Zionists, support the Palestinian Authority in The Hague - Opinion - Israel News


  • Zionists, support the Palestinian Authority in The Hague - Opinion - Under the flag of Zionism, the captains of the occupation and settlement enterprise are marching Israel in great strides back to the pre-state and pre-Zionist age.
    By Dmitry Shumsky | Apr. 6, 2015 Haaretz

    Publicly disavowing the idea of two states between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea garnered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu widespread support from the Israeli public. It became clear beyond any doubt that large swaths of the Jewish Israeli population are interested in continuing the Israeli colonial experiment, which denies civil rights and national freedom to millions of Arab Palestinians in their homeland.

    In light of this situation, more and more individuals and groups from among the remains of the Israeli left wing are leaning toward new ideas for fighting the occupation and settlement enterprise. They are considering openly supporting the Palestinian Authority’s nonviolent diplomatic moves of the Palestinian Authority in the international arena in a bid to gain recognition as a state and self-determination for the Palestinian people.

    At this point, Israeli believers in human and civil rights are facing a difficult nation-state question: Will continued Israeli rule over the Palestinians damage Israel, and will that damage be so severe that it justifies such harsh tactics as putting Israel on trial in the International Criminal Court in the Hague?

    If a few of those who oppose the occupation manage to decide on questions of proportionality regarding the pressures to be placed on Israel for its ongoing colonialist policy, it’s no doubt that central players in the international arena, friends of Israel, are having trouble deciding on the same thing. They’re opposed, in principle, to continued occupation, but they’re not convinced that radical steps like economic or cultural boycott of the settlement enterprise, or actions against the occupation in the UN Security Council, are in Israel’s best interest.