Des milliers d’Iraniens et d’Irakiens en Syrie pour protéger Damas


  • Selon des déclarations faites à l’agence de presse iranienne IRNA et rapportées par Newsweek, le général Qassem Suleimani promet une grosse surprise en Syrie :

    “The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing for the coming days,” Iran’s official IRNA state news agency quoted the general as saying.
    The agency added that it “takes no responsibility for the information”.

    Une source sécuritaire syrienne anonyme aurait par ailleurs rapporté à l’AFP qu’environ 7000 combattants irakiens et iraniens seraient arrivés en renfort de l’armée syrienne d’abord pour sécuriser Damas, ensuite pour reprendre le noeud stratégique de Jisr al-Choughour à Jaysh al-Fatah (al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Cham et consorts de l’ASL) :

    “Around 7,000 Iranian and Iraqi fighters have arrived in Syria over the past few weeks and their first priority is the defence of the capital. The larger contingent is Iraqi,” the Syrian security source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP news agency.
    “The goal is to reach 10,000 men to support the Syrian army and pro-government militias, firstly in Damascus, and then to retake Jisr al-Shughur because it is key to the Mediterranean coast and the Hama region,” the source added.