Archaeological discovery sheds light on ancient Kyiv


  • Archaeological discovery sheds light on ancient Kyiv

    When archaeologists performed a routine check on a construction site in central Kyiv in late February, they were astonished to discover a medieval street hidden seven meters underground.

    The remains of the wooden buildings that date back to Kyivan Rus were found at the mall construction site at Poshtova Square in the Podil neighborhood near the Dnipro River.

    The finding generated excitement among archaeologists and the general public.

    “Podil is very well studied, which is why everyone was very surprised when we first saw the fragments of the 12th century wooden fence and house," says Ivan Zotsenko, one of the archaeologists working on the spot.

    During the past three weeks, the team of nine archaeologists dug out several wooden fences, the foundation of a wooden house, coins, beads, pots and one amphora – all estimated to date back to the 11th-13th centuries.

    It looks like we dug out a fragment of a densely populated medieval street," says Zotsenko. “These findings demonstrate that people lived on the bank of Dnipro River already during Kyivan Rus times. It means that Kyiv territory was bigger than we used to think."

    Earlier, historians believed that the borders of ancient Kyiv ended on the modern Borychiv Tik Street, some 500 meters inland from Poshtova Ploshcha.

    Kiev 988-1240, reconstituée par N. Zakrevskiy dans un Atlas de 1887.
    Si je comprends bien, le lieu des fouilles est au pied de la colline dans le coin gauche de la berge plate du coin en bas à droite.