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  • Larry Johnson

    The U.S. Navy is Unprepared for a Prolonged war With #Yemen

    Each U.S. destroyer carries an estimated 90 missiles (perhaps a few more). Their primary mission is to protect the U.S. aircraft carrier they are shielding. What happens when Yemen fires 100 drones/rockets/missiles at a U.S. carrier? The U.S. destroyer, or multiple destroyers will fire their missiles to defeat the threat. Great. Mission accomplished! Only one little problem, as described in the preceding quote — the U.S. Navy got rid of the ship tenders, i.e. those vessels capable of resupplying destroyers with new missiles to replace the expended rounds. In order to reload, that destroyer must sail to the nearest friendly port where the U.S. has stockpiled missiles for resupply.

    Got the picture? If the destroyer must sail away then the U.S. carrier must follow. It cannot just sit out in the ocean without its defensive screen of ships. The staying power of a U.S. fleet in a combat zone, like Yemen, is a function of how many missiles the Yemenis fire at the U.S. ships.

    But the problems do not stop there. Each of the Aegis missiles, as I noted in my previous post, cost at least $500,000 dollars. A retired U.S. DOD official told me today that the actual cost is $2 million dollars. If Yemen opts to use drone swarms to saturate the battle space around a carrier, then the United States will firing very expensive missiles to destroy relatively inexpensive drones. This brings up another critical vulnerability — the U.S. only has a limited supply of these air defense missiles and does not have the industrial capability in place and operating to produce new ones rapidly to make up the deficit.

    Getting the picture now? The U.S. Navy may find itself having to sail away without finishing the job of eliminating the drone/missile threat from Yemen. How do you think that will play in the rest of the world? The mighty Super Power having to retreat to rearm because it could not sustain intense combat operations. This is not classified information. It is published all over the internet. If I can figure this out then I am certain that U.S. adversaries, not just Yemen, realize they have a way to give the U.S. a very bloody nose in terms of damaged prestige.

    What happens if Yemen is able to sink one or two U.S. Navy ships? Then the shit really hits the fan. The United States does not have a magical supply of missiles squirreled away to deal with this contingency. The U.S. ships would have to sail away to rearm after picking up the survivors from a sundered ship.

    Then there is the problem of finding the mobile missile platforms in Yemen. Remember the problems the United States had in Iraq in 1991 trying to find and destroy SCUD missile launch systems? While ISR systems are better today, there is still no guarantee of being able to locate and destroy in a timely manner. The Yemenis have more than 8 years experience dealing with U.S. ISR and U.S. drone attacks. On November 9th the Yemenis shot down a MQ-9 Reaper drone. That baby costs a little more than $30 million dollars.

    Via Helena Cobban sur X :

    Meantime, US veteran Larry Johnson has written: “On paper it would appear that Yemen is outnumbered and seriously outgunned. A sure loser? Not so fast. The U.S. Navy, which constitutes the majority of the fleet sailing against Yemen, has some real vulnerabilities that will limit its actions...”

  • The Late Great Planet Earth
    Dans ce livre vous apprenez pourquoi il faut soutenir Israël. Sans ses jufs the holy land n’est pas prêt pour l’ultime combat entre Gog et Magog précédant l’enlèvement et la rédemption finale.

    On va tous clamser mais seulement moi et mes fidèles réssusciterons. En attendant il faudrait me donner tout votre argent, vos femmes et vos autres possessions. Qu’on s’amuse un peu ;-)
    Vive l’apocalypse !

    The Late Great Planet Earth is a treatment of literalist, premillennial, dispensational eschatology. As such, it compared end-time prophecies in the Bible with then-current events in an attempt to predict future scenarios resulting in the rapture of believers before the tribulation and Second Coming of Jesus to establish his thousand-year (i.e. millennial) kingdom on Earth. Emphasizing various passages in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation, Lindsey originally suggested the possibility that these climactic events might occur during the 1980s, which he interpreted as one generation from the foundation of modern Israel during 1948, a major event according to some conservative evangelical schools of eschatological thought. Cover art of the Bantam edition suggested that the 1970s were the “era of the Antichrist as foretold by Moses and Jesus,” and termed the book “a penetrating look at incredible ancient prophecies involving this generation.” Descriptions of alleged “fulfilled” prophecy were offered as proof of the infallibility of God’s word, and evidence that “unfulfilled” prophecies would soon find their denouement in God’s plan for the planet.

    He cited an increase in the frequency of famines, wars and earthquakes, as major events just prior to the end of the world. He also foretold a Soviet invasion of Israel (War of Gog and Magog). Lindsey also predicted that the European Economic Community, which preceded the European Union, was destined (according to Biblical prophecy) to become a “United States of Europe”, which in turn he says is destined to become a “Revived Roman Empire” ruled by the Antichrist. Lindsey wrote that he had concluded, since there was no apparent mention of America in the books of Daniel or Revelation, that America would not be a major geopolitical power by the time the tribulations of the end times arrived. He found little in the Bible that could represent the U.S., but he suggested that Ezekiel 38:13 could be speaking of the U.S. in part.

    Although Lindsey did not claim to know the dates of future events with any certainty, he suggested that Matthew 24:32-34 indicated that Jesus’ return might be within “one generation” of the rebirth of the state of Israel, and the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple, and Lindsey asserted that “in the Bible” one generation is forty years. Some readers accepted this as an indication that the Tribulation or the Rapture would occur no later than 1988. In his 1980 work The 1980s: Countdown to Armageddon, Lindsey predicted that “the decade of the 1980s could very well be the last decade of history as we know it”.

    The Late Great Planet Earth was the first Christian prophecy book to be published by a secular publisher (Bantam, 1973) and sell many copies. 28 million copies had sold by 1990..

    Je n"ai d’abord pas voulu y croire mais il est documenté que l’imbécile de Bush junior a fait de bric-à-brac religieux sa ligne de mire quand il a lancé sa guerre contre la terreur.

    A propos de l’édition de 2016

    Author(s): Hal Lindsey; Carole C. Carlson


    The impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. The New York Times called it the “no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade.” For Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s, Hal Lindsey’s blockbuster served as a wake-up call on events soon to come and events already unfolding — all leading up to the greatest event of all: the return of Jesus Christ. The years since have confirmed Lindsey’s insights into what biblical prophecy says about the times we live in. Whether you’re a church-going believer or someone who wouldn’t darken the door of a Christian institution, the Bible has much to tell you about the imminent future of this planet. In the midst of an out-of-control generation, it reveals a grand design that’s unfolding exactly according to plan. The rebirth of Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East. An increase in natural catastrophes. The revival of Satanism and witchcraft. These and other signs, foreseen by prophets from Moses to Jesus, portend the coming of an antichrist . . . of a war which will bring humanity to the brink of destruction . . . and of incredible deliverance for a desperate, dying planet.

    #guerre #religiin #prohéties #USA #Israël #Palestine #christianisme #judaïsme #wtf #parousie #sionisme_chrétien

    • #millénarisme #Israël #complotisme #religions #théories_claquées_du_cul

      Pour documenter le sujet :

      Les premiers jalons du millénarisme s’inscrivent dans la tradition de la prophétie apocalyptique et, à ce titre, ils ont pu subir l’influence de l’Iran ancien et du judaïsme. Le paganisme grec a eu également un rôle à jouer. C’est pourquoi les premiers textes traitant du millénarisme présentent des motifs semblables à ceux des « utopies anciennes » qui exposent la découverte de contrées extraordinaires où la nature donne spontanément ses fruits en abondance et où règne l’entente générale ; de même, la cité de la nouvelle Jérusalem, régie par le Christ pendant son règne de mille ans, rappelle les cités antiques idéales, où peut s’épanouir un bonheur collectif. Toutefois, la perspective religieuse particulière dans laquelle s’inscrivent les textes retenus pour cette étude fait naître des différences – notamment la dimension du futur ou la dimension verticale du voyage qui mène à la cité idéale – ; celles-ci n’empêchent cependant pas les auteurs millénaristes de s’attacher aux images traditionnelles de terres eu-topiques, de les enrichir et de fournir ainsi un ferment utopique qui pourra se développer ultérieurement.

  • Chunyu Tiying

    Qing-era drawing of Tiying

    Chunyu Tiying (Chinese: 淳于緹縈; fl. c. 174 BCE) was a woman known for persuading the Emperor Wen of Han to abolish the “Five Punishments”, as told in the Western Han folktale, “Tiying Saves Her Father” (Chinese: 缇萦救父).

    Chunyu Tiying (淳于緹縈)
    Linyi, Western Han
    Chunyu Tiying
    Traditional Chinese 淳于緹縈
    Simplified Chinese 淳于缇萦
    Hanyu Pinyin Chúnyú Tíyíng


    Tiying was the youngest of Chunyu Yi’s five daughters. Her father was originally a low ranking official, but after studying with a famous doctor, he was promoted to high rank. Tiying grew up to be very humble and generous thanks to her father’s example, treating everyone equally, regardless of whether the person was of common birth or of the nobility. However, after her father couldn’t save the life of a noblewoman, the devastated husband claimed that it was Chunyu Yi’s treatment that caused the death of his wife. As this nobleman was very influential at that time, Chunyu Yi was taken away without a proper investigation.

    When Chunyu Yi was taken away, he knew he would be subjected to one of the Five Punishments. Knowing that he had no one who could appeal for him, he looked at his daughters and said “I will be sent to the capital for punishment where no woman can follow and I have five daughters. If only I had a son!”[citation needed] In the pre-modern China, women did not have a say in the court nor in society, unless they had some sort of special status. After hearing what her father said, Tiying made up her mind and followed her father on a journey to the capital. On the journey there she endured pain and hunger. Once she arrived at the capital, she made an appeal on behalf of her father to Emperor Wen himself instead of going to any of the officials. She made the appeal despite knowing that, as a young girl, her appeal would likely be treated with derision and even seen as improper conduct. She also took a novel approach in her appeal. Instead of her writing about her father’s good nature and accomplishments to show he deserved leniency, as might have been expected, she instead wrote about the legal tradition of Five Punishments, showing how cruel and unethical they were.

    After hearing that a young girl had written a letter of grievance to him, the Emperor was eager to read what the letter was about. In her letter, she wrote, “’Once a man is executed, he cannot come back to life. Once a man is mutilated, even if he proved to be innocent later, he would be disabled for life, and there is no way to reverse the suffering he experiences. Even if he wishes to start anew, he will be unable to do so. I have heard stories of how a son can redeem a father’s guilt,’ she continued. ’As a daughter, I am willing to redeem my father’s sin by being your slave for the rest of my life. I beg you to spare him from this punishment, and thus he will have an opportunity to make a fresh start.’”[citation needed] Emperor Wen was deeply moved by Tiying’s letter. Not only was it well written, it also pointed out the cruelty and injustice of the Five Punishments and how it did not give the convicted a chance to defend themselves. This letter also impressed many officials in the court. Many praised the way in which she endured hardships along with her father and was willing to become a slave in exchange for her father’s life.

    After reading this letter, Emperor Wen pardoned Tiying’s father and declined her offer to become a slave and he also abolished the cruel Five Punishments standard. Soon the story of Tiying’s bravery was spread around the country and many wished to have a daughter like her.
    References edit

    Piété filiale

    Dans la philosophie confucéenne, la piété filiale (chinois : 孝, xiào) est une vertu de respect pour ses propres parents et ancêtres. Confucius lui-même affirme que la piété filiale et le respect des ainés sont les racines mêmes de l’humanité.

    Classique de la piété filiale

    Le Classique de la piété filiale ou Xiao Jing (ch. trad. : 孝經 ; ch. simp. : 孝经 ; py : Xìaojīng) est un des classiques chinois. Il a probablement été rédigé au IIIe siècle avant l’ère commune, à l’époque des Royaumes Combattants et est attribué à Zengzi (曾子, 505 à 436 avant l’ère commune), disciple de Confucius. Au début de l’ère commune (dynastie Han), l’empereur Wang Mang voulut en faire l’ouvrage de base pour la formation des fonctionnaires. Il a été traduit en français pour la première fois en 1779 par Pierre-Martial Cibot, jésuite.

    #Chine #dynastie_han #histoire #droit #famille #piétié_filiale

  • Evgeny Morozov : We Need a Nonmarket Modernist Project
    An interview with Evgeny Morozov

    Cybersyn et les leçons à tirer pour atteindre l’indépendance technologique

    12.6.2023 Interview by Simón Vázquez

    Evgeny Morozov has spent more than a decade studying the transformations unleashed by the internet. He became famous with two internationally awarded books, The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom (2012) and To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism (2013), before turning to study the connection between technology, political economy, and philosophy.

    Founder of the knowledge curation platform The Syllabus, his most recent work is The Santiago Boys, a nine-episode podcast focused on the experimental Chilean model in socialism led by Salvador Allende’s Unidad Popular from 1970–73. It tells of radical engineers’ strivings to achieve technological sovereignty, the development of the Cybersyn project to manage the nationalization of the economy, and the country’s fight against ITT, the great technological multinational of the time.

    Morozov has presented his work in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina, ending his tour in New York, in a joint event with Jacobin. Simon Vázquez spoke to him about what it has to tell us about creating socialism today.

    Simón Vázquez

    In several interviews you have argued that it is necessary to involve workers in decisions on technological development, instead of betting on technocratic solutions. Could you explain the problems of imposing technical visions that do not have popular support?

    Evgeny Morozov

    The technocratic solution in the case of today’s digital economy usually comes from the neoliberal right (or center) and insists on the need to police the platforms and what they do in order to improve competition and make it easier for consumers to move across platforms. Such solutions have traditionally been more prevalent in Europe than in the United States, partly for ideological reasons (under the influence of the Chicago School, Americans have been quite lenient in enforcing antitrust rules) and partly for geopolitical reasons (Washington doesn’t want to overregulate its own companies, fearing that their place might be taken by Chinese rivals).

    So, it’s Europe that thinks that it can resolve the problems of the digital economy through more regulation. Some of it might, of course, be useful and necessary, but I think that such a technocratic approach has often been underpinned by a certain blindness toward geopolitics and industrial strategy and even the crisis of democracy that we can observe across the globe. It’s fine for the neoliberal technocrats to fake this blindness, but this would be a mistake for the more progressive and democratic forces to rally behind such calls. The problems of the digital economy won’t be resolved by regulation alone — not least because the digital economy, in both its Chinese and American versions, wasn’t created by regulation alone.

    Simón Vázquez

    On the Left, and more specifically among socialists, there is a debate on planning and technology that in recent years has given rise to the emergence of a current known as cybercommunism. Do you identify with it, and what criticisms would you raise against it?

    Evgeny Morozov

    My main critique of their project is that it’s both too narrow and too broad in its ambitions. The way I see it, it’s an effort to deploy mathematical modeling and computation in order to administer what Karl Marx called the “realm of necessity.” I don’t doubt that for some basic basket of goods necessary for a good life — e.g. housing, clothing, food — an approach like this might be necessary. But I think we also have to be critical of the strict distinction that Marx draws between the realm of necessity and the realm of freedom; the latter he mostly leaves undefined. But that’s precisely where creativity and innovation happen, while the realm of necessity is mostly the realm of social reproduction. Cybercommunism, like Marx, leaves the realm of freedom undertheorized, and, as a result, it doesn’t seem to have a sharp vision for what computers can do when it comes to enabling these more creative pursuits.

    Contrast this to neoliberalism. It starts by refusing a strict distinction between the two realms, arguing that the market is both a system for satisfying our basic needs and demands — and an infrastructure for managing and taming complexity, i.e. the source of the new, the creative, and the unexpected. If you look at the digital economy, you see this fusionist logic playing out in full force: when we play, we also “work,” as it generates value for the platforms. And as we “work,” we also play, as work has become something very different from the Fordist times.

    The Left has traditionally rejected such fusion of the two realms, complaining of the biopolitical turn in modern capitalism, etc. But what if such a fusion is something the Left should embrace? And if so, how could the traditional answer to the neoliberal market as the central feature of the alternative system — i.e. the mathematical plan — be sufficient, given that it doesn’t seek to accomplish anything in the realm of freedom?

    To put it at a higher level of abstraction, neoliberalism is market civilization, as it merges the progressive logic of society becoming ever-more complex and different with the market as the main instrument for achieving it. A better name for it would be “market modernism.” To counter this civilization, we need a “nonmarket modernism” of some kind. Cybercommunism does okay on the “nonmarket” part, but I’m not at all sure it even understands the challenge and the need to solve the “modernist” part of the equation.

    Simón Vázquez

    Why turn back now to the experience of Cybersyn, a proto-internet project to use telex and computers to organize the economy? What is the political purpose of bringing up “what ifs” of the paths not taken? And what does “postutopia” mean, in this context?

    Evgeny Morozov

    Well, the most obvious reason for doing this is to sensitize the global public to the fact that the digital economy and society we have today are not the result of some natural tendencies of internet protocols but, rather, the result of geopolitical struggles, with winners and losers. I don’t think it’s correct to see Cybersyn as an alternative technological infrastructure, because, at the end of the day, there was nothing unique or revolutionary in its telex network or the software that it used or its Operations Room.

    A better lens on it is as a contribution to an alternative economic system, whereby computers could have been used to better aid in the management of enterprises in the public sector. Similar management systems existed in the private sector for a long time — Stafford Beer, the brains behind Cybersyn, was already preaching them in the steel industry a decade before Cybersyn.

    The uniqueness of Cybersyn is that it came out of Allende’s broader efforts to nationalize companies deemed strategic to the economic and social development of Chile, all of it informed by an interesting blend of structural economics from the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) and dependency theory. It’s the end of that project — not just of Cybersyn — that we should be mourning. That’s why in my public interventions after the publication of the podcast, I’ve been so keen to stress the existence of what I call the “Santiago School of technology” (as counterpart to the Chicago School of economics). I think that once we realize that Allende and many of the economists and diplomats around him did have a vision for a very different world order, Cybersyn — as the software that was supposed to help bring that vision about in the domestic context — acquires a very different meaning.

    Simón Vázquez

    In addition to offering a counterhistory of the Chicago Boys, one of the most interesting arguments you offer is that they were not the true innovators of the time, but that their work was limited to thwarting, in the hands of the dictator Augusto Pinochet, Chile’s technological development and the Santiago Boys’s alternative to the incipient neoliberal model. Could you reflect on the contribution you make to the intellectual history of economic thought?

    Evgeny Morozov

    Well, throughout the presidency of Eduardo Frei Montalva, who preceded Allende, and then, of course, during Allende’s own rule, the Chilean economists that we know as the “Chicago Boys” had several kinds of critique to advance. One was of the corrupt and rentierist nature of the Chilean state; here the critique was that various interest groups leveraged their connection to the state to get favorable treatment and shield themselves from competition.

    The other critique was that of policy prescriptions that came out of CEPAL and dependency theory; most of those policies went against the idea that economic development should be left to the market (instead, they defended, first, the idea of industrialization through import substitution, and, then, the need to protect national technological autonomy and sovereignty).

    So, some of the Chicago Boys saw the Allende period as a consequence rather than the cause of a deeper crisis inside the Chilean society and economy; they really saw the workers and the peasants who elected Unidad Popular as just one of the many interest groups fighting to defend their interests inside a state system perceived to be corrupt and sectarian.

    Whatever the substance of the Chicago critique, I think we err in seeing them as some kind of perceptive and pioneering economists who stepped in to save Chile with a heavy dose of neoliberalism. While Unidad Popular did make some errors in running the economy, it did have a coherent — and far more relevant — political vision of what Chile should do to be an independent, autonomous, and well-developed state in the global economy. Some might say that Chile, for all its inequality, got there. I think it didn’t get at all where it may have been — and where it may have been had it only followed the prescriptions of Allende’s Santiago Boys would have been today’s South Korea or Taiwan, countries that punch far above their weight technologically.

    Simón Vázquez

    Another contribution you make in the podcast is to recover the tradition of dependency theory. In the last answer you imply that if Allende’s project had been allowed to prosper, today Latin America would be more just, as well as richer, and Chile, an alternative technological power, with a technological development model different from that of Silicon Valley. But what does dependency theory tell us about contemporary debates in the digital economy?

    Evgeny Morozov

    Dependency theory is a radicalization of CEPAL’s structural economics, which traditionally preached the importance of industrialization. It’s not very different from today’s digital gurus preaching the importance of digitalization. Dependency theorists, however, saw that industrialization in itself cannot be the main objective; economic and social development is. And, as they found out, the relationship between industrialization and development is not linear.

    Sometimes, more industrialization (which often worked as a euphemism for foreign direct investment) means more development; but sometimes it can mean no development or even underdevelopment. It was a debate rife with all sorts of intermediate concepts like Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s “associated development” or “dependent development,” which sought to show that countries can still develop even if industrialization is led primarily by foreign capital. The more radical theorists like Ruy Mauro Marini, Theotonio dos Santos, and Andre Gunder Frank argued that technological autonomy — the development of the country’s own technological base — is a prerequisite to the kind of industrialization that could lead to meaningful development.

    In today’s terms, it would mean that digitalization conducted without a prior commitment to digital sovereignty is likely to create new dependencies and obstacles to development, especially as countries now have to swallow giant bills for cloud computing, artificial intelligence, microchips, etc. The dependencies are, of course, not just economic but also geopolitical, which explains why the United States has been so keen to block China’s efforts to achieve technological sovereignty in areas like 5G and microchips.

    Simón Vázquez

    From this idea of subverting unequal relations, there is the question of industrial planning and state direction of the development process. What do you think was the contribution of Stafford Beer and the Chilean radical engineers in understanding, if not planning, the politics of cybernetic management?

    Evgeny Morozov

    Beer didn’t come to these questions from the more conventional questions of allocation and distribution that would normally be present in debates about national planning. Rather, he came to this agenda from the corporate environment, where it was much more important to think about how to adapt to a future that is always changing. In this sense, corporations tend to be humbler than nation states; they take future as it is, instead of thinking that they can bend it to their own national objectives. One of the consequences of this epistemic humility practiced by Beer was his insistence that while the world was getting even more complex, complexity was a good thing — at least as long as we have the right tools to survive its effects. That’s where computers and real-time networks came into play.

    That’s one part that I still find extremely relevant about Cybersyn, as I made it clear in my remarks about cybercommunism. If we accept that the world is going to become even more complex, we need to develop tools of management — and not just tools of allocation and planning. I find this humility about one’s ability to predict the future and then bend it to one’s will rather useful, not least because it goes against the usual modernist temptation to act like an omniscient and omnipotent god.

    Simón Vázquez

    Stafford Beer talked in his books about designing freedom; you talk about “planning freedom” and governing complexity. Can you elaborate on how this agenda would fit in, within what you pointed out earlier, the importance of talking about the “sphere of freedoms”?

    Evgeny Morozov

    As I explained above, the contribution of Beer to the traditional socialist agenda (with its statist focus on satisfying the most immediate needs of the population) has been to show that there’s much that computers can do in the realm of freedom as well; they are not just tools to be used in the realm of necessity. Beer’s thought closes the door to the kind of technophobic attitude that is still common among some on the Left; he thought — on my view correctly — that just ignoring the question of technology and organization would result in undesirable, highly inefficient outcomes.

    We kind of know it intuitively, which is why we use simple technologies — from traffic lights to timetables — to enhance social coordination without bringing in chaos. But what if such technologies do not have to be so simple? Can’t they be more advanced and digital? Why trust the neoliberal account that the only way to coordinate social action at scale is via the market? That’s where, I think, Beer’s approach is very useful. If start with a very flexible, plastic account of human beings as always evolving and becoming, then we probably want to give them the tools by which they can push themselves (and the collectives they form) in new, completely unexpected, and untried directions and dimensions.

    What’s happened these past two decades is that Silicon Valley has gotten there before the leftists did. That’s why we have tools like WhatsApp and Google Calendar facilitating the coordination of millions of people, with a nontrivial impact on the overall productivity. In this case, social coordination occurs, more complexity is produced, and society moves forward. But it doesn’t happen — contrary to the neoliberal narrative — by means of the price system, but, rather, by means of technology and language.

    This Silicon Valley model, as we discovered more recently, is not without its costs, including politically and economically (just look at the proliferation of disinformation online or the concentration of artificial intelligence [AI] capabilities — the consequence of all this data being produced and gathered — in the hands of a number of corporate giants). So, this neoliberal nonmarket complexity comes at a huge price. What the Left should be thinking about are alternative non-neoliberal ways to deliver similar — and, perhaps, even better — infrastructure for social coordination.

    Simón Vázquez

    Why do you think socialists have given up on some of these concepts? Does it have something to do with the intellectual defeat of Marxism in the Cold War? Or with not having paid enough attention to the debates in the Global South?

    Evgeny Morozov

    I think the answers have to do primarily with the overall intellectual dead end reached both by Western Marxism and its more radicalized versions. The more moderate camp bought into the neoliberal dichotomy between the market and the plan, accepting the former as a superior form of social coordination, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Someone like Jürgen Habermas is a good illustration of this attitude: he accepts the increasing complexity of social systems, but he simply cannot see any alternative to reducing complexity by means of the market or law, with technology being nothing more than applied science.

    The more radical strands — the ones that culminated in cybercommunism — didn’t fully engage with critiques of Soviet planning and its incongruence with liberal democracy that came from the Soviet bloc during the Cold War. I am thinking of people like György Márkus, who, without renouncing Marxism, did write many profound critiques of what Marxists get wrong about — to cite Engels — the shift to the “administration of things” under communism.

    There’s also a certain naive view of technology propelling the broader Marxist project, with its insistence on maximizing the productive forces (something that only the abolition of class relations under communism can achieve). This seems to ignore the highly political nature of striving for efficiency: what might be efficient for some might be inefficient for others. So, to proclaim that, objectively speaking, every technology would have some kind of objectively stated optimum toward which we must aim seems to be misguided. It’s just not what we know from science and technology studies.

    This is not to say that such value conflicts are best resolved in the market — they aren’t — but I see no point in Marxists denying that they do exist. And once we acknowledge that they exist, then one may want to optimize for something other than efficiency — perhaps, what we want as a result of public policy is to maximize the emergence of polyvalent interpretations of a given technology, so that new interpretations of it and its uses can emerge in the communities using it.

    That said, some Marxist thinkers — Raymond Williams, for example — have thought about complexity as a value that the Left should go after. Simplicity, as an overarching goal, just doesn’t easily square with progressivism as an ideology of the new and the different. And I think that Williams got it right: the answer to greater complexity lies in culture, broadly conceived.

    So, instead of trying to answer to the neoliberals by claiming that the right counterpart to the market is the plan, perhaps the Left should be arguing that the right counterpart to the economy — as an organizing goal and method of this market modernism I’ve already mentioned — is culture, conceived not just as high culture but also the mundane culture of the everyday. After all, it’s as productive of innovations as the “economy” — we just don’t have the right system of incentives and feedback loops to scale them up and have them propagated through other parts of society (this is what capitalism excels at when it comes to innovations by individual entrepreneurs).

    Simón Vázquez

    There are many debates in the European Union, the United States, and China about technological sovereignty. In many cases, they are capitalist visions, trying to protect national industries and escape what we could call free markets. You have used this same concept on several occasions in your interviews in Brazil. How does this type of digital autonomy differ and what dimensions does it comprise?

    Evgeny Morozov

    Well, there’s a pragmatic element to it and a utopian element. Pragmatically, I don’t think that technological sovereignty in the near term is achievable without reliance on some kind of domestic counterparts to the American and Chinese providers of the same services, be they in the sphere of cloud computing, 5G, or AI. On a more utopian plane, we are talking about a policy agenda that would harvest these services not in order to preach the gospel of start-ups and incubators — as often happens when the likes of Emmanuel Macron talk about it — but would actually push for a more sophisticated industrial agenda. In the Global South’s case, it would mean shifting away from a development model tied to exporting raw materials, as these economies (especially in Latin America) have done traditionally. But both on utopian and pragmatic grounds, it’s important to keep this discussion tethered to a discussion about economics — and not just about innovation or national security. Without economics, the agenda of technological sovereignty will always be flat and somewhat one-dimensional.

    Simón Vázquez

    Given the current geopolitical correlation of forces, the existence of progressive governments in Latin America, and the consolidation of the BRICS as an active nonaligned movement in the ongoing “Cold War 2.0” between the United States and China, do you think that the Global South can be a kind of global outpost, an inclusive vanguard in terms of technology? What forms do you think a digital internationalism would take in this context?

    Evgeny Morozov

    I don’t quite see where else this opposition to the hegemony of Silicon Valley can come from. It has to rely on regional and international partnerships and alliances, for the simple reason that the costs involved are too huge. But the extra factor is to avoid getting into individual negotiations with the likes of Google and Amazon. While I don’t believe in the techno-feudal thesis that preaches that these companies are not as powerful as nation-states, they do have the American state behind them — and often that state is, in fact, more powerful than the states in the Global South. That’s why it’s important to reexamine past efforts at such cooperation that had technological sovereignty as their goal, the Andean Pact being the foremost example.

    Signed by five nations in Peru, this pact’s main objective was to overcome external trade barriers and promote regional cooperation to foster industrialization and economic development. Orlando Letelier, Chile’s foreign minister under Allende, led the negotiations, highlighting the need to address the exploitation derived from technological property and dependence on foreign companies. Letelier proposed the creation of something like a technological equivalent of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Andean Pact, to facilitate developing countries’ access to technological advances and patents. These are the kind of ideas at the international level that we need today.

    Andean Community

    The Andean Community (Spanish: Comunidad Andina, CAN) is a free trade area with the objective of creating a customs union comprising the South American countries of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The trade bloc was called the Andean Pact until 1996 and came into existence when the Cartagena Agreement was signed in 1969. Its headquarters are in Lima, Peru.

    #Chili #Andean_Pact #cybersyn #technologie #cybernétique #Weltraumkommumismus #histoire #socialisme #marxisme #impérialisme #tiers_monde #développement

    • Je vois, c’est le vieux principe du diable qui chie toujours sur le plus gros tas de merde. Tu élabores un truc et quelqu’un de très connu vend mille fois mieux sa paraphrase que ton travail original. Il faut avoir une mission à accomplir pour s’aventurer dans la cour des grands, n’est-ce pas?

      Il y a encore d’autres sources

      Stafford Beer and the legacy of Cybersyn: seeing around corners 🔍
      Emerald Group Publishing Limited; Emerald (MCB UP ); Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.; Emerald (ISSN 0368-492X), Kybernetes, #6/7, 44, pages 926-934, 2015 jun
      Raul Espejo, Dr; Leonard, Allenna

      Black Box / Steuerungsdispositiv: Cybersyn oder das Design des Gestells
      De Gruyter, pages 21-40, 2020 sep 21

      Cloud computing: views on Cybersyn
      Emerald Group Publishing Limited; Emerald (MCB UP ); Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.; Emerald (ISSN 0368-492X), Kybernetes, #9, 41, pages 1396-1399, 2012 oct 12
      Lin, Yi; Andrew, Alex M.

      Big Data, Algorithmic Regulation, and the History of the Cybersyn Project in Chile, 1971–1973
      Publishing House Technologija; MDPI AG; Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI); Basel: MDPI AG, 2012- (ISSN 2076-0760), Social Sciences, #4, 7, pages 65-, 2018 apr 13
      Loeber, Katharina

      Performance management, the nature of regulation and the CyberSyn project
      Emerald Group Publishing Limited; Emerald (MCB UP ); Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.; Emerald (ISSN 0368-492X), Kybernetes, #1/2, 38, pages 65-82, 2009 feb 13
      Espejo, R.

      #cybersyn #Chili

  • Ex-Mann wählte Notruf : Deutsche verirrt sich im Dschungel in Taiwan – Berliner Polizei hilft bei Rettung

    Vive le progrès ! En Taiwan, République de Chine, le réseau 5G couvre la surface des forêts vierges. C’est ce qui a sauvé la vie á une touriste berlinoise qui s’est aventurée dans la nature sans prendre les précautions nécessaires.

    L’histoire ne manque pas d’ironie car elle est un cas de détournement créatif des fonctions d’un systëme informatique. Au lieu d’envoyer un appel de secours avec ses coordonnées en Allemagne et occuper le temps de travail de quelques douzaines de policiers et secouristes dans les deux pays la touriste aurait pu se servir du compas électronique de son smartphone et rentrer tranquillement à l’hôtel.

    L’article en fait une histoire de couple sans poser la question des réseaux de communication dana les jungles du pays ou du monde. C’est typique pour la presse bourgeoise d’attirer l’attention sur le côté « humain » des histoires au lieu de s’intéresser aux questions essentielles des événements.

    Taiwan subtropical evergreen forests

    Die Berliner Polizei hat bei der Rettung einer deutschen Frau aus einem Dschungel in Taiwan geholfen. Der Ex-Mann der 37-jährigen Berlinerin hatte am vergangenen Sonntag den Notruf 110 gewählt, wie eine Polizeisprecherin am Dienstag sagte.

    Demnach gab er an, dass er eine Textnachricht von der Frau erhalten habe. Sie hatte sich den Angaben zufolge im Dschungel verlaufen und auch ihre Koordinaten gesendet. Laut der Sprecherin nahm der 40 Jahre alte Berliner die Nachricht sehr ernst und machte sich große Sorgen.

    Die Kriminalpolizei gab den Fall an das Bundeskriminalamt in Wiesbaden weiter, das wiederum die Behörden in Taiwan in Kenntnis setzte. Ein Suchteam machte sich dort auf den Weg und konnte die verirrte Frau schließlich finden. Nach Angaben der Berliner Polizei ist die 37-Jährige wohlauf. Sie wurde auf eigenen Wunsch in ihr Hotel gebracht. Zuvor hatte die „Bild“-Zeitung über den Fall berichtet.

    #Chine #Taiwan #5G #télephone_portable #internet #forêt_vierge

  • The Last Man on Earth (1964) | Vincent Price

    C’est marrant comment la production culturelle anticipe et transforme l’avenir. Quatre ans avant Night of the Living Dead Vincent Price se bat (littéralement) contre les zombies. Il se sert encore des piquets en bois, de l’ail et des miroirs connus des films de vampires.

    J’aime surtout comment ils ont imité en Italie les paysages américains .

    Film nanar en version HD !

    The Last Man on Earth was filmed in Rome, with scenes being completed at Esposizione Universale Roma. It was released in the United States by American International Pictures. In the 1980s, the film entered the public domain. MGM Home Video, the current owners of the AIP film catalog, released a digitally remastered widescreen version of the film on DVD in September 2005.

    #zombies #cinéma #apocalypse #cinéma_barré #nanar

    • Les deux films sont forcément proches, parce qu’ils sont tous les deux basés sur I am legend de Richard Matheson (même si Night of the living dead le fait de manière très approximative).

      Tu peux aussi voir The Omega Man, 1971, avec Charlton Heston, qui est aussi une adaptation trop mignonne du même roman.

    • oui, mais Night of the Living Dead est un chef d’oeuvre de suspense avec un récit à plusieurs niveaux alors que les films avec Price, Heston et Smith (2007) ont un message plutôt simple typiquement US. Il serait d’ailleurs intéressant de comparer le roman avec The Last Man Alive d’A. S. Neill ( ) ou l’extermination d’une grande partie de l’humanité est un événement ambigu.

    • Pour finir le tableau, il y aégende_(film,_2007)
      « Je suis une légende (I Am Legend) est un film d’anticipation post-apocalyptique américain réalisé par Francis Lawrence, sorti en 2007.

      Il s’agit de la troisième adaptation cinématographique du roman homonyme de Richard Matheson, paru en 1954. Seul dans un New York dévasté par un virus, un chercheur immunisé (Will Smith), traqué par des mutants carnivores, tente de découvrir un remède. »

      Basé également sur le roman éponyme mais avec une fin sensiblement différente du film de 1964.

      Le terme de nanar est assez subjectif, lors de mon visionnage de The Last Man on Earth j’y ai vu un film à petit budget mais qui ne déméritait pas et ne m’avais pas spécialement marqué pour de quelquonques plans ratés ou comiques malgrés eux.

  • Zhanqiao Pier

    青岛栈桥 Ehemalige Landungsbrücke Qingdao

    Faire du tourisme en Chine signifie ne jamais être seul le moindre instant. La photo est prise hors saison quand il n’y a pas grand monde

    Bundesarchiv : China 1898.- Landungsmanöver S.M.S. Deutschland bei der Landungsbrücke am Brückenlager.

    #Chine #Qingdao #青岛 #tourisme #colonies #histoire

  • Mon mensonge préféré

    Parole de capitaliste !
    Voici la traduction de la devise de la fondation d’Elon Musk nommée Climate Foundation.

    Nous avons trouvé que pour des bricoles nous pouvons attirer l’attention du grand public et des investisseurs naïfs en proposant des solutions bidons pour le problème que constitue notre classe. Nous allons tous gagner des thunes à max et arrêter la prolifération de l’espèce des pauvres afin de sauver le monde.

    Investissez avec nous ou périssez avec les autres sous-hommes !

    We Have Found That..
    the anthropocene is NOT inevitable or unsolvable.
    We have found that we have solutions.
    We have found that with the right help,
    we can stop the mass extinctions,
    We can lower the carbon,
    We can reverse climate change,
    we can save the Earth.

    La bonne parole s’interprète en fonction de son auteur et de l’oeuvre de celui-ci. La devise de la Climate Foundation est un exemple quasi idéal de novlang où toute signification est inversée et modelée suivant les besoins des maîtres du monde.

    Je ne connais pas le montant de l’investissement de Musk dans cette fondation, mais il est évident que c’est encore un de ces projets dont la mégalomanie bat tout sauf le projet de combattre les nazis sur la lune. Le personnage, l’approche et la bonne parole sentent l’esprit d’Ayn Rand et son fascisme libéral appelé objectivisme .

    Ça ne vole pas haut mais nous avons déjà prouvé qu’il est possible possible d’entraîner des millions dans l’aventure éliminatoire de la conquête de l’Est avec des idées farfelus à la con.

    Les chef de mes grand parents ont essayé de sauver la race aryenne. Elon Musk et ses copains objectivistes essaient de sauver leur classe de super-bourgeois et quelques spécimens surdoués et serviables du reste de l’humanité.

    Pour eux nous, les êtres humains ordinaires de la terre, nous sommes les slaves et les juifs à sacrifier afin de créer les champs élisées post-apocalytiques pour l"élite objective.

    Acceptons le défi. La guerre est déclarée. Elle sera sans merci.


    Ayn Rand Institute

    #permaculture_marine, #upwelling

    #objectivisme #néolibéralisme #charité #climat #écologie #vie_marine #captalisme #startup #Anthropocène #Capitalocène

  • Israel-Palestine war: 100 Israeli doctors call for Gaza hospitals to be bombed | Middle East Eye

    “The residents of Gaza saw fit to turn hospitals into terrorist nests to take advantage of western morality, they are the ones who brought destruction upon themselves; terrorism must be eliminated everywhere. Attacking terrorist headquarters is the right and the duty of the Israeli army.”

    The letter also said that it is an “obligation” for the army to target hospitals allegedly used to shelter Hamas, which it described as “worse than ISIS [the Islamic State group] and must be destroyed to the ground”.

    “Those who confuse hospitals with terrorism must understand that hospitals are not a safe place for them,” the doctors wrote.


    • C’est assez remaquable que les demi-dieux en blouse blanche se découvrent à ce point. En appellant l’armée israëlienne à massacrer les médecins et leurs patients dans les hôpitaux de Gaza ils se placent dans la même position que leurs collègues SS à la rampe d’Auschwitz

      Ça n’a rien d’exceptionnel en soi, mais d’habitude la caste médicale évite d’afficher en public son pouvoir de décision sur la vie et la mort.

      L’histoire a un côté économique en plus de la question du pouvoir revendiqué. Récemment on a appris qu’au Canada les médecins intensifient leur activités à travers la généralisation de l’euthanasie. Les docteurs sionistes s’y prennent d’une manière différente. Ils profitent de l’action militaire d’Israël dans la bande de Gaza pour se débarasser de collègues qui ne partagent pas leur jugement sur la sélection de patients à éliminer.

      Ce n’est pas étonnant quand on connaît la cruauté des conflits au sein de la profession. On se rappelle du cardiologue berlinois qui avait l’habitude de lancer des scalpels en visant ses assistants quand ils mettaient trop de temps à exécuter ses ordres.

      Un médecin à l’époque nazie qui osa contester le bien fondé de l’extermination des juifs et patients incurables risqua de partager leur sort. Dans les camps de l’Unité 731 on tua les médecins japonais qui tombèrent malades ou montrèrent des signes de faiblesse. Le monde des médecins est sans pardon.

      #iatrocratie #concurrence #meurtre #sélection #guerre #euthanasie #sionisme

  • Goddess 神女 (1934)

    Avec la Louise Brooks chinoise Ruan Lingyu 阮玲玉.

    The Goddess (1934 film)
    The Goddess (Chinese: 神女) is a 1934 Chinese silent film released by the Lianhua Film Company (United Photoplay). The film tells the story of an unnamed woman, who lives as a streetwalker by night and devoted mother by day in order to get her young son an education amid social injustice in the streets of Shanghai, China. It stars Ruan Lingyu in one of her final roles, and was directed by Wu Yonggang.[2] Lo Ming Yau produced the film and Hong Weilie was the cinematographer.[3]

    The Goddess / 神女 / 神女 / shénnǚ
    Literal meaning: goddess (also a euphemism for a beautiful or educated female prostitute)

    Directed by: Wu Yonggang
    Written by: Wu Yonggang
    Produced by:Luo Mingyou
    Starring: Ruan Lingyu, Zhang Zhizhi
    Cinematography: Hong Weilie
    Production company: Lianhua Film Company
    Release date: 1934
    Running time: 85 minutes
    Country: China
    Languages: Silent
    Written Chinese intertitles
    Duration: 1 hour, 13 minutes and 14 seconds.1:13:14

    The Goddess

    The public responded with enthusiasm, largely due to Ruan Lingyu’s popularity in Shanghai in the early 1930s. Four years after the original release of Goddess, Yonggang Wu remade the film as Yanzhi Lei) with changes made to the cast, the setting, and parts of the storyline. After Stanley Kwan’s revival of Ruan Lingyu’s story through the biopic Center Stage (1991) starring Maggie Cheung as Ruan, widespread public interest in the Chinese classic cinema was reinvigorated .

    Today, Goddess is one of the best-known films of China’s cinematic golden age, and has been named as one of China’s top 100 films by the Hong Kong Film Awards in 2005.

  • Réduire le chômage en faisant des chômeur·euses des esclaves

    Les allocataires du RSA vont-ils vraiment être forcés à travailler ? | Alternatives Economiques

    Le versement du RSA devrait être conditionné à 15 heures d’activité par semaine. Des dérogations sont prévues, mais la réforme questionne : va-t-on vers le travail gratuit ?

  • Christiane Amanpour sur X / Twitter @amanpour
    Interview de Rania de Jordanie

    In a world exclusive, QueenRania of Jordan spoke with me about the ongoing bombing of Gaza, civilian deaths, the massacres of October 7, and what she calls “a glaring double standard” in the west’s reaction to all this. Watch our full conversation.

    • C’est terrifiant, à aucun moment Ch. Amanpour n’entend le point de vue de Rania ou concède quoi que ce soit à charge d’Israël, même pas la reconnaissance de son statut de puissance occupante…

      En face, Rania est impressionnante, arrivant à maîtriser, parfois difficilement, son émotion qui, il me semble, frise la colère ; devant le cours inébranlable du discours de Ch. Amanpour.

    • Désolé, je vais déblatérer.

      Cette reine a bien du mérite. Elle ne reçoit pas en retour d’insulte ou de mépris, c’est déjà ça. Mais comme tu le dis, la journaliste de CNN ne lâche rien, elle joue son rôle à merveille.

      Le régime pro-occidental, même dirigé par des fascistes, sera apparemment toujours supérieur moralement parlant dans nos contrées, dans les propos de nos propres régimes, dans les propos de nos propres médias officiels, et même au-delà, dans nos propres médias supposés d’opposition ou indépendants.

      C’est tout de même particulier d’ailleurs, de constater combien même dans les milieux supposés progressistes, aller à l’encontre de la communication d’un état d’apartheid ouvertement fasciste et génocidaire n’est pas naturel, et est même mal vu, parce que tu le sais bien « à gauche, on n’est pas assez clair avec l’antisémitisme ».

      En fait, à gauche, on a un petit peu de mal à ne pas se laisser engluer dans la propagande totalitaire et fasciste. Le sujet d’Israël est depuis toujours autre chose qu’un sujet religieux. C’est un problème de colonialisme, que l’on te noie sous des tonnes de considérations absconses sur l’antisémitisme. Cette instrumentalisation de ce sujet historiquement si lourd et grave, est une ignominie de plus, de la part de ces extrémistes qui ont pris en otage leur pays, au point de tuer l’un des leurs d’ailleurs, Rabin, 1995, qui était pourtant loin d’être un ange ; j’ajoute qu’il n’est pas du tout certain qu’il aurait changé quoi que ce soit ensuite dans l’application des accords d’Oslo, mais il a été tué, c’est qu’il en avait déjà trop fait.

      Je pourrais ajouter, qu’en fait, à gauche, on n’est pas très clair dans notre rapport aux arabes, et que finalement, le racisme anti-arabe, sans avoir besoin de le dire, on le partage tous un petit peu. D’ailleurs, hé, l’islamophobie, ça n’existe pas, ce mot est ridicule, on devrait parler du racisme anti-blanc, qui lui existe, je l’ai encore croisé hier à la sortie du macdo’, promis, on m’a demandé une clope en me regardant de travers, et c’était horrible. :-/ C’est te dire à quel point on a des soucis à gauche... entre l’antisémitisme et le racisme... alors discuter colonialisme, tu comprends bien que c’est un petit peu futile et totalement hors sujet. Je te vois venir, tu vas me dire que tu veux organiser des réunions en non-mixité, les palestiniens d’un côté, les israéliens de l’autre. Encore une futilité issue du féminisme. Je te rappelle qu’ici on est chez les vrais progressistes, ceux qui savent ce qui est important. Et donc, oui, il faut en premier lieu écouter ce que le colonisateur te dit, et si tu as encore du temps de cerveau disponible, tu peux t’intéresser à ce que dit le colonisé, mais à la seule condition de lui demander de prouver que ce qu’il dit est vrai, tout en prenant la peine d’équilibrer avec ce que le colonisateur a dit précédemment. Et là, oui, tu mériteras de faire partie de la vraie gauche qui mérite d’exister, et tu pourras terminer ta vie dans le déshonneur, à la façon d’un Valls, d’un Cazeneuve ou d’un caillou dans la chaussure.

    • Ah mais attend, c’est une femme ? Et une arabe en plus ? Elle a dit merci au moins, d’avoir eu l’honneur d’être interviewée, j’espère :-p

      #merci @simplicissimus

      Rania Al-Yassin was born on 31 August 1970 in Kuwait, to Palestinian parents. Her father, Faisal Al-Yassin (1934–2022) was from Tulkarm in the West Bank. She also has Turkish roots on her maternal grandfather’s side. Rania received a degree in business administration from the American University in Cairo. Upon her graduation, she worked briefly in marketing for Citibank, followed by a job with Apple Inc. in Amman, Jordan.

      Elle est ranked dans le top 100 des femmes les plus puissantes du monde chez Forbes.

      tu sais si cette interview a été relayée en fRance p.ex.par S.Berne vu que c’est quand même un peu la Reine ?

  • Battle of Navarino

    Dans les pays capitalistes on ne nous apprend pas à l’école que les guerres et conflits actuels sont la continuation des conflits de l’ère de la montée de l’occident industrialisé capitaliste. Les nations qu’on connaît sont le produit des besoins de la restructuration du monde selon les exigences du capital industriel et financier moderne.

    L’idée de l’état nation comme expression de la volonté d’un peuple est un leurre. Les idées nationalistes ne sont que l’expression sentimentale et idéologique des forces économiques au travail. En 1827 la volonté des Grecs de se libérer de la cruelle exploitation par l’empire féodal ottoman a servi de prétexte bienvenu aux maîtres des pays capitalistes pour se défaire des douanes et rançons ottomans gênant leur commerce. Leur alliance avec la Russie féodale ne contredit pas ce résultat d’analyse historique.

    La première guerre de l’opium de 1839 se passe dans le même contexte d’expansion capitaliste lancé par la multiplication des forces productives par l’industrialisation et élimine encore des limites aux échanges commerciales et financières.

    Encore aujourd’hui les luttes de libération nationales sont soumis au forces de gravitation exercées par les poids lourds économiques et militaires. Quand on regarde le conflit en Palestine entre le peuple palestinien à qui l’état d’Israël et ses citoyens les plus brutaux ont volé ses terres, on identifie facilement les forces de gravitation antagonistes à l’oeuvre. L’Ukraine est une autre preuve exemplaire pour l’existence des mécanismes impérialistes développés d’abord àl’époque de la bataille de Navarin.

    Ces observations conduisent la conclusion qu’il n’y aura pas de libération des peuples par la création d’états nation.Pour y arrver il faudra éliminer les capitalistes et exploiteurs au pouvoir et construire des états indépendants gouvernés par les peuples en lutte pour l’union mondiale.

    Grâce au technologies de production, de communication et de transport modernes nous sommes plus proches que jamais d’une société humaine. N’oublions jamais que par rapport aux capacités entièrement développés de notre espèce nous vivons toujours en Préhistoire.

    The Battle of Navarino was a naval battle fought on 20 October (O. S. 8 October) 1827, during the Greek War of Independence (1821–29), in Navarino Bay (modern Pylos), on the west coast of the Peloponnese peninsula, in the Ionian Sea. Allied forces from Britain, France, and Russia decisively defeated Ottoman and Egyptian forces which were trying to suppress the Greeks, thereby making Greek independence much more likely. An Ottoman armada which, in addition to Imperial warships, included squadrons from the eyalets of Egypt and Algiers, was destroyed by an Allied force of British, French and Russian warships. It was the last major naval battle in history to be fought entirely with sailing ships, although most ships fought at anchor. The Allies’ victory was achieved through superior firepower and gunnery.

    #Europe #Grèce #Turquie #USA #Russie #France #histoire #guerre_de_libération #nationalisme #capitalisme.#féodalisme #industrialisation #bataille_navale #voiliers

    • 1812

      27. Februar: Lord Byron äußert im britischen House of Lords Verständnis für den Luddismus und verteidigt die Maschinenstürmer seines heimatlichen Wahlkreises.

      11. März: Das Preußische Judenedikt von König Friedrich Wilhelm III. verfügt die Gleichstellung jüdischer Bürger in Preußen.

      13. Mai: Ludwig van Beethoven vollendet seine 7. Sinfonie.

      12. Juni jul. / 24. Juni greg.: Napoleon befiehlt bei Kaunas den Bau von drei Schiffsbrücken und den Übergang über die Memel. Damit überschreitet er die Grenze und greift Russland an. Der Russlandfeldzug 1812 beginnt. Bis zum 30. Juni folgt die Grande Armée mit rund 500.000 Soldaten.

      18. Juni: Die Vereinigten Staaten erklären Großbritannien den Krieg: Damit beginnt der so genannte Krieg von 1812 unter Präsident James Madison

      12. August: Mit der Middleton Railway nimmt die weltweit erste Zahnradbahn in England ihren regulären Betrieb auf. Sie verbindet zum Kohletransport eine Kohlenzeche in Middleton, West Yorkshire, mit Leeds. Seit dem 24. Juni fährt auf der Strecke die Salamanca, die erste wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche Dampflokomotive Englands.
      – Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier legt seine Arbeit über Fourier-Reihen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Paris vor.
      – Siméon Denis Poisson entwickelt seine Poisson-Gleichung für das elektrische Potential eines stromdurchflossenen Leiters.
      – Jean Louis Burckhardt beschreibt erstmals hethitische Inschriften (Hama-Steine).

      16. Dezember: Die geschlagenen Reste der Grande Armée überqueren die Memel und erreichen Ostpreußen. Nur 5.000 von ehemals 500.000 Soldaten haben die Flucht vor den nachrückenden russischen Verbänden überlebt.

      20. Dezember: Auslieferung der ersten Exemplare von Grimms Märchen (Erstauflage)

      30. Dezember: Konvention von Tauroggen. Der preußische General Yorck schließt einen lokalen Waffenstillstand mit Russland.


      29. Dezember: Geburt meiner polnischen Großmutter in Schlesien.

  • Isaac Deutscher

    Regarding the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Deutscher wrote the following allegory: “A man once jumped from the top floor of a burning house in which many members of his family had already perished. He managed to save his life; but as he was falling he hit a person standing down below and broke that person’s legs and arms. The jumping man had no choice; yet to the man with the broken limbs he was the cause of his misfortune. If both behaved rationally, they would not become enemies. The man who escaped from the blazing house, having recovered, would have tried to help and console the other sufferer; and the latter might have realized that he was the victim of circumstances over which neither of them had control. But look what happens when these people behave irrationally. The injured man blames the other for his misery and swears to make him pay for it. The other, afraid of the crippled man’s revenge, insults him, kicks him, and beats him up whenever they meet. The kicked man again swears revenge and is again punched and punished. The bitter enmity, so fortuitous at first, hardens and comes to overshadow the whole existence of both men and to poison their minds.”

    Deutscher wrote the following passages in “The Israeli Arab War, June 1967” (1967):

    “Still we must exercise our judgment and must not allow it to be clouded by emotions and memories, however deep or haunting. We should not allow even invocations of Auschwitz to blackmail us into supporting the wrong cause.” (Quoted in Prophets Outcast, p. 184, Nation Books, 2004.)

    “To justify or condone Israel’s wars against the Arabs is to render Israel a very bad service indeed and to harm its own long-term interest. Israel’s security, let me repeat, was not enhanced by the wars of 1956 and 1967; it was undermined and compromised by them. The ’friends of Israel’ have in fact abetted Israel in a ruinous course.” (Quoted in Prophets Outcast, p. 184, Nation Books, 2004.)

    #Israel #Palestine

  • Le secret du bonheur enfin révélé ! - YouTube

    Un résumé vidéo du « World Happiness Report »(

    #bonheur #société

    (je découvre en passant que Yt propose les transcriptions, pratique, alors je colle le résumé)

    Si on résume, le World Happiness Report nous apprend que le bonheur s’explique bien plus par 6 facteurs communs à l’ensemble de l’humanité que par des différences culturelles.

    Parmi ces 6 facteurs, 3 sont principaux et expliquent souvent les 3 quarts du bonheur de chaque pays, et sûrement de chaque individu. Ce sont :
    – avoir suffisamment d’argent pour ne pas vivre dans la misère ;
    – passer du temps avec ses proches et entretenir des bonnes ;
    relations qui permettent de compter sur les autres en cas de difficulté
    – et enfin être en bonne santé.

    Les 3 facteurs suivants sont secondaires. Ce sont :
    – le sentiment de choisir sa vie ;
    – venir en aide aux autres ;
    – et vivre avec un gouvernement et des entreprises non-corrompues.

    Puisque vous regardez cette vidéo, c’est probablement que vous payez un abonnement internet et avez acheté un écran pour la voir. Il est donc probable que vous ne soyez pas dans la misère et donc, gagner plus d’argent ne ferait augmenter que marginalement votre bonheur, voire pas du tout, voire même le ferait baisser.

    Là où vous pouvez vraiment gagner en revanche, c’est justement en
    passant moins de temps sur des écrans, et plus de temps en présentiel avec les personnes que vous aimez.

    Prenez aussi soin de votre santé, notamment en dormant assez et en faisant du sport, qui sont les 2 activités qui augmentent le plus le bonheur dans nos sociétés qui en manquent cruellement.

    Éduquez-vous pour vous permettre d’avoir plus de liberté de choix. Rendez-vous utile pour les autres, en donnant de votre temps et de votre argent pour des causes utiles. Et contribuez à un monde plus juste.

    • Voici un argument caricatural :

      Puisque vous regardez cette vidéo, c’est probablement que vous payez un abonnement internet et avez acheté un écran pour la voir. Il est donc probable que vous ne soyez pas dans la misère et donc, gagner plus d’argent ne ferait augmenter que marginalement votre bonheur, voire pas du tout, voire même le ferait baisser.

      Dans une société sans bureaux de PTT où tu ne peux plus faire ta demande d’allocations sociales sans passer par l’’internet la présence d’écrans et la disponibilité d’un accès internet n’excluent pas que tu fasse partie des misérables. Les vidéos transmises par les naufragés de la mer méditerranée en témoignent.

      L’argument était vrai avant l’an 2000 quand il fallait équiper son ordinateur Windows avec un trumpet ip stack afin de pouvoir accéder à l’internet et c’est sans doute toujours vrai pour les acheteurs du dernier produit Apple .

      Winsock Programmer’s FAQ ;-)

      Mis apart ce cas particulier l’argument est aussi valable que le sens de la caricature classique des dictateurs consensuels qui fait exprès d’omettre les véritables forces derrière la deuxième guerre mondiale.

      A l’époque l’auteur de la caricature d’Hitler et de Staline exprimait l’opinion que la guerre n’en était pas une entre pouvoirs impérialistes et contre le socialisme à la fois mais une guerre entre le bien (la démocratie) et le mal (les dictatures sanglantes).

      Là ces pickup-artists du bonheur font croire aux consommateurs sous-priviligiés à la recherche d’un peu de joie pour leurs vies tristes qu’au fond ils n’ont pas à se plaindre et si leur santé n’est pas excellente c’est à cause de leur mauvaises décisions individuelles.

      Pickup artist

      La notion de bonheur même est une construction idéologique individualiste occidentale assez différente par exemple de la notion plus complexe et plus concrète du bien aller en Asie confucéenne. En fin de compte tous ces indexes et définitions du bonheur ne sont jamais précis et constituent une source de bonheur par leur risibilité plutôt que par leur bien-fondé.

      #idéologie #néo-libéralisme #bonheur #individualisme

    • @klaus @monolecte bé non il explique pourtant bien le procédé scientifique au début : on ne pose pas tant, ou pas juste, la question du bonheur aux gens (qui pourraient effectivement différer suivant les cultures), mais bien des questions variées et précises, et ce à une population importante et très représentative dans chaque pays. Du coup ton argument sur la différence culturelle du bonheur tombe un peu à l’eau, puisque c’est tout l’objet de ces études de construire un cadre d’enquête qui va au-delà des différences culturelles !

      En revanche ce qui n’est pas abordé, et qui pourrait faire croire implicitement que c’est « individuellement à chacun » d’augmenter les différents critères listés, c’est l’aspect politique que c’est bien des choix de sociétés de valoriser et permettre certains de ces points.

      Notamment le tout premier, si on comprend bien au final ce n’est pas du tout « avoir de l’argent » ni « le PIB » qui compte, mais bien « ne pas être dans la misère = subvenir à tous les besoins de base ». Donc manger à sa faim, avoir des habits, avoir un toit, pouvoir se laver… ET d’autres choses suivant les sociétés : en effet la notion de « besoins de base » étant en partie construite socialement. Il y a des impondérables comme « manger à sa faim », mais d’autres choses qui changent suivant les sociétés (comme « avoir internet » dans nos pays par ex). C’est là où la simplification en « avoir assez d’argent au regard du PIB de mon pays de résidence », est à la fois vraie et trompeuse. Vraie car effectivement quand on a une quantité d’argent correcte par rapport au PIB de son pays, alors on a un niveau de vie décent au regard des besoins attendus dans ce pays là. Mais trompeuse car à aucun moment il n’est dit que tout ça est construit socialement, et qu’on peut parfaitement imaginer un mode de vie qui 1) promeut moins les besoins matériels au delà du socle de base et 2) permet de subvenir plus facilement à ces besoins y compris au delà de la nourriture, de manière collective, et sans besoin d’argent (que ce soit par services publics, par travaux collectifs, ou autre, peu importe). En résumé le premier point n’est pas réellement une question d’argent et de PIB, si on est révolutionnaire. :p

      Dans tous les cas ce premier point n’explique pas tout, il y a aussi les autres critères, qui sont intéressants à connaitre aussi.

  • 1969 : Herbie Mann, The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

    as mentioned in Hunter S Thompson’s The Battle of Aspen

    His version of “Battle Hymn of the Republic” was American author Hunter S. Thompson’s campaign music in 1970 when he ran for sheriff of Pitkin County. It is also on the soundtrack to Wayne Ewing’s Breakfast With Hunter.

    Herbert Jay Solomon (April 16, 1930 July 1, 2003), better known as Herbie Mann, was a Jewish American jazz flautist and important early practitioner of world music. Early in his career, he also played saxophones and clarinets (including bass clarinet), but Mann was among the first jazz musicians to specialize on the flute and was perhaps jazz music’s preeminent flautist during the 1960s.

    Remembering the Turbulent Life of a ’Gonzo’ Writer
    des interviews audio

    November 18, 2007 - Seymour, a young staffer at Rolling Stone who idolized Thompson, was supposed to meet Thompson at his airline gate, but Seymour missed him. Instead, he found Thompson sitting by himself on the floor in baggage claim. When Seymour extended his hand in greeting, Thompson demanded Seymour help him off the ground.

    It was the beginning of a relationship that would last more than a decade. Seymour became Thompson’s assistant and was soon part of Thompson’s world — a world that included drugs, heavy drinking, rock stars, writers and artists. In a new book, Seymour and Jann Wenner, the founder, editor and publisher of Rolling Stone, recount the turbulent life of the journalism pioneer best known for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

    Their work, Gonzo: The Life of Hunter S. Thompson, is an oral biography that features interviews with Thompson’s inner circle, including his ex-wife, his son, actors Johnny Depp and Jack Nicholson and old friends. Wenner and Seymour also trace how Thompson grew from a reactionary “Gonzo” journalist — using a style of writing where he injected himself into the story — to a writer who defined his generation.

    The “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, also known as “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” or “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” outside of the United States, is a popular American patriotic song written by the abolitionist writer Julia Ward Howe.

    #USA #politique #musique #journalisme #gonzo

  • Forget the song, get the girl !

    "It’s Love That Really Counts," written by the songwriting team, Burt Bacharach & Hal David
    Extrait :

    Who cares if you don’t show me Paris or Rome?
    As long as you are here, I’m happy at home

    Bacharach asked Warwick if she would be interested in recording demonstration recordings of his compositions to pitch the tunes to record labels, paying her $12.50 per demo recording session (equivalent to $120 in 2022). One such demo, “It’s Love That Really Counts” – destined to be recorded by Scepter-signed act the Shirelles – caught the attention of the President of Scepter Records, Florence Greenberg, who, according to Current Biography (1969 Yearbook), told Bacharach, “Forget the song, get thegirl!”

    Il avait raison, quelle chanson de m... , mais alors quelle force de voix et de caractère de part de la jeune Dionne.

    Puis, quel système d’exploitation machiste et capitaliste connu sous la devise « the american way of life ». Heureuaement que c’est fini depuis #meetoo et l’introduction de la right-to-work law , pas vrai ?

    #USA #musique #machisme #capitalisme

  • Chassez le naturel ...

    When We All Get To Heaven - The Bird Youmans

    ... il revient au galop

    Bill & Gloria Gaither ft. Terry Blackwood, Karen Peck

    When We All Get to Heaven

    “When We All Get to Heaven” is a popular Christian hymn. The lyrics were written in 1898 by Eliza Hewitt and the melody by Mrs. J. G. (Emily) Wilson. The two became acquainted at Methodist camp meetings in New Jersey. Hewitt was cousin to Edgar Page Stites, another well-known hymnist who wrote the lyrics to “Beulah Land.”

    ... sauf si tu es black et t’appelles Dionne Warwick

    (You’ll Never Get To Heaven) If You Break My Heart

    Un pays, deux nations.
    This is not a love song. (PIL)

    #USA #religion #musique #jim_crow