
  • Care Differs for American and African With Ebola - NYTimes.com

    Before falling ill, both the American and Usman, an employee of the Sierra Leone government, worked at an Ebola treatment unit supported by Partners in Health. The group has distinguished itself by promoting the principle articulated by its co-founder Dr. Paul Farmer that people in poor countries deserve the same high standard of medical care as those in wealthy nations.

    The paths taken by the Americans and their Sierra Leonean colleague have raised questions about whether the charity has been acting in concert with its stated values.

    “This person’s life is less than the American’s?” asked Dr. Kwan Kew Lai, a doctor who helped care for the ailing health officer at an International Medical Corps treatment unit in the Port Loko district of Sierra Leone. Dr. Lai said there was little to offer him other than encouragement, intravenous fluids and morphine.

    “There’s a dilemma that Partners in Health is facing, or all of us need to look at,” she said. “I don’t think it’s right.”

    #ebola #inégalités #santé