Introducing WebAPI ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog


  • Introducing WebAPI ✩ Mozilla Hacks

    Mozilla would like to introduce WebAPI with the goal to provide a basic HTML5 phone experience within 3 to 6 months.

    The current situation

    Where we are today, there’s a clear distinction between the Open Web and native APIs and how things have to be built. As many developers are aware of, we need consistent APIs across web browsers, operating systems and devices to be able to build something for the world, not just a specific device or vendor. We need a way to take the web to the next step.

    What is WebAPI?

    WebAPI is an effort by Mozilla to bridge together the gap, and have consistent APIs that will work in all web browsers, no matter the operating system. Specification drafts and implementation prototypes will be available, and it will be submitted to W3C for standardization. Security is a very important factor here, and it will be a mix of existing security measurements (e.g. asking the user for permission, like Geolocation) or coming up with new alternatives to ensure this.

    #html5 #mobile #WebAPI #webdev #Mozilla