
  • Le programme scolaire de l’état islamique

    Chemie, Mathe, Geschichte, soziale Fächer: Erstmal alles streichen! | Telepolis

    ....und sogar den islamischen Religionsunterricht: Der Lehrplan des Islamischen Staates
    Welcher Art Unterricht die Kinder in den Gebieten folgen, die unter der Kontrolle der IS-Dschihadisten stehen, ob sie regelmäßig zur Schule gehen, wer sie unterrichtet, ist nicht bekannt. Aus dem syrischen Raqqa, das häufig als „Hauptstadt“ des IS genannt wird, gibt es mehrere Berichte, die auf eine „generelle Direktive für alle erzieherischen Institute“ aufmerksam machen, das von der für Lehrpläne zuständigen Behörde des Islamischen Staates herausgegeben wurde.

    Das Dokument ist in Arabisch verfasst und trägt einen Amtsstempel. Übersetzungen ins Englische finden sich in größeren Teilen hier und in Ausschnitten in einem Bericht der Washington Post.


    Frontline Isis: How the Islamic State is Brainwashing Children with Stone Age School Curriculum

    A raft of new subjects have been established by the regime, and the schools are ordered to introduce them via written communiques. I recently received one such communique from a teacher friend in Raqqa, dated 30 August.
    It begins by saying:

    The following subjects will be removed from the school curriculum permanently: musical art education, national education, social studies history, fine art education, sports, philosophical and social issue, Islamic religious education and Christian education. Compensatory subjects will be added from the directorate of the curriculum in the Islamic State .

    It adds that teachers must:

    Remove reference to the Syrian Arab Republic wherever found and replaced with the Islamic state .

    Remove reference to the Ministry of Education and replace it with the Ministry of Education “of the organization”.

    Blur all images that do not agree with the Islamic law.

    Delete the Syrian Arab anthem wherever it is found .

    Not teach the concept of patriotism or nationalism, but of belonging to Islam and its people and the innocence of polytheism and its people, and that the Muslim countries are those that administer the law of God .

    Delete examples of the Arabic language which are not inconsistent with law or policy of the Islamic State .

    Replace the word home, homeland, Syria or national, wherever found, with an appropriate reference (Islamic state, a Muslim country, an Islamic state, the jurisdiction of Sham etc)

    Delete any example in mathematics that refers the benefits of usury, democracy or election .

    Delete from science everything to do with the theory of creation, and restore all creation to Almighty God.

    Alert students that the laws of physics and chemistry are the laws of God in creation .