aux viols et assassinats d’un Ted Bundy. Pourtant à chaque fois les actes génocidaires en disent long sur leurs auteurs.

    The 872 days of the siege caused extreme famine in the Leningrad region through disruption of utilities, water, energy and food supplies. This resulted in the deaths of up to 1,500,00 soldiers and civilians and the evacuation of 1,400,000 more (mainly women and children), many of whom died during evacuation due to starvation and bombardment. According to journalist Harrison E. Salisbury on the death toll of the siege, “A total for Leningrad and vicinity of something over 1,000,000 deaths attributable to hunger, and an over-all total of deaths, civilian and military, on the order of 1,300,000 to 1,500,000 seems reasonable.” According to military historian David M. Glantz, “the number of soldiers and civilians who perished during the Battle for Leningrad amounted to the awesome total of between 1.6 and two million souls. These figures associated with the defence of a single city are six times greater than the United States’ total death toll during the entirety of World War II” and that “In terms of drama, symbolism and sheer human suffering, however, the Battle for Leningrad has no peer either in the Great Patriotic War or in any other modern war”. Military historian Victor Davis Hanson further affirmed that “Leningrad was civilization’s most lethal siege” and that “More than one million died at Leningrad amid mass starvation, epidemic, cannibalism and daily barrages—a greater death toll than any siege in history”.

    Pour retourner le mythe de l’éternelle obligation allemande envers les juifs et l’état d’Israël contre ses auteurs on pourrait poser la question de l’effet qu’a l’alliance de la victime avec son bourreau sur l’état mental et moral de la victime.

    Je préfère ne pas trop baser ma réflexion sur des analogies psychologiques. Les intérêts de classe, les rackets comme structures traversant verticalement les classes et l’impérialisme du vingt et unième siècle sont des notions de base plus fructueuses pour une analyse des événements.

    Il est d’ailleurs intéressant de voir comment le texte dans Wikipedia de langue allemande minimise la signification du siège historique alors que la version française et surtout l’article approfondi en anglais lui accordent un poids important dans l’histoire humaine.

    #épuration_éthnique #racisme #génocide #histoire #guerre_totale #guerre_d_extermination