Is Netanyahu’s Israel drifting toward disaster ?


  • Is Netanyahu’s #Israel drifting toward disaster ? - Vox

    Nathan #Thrall répond aux questions de Max Fisher et explique très bien comment la « #communauté_internationale » perpétue le #statu_quo (très favorable à #Israël et délétère pour les Palestiniens) qu’elle prétend combattre,

    When I’ve looked at internal polls, the support in Israel for annexation is very low. But annexation is really a formality — why do you even need it if you’re effectively controlling everything anyway? Why antagonize the world, why are we making a big fuss over whether Israel takes this formal step anyway?

    If you look at the numbers of those who are essentially in favor of maintaining the status quo, though, those numbers are huge. But again, it’s a totally rational position for Israelis. No one can deny that moving toward two states does entail risk.

    They know what the costs are of the status quo. They’re experiencing them now. And they’re pretty minor.

    This is something the Palestinians had been saying for a long time: it’s actually irrational for the Israelis to change anything right now, because they’re more or less sitting pretty, and the costs of the occupation are very low . Since 1993, It’s been financed by other people, in the sense that the self-administration of the Palestinian Authority is funded by others. Israel has a captive market for its goods; it collects several percent from all of the taxes it collects for the PA . And the levels of violence since the end of the Second Intifada have been very low.