The Islamophobia Bookshelf


  • Racism | Islamophobia | Media


    Davies, N. (2009) Flat Earth News (Vintage Books)
    Edwards, D. & Cromwell, D. (2009) NEWSPEAK in the 21st Century (Pluto Press)
    Fekete, L. (2012) The Muslim Conspiracy Theory and the Oslo Massacre, Race and Class 53(3) p.30-47
    Fekete, L. (2009) A Suitable Enemy: Racism, Migration and Islamophobia in Europe (Pluto Press)
    Hervik, P. (2011) The Danish Muhammad Cartoon Conflict (Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare)
    Kumar, D. (2012) Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire (Haymarket)
    Kundnani, A. (2014) The Muslims are Coming: Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror (Verso)
    Petley, J. & Richardson, R. [Eds.] (2011) Pointing the Finger: Islam and Muslims in the British Media (One World)
    Poole, E. (2002) Reporting Islam: Media Representations of British Muslims (I B Tauris)
    Sheehi, S. (2010) Islamophobia: The Ideological Campaign Against Muslims (Clarity Press)
    Sayyid, S. & Vakil, A. [Eds.] (2010) Thinking Through Islamophobia: Global Perspectives (Hurst and Co)

    Responses to Islamophobia & Extremism Compiled by Sheila Musaji: A to L; M to Z


    Ali, N., Kalra, V. & Sayyid, S. [Eds] (2006) A Postcolonial People: South Asians in Britain (Hurst)
    Amin, Samir (1989) Eurocentrism (Zed Books)
    Arendt, H. (1951/2004) The Origins of Totalitarianism ( Schocken Books)
    Awan, I. (2014) Islamophobia and Twitter: A Typology of Online Hate Against Muslims on Social Media, Policy & Internet 6:2 p.133-150.
    Back, L. et al (2002) New Labour’s White Heart: Politics, Multiculturalism and the Return of Assimilation, in The Political Quarterly 73(4) p. 445-54
    Beckman, M. (1993) The 43 Group: Untold Story of Their Fight Against Fascism: 2nd Ed. (Centerprise)
    Bhavnani, Reena (2001) Rethinking Interventions in Racism (Trentham Books)
    Bonnet, Alastair (2000) Anti-Racism (Routledge)
    Brah, A., Hickman, M. and Mac an Ghail, M. [Eds] (1998) Thinking Identities: ethnicity, racism and culture (Macmillan)
    Brunt, R. (2010) What a Burkha!’: Reflections on the UK Media Coverage of the Sharia Law Controversy, in Brunt, R. and Cere, R. [Eds.] (2010) Postcolonial Media Culture in Britain (Palgrave MacMillan)
    Dadzie, Stella [Ed.] (2001) Toolkit for Tackling Racism in Schools (Trentham Books)
    Dyer, Richard (1997) White ( Routledge)
    Eze, Emmanuel Chukwudi (1997) Race and Enlightenment: A Reader (Wiley-Blackwell)
    Fanon, F. (1952/1986) Black Skin, White Masks (Pluto Press)
    Fanon, F. (1952) The Fact of Blackness, in B Ashcroft, G. Griffiths and H. Tiffin [Eds] (1995) The Post-Colonial Studies Reader (Routledge)
    Frankenberg, Ruth (1993) White Women, Race Matters: The Social Construction of Whiteness (Routledge)
    Fryer, P. (2010) Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain (Pluto Press)
    Gabriel, John (1998) Whitewash: Racialized Politics and the Media (Routledge)
    Gilroy, P. (1997) Diaspora and Detours of Identity, in K. Woodward [Ed] Identity and Difference (Sage)
    Gilroy, Paul (1992) There ain’t no Black in the Union Jack (Routledge)
    Gilroy, Paul (2004) After Empire: Multiculture or Postcolonial Melancholia (Routledge)
    Goldberg, D. T. (2009) The Threat of Race: Reflections on Racial Neoliberalism (Wiley-Blackwell)
    Green, Phil (2000) Raise the Standard: A practical guide to raising ethnic minority and bilingual pupils’ achievement (Trentham Books)
    Hall, Stuart (1992) ‘The West and the Rest: Discourse and Power’ in Formations of Modernity, Cambridge, Open University Press: p.275-320
    Herman. E. S. & Chomsky, N. (1994) Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (Vintage)
    Hope Not Hate (2012) The ’Counter-Jihad’ movement: Anti-Muslim hatred and the ideas that inspired Anders Behring Breivik (Hope Not Hate)
    Hussain, Ali J. (2007) The Media’s Role in a Clash of Misconceptions: The Case of the Danish Muhammad Cartoons Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 10(12) p.112 - 130
    Institute of Race Relations (1985) How racism came to Britain: book three (IRR)
    Jackson, R. (2007) Language, policy and the construction of a torture culture in the war on terrorism, Review of International Studies 33:3, July 2007, p.353-371
    Klausen, J. (2009) The Cartoons That Shook the World (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    Kundnani, A. (2007) The End of Tolerance: Racism in 21st Century Britain (Pluto Press)
    Larsson, G. (2007) Cyber-Islamophobia? The case of WikiIslam, Contemporary Islam, 1(1) p.53-67
    Law, Ian (2002) Race in the News (Palgrave)
    Macpherson, William (1999) The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report of an inquiry by Sir William Macpherson of Cluny (HMSO)
    Mahmood, S. (2006) Secularism, Hermeneutics, and Empire: The Politics of Islamic Reformation Public Culture Spring 18(2) p.323-347
    Major, Lee Elliot (2002) ‘2% of UK professors from ethnic minorities’, in The Guardian, Monday January 21, 2002
    McClintock, A. (1994) Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest Routledge)
    Meer, N. (2014) Key Concepts in Race and Ethnicity (Sage)
    Mirza, Heidi Safia (1997) Black British Feminism: A Reader (Routledge)
    Modood, Tariq and Tony Acland [Eds] (1998) Race and Higher Education (Policy Studies Institute)
    Modood, T. (2005) Multicultural Politics: Racism, Ethnicity and Muslims in Britain (Edinburgh University Press)
    Modood, T. (2007) Multiculturalism (Polity)
    Moore, R. I. (2007) The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Authority and Deviance in Western Europe 950-1250: 2nd Revised Edition (Blackwell Publishing)
    Nakayama, Thomas K. and Robert L. Krizek (1999) ‘Whiteness as a Strategic Rhetoric’, in Nakayama, Thomas K. and Judith N. Martin [Eds] (1999) Whiteness: The Communication of Social Identity Sage: 87-106
    Parekh, Bhikhu (2000) The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain (Profile Books Ltd)
    Parekh, Bhikhu (2000) Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory (Macmillan)
    Poole, E. (2002) Reporting Islam: Media Representations of British Muslims ( I B Tauris)
    Poole, E. & Richardson, J. E. (2006) Muslims and the News Media (I B Tauris)
    Rattansi, A. (2007) Racism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
    Reid, J. (2009) The Biopolitics of the War on Terror: Life Struggles, Liberal Modernity and the Defence of Logistical Societies (Manchester University Press)
    Runnymede Trust (1997) Islamophobia a challenge for us all (Runnymede Trust)
    Saeed, A. (2007) Media, Racism and Islamophobia: The Representation of Islam and Muslims in the Media, Sociology Compass, 1(2) p.443–462
    Said, E. (1993) Culture and Imperialism (Alfred A. Knopf, inc.)
    Said, E. (1997) Covering Islam (Vintage)
    Said, E. (2000) Orientalism (Penguin)
    Sardar, Z., Nandy, A., & Davies, M. (1993) Barbaric Others: A manifesto on western racism (Pluto)
    Sayyid, S. (2003) A Fundamental Fear: Eurocentricism and the Emergence of Islamism: Second Edition (Zed Books)
    Shohat, Ella & Stam, Robert (1994) Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media ( Routledge)
    Skeggs, Beverley (1997) Formations of Class and Gender (Sage)
    Solomos, John and Les Back (1996) Racism and Society (Macmillan Press Ltd)
    Stone, R. et al (2004) Islamophobia: issues, challenges and action (Trentham Books)
    Tischler, Henry L. [Ed.] (2000) Debating Points: Race and Ethnic Relations (Prentice Hall International)
    #racisme #islamophobie #médias #journalisme #bibliographie #livres

    cc @reka