The World Today Special : The Greek Hope | Opinion



    The World Today Special : The #Greek Hope | 2015-01-25

    Tariq Ali en discussion avec Stathis Kouvelakis (#Syriza)

    #Grèce #élections
    #austérité #oligarchie #Troika néo- #fascisme #néolibéralisme #Europe
    #podemos #solidarité



    The situation of Greece is in a way comparable to that of Germany after the Versailles treaty, because the people really have the feeling that they have been brutally pauperised, humiliated socially, but also nationally due to the Troika rule. And it is on that ground that this primitive and completely delirious form of nationalism developed by Golden Dawn became suddenly relevant for some people. And it is also the violence of the situation created by this whole disaster at the economic and social level that made violent solutions appear as legitimate for parts of the population. Because they have scapegoated immigrants, I mean, that’s the standard story of course. So what can we do? We have to find within the state apparatus, that’s quite clear, we have to dismantle those pockets of really fascist networks within the status apparatus and especially within the police.

    The main problem is within the police, the judiciary, and there is the possibility of a strategy of increased tension, Italian-style, like the 1970s. But Golden Dawn, despite its appeal within Greek society, has not developed into a mass party, properly speaking. It’s a small organisation of thugs, which is funded by the kind of mafia type of operations and isolated fractions, but relatively marginal fractions, of the Greek bourgeoisie who just want to use these thugs in order to sort out issues at the level of their neighbourhood, of their company and so on and so forth. They want to control the Port of Piraeus for instance with the help of Golden Dawn, some ship owners’ etcetera. So we have this situation that is one of the problems that, indeed, a Syriza government will have to face but you have reminded us that Greek history is very tormented. We only had a few decades of, let’s say, standard Western-type elementary life and democracy.
