Brigitte Bardot : The woman who invented sex


  • Le Daily Mail publie un commentaire erronné à l’occasion du 80ème anniversaire d’une militante pour les droits des animaux

    Brigitte Bardot : The woman who invented sex | Daily Mail Online

    By Michael Thornton for the Daily Mail, Published : 23:22 GMT, 28 September 2014 | Updated : 02:13 GMT, 29 September 2014

    The first time I glimpsed Brigitte Bardot in the flesh - and those words are apt, as it turned out - I was still at school. I had been invited by an actor friend to visit Pinewood Studios, where Dirk Bogarde was filming the comedy Doctor At Sea.

    For several minutes I was allowed to stand at the back of the set watching rehearsals for a shower scene. A young girl of devastating physical attraction, with provocatively pouting lips and large, inviting and smouldering brown eyes, emerged into view, clutching a bath towel which failed to conceal the fact she was naked underneath.

    You could have heard a pin drop on that set. The attention of every man there was riveted on that sinuous figure, who raised and lowered the towel mischievously while a stills photographer attempted to get shots that could be decently published.

    As she romped with gazelle-like grace across the set, revealing more and more of her amazing body, it became apparent that she had strips of flesh-coloured sticking plaster concealing her nipples and her pubic hair.

    In a gesture that would have seemed brazen but for her uninhibited merriment, she dropped the towel, ripped off the sticking plasters, and stood before us all as nature had made her, throwing her head back with explosive laughter, a free spirit, utterly defying convention.

    As the film studio erupted with male wolf-whistles, a publicity man frogmarched me off the set at the speed of light, insisting: ‘That was simply... um... improvisation. It will not be appearing in the film.’

    Such was my astonished introduction to the 20-year-old Brigitte Bardot, described by Time magazine as ‘France’s most ogled export’, who was to become the most incandescent and liberated screen sex symbol of her age. Yesterday, at her secluded home in Saint-Tropez, this legendary and increasingly reclusive figure, a grandmother twice over, arrived at the age of 80.

    Voici pourquoi l’auteur se trompe, ce ne sont ni Brigitte Bardot ni l’expression corporelle qui font la révolution sexuelle, au contraire c’est la langue, ce sont les textes élaborés et la réflexion approfondie qui sont à l’origine de la libération des mœurs.

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    Je pense en tous cas, que c’est un texte qui n’aurait pu exister dans aucune autre langue que le français, parce qu’il n’y a pas de littérature érotique dans les autres langues, à part l’Italie. Parce que dans les autres langues, en anglais notamment, il n’y a pas de vocabulaire. Ils ont tout un vocabulaire obscène mais c’est argotique, ce n’est pas de la langue courante. Quand ils voulaient parler de choses érotiques, ils employaient le français.

    Pourtant j’aime bien la déscription du plateau de tournage anglais.

    #cinema #sex #littérature