Nigeria’s Boko Haram isn’t just about Western education


  • Nigeria’s Boko Haram isn’t just about Western education - The Washington Post

    U.S. military officials have chosen their words carefully when describing American counterterrorism assistance in Nigeria. They have talked about the difficulty of finding units the United States can legally work with, given widespread human rights abuses during “indiscriminate” crackdowns on Boko Haram. So far, the U.S. military has remained sober.

    Yet, neither Secretary of State John Kerry nor President Obama has been so circumspect. “We are . . . going to do everything possible to counter the menace of Boko Haram,” Kerry proclaimed on May 8. Obama was equally intense two days earlier, describing Boko Haram as “one of the worst regional or local terrorist organizations. . . . They’ve been killing people ruthlessly for many years now, and we’ve already been seeking greater cooperation with the Nigerians.”

    Not a word from either of them about the government abuses that have driven young Nigerians into the extremists’ arms. In this regard, the U.S. reaction seems reminiscent of the intervention in Afghanistan: persistent collusion with the corrupt government, and then confusion as to why the insurgency was expanding.

    • Hélas, cependant, ce genre d’article est toujours vicié par cette monumentale #farce qui veut que les militaires US respectent les #droits_humains - malgré les preuves innombrables et ininterrompues du contraire- contrairement à leurs homologues des pays alliés pauvres, et cette stupéfiante requête qui consiste à demander aux Etats-Unis- politiquement corrompu et corrupteur s’il en est- qu’ils obligent les mêmes pays a régler le problème de la corruption.