For cancer, de-linkage of drug prices from R&D costs needs to replace rationing of access


  • For cancer, de-linkage of drug prices from R&D costs needs to replace rationing of access, by Manon Ress | Knowledge Ecology International

    quote: "So cancer drug rationing is inevitable in all health economies – rich and poor alike. My solution is to have age limits for expensive therapies. Oncologists have been doing this covertly for the last two decades – it’s now time to be explicit."

    This is a morally repugnant statement, because, like many others, the author accepts the denial of access, as though there are no alternatives.

    We propose another solution, i.e. delinking the patient prices for cost of life saving medicines from R&D costs.

    #recherche #cancer #prix #santé #acces_aux_traitements