Shamans pray to protect Noyon Mountain


  • Manif de chamanes à Oulan-Bator contre l’exploitation d’une montagne située au Nord d’UB.

    Shamans pray to protect Noyon Mountain | The UB Post

    Several days ago, a demonstration took place at Sukhbaatar Square involving over 100 shamans. They expressed their opposition to mining exploration and exploitation at Noyon Mountain, and prayed for the protection of the mountain and performed religious sacraments at the square.
    The shamans said that they will connect with the sky and their ancestors to protect the mountain.
    The area of Noyon Mountain, located in Selenge Province, is very rich in both natural resources and valuable cultural heritage. State officials want to make Noyon Mountain a strategic deposit, which has angered many people.
    A large number of citizens are against opening the mountain up to mining, and non-governmental organizations such as Bosoo Huh Mongol, Gal Undesten, the Shamanism Association, and some citizen representatives have officially stated that they will act on their opposition in stronger ways.
    To protect Noyon Mountain, the organization Civil Movement has officially stated that they will go on a hunger strike at the monument dedicated to the Victims of Political Repression. If state officials don’t respond with the right solutions within 24 hours, they will continue their strike for as many days as they can.
    The head of the Noyon Uul Protection Movement, O.Tserennadmid stated, “State officials see the mountain as a vast amount of money and approved the Gatsuurt field as a strategic deposit. The approval process took place at night, without us. We just can’t sit and accept it, we will go until the end. I am ready to give my life for my country.”