
  • Énorme. En mars 2008, le vice-premier ministre Elias Murr reçoit les américains chez lui à Rabieh.

    Il faut lire le document entier, mais le résumé est déjà très révélateur:
    "In a March 10 meeting with Charge, MinDef Murr expressed his growing concern that a Hizballah war with Israel is imminent. His assessment is based upon recent Hizballah preparations, reported movement of families, and the precipitous increase in Israeli overflights of Lebanon. Murr does not think that Hizballah can win another war with Israel and will be defeated. Describing Hizballah as “scared,” Murr opined that they are scared because they know that Israel might be about to attack, or, more probably, they fear the retribution Israel will heap upon them when Hizballah takes revenge for the killing of terrorist Imad Mughniya. Murr offered some ideas aimed at avoiding turning the Christian population against Israel when the next war with Hizballah occurs. Murr also outlined his orders to the Lebanese Army when/if Israel invades to counter Hizballah. End summary."

    Le courageux Elias Murr annonce que le #Hezbollah est «terrorisé»:
    "Returning to the theme of a wary Hizballah, Murr told us that “they (Hizballah) are scared, terrorized. They know the Israelis will not lose again.” Murr thinks that Ehud Barak is a very different Minister of Defense than the one who tried to win a war using airpower."

    Élégance envers Michel Aoun:
    "When asked what role Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun is playing right now, Murr deadpanned that he is “going insane.” Retired BG Fouad Ashkar, an Aoun advisor dating to Aoun’s time as Lebanese Army Commander, came to see Murr on March 9 to discuss weapons permits for Aoun’s bodyguards. Murr told Ashkar that he was authorized only ten permits. Aoun had recently contacted Murr’s father to try and pressure the MinDef into agreeing to fifty weapons permits. A defiant Murr told Ashkar to “go get some of your Hizballah suicide bombers to serve as bodyguards,” the sub-context being that perhaps Michel Aoun would get blown up along the way."

    Murr se vante de limiter les visites à son voisin de Rabieh:
    “Murr is also limiting the number of visitors that can drive up to Aoun’s house in the protected enclave of Rabieh. Murr only allows official visitors such as MPs to approach the house; all the others must park outside and ride shuttles. Murr says that the residents of Rabieh are exhausted with Aoun being a bad neighbor and going against Christian traditions by backing Hizballah.”

    Une gentillesse tout de même pour #Saad_Hariri et #Amine_Gemayel:
    "Murr expressed skepticism about this concept, saying leaders such as Amine Gemayel and Saad Hariri will use this to elevate “stupid” people so that their own political light is not obscured or risk being dimmed by another rising politician. They are looking at this from their selfish parochial views, an approach not uncommon in Lebanese politics, Murr complained."

    Enfin (et c’est énorme), Elias Murr insiste pour qu’on comprenne bien qu’il n’est pas en train de faire passer des conseils à Israël, mais tout de même, voici ses conseils pour Israël en cas de guerre contre le Liban:
    “Making clear that he was not responsible for passing messages to Israel, Murr told us that Israel would do well to avoid two things when it comes for Hizballah One, it must not touch the Blue Line or the UNSCR 1701 areas as this will keep Hizballah out of these areas. Two, Israel cannot bomb bridges and infrastructure in the Christian areas. The Christians were supporting Israel in 2006 until they started bombing their bridges. If Israel has to bomb all of these places in the Shia areas as a matter of operational concern, that is Hizballah’s problem. According to Murr, this war is not with Lebanon, it is will Hizballah. Murr also told us that the number of overflights recently (reftel B and C) are the highest number since 1982. The last time there were this many overflights was just prior to Israel invading south Lebanon in April 1982, he stated flatly.”

    Cet homme qui est en train de donner des conseils aux Israéliens, expliquant que le Hezbollah est «terrorisé», à ce moment-là, parle aux Américains en tant que ministre de la Défense du Liban. Oui.

    #cablegate #Israël #Liban

    • An-Nahar, aujourd’hui, rapporte la «réponse» officielle d’Elias Murr.
      “أصدر المكتب الاعلامي لنائب رئيس الوزراء وزير الدفاع الوطني الياس المر البيان الآتي:”نشر موقع “ويكيليكس” تقريراً منسوباً الى السفيرة الاميركية السابقة في لبنان ميشيل سيسون تتكلم فيه على اجواء وتحليلات نقلاً عن وزير الدفاع. ان ما اورده الموقع يستحق القراءة والتوضيح، وان كان لا يستحق الرد.
      – اولاً: لا بد من التساؤل عن هوية من يختبىء وراء هذا الموقع المشبوه، ولا بد من ان تكشف الايام المقبلة الاهداف الحقيقية لهذه الحملة المفبركة.
      – ثانياً: ان ما ورد في تقرير ويكيليكس مجتزأ وغير دقيق. والسؤال: هل السبب حَرج سيسون في الموقف الحازم لوزير الدفاع من اسرائيل او قصورها في التفسير؟
      – ثالثاً: لا يفاجئنا ما ورد في التقرير عن سوء نية او سوء تفسير، لاننا اعتدنا خلال الاعوام العشرة الماضية، من خلال عملنا في وزارتي الداخلية والدفاع، تقارير فسرت او فبركت عن الرئيس المر وغيره من المسؤولين، وعرضته كما عرّضتهم للتفجير والاغتيال ومحاولات الاغتيال.
      – رابعاً: ان اقتناعات الرئيس المر كشخص وممارسته وواجباته كوزير للدفاع ثابتة وواضحة لا يؤثر فيها تقرير. فهو لا يساوم على سيادة لبنان، ولا يتهاون في الحفاظ على السلم الاهلي والعيش المشترك، ولا يتراجع عن دور الجيش وتسليحه وتعزيزه وواجبه في التصدي لأي عدوان اسرائيلي، كما لم يتراجع قبلاً في عام 2006، وحتى في العديسة.
      – خامساً: اننا اذ ننفي ما اورده الموقع، نؤكد انه يأتي في سياق اثارة الشكوك لرغبة لم تعد خافية في اثارة الفتن، ليس في لبنان فحسب، انما ايضا في العديد من دول المنطقة"."

  • Dans cette rencontre, Marwan #Hamadeh livre les plans du réseau de communications du #Hezbollah aux Américains, fait une description apocalyptique de ce réseau, et pense que l’armée libanaise n’aura pas le courage de couper les lignes.

    1. (S) Requesting a special meeting with Charge, Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamadeh decried the establishment of a complete fiber optics network by Hizballah throughout Lebanon. The GOL has been sharing this information widely among friends of Lebanon, to include the governments of France, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the UAE. Hamadeh sees only two choices for the GOL: approach the UN Security Council, or use the “cover” of March 14-friendly municipalities to cut the lines. However, he questioned whether the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Internal Security Forces (ISF) have the “guts” to do so, given that Hizballah already stated to Lebanese security officials that it would view this as equal to an Israeli act of aggression, and would then take action against the GOL. Hamadeh hopes that Saad Hariri, now in Geneva, will return soon to Lebanon so that March 14 can meet to formulate a strategy. End summary."

    GOL: Government of Lebanon.

    ""Iran Telecom is taking over the country!" were the first words out of the mouth of Minister of Telecommunications Marwan Hamadeh when he met with Charge and Econoff on April 16. He was referring to the discovery of a complete fiber optic system (FiOS) installed by Hizballah throughout Lebanon - reftel. In addition, Hizballah has introduced Wi-Max in Beirut’s southern suburbs."

    Hamadeh, Sanioura et Saad Hariri livrent les plans du réseau du Hezbollah a absolument tous les amis d’Israël. Pour révéler les secrets de la Résistance libanaise, ils sont visiblement plus efficaces que Wikileaks:
    "Hamadeh himself has been sharing the news both within
    the GOL and outside, with “friends,” which includes the
    Arab countries, the U.S., France (Sarkozy was “stunned”) and
    Terje Roed-Larsen of the UN. He briefed Bernard Kouchner,
    Jean-David Levitte, Boris Bouillon and Michel Barnier while
    in Paris. In Beirut he spoke to Charge Andre Parent of
    France and Ambassador Abdul Aziz Khoja of Saudi Arabia. Saad
    Hariri, when he heard, sent a private plane from Saudi Arabia
    to pick up a copy of the map, which traces in detail the
    route of the system, to share with Saudi King Abdullah and
    Intelligence Chief Prince Mukrin bin Abdul-Aziz. PM Siniora
    briefed the Jordanians and Emiratis, as well as Arab League
    SYG Amr Musa on the network during his recent trip around the
    region, Hamadeh confirmed."

    L’affaire serait tellement grave que même le Patriarche a reçu sa copie:
    “Within Lebanon Hamadeh says that the first person he told, after the Prime Minister and Druze leader Walid Jumblatt was Maronite Patriarch Sfeir.”

    Et, au cas où vraiment les Américains n’auraient pas encore reçu une copie, Hamadeh a pris ses précautions:
    “The current installations, as per the map Hamadeh has given us, shows lines running from Beirut, around both sides of the airport, into the south below the Litani and back up through the Bekaa valley to the far north.”

    Hamadeh est fait des tonnes sur le financement par l’Iran, sans doute certain que c’est le genre de chose qu’il faut dire à un Américain pour attirer son attention...

    "Although Hamadeh says he has “a few names,” he did not list the companies who are responsible for the installation, but said that information would be made available shortly. He cited the Iranian Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon as the source of the funding. This same group has been rebuilding roads and bridges since the July 2006 war with Israel, and has been accused before of installing telecommunications lines in parallel with new roads. Hamadeh said that he wants to get the list of companies involved and black list them with the GOL."

    C’est carrément “une victoire stratégique pour l’Iran”:
    “Hamadeh highlights the system as a strategic victory for Iran, since it creates an important Iranian outpost in Lebanon, bypassing Syria. He sees the value for the Iranians as strategic, rather than technical or economic.”

    Attention, hein, ce sont les «zones chrétiennes qui sont visées»:
    “Hamadeh described the strategic implications of the Hizballah plan, which he says is targeting the Christian areas, despite a denial of that by Hizballah.”

    Pour le Hezbollah, c’est carrément le début d’un «État-Nation»!
    “The value for Hizballah is the final step in creating a nation state. Hizballah now has an army and weapons; a television station; an education system; hospitals; social services; a financial system; and a telecommunications system.”

    De manière spectaculaire, après avoir décrit une victoire stratégique pour l’Iran, la naissance du Hezbollahstan, Hamadeh annonce préparer une «campagne intérieure» qui se résume de très minables calculs de politique politicienne locale:
    "Meanwhile, Hamadeh is preparing a “very strong” internal campaign. This campaign, he said, has the potential to “destroy” Aoun and mobilize Christians, as well as influence those Shia who are already beginning to worry about Hizballah."

    Ce câble est très intéressant. Il confirme le rôle central de Marwan Hamadé dans l’attaque contre le réseau de communication du Hezbollah, qui mènera aux événements de l’été 2008. On le voit diffuser de l’information touchant à la défense de la Résistance, et tenter de manipuler ses interlocuteurs en fabriquant des arguments tous plus énormes les uns que les autres. On le voit aussi assurer les Américains d’une baisse du soutien chiite aux Hezbollah et d’une «description» de Aoun parmi les chrétiens, ce qui est soit de l’aveuglement imbécile, soit plus sûrement de la pure manipulation.

    #wikileaks #cablegate #liban #télécommunications

    • Aujourd’hui, le Nahar publie la réponse de Hamadé:
      “وكذلك، علّق النائب مروان حماده على المواقف المنسوبة اليه في موقع”ويكيليكس" بالآتي:
      1 - “بين مخيلة السفيرة الأميركية وفبركة الموقع المشبوه، قرأت رواية كاملة مليئة بالافتراءات والتلفيقات عن بعض ما أحاط ازمة شبكة الاتصالات عام 2008.
      2 – لم تطلب الحكومة اللبنانية آنذاك حماية احد للقرار الذي اتخذته، اقتناعاً منها بأن وحدة مؤسسات الدولة ومنشآتها واحترام القوانين تبقى الضمان الأول والأخير لحماية لبنان من الأطماع الاسرائيلية او من التفكك الداخلي.
      3 - انني اذ انفي مجمل ما نقل عني في هذه التسريبة الجديدة، لا أزال عند اقتناعتي، كوزير آنذاك وكنائب اليوم، بوجوب إبقاء وحدة الشعب والمؤسسات من خلال سيادة الدولة على قدراتها العسكرية والأمنية والقضائية والاقتصادية، وعلى سلامة البنى التحتية التي يتبين اليوم كيف تخترق من كل صوب، وخصوصاً من العدو الإسرائيلي”."