It takes an earthquake in Nepal to talk about surrogacy in Israel - World - Israel News


  • Beaucoup d’Israéliens font appel à des mères porteuses au Népal.
    Au lendemain du séisme, ces femmes seraient autorisées à venir en Israël

    It takes an earthquake in Nepal to talk about surrogacy in Israel - World - Israel News | Haaretz

    In the wake of Saturday’s earthquake in Nepal, Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein’s approval of a plan permitting surrogate mothers in Nepal who are carrying the fetuses of Israeli parents to enter Israel is a reflection of the ethical and legal complications involved in international surrogacy.

    The surrogate mothers in Nepal carrying Israeli fetuses, who are Indian citizens, will be required to appear before the local Israeli consular official, and to state that they are seeking to come to Israel of their own free will. The consul will advise the women of the risks involved in flying while pregnant, and will verify that no undue influence has been exerted on the women to get them to travel to Israel in advance of delivering the babies that they are carrying.