Netanyahu : If I’m elected, there will be no Palestinian state - Israel election 2015 - Israel News


  • Netanyahu a définitivement pété les plombs: il a déclaré qu’il n’y aurait pas d’Etat palestinien s’il venait à être élu, ce pour attirer les voix de Bennett (Habayit Hayehudi). Au moins, c’est clair...

    L’écart entre le Likoud et le camp des anciens travaillistes continue à se creuser. Le likoud est aujourd’hui accrédité de 21 sièges contre 25 pour l’Union sioniste. La liste unie Hadash et partis arabes reste toujours en troisième position avec 13 sièges. Intéressant et nouveau pour ce qui concerne les partis arabes israéliens, même si l’espoir d’une paix et l’établissement d’un Etat palestinien ne sont pas à l’ordre du jour

    Netanyahu: If I’m elected, there will be no Palestinian state - Israel election 2015 - Israel News | Haaretz

    Netanyahu: If I’m elected, there will be no Palestinian state
    In a definitive disavowal of his Bar-Ilan two-state speech, prime minister makes last-minute attempt to draw voters from Bennett’s Habayit Hayeudi.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhau said Monday that if he were to be reelected, a Palestinian state would not be created, in a definite disavowal of his 2009 speech, in which he had voiced support for the principle of two states for two peoples.

    Netanyahu’s remarks in an interview with the NRG website - which is owned by casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and tied with the settler newspaper Makor Rishon - were a last-minute attempt to pull right-wing voters away from Habayit Hayehudi.

    “I think that anyone who moves to establish a Palestinian state and evacuate territory gives territory away to radical Islamist attacks against Israel,” Netanyahu said. The left has buried its head in the sand time and after time and ignores this, but we are realistic and understand."

    During the interview, Netanyahu declared that if the Zionist Union were to win the elections, “it would attach itself to the international community and do they bidding,” including freezing construction in West Bank and East Jerusalem settlements, and cooperate with international initiatives to return Israel’s borders to the 1967 lines.

    During a visit to the East Jerusalem settlement of Har Homa earlier Monday, Netanyahu warned that if he were not elected, “Hamastan B.” would be established in Jerusalem. “If Tzipi [Livni] and Bougie [Isaac Herzog] form a government, Hamastan B will be established here.”

    He also slammed Jewish-American businessman Danny Abraham, one of the primary financiers of the V-15 campaign to flip the Israeli government. Netanyahu did not mentioned Abraham by name, but said that the primary financier of V-15 has come to his office in the past and tried to convince him not to build in East Jerusalem.

    “I said to him – have you ever been in Har Homa? He said no, and that it was a dangerous settlement. I suggested he go there and said he would make it in time, that he wouldn’t be late to the meeting. They took him to the car, returned to the office, and rolled on the floor with laughter. The man was prepared to go to Sinai and couldn’t believe that the car stopped after seven minutes and that he had reached his destination. These are the people telling us who needs to be in government, these are the people who think Har Home is in Sinai.”

    • Netanyahu a bombardé une population sous blocus depuis 7 ans. Il a fait 2000 morts à 75% des civils.
      Rien ne peut être plus clair que cela. Sauf pour ceux qui partagent l’extrême raciste israélien actuel.

      Et la gauche israélienne avait commis les mêmes massacres avec Plombs durcis.

      C’est la société israélienne qui a pété les plombs depuis un moment déjà.

    • Il semblerait donc que non seulement Netanyahu ait pété les plombs mais surtout commis une énorme erreur stratégique en affirmant qu’il n’y aura jamais d’Etat palestinien. Pour preuve, le New York Times affirme aujourd’hui que l’administration Obama examinerait son soutien à la résolution du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU définissant le principe d’une solution de deux Etats sur les bases des frontières de 1967.

      U.S. could back UN resolution on Palestine, White House official says
      Move to come in response to Netanyahu’s two-state reversal, official tells NYT. Obama to pass responsibility for Israel ties to Kerry ; ’President doesn’t want to waste his time,’ says U.S. official.