Visualization Education Mailbag


  • Visualization Education Mailbag

    Visualization Education Mailbag
    July 15, 2014 | Ask FlowingData

    It’s around that time of year when more people than usual ask for advice about degrees in statistics, career paths in visualization, and how to get started with something that looks awesome.

    The high of graduation from high school, undergrad, and grad school has settled, and it’s time to think about the future. Maybe summer brought more idle time at work to imagine what else you could do every day. I know the feeling.

    I’ll try to answer the more common questions. However, keep in mind that I’m nowhere near the best person to ask about these things. I didn’t grow interested in statistics until late in college, I studied remotely for most of my graduate student life, and although I consult occasionally, I run FlowingData for a living.

    So there’s your salt. Now some Q & A.

    I just finished my undergraduate degree in graphic design/engineering/computer science/statistics/etc. Should I go to graduate school for statistics and/or visualization?

    #cartographie #visualisation