7 injured as Israeli forces disperse symbolic funeral in Jerusalem


  • Israel police prepare for funeral of Palestinian attack suspect | Maan News Agency

    (...) Shaludi was shot dead by police as he fled on foot.

    Palestinian sources said he was to be buried in Jerusalem at 10:00 pm Saturday.

    Public radio said the timing was set by Israeli authorities, who also imposed a maximum limit of 80 mourners for fear the event could turn into a violent protest.

    In the occupied West Bank, relatives of Palestinian teenager Orwa Hammad, shot dead Friday, said his funeral would take place on Sunday, to allow his father time to travel from the United States where he is a resident citizen.

    They said the teenager, also a US national, was 14 and not 17 as initially reported by Palestinian officials.

    The baby Israeli girl killed Wednesday was a US citizen too, Washington has confirmed.

    The army said Hammad had been about to throw a Molotov at Israeli motorists near the West Bank city of Ramallah when he was shot by troops on a stakeout in the village of Silwad to protect a road frequently used by Jewish settlers. (...)

    • Clashes in Jerusalem but flashpoint Palestinian funeral delayed

      JERUSALEM (AFP) — Israeli police clashed with Palestinians across East Jerusalem Saturday ahead of a potentially explosive funeral that was delayed for a day and tight security conditions imposed.

      Relatives of Abd al-Rahman Shaludi, the Palestinian driver who ran into a Jerusalem crowd on Wednesday, killing an Israeli baby, were told to be ready to bury him Sunday night, their lawyer said.

      The internment, near Jerusalem’s Old City walls, will take place at 11:00 pm and must be finished by midnight, only 20 mourners will be permitted to attend and they will have to submit their names to police in advance, attorney Mohammed Mahmoud said in a statement.


    • Attaque à Jérusalem : la police israélienne refuse de rendre le corps de l’auteur présumé

      Jérusalem - La police israélienne a indiqué dimanche soir qu’elle ne rendrait pas à sa famille le corps d’Abdelrahmane Shalodi, un Palestinien qu’elle accuse d’avoir délibérément lancé sa voiture contre un arrêt du tramway à Jérusalem mercredi, tuant deux personnes.

      Ce Palestinien de 21 ans avait été abattu mercredi par la police. La justice israélienne avait décidé que sa dépouille serait rendue dimanche soir à la porte du cimetière pour un enterrement rapide au milieu de la nuit, en présence d’une liste réduite de participants soumise auparavant à la police. La famille a refusé ces conditions et la police a indiqué qu’elle examinera ce qu’elle fera du corps dans les prochains jours.

      La police de Jérusalem a pris contact avec la famille du terroriste, notamment via leur avocat, pour organiser la remise du corps conformément à la décision de justice, indique un communiqué de la police, avant d’ajouter : l’avocat de la famille a transmis le refus de la famille de recevoir le corps pour organiser les obsèques.

      Le refus de la famille n’empêche pas de faire sortir le corps de l’institut de médecine légale et la police examinera dans les prochaines heures ce qu’elle en fera, poursuit le communiqué.

      Le père d’Abdelrahmane Shalodi a affirmé à l’AFP vouloir mener l’enterrement selon le rituel musulman, insistant sur le fait qu’il voulait pouvoir pratiquer les ablutions sur le corps, l’envelopper dans un linceul blanc et mener la prière du défunt dans la mosquée Al-Aqsa, le troisième lieu saint de l’islam, situé sur l’esplanade des Mosquées à Jérusalem.

      Empêché de pratiquer ce rituel, il a dit avoir refusé de récupérer le corps de son fils selon les conditions posées par les Israéliens.

      Des funérailles symboliques ont déjà été organisées en début de soirée et ont dégénéré en violents affrontements entre Palestiniens et policiers israéliens dans le quartier populaire palestinien de Silwan, à Jérusalem-Est.

    • 7 injured as Israeli forces disperse symbolic funeral in Jerusalem

      JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Seven Palestinians were injured as Israeli forces dispersed a symbolic funeral procession for Abd al-Rahman al-Shaloudi from Silwan to the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

      The procession started from al-Shaloudi’s family home in al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan, and when it reached the nearby Beir Ayub neighborhood, participants were surrounded by Israeli forces who fired live and rubber-coated steel bullets, stun grenades, tear gas, and sprayed them with skunk water.

      Seven Palestinians were injured including one who suffered a fractured foot and another who was hit with a stun grenades’ splinter in the face.

    • Funeral held for suspect in Jerusalem car attack
      Published today (updated) 27/10/2014

      JERUSALEM (AFP) — Abd al-Rahman Shaludi, 21, who is suspected of deliberately ramming his car into pedestrians in Jerusalem last week, was laid to rest on Sunday after delays to the funeral amid tight Israeli security restrictions.

      Video footage from the funeral showed a group of youths carrying al-Shaludi’s casket to the cemetery near Jerusalem’s Old City, chanting “God loves him because he is a shahid,” or martyr.

      The 21-year-old Palestinian was shot dead by police in what they called a “terror attack” after Wednesday’s car attack, which killed two people.

      His family say the incident was not deliberate.
      sraeli police had initially refused to return Shaludi’s body to his family after a post mortem, saying the family had rejected an Israeli court’s conditions for the funeral, which determined could be attended by only 20 people.

      Jawad Siyam, an activist from Silwan, where the Shaludis reside, alleged Israel had threatened the family they would bury him on their own if they did not accept the conditions.

      His family rejected those terms, but eventually the two sides agreed 70 people could attend, according to Siyam.

      ’Symbolic funeral’

      Earlier on Sunday the family held what it called a “symbolic funeral” in honor of Shaludi in Silwan.

      Hundreds of Palestinians attended the ceremony, bearing an empty casket and reciting prayers, before trying to ascend to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

      Heavily armed police used tear gas to repel hundreds at the “symbolic funeral,” arresting one person in Silwan. Elsewhere in East Jerusalem police arrested two youths in al-Issawiya for stone-throwing.