HTTPS : the end of an era — by Ben Klemens
the Mozilla foundation’s #HTTPS requirement is, to me, the real end of the DIY era. This is not a closed-source corporation, or a startup pushing its new tool, or the arrogant guy at the hackathon, but the Mozilla Foundation — “Our mission is to promote openness, innovation & opportunity on the Web” — saying that if you are building web pages using tools from your desert island, without first filling in registration forms, then you are doing it wrong.
The dissident test
Consider a dissident in a totalitarian state who wishes to share a modified bit of software with fellow dissidents, but does not wish to reveal the identity of the modifier, or directly reveal the modifications themselves, or even possession of the program, to the government.
BK served as director of the FSF’s End Software Patents campaign, and is the lead author of Apophenia (►, a statistics library.
Je l’appelle "MOZILLA GO HOME", car c’est presque mot pour mot la version anti-https de la diatribe anti-XHTML d’@arno, “W3C go home" ► (2003 !) (Heureusement depuis, XHTML est mort noyé dans son vomi, et on a à la place HTML5, une version très tolérante.)