• Long-Term International Migration Flows to and from the UK

    This briefing provides an overview of Long-Term International Migration (LTIM) inflows (immigration), outflows (emigration), and the difference between the two (net migration) in the UK.


    #émigration #immigration #migrations #statistiques #chiffres #UK #Angleterre #solde_migratoire #démographie #évolution

  • AIDA 2016 Update : United Kingdom

    The updated Country Report on the United Kingdom tracks recent developments in practice and case law governing asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and integration of beneficiaries of protection.

    In the aftermath of a report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England and a judgment of the Court of Appeal, the authorities issued a new policy guidance in July 2016 on the treatment of unaccompanied children. At the screening stage, where a person appears to an immigration officer or the Home Office caseworker to be under 18, policy guidance is that they are to be treated as a child. In case of doubt, the person should be treated as if are under 18 until there is sufficient evidence to the contrary. Where their appearance strongly suggests to the officer that they are significantly over 18, a second opinion must be sought from a senior officer. If they agree that the person is over 18, the asylum seeker is treated as an adult. In this case, an age assessment can be triggered by the young person or any third party referring to the local authority. However, the result of immediate treatment as an adult while this process is ongoing means that people who are in fact under 18 may be detained. New guidelines were also issued on family tracing. In addition to this, a new transfer scheme was introduced to share responsibility for the care of unaccompanied children across a greater number of local authorities. Although the Immigration Act 2016 allows for the scheme to be mandatory, it remains a voluntary process at the time of writing.

    The Immigration Act 2016 has introduced an obligation on the Home Office to issue guidance on the detention of vulnerable groups. Following a January 2016 report on the review of detention policy with regard to vulnerable groups (“#Shaw_review”) and calls to end the detention of pregnant women, the Immigration Act 2016 introduced a time limit for the detention of pregnant women and children. The Home Office published specific guidance concerning the detention of pregnant women in July 2016.

    A report issued by the Refugee Council named ‘England’s forgotten refugees’ has highlighted the fact that after the right to reception ends, many recognised beneficiaries of international protection end up in precarious situations marked by homelessness and destitution. It is acknowledged in the report that many refugees may not be aware that claims for welfare benefits usually take weeks to process and may not apply as soon as they are eligible, but recent reports show that in many cases the people advising them, employed by the department that processes claims, to advise that refugees are not able to make welfare benefits applications whilst still receiving asylum support. Additional barriers exist for refugees who have not opened a bank account; unable to do this without a regular income, they then face additional delays in welfare benefits payments which are usually made directly into a claimant’s bank account. Unless eligible for public housing, refugees’ access to the private rental sector is impeded in practice because of the lack of funds. Without specific schemes such as one operated by the Refugee Council in London, refugees are reliant on family, friends, refugee hosting schemes or members of their community to avoid street homelessness.

    The report also contains information on the new Immigration Act 2016, the interim instruction replacing the suspended Detained Fast Track procedure, the extended contracts for providers of reception, the Asylum Accommodation report of January 2017 and several other legal and policy developments.

    #UK #Angleterre #asile #migrations #réfugiés #détention_administrative #rétention #enfants #enfance #MNA #mineurs_non_accompagnés #vulnérabilité

  • A Decade of Immigration in the British Press

    Immigration has become one of the most salient topics in the UK public debate. Over the past decade, policymakers and politicians have directed a lot of energy and attention to migration policies, often citing public demand for stronger action to reduce immigration levels or tackle related issues.

    Where do the public get their ideas about immigration? One frequently cited source – besides day-to-day contact with immigrants themselves, or what friends and work colleagues might say – is the media. UK media coverage of migration has evolved over the last decade to accommodate an array of profound changes: changing trends in the movement of people; changing governments; changing policies; changing geopolitics; and changing commentators in the debate.

    This analysis looks at trends in the language used in newspaper reporting through that period, and considers how these developments relate to the current UK political context. In particular the report identifies six key trends:

    A tendency for journalists themselves to play the role of framing problems in the migration debate, rather than simply reporting on others’ (such as politicians,’ think-tanks,’ or academics’) analysis. This highlights the key role played by journalists and media organisations in shaping the UK migration debate.
    A tendency to blame politicians for the scale of EU migration, while in discourse about ‘illegal’ immigrants, migrants themselves are often blamed. Economic arguments dominated the discussion of problems related to both EU and illegality.
    A sharp increase in the volume of newspaper coverage relating to migration since the election of the Conservative-led coalition government in 2010, particularly after the introduction of measures to reduce net migration in 2011 and 2012.
    An apparent change in how immigration is discussed, with a significant decline in discussion of the legal status of migrants and an increase in the focus on the scale of migration from 2009 onwards. This was accompanied by a rise in the relative importance of discussion relating to ‘limiting’ or ‘controlling’ migration since 2010.
    A sharp increase in the frequency of discussion of migrants from the EU/Europe after 2013, with a particular spike in 2014 when migrants from Romania and Bulgaria achieved full access to the UK labour market.
    A notable change in depictions of refugees between 2006 and 2015, with a sharp increase in references to Syrians coinciding with the escalating Syrian refugee crisis.

    The report suggests that press depictions of migrants have focused on concern about high levels of net migration, and particularly EU migration. This numerical focus has eclipsed a waning focus on ‘illegal’ migration and become the leading migration frame in UK national newspapers.

    The role of media in shaping public opinion is not clear-cut. It has often been observed that the press is good at setting the agenda – telling readers what to think about – although there is an ongoing debate about the extent to which media coverage either causes or simply reflects the views of its audiences on the topics it discusses.

    Immigration, and specifically EU immigration, has clearly emerged as a key factor in the decisions of many people to vote for the UK to leave the European Union. But the significant increase in the profile of EU migration within recent UK media coverage—which has been dominated by a focus on high levels of net migration, and challenges in controlling migration flows – predates the EU referendum debate (the analysis runs until May 2015) and shows that the media was already playing an important role in discussions of the EU and migration in the years leading up to 2016.


    #médias #couverture_médiatique #asile #migrations #réfugiés #UK #Angleterre #presse #journalisme #rapport #graphique #visualisation

  • #Calais and clandestine migration into the UK: Concerns and context

    The route between Calais and Dover is hugely significant for the UK both in practical terms – as a major route in and out of Britain for people and goods - and symbolically as both a gateway to Britain and a barrier that protects it (Readman 2014).

    Footage of a group of migrants attempting to force their way onto a passenger ferry at Calais, with the intention of entering the UK unlawfully, some possibly to claim asylum later on, created something of a media sensation last month (September 2014), reigniting debates about migration and asylum issues in the UK, France and the wider EU.

    This commentary will consider four key aspects of the current situation in Calais: the background, definitions of ’illegal’ immigrants and asylum seekers, existing data and the role of policies.


    #migration #asile #réfugiés

  • This briefing examines the number of people deported or removed from the UK and those departing voluntarily after the initiation of enforced removal. It further examines the method and to the extent possible, the grounds for their removal and their nationalities.


    #UK #Angleterre #renvois #expulsion #déportation #graphique #chiffres #statistiques