
  • Obama’s Faustian pact with the Saudis
    By Edward Luce

    Mais toujours cet époustouflant crédit accordé aux dirigeants occidentaux qui décrédibilise l’ensemble de l’article : une association de #malfaiteurs est présentée comme une « erreur » de la part de la partie occidentale.

    The Saudis are as hostile to Islamic democracy as they are to its secular variety. Both challenge the House of Saud’s legitimacy.

    Yet signs of the Arab street’s alienation keep spreading. The Middle East leads the world in terms of its youth bulge. For growing democracies, such as India, armies of young workers offer a potentially huge dividend. But for stagnant economies, such as Egypt and Pakistan, they spell demographic nightmare. By continuing to suffocate freedom at home and next door, the Saudis only multiply the supply of recruits for groups such as Isis. This is a trade-off the west cannot afford.

    #Saoud #Etats-Unis