Numbered Paragraphs


  • Numbered Paragraphs

    Sometimes, you want to get numbered paragraphs throughout a document.

    I’m looking for a way to achieve this with pandoc, in a way that I can write once, and publish in several formats.

    I added this in pandoc’s LaTeX template:

    $if(numberparagraphs)$ %% numerate paragraphs with a label \newcounterparanumero \newcommand\para[1]% \noindent\refstepcounterparanumero\llap\small\bfseries\theparanumero\label#1.~ $endif$

    That way, I can write

    \parashortId A paragraph...

    and later in the document, I can refer to that paragraph\vrefshortId

    I was recently told about the varioref package, it’s awesome.

    That’s good, but it only works in LaTeX. I’d like to write something similar in a Markdown document and be able to also produce HTML, or even ODT or OOXML.

    I’ll experiment a bit, (...)