Dans ces articles on parle de refoulements / #push-back —> certains sont des articles scientifiques, donc pas disponibles online... (mais si tu en as besoin d’un en particulier, pose la question, quelqu’un répondra...):
1. Amnesty International. 2010. “Greece: The Dublin II Trap: Transfers of Asylum-Seekers to Greece”. EUR 25/001/2010. ▻http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/info/EUR25/001/2010.
2. Amnesty International. 2013. “Frontier Europe. Human Rights Abuses on Greece’s Border with Turkey.” www.amnesty.org/fr/library/asset/EUR25/008/2013/en/d93b63ac-6c5d-4d0d-bd9f-ce2774c84ce7/eur250082013en.pdf.
3. Bialasiewicz, Luiza. 2012. “Off-Shoring and out-Sourcing the Borders of EUrope: Libya and EU Border-Work in the Mediterranean.” Geopolitics 17 (4): 843–66.
4. Brolan, Claire. 2003. “An Analysis of the Human Smuggling Trade and the Protocol Against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air and Sea (2000) from a Refugee Protection Perspective.” International Journal of Refugee Law 14 (4).
5. Cuttitta, Paolo. 2007. “Le monde-frontière. Le contrôle de l’immigration dans l’espace globalisé.” Translated by Francesco Ragazzi. Cultures & Conflits, no. 68 (December): 61–84. doi:10.4000/conflits.5593.
6. “Demiertzis Nasos = Nom Du Propriétaire de L’entreprise Qui a Construit Le Mur Dans La Région de l’Evros.”
7. “Description Assez Détaillée de La Procédure D’asile En Grèce, Étape Par Étape (2008).”
8. Fischer-Lescano, Andreas, Tillmann Löhr, and Timo Tohidipur. 2009. “Border Controls at Sea: Requirements under International Human Rights and Refugee Law.” International Journal of Refugee Law 21 (2): 256–96. doi:10.1093/ijrl/eep008.
9. Greek Council for Refugees, and ProAsyl. 2012. “‘I Came Here for Peace’. The Systematic Ill-Treatment of Migrants and Refugees by State Agents in Patras.” ►http://www.proasyl.de/fileadmin/fm-dam/p_KAMPAGNEN/Flucht-ist-kein-Verbrechen/Patras-Webversion04D-DS-k_03.pdf.
10. Heijer, Maarten Den. 2013. “Reflections on Refoulement and Collective Expulsion in the Hirsi Case.” International Journal of Refugee Law, July. doi:10.1093/ijrl/eet020. ▻http://ijrl.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/07/11/ijrl.eet020.
11. Human Rights Watch. 2008. “Left to Survive. Systematic Failure to Protect Unaccompanied Migrant Children in Greece.” ▻http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/greece1208webwcover_0.pdf.
12. Hyndman, Jennifer, and Alison Mountz. 2008. “Another Brick in the Wall? Neo-Refoulement and the Externalization of Asylum by Australia and Europe1.” Government and Opposition 43 (2): 249–69. doi:10.1111/j.1477-7053.2007.00251.x.
13. International Commission of Jurists. 2011. “International Commission of Jurists Submission to the Committee against Torture on the Combined 5th and 6th Periodic Reports of Greece.” ▻http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cat/docs/ngos/ICJ_Greece_CAT47.pdf.
14. Jumbert, Maria Gabrielsen. 2013a. “Controlling the Mediterranean space through surveillance.” Espace populations sociétés. Space populations societies, no. 2012/3 (July): 35–48.
15. ———. 2013b. “Controlling the Mediterranean space through surveillance.” Espace populations sociétés. Space populations societies, no. 2012/3 (July): 35–48.
16. Kimmerle, Elisabeth. 2012. “Lost in Transition.” 14Magazin (?) 4. ▻http://14magazin.de/ausgaben/ausgabe-4.
17. Long, Katy. 2013. “In Search of Sanctuary: Border Closures, ‘Safe’ Zones and Refugee Protection.” Journal of Refugee Studies 26 (3): 458–76. doi:10.1093/jrs/fes050.
18. Mamadouh, Virginie. 2012. “The Scaling of the ‘Invasion’: A Geopolitics of Immigration Narratives in France and The Netherlands.” Geopolitics 17 (2): 377–401. doi:10.1080/14650045.2011.578268.
19. Messineo, Francesco. 2013. “Non-Refoulement Obligations in the Public International Law: Towards a New Protection Status?” In The Ashgate Research Companion to Migration Law, Theory and Policy, edited by Satvinder Singh Juss, 130–55. Farnham: Ashgate.
20. Omonira-Oyekanmi, Rebecca. 2012. “Syrian Refugees ‘Turned Back from Greek Border by Police.’” The Guardian, December 7. ▻http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/dec/07/syrian-refugees-turned-back-greek.
21. “Passage Sur Le Refoulement À La Frontière Terrestre Gréco-Turque (Evros).”
22. Reneman, Marcelle. 2013. “Speedy Asylum Procedures in the EU: Striking a Fair Balance Between the Need to Process Asylum Cases Efficiently and the Asylum Applicant’s EU Right to an Effective Remedy.” International Journal of Refugee Law 25 (4): 717–48.
23. Schuster, Liza. 2011. “Turning Refugees into ‘illegal Migrants’: Afghan Asylum Seekers in Europe.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 34 (8): 1392–1407. doi:10.1080/01419870.2010.535550.
24. Triandafyllidou, Anna, and Michaela Maroufof. 2009. “Immigration towards Greece at the Eve of the 21st Century. A Critical Assessment”. 4. IDEA. ▻http://www.idea6fp.uw.edu.pl/pliki/WP4_Greece.pdf.
25. Tsapopoulou, Katerina, Marianna Tzeferakou, and Salinia Stroux. 2012. “Human Cargo. Arbitrary Readmissions from the Italian Sea Ports to Greece.” www.gcr.gr/sites/default/files/humancargo.pdf.
J’en ai probablement dans ma base de données un peu plus, mais il faudra que je l’épluche, là c’est en tout cas les articles dont je sais qu’on parle plus ou moins explicitement de #refoulements_illégaux_à_la_frontière