Wine in Lebanon : the grapes of wrath | Life and style


  • Wine in Lebanon : the grapes of wrath | Life and style | The Observer

    “When we started planting the vineyard, we found a cluster bomb on the ground that had been dropped on the village in 1983. The army said it would take two weeks to get here, but I had 1,000 vines that had to be in the ground immediately or else they’d die. So with a couple of brave young men, we decided to plant the vines. Thank God nobody got hurt.”

    This isn’t the kind of commentary you get on most wine tours. But this is a vineyard in Lebanon, not the Loire. On a visit to Chateau Belle-Vue, high above the heat and hustle of Beirut on the top of Mount Lebanon, its irrepressible owner Naji Boutros gives us not only a lesson in viticulture but a first-hand account of his country’s troubled history, too.

    Quelques considérations stupides dans ce reportage (« religions intolérantes », Hezbollah « terroriste », charme désuet de l’époque coloniale), mais ça cause de vin, alors c’est bien.